T II E DAILY NEDHASEAN 2-30 Wed. Thur. Frl. Sat. S:20 ORPHEUM CIRCUIT Best In Vaudeville. 0ne of the Year's Best Bills HACKET & DELMAR REVUE GEO. MACFARLANE Johnson, Baker & Johnson JOHN ALBERT SWOR BROS. Lane & Harper ! Breakaway Barlows The Kinograms Topics of Day 6 KIRKSMITH SISTERS MATS. EOc and 25c EVES. 50c to $1.25 K it 1C It i: n " it k J;; il " Ik !!!)(. si: 1 1 iirm n n i r in it 1' n lorn i iinu-ii t ,MN. I I Till' IVclii' NAZIMOVA In llT Nos! riciurc "BILLIONS" Hie I iiN:in:iliiit Priinm of n Wormtn Who lnroil All fur l.llSI'. "MOVIE MAD" MltlWS START AT 1, 3, 5, 7, mox.-ti r.s.. REHTY - l:l. HARRY CARR & GIRLS In 1 lio Musinll Cnmi-ily Ski 'FOLLOW ME GIRLS" MATHEWS & BLAKEUEY In n Oimi-ily with n 1'nll "STRINGS" 1IAKON 1.ICIITKK JA7.7.A1I1MHO THIO ( II RIM'OI'IIKK WALTON MOONSIIINK" "VKLVKT 1 IXiliKS" MIOWS START AT 2: So. T:00, 0:00 ALL THIS WEEK Il-rc In ft Rorjri-on I"1 rcnlihtic romiinoe rlml in clolh of nolil with si tt iill-sfiir nst. CECIL B. DeMILLE'S Product ion FORBIDDEN FRUIT" "A CINDERELLA INCIDENT" l'rolodiie I'ti-wntml by l linia Waters nnl Lois Mrlton ni;i:ii's i.ykic kmikstk slums Slurt lit 1, 8. 5. 7, l Stinrn , r s . N Kill TSOc Hi l.nc IVrforninnoos S, , ! p.m. :: i: i: :t ; i: s: i: ;(..;; a : STARTS TODAY GODLESS MEN CLYDE COOK In "THE JOCKEY" G O L F ERS t:r new s'ock of pnlf oquip- t has just arrived, i i mi1 in and inspect our clubs, bag's nn.1 balls. "Wo "Kill bo glad to help ymi 't tv.-.dy for the approach sen- LAWLOR'S "The Sporting Goods StOTe" 117-110 South 14th St. Phi Gamma Delta. Till Giuimiu Delta hold its 18th niiiiual dinner at tlie Victoria hotel Saturday niulit. Tho nmsie was I'uvnisliod by a three iieee orchestra and tho enierlaiiiiiient by tho aetivo chaiilrr. Anions; tho out-ol'town Kiiests were ( .T. IViillooli, Mac llard iiiMT. John Drain. II. M. Nusshnell, N. U. Kensoner, Marl 0. Snp:e, Trod Thomas. Hurley Moorliead, Allon Troup, Druee McCullough, M. O. Vol., Koland Thomas. Allon Tills ey. Clay Thomas. Wilbur Full a way, K. .T. Krvs. A. Tanooast, A. K. Tatoison, Choi Dud ley, One Kose, John Drexel. Harry ('hook and Jal;o Shnjrerl of Omaha: Wilbur Tri chai'd and Frank Cramer of Falls C.y, A. llridKO of Nor folk: Clano riiwvn of Miller, and Coach Fvood of tho Colgate basketball toam. Tlacos woro pot for eighty. WEDDINGS. Hudson-Zook. luarriaeo of interest to Univer sity students is that of Miss Jean Hudson. ex-'22. and Mr. A. U. 7.ook. ex-'21. which took vlaeo at tho homo of tho bride's pan nls in Fratonia. Texas, February 2H Immediately fol lowing an afternoon ihureh wedding tl:o couple loft for a short trip to points of interest in Texas, Oklahoma :-nd Kansas. Tin y arrived in Lincoln this week and will make their homo hero. Mrs. 7.ook. who attended Hie Uni versity until (ho end of last semester, was active in student affairs. She was a member of Freshman Commis sion. Xi Delta, tho Dramatic Club and (lanima Phi Heta. She was a mem ber of the r.an-Hellenic Council last semester. Mr. Zook In a member of Silver l.ynx. Ho is onsaKod in busi ness hero as ono of tho firm of Hard ins, Zook and riahl Airplane Corpo ral ion. Sounds from the School of Music Are Murder -Like efTect is something like that ol nn orchestra tunlnf? up before tho con cert, but infinitely worse. Small wonder that ono never sees idle lomiKcis ill front of the building They could never survive the (lis cords! SPRING SONG Sprim; is hero aRain! The Univer sity School of Music is always one of the first to betray the presence of spring weather. During the winter months the windows have to be closed lightly to keep in tho warmth, but now thev are thing wide open and all tho ghastly sounds of the would bo musicians practicing are let loose upon the long suffering public. There may be a few taking work at tho conservatory who can really sing, but ono would never suspect it when ono hears the nerve-racking "AHaaaollS" of the scale praclicora. To gain full effect of the bedlam one should be on the campus at about t' n o'clock in the morning when tho conservatory is going at full blast. . In one room someone is murdering Handel's Largo on a pipe organ while dose by a quivery soprano voice in forms us that "Spring is here, the grnt'e Spring." Hoarse bass notes j of "Hocked in the Cradle of the! Deep" form a minor aceompanymont in this symphony of discords. A J saxophone duet is going on in ono of j the rooms while the voice of a trom-j hone blares form nearby. The whole Dy Meddlesome. Spring has come. The following phenomena has apearcd: Twosome games of catch in front of every frat; spring suits; spring oxfords; t he kind of weather that makes those same oxfords and the wearers thereof MOST UNCOMFOKTADLH; great in crease in the amount of sleep accom plished in classes; great decrease in number of classes attended; enor mous list of casualties from the Dean's offie. We won't say anything about Ne braska's national porch sport because we don't do that ! At liberty every Friday night - F. J. Hampton, dance pianist. 1X670. si rw an t I Group Photographs nay-TH143 Night L49,r)G i3 GEO. W. BUCKL1N Si It! lt;:l.itl,il!tUt;,:H)lt!(I)f,,!tsrjtH:i;)Xi:mK'fffilW THE METROPOLITAN ORCHESTRA V. C. TOMPKINS H2717 Three Kings 120 North 11th St. sTERNBERGS 'oVaI-ITY-STI Lfc-0)lDTiY -f" . .OUTFITTERS TO VOntN. 1315-1317 O STREET, g I p LINCOLN'S NKW i I Exclusive g Shop i for Women n y COATS, SUITS. DKU.SSKS ijS AND M1LLINKKY. Jj'Sfsqs.wwpjIJjTwys- Call B1338 When You Need Cloaninir, Prossins and llepainns tH'K SPKtMALTY One-day Service or Sooner if Wanted B1338 ECONOMY Cleaners Dyers DEVLISH GOOD CLEANERS il Home Style Malted Milk 25 Cents TTftlLLERS' rfRESCRlPTION 11 HARM AC Y Your Crest or Monogram Embossed Free For a limited time on fancy stationery bought at our store. George Bros. 1213 N St. n Enter Now! Don't delay. Business is gaining, and soon an army of trained help will be necessary, in addition to those already employed. Begin your training now and be ready when opportunity comes. CLASSES JUST STARTING IN ALL DEPARTMENTS. LITERATURE REE. City Auditorium DANCE TONIGHT MOVIE STARS $20.00 in cash prizes for the best impersonation of any of the leading movie stars. The most exciting1 event of the season. Come early. Admission only 10 cents. The City Auditorium Dance Lincoln's Popular Amusement Center n i f nn r i NEBRASKA SCHOOL OF BUSINESS T. A. I'.I.AKKSl.rr.. Vr-si.1ont. ir-lil-il lis- tin- AiiiiTii-an At., int ion or oivll ionn.1 Schools) KJj ) iiml Ill'h Ms. I.im-riln. NtbrasVw inp'mpitwL "!" u" ihiwi .-vs wp.,n"iTry f"VF ' fCT?f - K WU 1 For Good Eats Try the Y. M. C. A. Cafeteria DAN CE TO N I G H T Wednesday, Mar. 2 HAVELOCK WATSON'S ORCHESTRA $1.00 and Tax. S:30 P. M. i ' t. n I jji. i i" r- IK1.' ""''"V'-- V ' ' ' .'Al J TT TP tfs(. School cfDhncing --for ASSEMBLIES and DANCING LESSONS i; 'Where You Are Sure of Your Money's Worth" h I V 1 1. A R I N C L I X ti i v i I i ;; i . ! .'. : ' B'l'i ! I : . 1 i ! f ...t: i ' i 1.. t ( 1 'i : V, :-o.-;i 1 lew, -:, ;,!-.! :!:'!,.,..-,: . , ,v l; :i-il ! i re, c.v : , i .' I 1 :-;;!; i i!r V t r, . ! ' ) i ! . ,,y In .-::it ;.t l:i :c , ' i ' ' . s; :uv two (i.s ''i.: , . :. . a r:c ..tv pe. :.- '' " i-.-:,- f h :, ! t ti tr'; is il-isIs i . ; 1 : v.-, . 0: i i , 'r: ! su.i'f '.'ii'-v !': l.i .1 thov t;i J.:r1 tt J...;.'..;. 'J .! .ir-.i't :i cm , 1)' ts i , i l i t (" .v-icirt i''-a'i oi the v,ti:J-iJc m rv:i t ;:nii 1 y ( ': .. JVos of the fan.ous strii.iurts o ' tiu- woud are c7:-; J u-itk Flt'ttu s. OTIS r.I.nVATOR COMPANY Often iu all Frincipai Cities of ibc orlti 2