The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 16, 1920, Image 3

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    Siosrren to Sneak
On Tractor Tests
O. W. Sjogren, professor of Agrl
cultural Engineering, will give a lec
ture on 'Tho Nebiaska Tracto,
TibUs" Uiiij evening at 8 o'clock in tho
general locturu loom of Hcsscy Hah
at the regular monthly meeting 01
the Nebiaska chapter of Sigma Xi.
Tractor testing was instituted by a
luw enacted by the legislature in
1919 for the benefit of NcbiaMia iui in
ert). The results are being waicne...
by other sutuit und fon igu countries.
la order to eifeelively carry i.u.
ihe work .-. special testing apparatus
was necessary ami has been uesiguoi.
and constructed by tlie University
One piece of tliis apparatus is i.
dynamometer car, tho first of its
kind that has ever been built fo.
draw-bar work. During the past foa
sou Bisty-elght tractors have beci.
tested and the results are available I
tho pubiic.
The meeting tonight is open to the
KAfHtKINt nmunrw-u
The Amcrlrun Iti-Hiity in
In a Nrn Mirth Provoking t'lii-Ntii.
"Hark from (ho Front"
Klulto Symphony OrrliFHtra
81IOWH KTAKT AT 1, 3. 5. 7.
MATS. iOo NKillT Mo
KB ' MON., TI KS., W
ffi "KKVI'K 1)K LI'K"
HI KKY K. 1111. 1.
in M Sinning iinfl Untiring- skit
"Fnn In n Sporting CioixU Slorp"
"Trent 'Km KiiukIi"
Intrnutloniil Ni'Wh WVrkly
Itithirh nml tho Orchi'Mtrn
8IIOWH HTAKT AT ::), 7 :(MI. t):0
MAT8. UOii, MlillT lllc. iAI
TTrin:M. Knur:
Atnro Ayri-H, Jerome I'litrlck, Helen i
Dnnhar, Theoilore Kiilierts. Hetty ?
1'raneiHi'O, Mayme Ki'lxu iiiiiI Mil inn
tiilla. G
'Hllilev:lle'H riilHNleHt Offering k
"MumIc f'omhlnnl with remonnllty" s
"Jl KKNS IP" 5
A tlooil Comedy 5
MIOWrl HTAKT AT I. !l. R 7. I) 8
.: u !: k ;t WsrVOiTSOflOaWHKW1;
See It Today
Tfce season's greatest photo
play and . the only picture
Comedy, News, EtcO
PRICES 10c, 15c and 30c
Prompt, Accurate Service.
Mathematics and The Sciences
Our Specialty.
Lt Us Bid cn Your Work.
Edwards Bros., Ann Arbor, Mich.
Cleaning and Ucnmde'lng for
'Lad log and Gents.
132 No. 11th St. ni:2
Red Cross Institute
For Next Semester
The Uod Cross Institute for ihe
t.aining of social workois Is to be
gneu in no Department oi Socioiog,
-nam tliis j cur. The work wa oi
tuod for tlm aist time the s.jmu.
semester oi" last year ami ironi Ui
standpoint ef tlm Red doss was con
iudeu.d so satisfactory Uiih Uic
nave again asked tho cooperation u.
die University. Nebraska is one oi
.our colleges in the Central l),visioj.
oi. tlio Ked Cross giving himii.i.
k.ouses. tlio Dtliers being ilu liiii
o.sities of Chicago. Iowa uad Wis
'i ue course is open only oil uppro
viu eulier uy tlio resident director,
ii case 01 Liiive.sily stuiieuts, or b
Uiu euueatioual director of tho Ceu
i.ul Liivisioii at Chicago, in c,o o
..eiireciueiit pei sons. Seniors niu
,,aiduaio sluueiits who have spc
.i.uucii in sociology or auult spi ciaL
..mi experience m social voik a-c
i.ibie lor applications.
HOoiuon Open.
'I lid hiiitiuuo last, y ear Iiad te:i
i.auenis to all of whom piu posi
lou.i v. eid open upon completion ot couise. Among those acceptiut,
m iretarial positions with tue itev.
v.i'uss woie Albeila Outhouse at Ai
uii,u, Neb.; Uoroiliy Wallace ti
kt'iniie, Wyo.; Alice Kiumger ai
...ui..keun, Midi., and Kstlier and llutli
jones at Liucoiii.
btuiiciits iiae.eted in the lied
k'ross liist.tutc may secure deuiilea
.uiormauou fioia the resident Uircc
.iji, 1'iOiCbSor ' illiams, at Social Sci
ence, lluu.
Campus Club Jtiolds
uletide jV'estivity
Tho Campus Club, composed of the
latulty women, had a Christmas party
at Klieu Smith Hull Tuesday evening.
The wording ou the invitation fo.
the party was aa follows:
Ho. Campus Club, come one, come
.:.t Tuesday at eight to Ellen
Smith HaU.
M'iry Garden is to be in town
All decked out in that wonderful
Si.uia has promised to appedr
With his bag all filled with good
I'.iiiig your knitting if you wish,
And uiop a quai ter in the dish,
lint if your dues you've already
Pass by the dish; be not afraid,
('or you there surely will ba loom.
Tlione the committee by Tuesday
There were foity five present. Miss
Jessie Glass acted the part of Maty
Garden, but a Victrola behind th
seenes furnished the music. Mis
uia Donati took the pait which ihe
U'.J school boy played in Mary Gai
dent's performance here in Lincoln
A clever gift was drawn by each
uno Diesent. Each KUest madi- a and put it with the prreni
upon, the tieo. S-nta Claus, thi
tart was taken by Miss Lulu Main,
nind.'il gifts and sacks of lefresb
meiUs, siick candy, apples and ani cracke.s from the light jd Christ
ma!! tree. The personnel of the com
niittee which had the paity in charge
,vas Miss Mario Clark, chairman, and
In Misses Edna Hewit Lulu Itunge,
liuth Odell and Mrs. Pickup.
Additions to i lie faculty shown by
tins report of the Registrar at the
university c( Michigan incriased tin
number of instructors with 125 mem
bers, tweuty-rfix assistant profes-iois
ona associate proiessor and one pro
fessor. Exchange.
To promote tlio iuteicsts of th;
iTnivorsItv in lizard to a new do.
nutoiy for the girls, the 1. U. alum
nae are raising L ie Cirl.s' Loan Funu
from $3 000 to ?0,OOJ and establish
. . r ntiL, a'ln iln l -sli i 11 iU.ii!
nig a -j
each of the congressional districts -
Chamber of Commerce.
Entertains Team
The Lincoln Chamber of Com
merce eatoitalned tjlio Nebraska
Stock Judging team, tho faculty mem
litrs of the Animal Husbandry l)e
partment and their wives at luncheon
, i sturdily. Their guists weie Profes
sor and Mrs. W. 11. Burr, Professo.
and Mrs. II. Grumlich, Professor anu
Mrs. William Savin, Professor, and
Mrs. William Loeftel, Professor M. 11.
Possom, Professor W. W. 'Donick,
Chuilos Atkinson, W. S. Kice, K. A.
Hcpperly, ltoyal Schoen and C. C.
Mr. Elche distributed roses to the
guests utter the luncheon.
Noted Labor Leader
Will Speak Tonight
Shoemaker Chooses
Subject "Selling"
Mr. 1L W. Shoemaker, manager of
khu Lincoln branch of the National
Cash Register company, will addnss
tho weekly meeting of the Univer
sity Commercial Club this morning in
.ioeial Science room 301, and lias
chosen for his subject "Selling." Lat
.-ear Mr. Shoemaker addressed the
eiub and offered to sell any membei
of the club anything he would sug
o'osi. Ho made good ids boast auu
ikieinbei's who heard Mr. Shoemaker
.att year are eager to listen to him
again. The meeting is open to any
member of the Collr;.' of Business
Kol.owing tne adareTa ti'.ere will be
i shoit business meeting of the
Avery Will Address
Farmers' Congress
Chancellor Samuel Avery will give
an address on "University Activi
ties Which Rjach and Influence Di
rectly Agricultural Life in Nebraska"
today at the convention of the Ne
biaska Farmers' Congiess which is
holding its twelfth annual session ia
Omaha Tuesday, Wednesday ant.
Thursday of this week. Approximately
.,1)0 delegates will be in attendance.
A. P. Sondles of Columbus, Ohio,
secretary of the National Fa.iue.s
Congiess, gave, the annual address
rVet.UEsday evening. The three-da.,
program included speeches by prom
inent men connected wLh the vari
ous phiuses of farm Interests, Biich
as einpl'jyini nt, financial conditions
and legislation.
"You'd better lengthen those skirts,
"Gentlemen are apt to mistake you
for a little girl and try to take you
on their laps."
" ell J" Exchange.
Since the announcement Wodnes
day that Frank Morrison, secretary
of the American Federation of L-!
bor, was making a special Blop in
Lincoln Thursday to address an open
meeting for the University public,
many students and faculty members,
;.: sign'iioil i heir Intention to at
tend. The meeting will be held in the
Red Room of the city Y. M. C. A. at
6 p. m. Dinner wiil be servid a,
50 cents a plate. Those who have
not rcpoited that they will be pres
ent rhoiild do eo before 3 p. m.
Thursday. Phone University Y. M.
C. A.
"Mr. Morrison comes to Nebraska
under the auspices of tho Industrial
Research Club.
Tho Sammy Over in America we
gotta lilac bush fifty feet high.
The Tommy 1 wish I could lila
that. Exchange.
LOST Waterman fountain pen be
tween N ha.l and Ussey Hall.
Finder return to Student Activities
LOST On the icampus Monday, a
photograph wrapy d in blue papr.
If found return to Student Activities
Oa'ice and receive reward.
LOST Gold octogonal shaped wrist
watch with initials E. M. I'., on
back. Lost between S. S. building
ami 12th and O stieets. Return to
Student Activities office. Reward.
'.1KLS Here's your chance to buy,
the kind of gifts you really like tc
buy. Y. W. C. A. Bazaar, Decerns
Id and IT. Ellen Smith Hall. '3t
'iST Cold watch on a black ribbon.
r.,.-,rH nine? 2t i
lit " v -' w "
jA Practical Commercial Course
Is the shortest and surest route to
in the business world or the teaching profession. Why not investi
gate our courses now? You can enter any time.
New Classes January 3.
Vecrelitel l-v National Association of Accredited Commercial Schools
L. B. C. Bids., 14th and P B6774 Lincoln, Neb.
Honor System at
California Works
One mart was suspended for six
monthB and two others were d
prived of student union membership
at the University of California f
tending their fee cards to Etuden's
who were not. members of the stu
dent union, so that they could gain
admission to a football game without
Tho action was taken by tho un
dergraduate student affairs commit
tee, which is the governing board or
the honor system at California. The
honor system at California is achiev
ing remarkable results, according to
comments of students and educators
who are acquainted with the situa
tion at the University. Exchange.
Judges Says Girls
Need "Spanking"
NEW YORK, Dec. 15. New Yov!
g;ris between fei.Ueen und eighteen
years old, who do not go to ihe
continuation sell ) ..i as required bu
who instead "com.1 latj cou.t pa.ntod
far more brilliantly tha?i lootlight fa
vorites' are in iu 1 ji a spanking,
Magistiale Ale: audi r Brough tie
clared today.
"A good spanVi.';; would do them
good," he said, )ie! to suggest
who should have i lie tas..
Most of the tru..-.iy, he sai.l
vt re the dauglUe-.s of foreign born
"Their mothers try to get liiem
attend class," said the judge, "but
they aro laughed at by their haughty
Americanized offsprings."
Clothes of John Brown
On Display in Museum
The Archaeological Museum now
has on display a collection of articles
used by John Brown and his sous,
noted abolitionists, in their raid,
made in Kansas, aud in the bordei
states before the Civil War.
The collection consists of wearing
apparel worn by Brown and his sou.
at the time of their death; guns am.
knives used by them during their uu
uierous raids; bullet molds from
which bullets were molded by the
wives of the Browns. In addition t
these, quite a number of documents:
of historical impoitance, including
tho last letter written by"Jbhn Browi
and a proposed Constitution cf the
United States diaiW by him a:t
to be seen.
The, :co!ection was ipi'esmted t:
the society by the granddaughter oi
John Brown, who is nov residing il
Ohio Ohio State Lantern.
i II I miiB ml mi ii 1 1 1 ii.mwmi
. ...vrt?,t ja-irtiailMlMi,llftfcViMlilitAlil l n -
Southern Rag-a-Jazz
Will Entertain at a
Christmas Party
At the Rosewilde Party House
on Friday, December 17
Dancing at 8:30
Winter Suits
and Overcoats
soil quickly.
Send them to us
333 North Twelfth Street
Phone B 2311
Farquhars Headquarters for
Fine Xmas Gifts for Men.
You should look spic and span let
us put you in shape.
Stop in before you leave for home
and select the things you'll want to
give. .
Complete assortments of ties, shirty,
mufflers, hosiery, gloves, fur caps,
sweaters, jewelry and a thoroucii
knowledge of men's tastes are at
your service here when you come in.
Formal clothes are ready; everything you'll
need; correct styles; dependable qualities.
Zje- :