- - T II It DAILY NBD BAB KiN ALUMNI NOTES Mrs. Genevieve Welsh Irwin of Bridgeport, who graduated from ths University in 1917, registered m Alumni headquarters during the past, week. Dr. Mortimer Jay Brown, vice rres ident of the Pacific It. & H. Chemical .corporation at Los Angeles, Cal., called at the Alumni office the pnst week. Dr. Drown graduated with the class ol '05. II. B. Muffley of Dear Trail, Co!., called at Alumni headquarters thb week. Mr. Muffley graduated from the University in 1916. William C. Chapin, "16, of Mica. Wash., registered at the Alumni of fice en route to his home. Mr. Chapin is a marine engineer on the Firth cliffe. He is just returning from n thirteen months trip during which ire he covered 43.G00 miles and vis ited the following places: South America. Honolulu, Slam, India. Sins apore, Australia, Africa and Kgypt He rasped through both the Panama and Suez canals. Fas Tollep of the class of 1916 vis ited the campus during the week. ; Since her graduation Miss Tollos ha been located at the Methodist hospt- ! tal in Dps Moines. She will receive her diploma from the institution it' j June and complete her work in Sep t ember. j Mrs. Anna Lytle Tannnhill, or j Beloit. Wis., registered at Alumni j headquarters during ihe week. j Right! He Left. Lovers in the hall-way; Papa on the stair; Bull-dog on the front porch Music in the air. Cornell Widow. B Willing Hold-Up. "I've been reared in the lap of luxury," said the millionaire's daugh ter. "Try mine for a change," suggested the impecunious young" man. She "Have you ever talked this way to any other girl?" He "No, love, I'm at my best tonight." renn Tunch Bowl. A clever and a lucky man is in fallible; one without the other is use less. Old men are oblivious to life's tradegies since they live off the efforts of young men. (Witness any college faculty.) Indeterminate. Tiof. "dive me the longest sen tence you can think of." Stude "Life." Platitudes. No one who loves misunderstands. No one who understands loves. Chaparral. He loves her for all he's worth. She loves him for all he's worth. Purple Cow. This and That GETTING BY. I am the ghost of one who fell In the Great War. I come to tell Mu ruin. Then perhaps may I Again succeed in getting by. I do not recall the day , j When I have toiled or given ray i For goods or honors. I was sly, So folks always let me get by. ! Why burden you with my sad tale? Why make you tremble and turn pale? Perhaps you'll say, it's all a lie, And I will not be getting by. I tossed a hand-granade too slow At practice once. Since then you know, Hard luck followed. That is why I am no longer getting by. X. Tempo Raneous. Unusual Girl Billie: "How do you like having bobbed hair?" Bobby: "It's no fur Have to to wash my neck every ray." Knows Nice Knees. Robert "Is Evelyn modest?" Ruth "Extremely so. She even hides her dimples." Robert "She must wear a heavy veil." Ruth "How old-fashioned you are." Dirge. Bushnell Guild. Bushnell Guild entertained at a Saint Patrick's party at the chapter house Saturday evening and held its annual Sisters Day Sunday. Thiriy couples attended the Sain Trtriek s pflrty. Decvorations were in keeping with the occasion. Entertainment and refreshments were furnished by the freshmen. Prof, and Mrs. J. II Kirshman and Mr. and Mrs. C. H. McGregor chaperoned. Sunday afternoon the following sis ters were entertained: Bernico Long. Elizabeth Babcock, Marie ' Babcock, Miss McGregor, Alma Swanson. Vio la Swanson, Nellie Starboard, Janet McClellan, Esther McClellan, Miss Brehm, all of Lincoln; Alvcrta Buclv ta, Osceola; Miss Hyde, Norfolk; Hil mer Peterson, Omaha; Manorma, Swanson. Talmage; Mildred Dunham, Omaha! Florence McReynolds, Ash hnd; Vida Rickmeyer, Fremont. JEANETTE NELSON WILL ADDRESS CAMPUS CLUB Miss Jeanette Nelson will address the women of the Campus Club in the club rooms nt the Temple at 12:15 on Thursday, March 17. , Mis3 Nelson will talk about the Red Cross con vention, from which she has just re turned and about county nursing. Professor Prune's Proverbs 1. Verily, I say unto you, si thou a student diligent at ,Udk dates; lo, he flunketh. ' 2. A co-ed that bobbeth her hal is like unto a fisherman that de stroyeth his bait; tho fish win not bite, neither will the man. oin0 State Lantern. Ernestine Shayler of Oaha visited at the Delta Gama house hist weo. We Don't Want tobe Judged by Any Other Restaurant Wo want to lie jralprcil Ivy tho hidi quality of food we servo, hy the cooking, variety, service and our rea sonable prices. Hero is whore you'll find the caterer's touch added to your repast. CENTRAL HOTEL CAFE 1323 P St. Noisy girl: She wears bangs. Her clothes are loud. Her hat is a scream. The clock in her nose strikes one. Daily Kansan. He May I call you by your first name? She By your last if you wish. Absent-minded Professor (meeting his son) Hella, George. How's your father? There are two kinds of girls: Those that kiss, and those that are never asked. Ask for the Style and Quality Embodied in our WOMEN'S LOW SHOES, which makes them distinctly individual and attractive. For Street or Dress Wear-Grays, Browns and Blacks, in Satin, Suede and Kid. Phoenix, Holeproof and Eiffel Hose for Women ' Deyl ictfu Cloi rcit tcrx? r :" v. tt The Smart Looklr.g, Popular SHow f CAMPUS .d CLASSROOM Ideal, AH Round College Sho Same Histi Quality mm tha TOM LOG AN GOLF SHOfc If yoor dealer cannot uprly you write a for catalog ni price THOMAS II LOGAN COMPANY Hudaon, Maaa. "Send for the Tom Logan Calervdar, which pictures, suitable for framing the International Golf. Match be tween Qui met, Ray and Vardon." YOU HAVE WRITTEN POEMS! Do you rare to have them revised or i f-onsTrur-ivf-ly eri?:cisrby fuecr-ss'ul ; authors? If you do, then send us youi manuscript (stories. artid s orpo-ms). We -will criticise, and place them f-houl l they prove to be aceepib.e for publication. There is no actual rharpe lor our services. If. however, you have not previously enrolled -with the advisorj department of this assoiation, c re quest that you enclose the iniiinl fee of two dollars, which we must ask of each new contributor. There is no additional expense, no future obliga tion. It must be realized that we can only be of aid to those of serious intent If you do mean to strive for literary suc cess, we can help you in many ways. Our services are yours until we have actually succeeded in marketing at least one of your manuscripts. Send something today! Please enclose return postage with your communications. NATIONAL LITERARY ASSOCIATION 131 W. 39th St New York City m$ Make tbe next claar taste better, M4 after smokina cleanse your moutb moisten your throat sweeten yoor. treats witn WRIGLEY5 j Tweed Caps that j are different, too a II 1 $3 and $4 ra l Most hats are like peas in a pod ours are not. They're distinctly different. V We ca'" show you the new ones at $5 $6 $7 $8 i Quality Clothes w ' Only 5 f 1 WE MAINTAIN 4 1 H m n if I 1 every facility for hand ling men's suits. If your suit needs repairing or pressing, send it to us ! Ours is a Complete Service B2311 333 North Twelfth M 'i S ii i i ' ' ' ' ' ' i ' ' I li i in ,iilliHl 11 i-WlT-4'-vv'w'kV''' 1 1 i''Vi1 'iiti"' n Advisory Department