TOO DAILY KBBIAdlAN The Daily Nebraskan PublUkad Maa, Taaaday, Wadoaaday, Thuraaaj aad l-rtday af aaek ntk bj Tha L'uiTaraltr Nabraaka. OFFICIAL UWITBRSITT PUBLICATION Undar Ua diracttan of The Studant Pub Uaaktga Baud. ttntarad aa wtwid ciaaa matter at tba poat affle In Linealn Nabraaka, undar Ad f ODfraaa aUrca S, 1819. PubaerlpOoB imtav. iiiiiKla up .12.50 per yaar j cauta FRANK D. PATTY Edltor-ln-chle Tal.pBona BHU, Koom 2M "U" Hail FRED L. BOSKINQ .Bualntaa Manager Talafkou Student Actirttlea Olflea N. STORY KA&DINQ, Managlnc Bdltar m aWktor far Gracs MeBrlde "GIVE TEAM ROUSING SEND OFF" The critical football games of the Cornhusker schedule will be fought out on eastern territory, when our team meets Rutgers on November 2 and Penn State on November 6. A rousing send off has been planned for the team. Students show the twenty four Huskers, who are going to carry the Scarlet and Cream into battle on the east coast, that you too realize that 'hese are the vital games on our schedule; that you are for the team; that you are interested in the team. Demonstrate to the football team that the University they represent Is be hind them. Make Nebraska spirit stand out at its best tomorrow. Coaches over the country have de clared time and again that the spirit hv thplr students has a psychic effect on the team that the rooters can make a team win every game or they can make it lose. It is a recognized fact also that the result depends upon team work between the football team and the students. The coach has been concentrating on team work on the field the past week and now the team will know if we are fighting for victory back east by the send off we give them. Be there at the station tomorrow at Tour and send the team off with the spirit of true Nebraskans. GROWING NEBRASKA. acquaintance of the man who came from the east. Would It be of any special benefit for the man of the south, to touch your life and have you touch hisT Can you icarn, ana can I, of his section of the country, things that you never see in news papers or books? The question is, what are you and I getting out of these, the greatest of all he days or our life? There Is a special obligation on the part of the old students at this Unl verslty. They have been here and know the ropes; the new ones do not They are not embarrassed by the total lack of friends and acquaint ances or suffer from the aloofness of those around them; the new ones do. They do not walk the sidewalks and streets for days without being spoken to: the new ones do. They have for cot ten the days when they too needed fronds and acauaintances to start college life in a lively way; the new ones are now in the Jaws of those experiences. They forget sometimes that human nature in one person is practically the same in another; the new ones are orten times just begin ning to learn something of how In human humans can act. Did you ever see a fellow student get scared and run when you offer to make his acquaintance? Did you ever try say ing hello when you meet a fellow on the street or sidewalk to and from classes? For hoW much do you value a smile? You often see your fellow students give a glance as you pass, that reveals a silent, yet loud appeal for friends and acquaintances. They are liable to go away from here call ing you a snob. The reputation of not only the University is upon your shoulders but of the state of Ne braska, when the measure of hospi tality and friendship is taken by these who come to learn of us, either the error of our way, or the richness of our broad hospitality and the univer sality of our friendship. Have we a social obligation outside the little circle of our immediate friends? Sure, and beyond question or argu ment, and on the campus is the one great place to express ourselves and enrich our own lives and experiences with those whom we touch elbows with us every day. We can't help but leave our impressions. They will rub off and stick to the other fellow in spite of our efforts to prevent, or without effort at all. The opportunity is here to every one of us. Are we going to pass them up: it win u known if we do. Palladlan. Palladian will have an open meet ng Friday evening In the form of a Hallowe'en party. Visitors are cor dially invited. There will be a closed masquerade party at College View Saturday evening. Band. Members of the band will meet at 3:50 today between Q and It on 12th Btreet for participation In the fare well rally for the team. Inter-Class Debate. Class debate chairmen are re quested ito meet Friday at 1 p. m. in the Pebate Seminary room, U 106, to arrange for lnter-class debates. R. O. T. C. Uniforms. The military storeroom in the base ment of Nebraska Hall will be open for the issue of uniforms during the following hours: Friday, October 298 a. m. to 11:30 a. m., 1 p. m. to 5:30 p. m faoloflJbncinq DANCE! Saturday Night 8:30 Beck's Syncopated Orchestra - rami The University is growing year by year. More students are falling in line and entering the institution each fall. Nebraska's high schools are pouring out their best men and wo men each spring and each autumn thev come in greater numbers to the University. The cream of Nebraska j enters this University. The cream of j the entering students stays, the re mainder drop out and clear the sur-j face for the students, leave elbow j room for those who work, who put i effort into .their daily tasks and are the stickers. Upon this foun-la'inn, Nebraska builds her greater Univer- i sity. The incoming students are more : numerous each year and are of befer quality. The old students preach the gospel of education in their j heme towns and are University mis-, sioriarles to the state. The figures; after each registration are la:ger than those preceding. The faculty js in-j creased each year. New buildings go i up at frequent intervals. Greater state appropriations are mad". Every thing Is expanding. The University of Nebraska, in the heart of a fertile country, the educational center of a j prosperous state, is growing and j growing rapidly. THE OMAHA CLUB. This editorial regarding the forma tion of the Omaha club is written for Freshmen students from Omaha. The club was organized last April to fill a need long felt for some agency through which Omaha students at the State University could come in con tact with each other. The number ot Omaha students at Nebraska is so great that it is impossible for former Orr nl a students to retain their forme association? with each other. The club was inaugurated to furnish a means of association for these Omaha students and create, as well, a closet relationship between our srhool. an ! alumni living in Omaha. To live, the club must have support. Omaha 6tu dents make this a success. UNI NOTICES THE CAMPUS. i Catholic Students' C!ub. j Catholic Students' club will mee I in K. of C. hall. 3 o'clock Sunday j afternoon. Ail Catholic students are I invited. Norfolk Club Picnic. This at first sight seems to be a I trivial subject and If it coniaineu nu j more than the li eral meaning of the All Norfolk students meet at 5 p. m two syllable word It would be of Rt ri-y Y. W. C. A. Picnic will b nnin(nn When we Iook at : at Antelnne riark. Come and have a narruw u.. it end note all that It incorporates it : cooi tmne. Is readily seen to stand out in box j . . car letters, CAMPUS, for really it iaj - Delian, OUr at CUIK-KtJ r, j T1,.fnr it is broader -ban the iron fences that enclose It, or me street that form its boundary, fend goes deeper than the soil beneath, or the aerial space above. Not alone is it a place of scenic p.'t'aet:en, but is a place where human beings promenade ur, and down, back and forth for nine rnon'hs cut rf ti e year. As qu:ck as the human element came upon it, its significance changed. There is the gist of the whole situation. Students come here from many sta'es and foreign countries, which forms a cosmopolitan mixture of possible as sociations that makes for the enrich ment of the associations and expert enres ft be students of Nebraska. enriched oy Did vou have a good time last Fri- Vay nicV? Come and have another one Friday night. Hear Professor Gain's talk. Good program, music and lots of fun. Everybody cordially invited. Freshmen Gir!s Gymnasium C'asses. A lecture will be given at 5 o'clock Tuesday by Dr. Philbrick in the cl.anel for all Freshmen girls taking gymnasium. This will take the p'ace of regular floor work for Friday, Oc tober 29. Roll will be taken by num ber at the Tuesday lecture. Camp Fire. Wolohi Camp Fire meeting sched ule they in turn are enr.o-u u. i-.-o, having come here. As we mix anai me nome oi -.rS. r. r. minele on the grounds from day in been penned one week. Regular and out. what does it profit ? Are meeting will be held Monday. Novem te here lust to learn a li'tle from ber 1. at 4 o'clock in E'len Smith matter to go away ! hall. All girls be sure to be there pages and forget In the long run: to Is it of make the as the first lecture In fh- guardian? training series will b given. M I MM ft v amaMsssaaa mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm- . Plan to meet your friends at the TO-NITE REFRESHMENTS BECK'S SYNCOPATED SYMPHONY $1.50 Per Couple ROSEWILDE 8:30 rff,- ..ara i Tin. QTYLE HEADQUARTERS O where Society BrauD (Elothes are sold k1 ii)h.U.U C, l',20 t "J To the college man who hasn't a pet clothing store To a sC2t many men this store is a "pet store" an institu tion that tacy naturally walk into when they need something to wear. We would like to serve ycu that way. 1 1 yj v;u ill Gnd Society Erar. J Cloihes. Wc were attracted to l,c . .A by the stIi ari quality of these clothes and the p:;o.;;7 c ths houae thai makes thcro. They were attracted tc c; b'icauie we had built up the sort cf trade that wants clothes ai ood aa Co;icty Zlr ind. Llhe attracts like. Wc think these clotbes tr.J our f '.rvice wi'.I attract you. Menareiict h 7po:r.;ed i.i Code ,- Trand Clothes. They give a cry pccu'.iar and tr.terest'-rij itl.,tict:cn It the f iti.-fjctlsii tba. c r;.- ; fr-.-:: knowing even before you wa;.i i.lo lo.o t- - -1. at y -a Sit goins to get fcometrung you will ab.v; :.ys b- i,'..J -.i bo-'cht. Sofiefts Brand (Elothes Mayer Bros. Co. ELI SHIRE, President i 1 1 A Feeling sort of short and to the point today, bo all rm going to tell you about the wool hose I have in mind 1b that they are knit Just like allk ones which means a slim, trim, captivating ankle! You can get them in two heather combinations brown and navy, and brown and green. Here is another nice thing about them they're only $2.00! Second Floor. How many of you took my advise and looked up the suits I told jou we're selling at one-third less? But that's a useless question because I couldn't find out In a million years, could I? However, if you haven't, do, because there are some of the sprazziest looking affairs you ever saw, and when you be gin to figure out in cold dol lars and cents what a saving of one-third means, you'll thank your lucky stars my Scotch instincts lead me to such bargains. Second Floor. but it News for the fastidious is this bit of gossip about neck wear. It isn't the most in expensive stuff in the world, the exquisite aainunts adds to the neck and wiists cf a dark dress is ample recompense. Particu larly new at this time are the straight collar and cuff ."-(s. One of fine filet is prired at $"00. Another cleverly combining Irish and cluny is marked at JS.00. Street Floor. 8 Dainty underthings need not necesharily tax your canteen to any great extent Take a certain sort of bloomer I'm tanking of. It's fashioned of pale pink batiste, fine an 1 soft, and there's a diminu tive ruffle to add a deft fin ing touch edged as It is a narrow width of fine And the price is only 5. Second Floor. if in net li.: Submerging one's physiogno my in a nice wooly scarf H an idea worth trying when the realty chilly days come. Especially if the scarfs are gcod looking. How would you like a tan one of brushed angora, striped or plaided in brown. Or if your taste is a bit more startling, there are some stunning black and white effects. You can buy one for as little as 3.9r up to as much as you think i-au win stand tor. Street Floor. icd any value to take time