Farewell Rally at Burlington Station, 4 O'clock Today The Daily Nebraskan "VOL. XX. NO. 33. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1920. PRICE FIVE CENTS. SPECIAL TRAIN TO L Union Pacific Making Arrangements to Handle Boosters Making Kansas Trip. Reservations Made Now University Students Can Attend Game and Reach Lincoln Sunday in Time for Church. The sale of tickets for the special train to the Kansas-Nebraska football game November 13 will soon be in full swing at the Union raclflc office Chamber of Commerce building, 204 North 11th street. All tickets sales and reservations will be made there instead of at the consolidated ticket office. The train schedule: tv Uncoln 11:00p.m., Nov. 12 Arrive Lawrence.... 7:30 a, m., Nov. 13 Leave Lawrence..12:30 a. m., Nov. 14 Arrive Lincoln 9:30a.m., Nov. 14 Rates for round trip: Rail rate, Including tax... $14.60 Sleepers, surcharge, rail rates and war tax for round trip follow: Standard sleeper Upper berth $20.38 total Lower berth . 21.46 total Tourist sleeper Upper berth $18.22 total Lower berth .. 1S.76 total Two extra coaches will be put on at Lawrence if necessary to accom modate those who wish to join the party on the return trip to Lincoln. The rail rate (one way) including war tax from Lawrence to Lincoln is 17.30. Surcharge. 6leeper, rail rates and war tax are: Standard sleeper Upper berth $10.19 total Lower berth 10.73 total Tourist sleeper- Upper berth $ 9.11 total Lower berth 9.38 total Reservations for accommodations on this special train should be made as soon as possible. Freshmen Plan Party to Create Class Spirit The big Freshman Hallowe'en party will be held at the Armory Saturday night at 8:15. Seven hundred mem bers of the class of 1924 are expected to eorao and get acquainted with as many other Freshmen as possible. FinI plans and arrangements will be concluded this afternoon at the meeting of the committees at 5 o'clock at Ellen Smith hall. The change in some of the committees announced by the executive dean, will not affect the party as plans are already well under way. The mixer Is a distinctly Freshman party, and members of the upper classes are not allowed to attend. For the first time, the net p-oceeds cf the rarty will go to the class treasury. This will be the first time this semester that all the members of the Freshman, class have an oppor tunity to get together, r'or 'hat rea son, it is expected that the crowd this year will be larger than that of last fall, when the Armoiy foor was crowded all during the evening. Hcllowe'en refreshment and deco rations, along with a clever program and a good orchestra for dancing, are the features which the committees are counting on that will make every Freshman turn out and support this class activity. Nebraska students will hold a farewell rally for Husker football players making the trip to New York at 4:30 today at the Burlington station. The Cornhuskers play Rutgers No vember 2 at the Polo Grounds, New York City, and meet the Penn State team November 6 at State College, Pa. Every loyal student will participate in this rally. The band meets on 12th street between R and Q. Stu dents will assemble at 12th and R and follow the band to the w C. B. e Q. depot. There will bi a pep meeting until the 4 train pulls out at 4:30. The band will play the chant and the Cornhusker and Russell Bailey and his corps of cheer leader will supervise the yell ing for the twenty-four men making the trip. AHIIGE GAME Commercial Club Hearg C. W. Nelson on Credit Mr. E. W. Nelson, credit manager for Rudge and Guenzel, addressed the University of Nebraska Commercial club Thursday morning at 11 o'clock in Social Science 302. After the address members of the club asked Mr. Nelson questions about credit and credit management. A short business meeting of the club was held after Mr. Nelson finished. "If credit men could only put them selves In the customers shoes," said Mr. Nelson, "a much better condition would exist." By doing this, he con tinued, a friendly feeling will exist that will cat down the per cent ot loss on credit accounts. Mr. Nelson tninks that every young man should have at least one credit account. A credit account establishes a reputation for a man that will be an asset when he makes business affiliations or starts a business for himself. Next Thursday morning, November 4, Fred II. Rindge, Jr., national sec retary of the Industrial Service Move ment of the Y. M. C. A. will address the club. Mr. Rindge is a speaker of national reputation and will give a numoer ot addresses neiore uni versity students the 4th and 5th of November. He is a graduate of a large eastern university and for the past ten years has been associated with business executives all over the country. His topic will be "The Human Factor in Industry." HOLIDAY PLANNED FOR ARMISTICE ANNIVERSITY Parade, Banquet and Amusements for Ex-Service Men Afternoon of November 11. A holiday will be given to all Uni versity students the .afternoon or Armistice day, according to reports given out Thursday arternoon. a down-town parade has been planned and it is urged that all ex-service men in the University march in body. More definite plans about the cele bration November 11 will be known Monday. A committee, consisting of Dean P. M. Buck, representing the faculty; Carl H. Peterson, command nt of thi University Post of the American Legion; and one other member to be chosen by these two persons, win nave compile- vuais f that mart of the narade to be under the supervision of the Uni versity. Last Year's Celebration. Last year, the first anniversary of the signing of the armistice. Profes sor Fling spoke at the morning con vocation on "The Peace Conference." In the evening the ex-service men were given a banquet at the Masonic Temple. Talks were given by men who were actively engaged in battle at the front After the feast me ex- soldiers attended the theater and dancing was the program ai me auditorium. Last Armistice day the University Players presented the farce, "It Pays . r 1 W to Advertise at a maimee in iue Orpheum theater. The cast was made up largely of overseas men. Each ex-service roan was given three cards last year. One or them was good for a theater ticket, an other for five dance tickets at the auditorium and the third was to be used for admission at the banquet. Expenses for the entertainments last year were deducted irom ue money subscribed by the people of Lincoln for the "welcome home" cele bration that was planned for the re turning soldiers. Chorus Party Held at Art Hall Wednesday One hundred students'attended the party given by the University Chorus Wednesday evening from 6 to 8 o'clock at Art hall. The party Is given once a year so that those tak ing chorus may become acquainted. Entertainment was furnished by the Alpha Phi quartette, composed of Mlsres Pauline Starret, Zoe Schalek, Gwen McCoy and Frances Anderson Miss Marjorie Hay gave a series ef readings. The guests spent the re mainder of the evening dancing the Virginia reel, circle two-step and robbers wait. Light refreshments were served. STRAW VOTE MONDAY. Monday the Daily Nebraskan will conduct a straw vote on the coming presidential election. The paper will contain a ballot upon which the Nebraskan subscribers will indicate their choice for presi dent of the United States. Only those students who are listed on the Nebraskan books will be allowed to vote. As each students gets his paper Monday morning, his name will be marked off the subscrip tion list to insure that no student votes more than once. The ballot must be clipped from the paper and deposited in a box which will be in a conspicuous place in the University postoffice lobby. Seventeen eastern colleges have conducted straw votes on the election with marked success. These schools are Syracuse, Cornell, Middlebury, M. I. T., Amherst, Trinity, Columbia, Colgate, Dartmouth, Hamilton, Rochester, Richmond, Williams, Princeton, Brown and Harvard. SORORITIES INVADE RESIDENCE DISTRICT Lincoln Public Takes Keen Interest in University Players Ticket Con test and Buys Freely. Hundreds of sorority girls took the residential district of Lincoln by storm yesterday in their mad rush to sell season tickets in the Univer sity Players contest All day the girls worked from house to house with remarkable success. The peo ple of Lincoln are buying the season tickets freely as they realize seats for individual performances will be very limited. Members in the race who had not previously reported, came in with large sums broadening out the con test and making the winner more uncertain. The five hundred dollar cash prizes keep the contestants well stimulated and assures no let up In the enthusiasm until the goal of 1,800 sales has been reached. The University Players are com piling a list of the members of all prominent clubs in the city with their addresses. These lists will be issued to the contestants next Saturday morning and will be a great addition to their present resources. DAILY NEBRASKAN STAFF RESPONSIBLE FOR NEWS Reporters Ready at All Times to Answer Inquiries and Handle News Matter. With the announcement of a Tull staff of energetic reporters the Daily Nebraskan is embarking on an active campaign to give the students of Ne braska University a newsy paper. The list which is printed below Is complete to October 28. The organization is so arranged that news can be efficiently gathered Someone will be In the editorial office of the paper, -University Hall 206, at all hours of the day. Telephone calls will be promptly answered but stu dents are asked not to depend upon he plan of phoning in news. If a representative of a University society r organization wishes to contribute news to the paper, he Is requested tr bring the "copy" to the editorial office and place it upon the spindle. The following students are on the rcportorial staff of the Nebraskan this semester: Catherine Beacom. 23, Evca Hollo- way. '22, Mary Sheldon, '22, Carleton Springer. '22. Julius Young. '21 Valora Hullinger. '23, Helen Howe 21, Mary Thomas, '22. Asa Waters. (Continued on Page Four) NEWS OF Troops Summoned to Coal Field. DENVER, Colo., Oct. 28. -Two hun dred odd rangers are waiting at Golden for orders from the govern ment to move Into the northern Colo rado coal fields, where a strike of miners has been called, effective at midnight The first men to strike were those in the Russell mine in Weld county, who left off work yes terday afternoon. Count on Entry to League. BRUSSELS. Oct 28 The hope is expressed here that the United States will join the League of Nations. The questions brought up were the reports on the permanent international court of Justice, the report on arma ments and the question of ' the league's budget The council decided that French and English shell be the official language of the court of Justice. i MID-SEMESTERS ARE POSTPONED ONE WEEK Scholarship Reports Not Due Until November 13 Benefits Foot ball Men. Mid-semester examinations have been postponed a week, according to reports that were given out Tuesday from Dean C. C. Engberg's office. Scholarship standings for the middle term will not be due. until November 13 instead of November 8, as was previously announced. The examinations were postponed because of a conflict with the state teachers' convention which assembles in Omaha November 1. Another rea son why this step has been taken is ! because the mid-6emester reports would be handed in only a short time after the first quarterly reports which were somewhat delayed. The members of the grid team who expect to take the trip east will be benefited by the postponement be cause the extension will give them a longer time to prepare for the tests. Supervised train study will probably be held enroute to New lork. STUDENT DIRECTORY OUT TUESDAY NOVEMBER 2 John Burley, Editor, Announces, Pub lication Ready for Distribution Price Will Be a Surprise. The student directory will be out Tuesday, November 2. The Y. W C. A. cabinet will be In charge of selling it. There will be only three tables this year, but they will be located in central places. The hand book will contain information about every student in school, a complete roster of the faculty, including the addition of their campus telephones, will be one of the new features of the pamphlet Every campus society with a list of its officers, as well as a list of professional fraternities and literary societies, will be reproduced in the book. The cottage dormitories will be listed in the directory with a small amount of information about each student dwelling. A special effort has been made on the part of the publishers to get complete in formation about the Greek-letter or ganizations of Nebraska. The booklet will be bound in a very striking gray cover en which the University seal In contrasting color will ba embossed. Peter A. Fredcricksen, who has charge of the financial end of the enterpme, will announce the price of the directory in Monday's Rag. It will be a great surprise to all students. THE DAY No More Hunker Strikes in Ireland. meeting of the Dublin corporation today. Captain McWalter, h'gh sheriff, urged that those persons who are in the confidence of the remaining hunger strikers ask them not to per sist further. Three more have died the last having been buried yester day, and no more must be allowed to starve themselves to death. Deaths in Hayti Overrated. WASHINGTON. Oct 28 Public in vestigation of the conduct of Ameri can marines In Hayti was begun to day by the special naval court of Inauirr with the examination of Brigadier General George V. Barnett former commandant of the marine corps. It has been learned that thf total killed waa 2.250 Instead of 3.25C ti preTlonsly stated. SCHULTE PICKS 111 TO BATTLE RUTGERS ABDPEMI STATE TEAMS Coach Chooses Twenty-four Men to Leave on Special Car this Afternoon for Eastern Invasion Schulte will watch Penn State in Action Satur day and Schissler Covers Rutgers Game. Huskers to See Chicago-Ohio Game New York City Game Only One of Its Kind November 2 and Large Election Day Crowd is Expected to Watch Clash u veen Eastern and Western Team? Nebraska's warriors leave this after noon at 4 o'clock on the Burlington for their invasion of the east. Coach Schulte left at 6 o'clock last evening for Philadelphia where he will see lue Penn State aggregation in action Saturday and learn something of thei! strength. Freshmen Coach Schissler left for Ithica, New York, where he will witness the Cornell game. This will give the Huskers some Idea ol what method of attack to use against both teams. The Huskers will travel in a specia' Pullman car with Director Luehring in charge of the party as far as Niagara Falls where Coach Schulte will ' rejoin the party. The Corn huskers will arrive in Chicago to- GIRLS BEGIN BATTLE FOR TENNIS HONORS FRIDAY Twenty-six Co-eds Commence First Round for Championship With Ideal Weather Conditions. The first round of the Girls' Tennis Tournament will be played Friday and Saturday on the University courts. The tournament will continue through next week, the finals being scheduled for Saiurday, November . Twenty-six contestants for tennis honors are entered in the tournament. No one is making any predictions as to the outcome because the skill of the players entered in the contest, for the most part. Is unknown. Ruth DuBois, W. A. A. tennis sports leader, has charge of the tournament. The list of those who will meet in the first games this week has been posted on the W. A. A. bulletin board in the Armory. Contestants should see their opponents at once and ar range for a time to play off the first matches which must be played Friday or Saturday. List time for the game on the poster and a referee will be provided. The players who will meet in the first games are: Alice Stevens Ada Stldworthy. Esther Matthews Marguerite L Stott Alice Hartley Frances Foote. Helen Hood Marie Snavely. Rachel Whitfield Ruth DuBois. Opal Gubser Carrie Roberts. Dorothy Whelply Helen Hauschild. Jean Bliss Dorothy Schallenberger. Helen Bliss Sue Stille. Davida VanGilder Pearl Safford. Nannie Roberts Bye. Mildred Saver Gertrude Qulnn. Mabel Dickinson Viberta Yutzy. Soccer Tourney May Begin Early Next Week The girls' Inter-class soccer tourna ment will probably begin November G. This announcement was given out yesterday by Ruth Fickes, W. A. A. succer leader. Girls must have com pleted ten practices before Thursday night, November 4, in order to be eligible for selection on a class team. Only a short time remains for soccer enthusiasts to practice before teams are chosen. Freshmen girls in particular are urged to complete the required number of practices at once. Because of the delay in starting physical education work for Fresh men girls, they have not responded as well as usual to the call for soccer players. There is still time to prac tice. This Is the first opportunity offered this year for winning W. A. A. points First team members receive one hun dred points, second team players fifty points and the winning teams are awarded additional points. An "N" sweater is given to a girl who wins one thousand points. Membership in the Woman's Athletic AssoclaUTi Is open to all girls who have wou one hundred points. morrow morning at 9 o'clock. The squad will take a light workout on Stagg field in the morning. In the Uternoon they will attend the Chicago-Ohio State football game. They will leave Chicago Saturday night at o'clock and will arrive at Niagara Falls Sunday morning. They will -pend Sunday in Niagara Falls from where they will proceed to New York arriving Monday morning. They will take a light workout on the Polo Grounds Monday. The Nebraska Rutgers battle will take place Tues day afternoon at 3 o'clock. The team will leave New York Wedneedav night for Philadelphia and State Center where they will mix with Penn State on Saturday. They will arrive in Lincoln the following Monday morning. ,i The Husker-Rutgers battle will be the only contest of its kind in New York on election day. One of the biggest crowds that ever attended a game is expected to fill the Polo Grounds. ' The men who are making the trip are as follows: Captain Bill Day, Monte Munn. Dana. Wade Munn, Swanson, Weller, Pucelik, Newman, Hubka, Hartley. Schoeppel, Hoy, Cressell, Moore. Young, Scherer, Howarth, Wenke. Triplett, Bassett Thompson, Dale and Wright. There will probably be one or two more men chosen by noon today to make the trip. Ray Elliot, a former Husker gradu ate who is at the head of the Post Motion Picture Corporation, is in charge of the ticket sale for Ne braskans. He will film two thousand feet of the game which will be shown in two Broadway theaters the same night. The pictures will be sent to the University later. The entire squad is to be entertained at the Hippodrome on the night of the game. All students who are not attending classes this afternoon are expected to be at the Burlington station at 4 o'clock for a big send off to the team. University Calendar FRIDAY, OCTOBER 29. Bushnell Guild fall party, Lin. coin hotel. 1232 R party, 8 p. m, Ellen Smith hall. Peru Normal meeting, 2:30 p. m., Wesleyan football field. Lutheran club meeting, 8 p. m.f Art gallery. Palladian Hallowe'en party. Temple. Union club Hallowe'en picnic, 7:15, Temple. Alpha Omicron Pi house dance. Silver Lynx wiener roast Havelock. Xi Psi Phi Hallowe'en party. Delian open meeting. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 30. All-Freshman mixer, 8:30-11 p. m.. Armory. Palladian masquerade, Col lege View. W. S. G. A. girls' party, 2:30 5 p. m., Ellen Smith hall. Alpha Chi Omega house dance. Delta Zeta house dance. Kappa Delta house dance Pi Phi Chi house dance. Norfolk club picnic. Antelope park. Kappa Sigma houc dance. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 31. Freshman Commission, p. m, Ellen Smith hall. Catholic students' club, 3 p. m, K. of C. hall.