TTTE DAILY NERRASKAN The Daily Nebraskan ....i.n.1,1 Mondnv. Tnps.lny, Woclnewtiiy, TIhhh.Im.y nmt l'TMny pni'h wk !. Tlie Viilvrrnity f M-brnaKn, nWIHAl JJN1VKKSITT I'UHMCATION duller h nf Tlie Student Tub Uiitt Ioh Hnnrcl. rlnM mutter nt tlie nt oilWe In Lincoln. Nbrnkn. nnder Act of toiirri irco . -"o'"- SulinM-ltto rale Simile - $2.00 per yenr 5 centt THANK I). PATTY Kdltor-ln-chlef 'lVleibne H"ll. ltoni V!0l "e" Hall HIM I. HOSKINO HnHiiii'KR MimiKur Telephone Student Aotlrltit'i Office ! STORT HARlIX5. .Munafc-lurf Kdltor Orvtn II. OiMtnn New Kdltor for thin Iwiiie. STUDENTS V ILL STICK. The student crusade, against c.hor bltaut prlci'a on amusements will win out Students who. lu their cnthu siawu and fervor, signed the pledge to combat e.cessi priced are now bound to do so by a faculty ruling, whether they would keep their word or not. The movement is a be'slne'Su mutter and mint be dealt witii in buaini!S8 fa.shion. Students who de sired to crawfish are now under fac ulty guardianship i nd must stay b., the cuitee A yooil many student., were beginning to need a stitlVii ins of erubiae and the faculty at lion on the movement cenainly put nil the Miffenins in that would be needed, "kbe organigi'.tioii of tlie tight against e-xhoi biiant prices needed some law enforcing bony to Like charge of any oiganiation that nitgli, lose heart and attempt to evade Hit ruling. The action ot the taeuit. commitue b:s provided a penult, that will take care of any reli.utor. oiganization in the Uimeisity aiie, the cnusade will .succeed. The co operation of all the organizations it necessary still. It would be a hug undertaking to attempt the reduct'o.. of prices if the organizations begin, pulling apart in this ciisis. Th'j bun. that the new ruling has constructed will hold the fraternities and smori ties togithcr in the f.ght and it is Uu business of tnese organizations to gether with their, organs, llu Pan-Hellenic aud Council!;, To make- a strong campaign to keep all students from attempting to run .subscriptions dances or to evade the faculty ruling. A TIMELY SUGGESTION. Many parents are set to wondering when their sons and daughters put in an untimely appearance at home after a short period spent at the University. These parents often wonder what Is wrong with an institu tion that has the presumption to dis charge their son or daughter from its class rooms an suggest that they take a rest It is not surprising that many of these parents become antago nistic to the University. They hear the plea of the child and, haying con fidence in him, take it for granted that he has been woefully mistreated by the instructors and the board of appeal. But a closer investigation will show them that such matters are absolutely without personal leel Ing. The student comes to the Uni versity, chooses a course for which he has had no preparation and in which work he shows absolutely no talent, and when he flunks out in his work he must leave school. The Uni versity has not time and space to devote to the sluffer, the fiunker, the subnormal and the other impossibles. The student who comes with a goodly supply of money and takes up too much of his time with social affairs is not likely to make the grade, as it were, and when he is found to be making little or no effort to get his Vork the natural consequence is the culmination of his existence as a stu dent. Too much fun is worse than not enough when It comes to student life and the more time spent on studies, with only the necessary amount of recreation thrown in, will prevent flunks, conditions, and return trips to the home town where the making of explanations is not the most pleasant thing in the world. This semester is nearin? the finish. A word to the wise is sufficient and investigation of class standing might not be out of order at this time. I KEEPING THE BARGAIN. It is rumored that some orgpniza tions arfe losing their enthusiasm over the agreement not to patronize Lin coln hr.t.Ms and certain other places of amusement until those places men the price demands made by the Uri ve"sity organizations. The rumor is that these organizations will se at tely pay the full price asked uy the hole's rather than to lose the deposit they have already made. If there is ijsi foujidatiou to tliio j ti mer It Is pn pxampln cf the scUis'i ness and narrowminde-dness of some people who can not under any cir- cumstances get a broad onoupgll view to make personal foi the Bake of a principle If their minds are bo .constituted tihni the principle niakeB no appeal to thrj they should at least have a hlgl enough senso of honor to keep Ihei. agreement. THE PASSING OF GIPP. Nebraska students and fac ty i tern bej'8 pAtend their condolences to W' tre D-'ini. and to the parents of George Gipp in their pecent. bereavement Gipp, who was conceded to bo the best backficld man In college football during the past season was a fighttn to the finish. Ho battled with death for weeks and time and again foght his way from the very precipice to a condition Hearing Rafety. Hut In the long run he lost. Gipp wan one of the most wonderful football nun that ever appeared on a college team. His drive, his kicking, his speed, his accuracy and his ever lasting spirit of battle won for him an undisputed position on a number ot all Ameri can teams. He cannot enjoy hit; laurels, but he leaves friends to mourn him who will never forget that he was a fighter, an athlete and above til a ' real man. VACATION PLUS Some students have the habit of taMng as ncutloii the time scheduled plus a few more days. They go home a day or two before vacation begins and return to school two or three days after .vacation closes. There is no excuse for such a habit. Stu dents who live a long distance from Lincoln and have to spmd a consid erable part of their vacation on the train going home and returning to school must plan to bo at home a short c time than those who live near Lincoln. School is business an.? ihould come before recreation. How ever, students living near Lincoln are as prone to the long vacation habit as those living faithor away. The school days imnudiately pre culin;; and immediately following va cation are as valuable as any others. The student who misses the mis u slacker. CTUOENTS LEAVE SCHOOL BUT FAIL TO WITHDRAW At least seventeen students in the Coilege have left the University of Kans.'.s within tho last mouth with out notifying tlie dean of the College of their iiitcn on During the pas: 'o weeks the col lege oil ice lias been making a care ful check of all absence data sent in by each individual instructor. When excessive absences were fourd the student was called and a this way the discovery was made that a number of students had left the Uni oisity without withdrawing from their classes, The University buii Kansan. llmurreitQ (alfniinr THURSDAY, DECEMBER 16. Physical Education Christmas luncheon, 12 m., Gymnasium. Roscoe Pound Club meeting, Law. Y. W. C. A. Bazarre, Armory. University Players, 8:15 p. m., Tern Pie. International Relations Club meet ing, P p. Social Science. American Institute of Engineers meeting, 7:30 p. m., E. E. Hall. A. A. E. meeting, 7:45 p. m., Me chanical Engineers building. W. S. G. A. Board meeting, 5 p. m., Ellen Smith Hall. Christian Science Society meeting, 7:30 p. m., Faculty Half. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 17. Palladian Club meeting, 7 p. m., Tacuity Hall. Silver Lynx fall party, Commercial Club Hall. Senior Hop, Knight of Columbus Hall. Acacia Christmas dance, chapter house. Faculty reception, 4-6 p. m., Ellen Smith Hall. University Players, 8:15 p. m.. Tern- pie. Y. W. C. A. bazarre, Armory. All Dent dance, Knights of Colum bus Hall. Pi Beta Phi Christmas dance party, Chapter House. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 18. Kappa Sigma fall pait Lincoln notel. Delta Zeta houre dance. Alpha Xi Delta Chiistmas party, Knights of Columbus hall. Facuity Club meeting, Ellen Smith Hall. University Pliyers, 8:15 p. m.. Tem ple. Dalian Chrittiras party, 8 p. m.. Fac ulty Hall. Phi Delta Thtta House dance. By Ima Cuckoo, .,,';ii..n .. m.:i i.irn.jnrjmmimmttimnitiiiiiL'.'j Famouu Crosses. Double "Never rny path again cd wires. Malteso .. When you're fifteen minutes late Chemically Speaking. A hot retort. 1 waited In line for dinner, I wailed in line for lunch, I waited until I was famished, With the rest of the hungry bunch I finally go to tho counter, And asked for potatoes and meat, Soaked In a spoonful of gravy My daily rest-raut treat. Then corn and bread and tomatoes Topped off with salad and pie, Followed by custard and coffee; A wonderful meal, says I. Anil this Is the law of grubgoiB, That if you would eat you must pay, For all that they want to hand you is only hot dags and hay. Daily Cardinal. Old Lady, alter waiting in a cot fectionary store for ten minutes, glowing impatient: "Hero, young iady, who waits on tlio nuts.'' Everybody f Magazine (Topics ot V tno Day). First Lady Medic Between our selves, I'm engaged to that young doctor. Second Hut I thought you caino to Neb.aska to get ua M. 1). Fust 1 uid but 1 got him a little siiuiit r than 1 expected. AMERICAN GYMNASIUMS IN FRANCE Ten Thou'.aod Girls Join. Twnay-iive gui.uiasiuius have beoi oiganuc-d in Fiance by tne V. . C. A. to ui.LxiiiiiiiOiiUlo tne Membership oi lO.ouu which nas g,oMi up cm, nig since i ho war, accoiumg in An i y, the Y. W. C. .v. sicrciuiy, in chaige of wo,k In i-ii.uco, who lias ju.-it mldiliod to tiij sta,cs alter luoie than tiiiuo jour, oi bei v ice ove.scus. "Mo. e than i.luo g.iis aie led every day in tlr. 1. W. C. A. cafeterias in 1'," tajs Miss D.ugman. "Sixteen enters nine been established ui mUen cuieo uy Auioticau . W. C. A. secretaries, .wiss Uiiigni.m, who is from, vaiicy N. ., was uecoruted twieu i or lier si-i vices. Y. W. C. A. IN AFRICA. Liberia Considering Organization. At i.'.'. request of missionaries ami of ibi- worlus coiuniiitej of the . W .C. A., ariaugeiututs arc beiua made for he organization of a . W. A. i:i Mbe,ia, No. tne u Africa. Fiitiis me on loot to senU two col orcd American s?cretanes, trainee in this biallcll ol tlie Work to sot.c ihe oigauuauon. They are to be li nauced by the colored Associations of liio L nited States. The sugges lion for Jus work came this ea. iiui.i lmss.i r.ui its to Liberia, aud the Aiuoricaa Association was uppoiuicu to tuke up tlie matter by the world's committee of iho V. V. C. A., Wnieli this M.ii iuer ia Switzerland. Ar laiioe l.icii'.s uc being made by the ii ieiu i.i pai diient of the Association. V, hen tho .'-liriiau center is tsiab lisiii -1 the American V. V. C. A. wil, 1 0 a,i:ag on iicthiiies in five con limmts. If a body see a body Flukin' in a quiz, If a body help a body Is it anybody's biz? Exchange. NOTRE DAME FORCED TO REFUSE KANSAS CONTEST Because of having signed for a game with Iowa next fall on t! r. daU which Dr. F. C. Allen ioticricJ fo. Kansas, tin- Notre Dame :.thieUc d. rector, Knuie K. Hockne, to ;ay wire., that a match during the 1021 seaso:. was impossible. Mr. Kockuc ex pressed his sorrow and said that h would have liked to seo the Catliolu play on JayhawUcr giound. No replies have as yet been re ceived Centre and Harvaro which Dr. Alien also asked for games. The Kansa3 mentor declares thai, he will continue in his attempts to se cure a leal y Llg game for ucxt yeai autli u h.s;li yufct.cil clcv'-u ftai'o iis wsy Lawrence ward sometime text October. The 'ersliy Dai'j Kansas. UNI NOTICES Commercial Club. II. W. Shoemaker will addrosc tho Commercial Club on "Selling" U 11 today in Social Science 301. Blue Print. Blue Print out today. All A. E. E members may aecuro copies by caii ing at Station A. Square and Compass Club. No meeting of Croup A tonight, as previously announced. Industrial Research Club. Frank Morrison, secretary of tho American Federation of Labor, wiil address the first open meeting of the year held under the auspices of tliiK club. Students and faculty member invited. Delian, Dclian will give a Christmas pa it Friday, December 1". in Faculty Hall. Dring a ten cent gift for the 'grab bag." Socio-Economlcs Club. The meeting of the Socio-L'conom- Jcs Club scheduled for Thursday ai p. m., December 16, 19-0, has been postponed until after the holidays. Palladian. There will be a closed meeting oi i'all.idian Friday evening ai 7 oclock. Annual Christinas paity. Fic nic dinner at hall. Military Recommendations. Tho, Honorable Robert 10. Evans, Thiid district of Nebraska,, has re guested Colonel Musis to recom- liii. ml young men for appointmeiK U the United States Military Acide;ay from his district. Should any student be intercoted lie should consult with Colonel Moseij without unnecessary delay. The requirements are: (a) The candidate must be a iegai resident of tho Third district. (bl He must be physically fit. tc) lie must be between the ages ol li and 21 inclusive, not le.;s tliaa live feet four Inches in height and un married. If he served honestly nnd faith fully not less than one year in the irined forces of the United Stales or allied armies and possessed the other qualifications ho t.iaj. be (.ulmitteu between 17 and 2i inciuciveiy. The pay oi a cadee is $7S0 per yeai and board. In other words they arc paid $780 per ear and given a course of study which is so thorough as to fit them for the military service as second lieutenunts or which will qual ify them to enter the senior year in tho Doston School of Technology in Civil Engineering or the junior yea. in any of the other technical courses Offered at that 6chool. Engineers, Notice. ThiB will be a mteting of the University chapter of American In btituto of Engineers, Thursday, De ceinber 16, at 7:30 p. m. in the E. E building. A Weaver will give a dem onstrated lecture or "Wireless." lr. cal wireless amateurs invited. E E.'a requested to attend. Socio-Economics Club. Prof. J. E. Kirshman will speak on "Government Work in War Time' before the Socio Economics Club on Thursday at 7 p. m.. in Koom 105, Social Science Hall. All Universit ttudents und facuity members in vited, social science students espe cially Invited. Pre-Medic Basketball. All those Tre-Medlcs who are in terested in a basketball team will please meet in Dessey Hall at ii .clock on Thursday, December 10. Will take up the matter of equipment and time for practice. W. S. G. A. The W. S. G. A. Board will mett at 5 o'clock Thursday, December Hi at Ellen Smith Hall. S MAKY DROWN ELL. Pershing Rifies will meet in Mili tary Rooms Thursday night. Ordered by , BERKS IIARLEY. CapUin. Modern Paintings to Be Shown in February Tho mid-winter ait exhibition will bo held at the University in Febir. ary. Tliis exhibition will consist cl a collection of nioJern paintings by tho most noted American artists, a ;olieition of earlier American mus tsrpieces from the Ehrich gallerii s of New York City, and of a group of pictures by Guy Wiggins. Spo eial intoiest is r.ttached to the Y!s E'.ns group because the Ait Associa tion has recently purchased his "Opalescent Days" now iianging in the entrance to the art gallery. fflMffl3ffiiEiSIIiaj !l Lakawanna Stars For Your Dances Piano, Saxaphone, Banjo, Drum Reasonable Prices Phone L9814 Chas. W. Fleming Has one of the most complete lines of Jewelry, Dia monds, White Ivory, Pearl Beads, and in fact most anything high class in jewelry. Now on Display at 1311 O St. Jeweler, Optician and Diamond Merchant mi:iRiKiiiBiiiiiii:iB!ii!!i Comfort Slippers For Holiday Gifts Specially Priced Women's Felt Comfy and Juliet Slippers, the "Daniel Green " and other dependable makes, at new low prices. We carry a very complete ran pre of styles, colors and sizes, from which to choose at 1.69, 1.79, 2.12, 2.25 to 2.70 pr. WOMEN'S QUILTED POPLIN BOUDOIR SLIPPERS with turn leather soles "Daniel Green" make Colors Rose. Blue nnd Ulack Special, pair .. MEN'S FELT SLIPPEPS in Comfy style or witli leather soles at 1.76 to 2.48 pair Fred Schmidt & Bro. g 917-21 "0" Street !l!!B!;itlBli!!'H!!li;BIII!ai.'IIHI'!Hn!:n!!H:il!niIinil!!l When You Go Home You should look spic and span let us put you in shape B1338 ECONOMY140 Cleaners Dyers U i DEVLISH GOOD CLEANERS l; iiiiiiniiiwoiiEiroiiiBJiiiiiiia oiiniinH a' 'The Road Presented by The Mummers of Lincoln High School L. H. S. Auditorium FRIDAY, DECEMBER 17, 8:00 P. M. Admission, 25 Cents Reservations at L. H. S. Dec. 15, 16 and 17 The UNIVERSITY SCHOOL of MUSIC Adrian M. Newens, Director Offers Thorough Training in Music and Dramatic Art A LARGE FACULTY OF SPECIALISTS IN ALL DEPARTMENTS Anyone May Enter FULL INFORMATION ON REQUEST Opposite the Campus Phone B1302 11th and R Sts. ' IH) iiaiuuaiiiiniti!iaiiiinuaiii:H!iiiiiimB!iiiisiuiiiniiiiBui v,mimauBXMmm , m i 2.40 ici:aiii:iaiimn;!aiii;;aiH.,miraiBiii!iB:a:iiiaiXBiiiaiia to .Yesterday " 1 1 J i!