h is-i (ike Ns " hum hred he Daily nebraskan VOL. XX. NO. 30. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1920. PRICE FIVE CENTS. I NEW GORNHUSKER STAFF POUNCED Appointments on Nebraska Annual Made Public LeRoss Mammona Is Managing Editor. No Freshmen Chosen Plans for 1920 Book Are Being Perfected Businss Department , Now Working Daily. Nebraska's 1921 Cornhusker is breaking into print this morning with the announcement of the staff that will assist with the publication of the book. Work on the annual has been going on all summer and fall and plans are beginning to round into shape whereby the managers will soon be able to announce the general outline. The staff that will assist the busi ness manager and the editor in or ganizing the book this year includes a majority of the best equipped Journalists and student business man agers In school. The editor and the business manager have gone to con siderable trouble in trying to put on the staff those who have expressed their desire to serve the school in this way and who are best fitted for their positions. The list of appointments announced today is not complete. There may be several persons who may have re quested positions on the staff and who may be well-fitted for work on the book whose names are omitted from the list Although not all of these persons will be able to serve on the Cornhusker staff, there are many more opportunities to help with the publication of the book. If there are any who have been promised places, they should see the editor in regard to helping in this work. No Freshmen on Staff. It has also been deemed advisable not to appoint pny Freshmen on the staff at this time. All first-year stu- dents who desire to work will be allowed to try out along with others and they will be retained according to their ability and willingness to work. It is the plan to retain prob ably three or four until the end or the year and these will "be recom mended by the editor or business managers to take more repponsible positions In future years. LeRoss Hammond, 21, who has served on various student publica tions during his three years In school, has been chosen to head the naff as Senior managing editor Mr. H. mmond is well fitted fc:- IMs posi- i'- n in which he will be moie or less in direct charge of the editorial staff, He will be assisted in this work by Clarence Ross, '22, Junior managing editor, who was elected by student vote last February. Melvin Leklns, '22, captain or (he baseball team and active in other lines of sports, has been made editor (Continued on Thec Poui ) Laws and Engineers To Clash on Gridiron The laws held a pep meeting at 9:50 Tuesday morning for the pur pose of promoting a fooibnll game against tho engineers. The engineers challenged the law college for a game to determine which college Is upper most In football ability. They wished to bar all member of the varsity squad, and any man who has made a football letter in the University of Nebraska. The laws r,gred to elim inate men on ithe varsity and fresh men squads. Baldrldge was unanimously electtd to coach the law college team. He has played on the Yale football team and has a thorough knowledge of foot ball. The decisive game will proba bly be held In a week or two. Tho game promises to be interesting and close at there Is a large amount ot footbali material In both the colleges. There will be a large representation or Si-dents from both colleges pre sent to encourage Its team to put forth the utmost enthusiasm In en deavoring to gain the title of football champions. "SEE University Republican Club For Husker Students The organization of a Republican Club for Cornhusker students is the object of a meeting called for seven o'clock this evening in the Temple Theatre. All students whose oym pathles are in accord with the prin ciples of the Republicanpreside'icy of the United States are urged to be in attendance. Both male and female students are invited and both will be eligible for membership in the oigau izatlon to bo perfected. Hon. Charle3 A. Sunderlin, a prom inent attorney of Omaha, will address the meeting. . National and state sues will form the central thought oi his remarks. Mr. Sunderlin i? strong speaker and well-informed on the politicnl issues of thr day. All students who are casting their ballots for tho first time at the coming eloc tlon should be present tonight and hear Mr. Sunderlin. Blackstone Club Is Largest Law Society At an enthusiastic meeting held In the Law Building yesterday evening the Blacbstone Club, the largest of the projected law school societies was organized and the following officers were elected: Rodney Dunlap, presi dent; Walter J. Williams, vlce-presi dent; Miss Margaret Brule, secretary; Harry Reed, treasurer; Harold J. Re quartte, reporter. Professor H. H Foster was elected Faculty Adviser for the club. A program embodying library classes in law reports, debates, and moot court cases was outlined for the future wor of the club. WIRELESS COMMUNICATION WITH SCHOOLS IN VALLEY Electrical Engineering Department to Install Aerial Apparatus Finish Within Manth. Nebraska will soon be in wireless communication with other schools in the Missouri valley. The Electrical Engineering department of the Col lege of Engineering has completed the first steps in the installation of an aerial apparatus and plan to have the project finished within the next month. An antennae made up of four strands of wire 200 feet long .has been strung from the tower of U Hall to the roof of the Electrical Engineer ing building. The work of leading the wires down into the building is now under way. The wireless is being built mainly for experimental purposes. Apparatus left from the set used before the war Is being used wherever possible. There will be a one kilowatt set for sending and a De Forest Uouble amplifier for receiving. Under favor able weather conditions the apparatus should have a sending and receiving radius of 500 miles. The Senior electrical engineering class is constructing the apparatus. When the wireless was in use before Ihe war its main purpose was sending and receiving football scores. This will probably be taken up again along with experiments in radio telepathy. Roscoe Pound Club Organized 'Tuesday The Roscoe Pound Law club Is the no me of the first law club organized by members of the Freshmen law class Tuesday evening. The Freshmen laws were divided inato four groups for the purpose of organizing tho practice clubs and the first group which met Tuesday evening selected for an or ganization name that of Roscoe Pound famous American Jurist and former dean of the Law school of the Univer sity of Nebraska. At the meeting of the club the fol lowing officers were elected: John Stanton, president; Ranson Samuel son, vice president; Ceorge Turner, secretary; "(Chauncey KInsey, treas urer. George N. Foster was selected as club adviser. The group will meet every Thursday evening. THE WHOLE Players When you come to this space In Thursday's Paper Stop! Look! Listen! TICE CONTEST NOW GOING IN FULL BLAST Fifteen Sororities and Palladian Wo men N ow Entered in Race for Prizes Given by Uni Players. Co-eds Devising Various Schemes for Making Sales Floor Lamps Now on Display in Local Store. What promises to be one of the snappiest contests ever held at the University, opened this morning at S o'clock, when tickets were given out in the University Players ticket-self lng contest. Fifteen sororities and the women members of the Palladian Literary Society had registered as contestants by last night, according to an announcement made by Man ager C. W. Woods. Tickets were given out at the Student Activities office and all returns will be made there. Much enthusiasm has been shown among the girls, and many schemes have been suggested by different sorority members to make sure that they will be among the Ave lucky contestants in winning tne floor lamps. One co-ed suggested that they could deposit the three hundred dol lars necessary to win the lamp, at the opening of the contest, and then sell the necessary tickets afterward. The fourth rule of the group pub lished yesterday prohibits this, as it requires that the names of the ticket purchasers be turned in with the money. However, promises or sales have been made on the campus and n the dormitories and rooming houses for the last two days. Lamps on Display. The five ornamental floor lamps to be awarded to the first five sororities selling one hundred tickets each will be on display in the Perkins-Huffman (Continued on Page Font ) NEWS OF Dismissal of Louis Post is Asked. WASHINGTON," Oct. 27. President Wilson has been formally asked to dismiss Louis F. Post, assistant soc- etary of labor. The charge brought against Tost Is leniency in the matter of the deportation of undesirable aliens. A committee of six American Legion representatives appointed by National Commander F. W. Galbralth, Jr., presented the request to Secre- ary Tumulty for transmission to the president Struggle to Seize the Greek Throne. ATHENS, Oct. 27. The body of the late King Alexander is to be taken to the cathedral today where it will lie in state until Friday, when the funeral will be held. LONDON, Oct. 27. A great struggle is expected for control of the Greek throne as a result of the death of King Alexander in Athens Monday from blood poisoning. A regency may be proclaimed; a foreign prince may be selected as Alexander's successor or a republic may be established with Premier Venizelos as president. Sees "Cox" In Stars. DES MOINES, la., Oct 27. Believe It or not but A. B. Randleman, a farmer of Menlo, la., swears he saw the name "Cox" formed by stars on On Your Season Ticket LEGION VAUDEVILLE SCORES BIG SUCCESS First Production Sponsored by Ne braska Ex-Service Men Registers Tremendous Hit at Orpheum. University Students Appear in Star Roles Many Pleasing Skits Staged By Cornhusker Talent The first annual production de luxe to be given under the auspices of the American Legion, was presented at the Orpheum theater Monday after noon and evening with many Uni versity students in the casts, before a large audience. wine vaudeville acts and two "extras" comprised the evening's en tertainment. The performance ended with a tableau, "The Stars and Stripes" in which Miss Mae Pershing played the role of "The Goddess of Liberty." The Zero Hour, written toy Carlisle Jones, '20, of the 355th In fantry, was admirably enacted. Lois Melton, '22, and the Southern Rag-a-Jazz orchestra appeared in songs, dances and jazz numbers. Gayle Grubb, '21, Harold Peterson, Edward Cressell, Bert Reed, Don Fairchild and Harold Schmidt com prised the orchestra. Dancing Acts a Feature. Marjorle Barstow, 21, appeared in a boIo dance and supervised a danc- ing act, "The Spirit of Autumn," Donna Gustin, '21, Margaret Falconer, Ruth Fickes, '22, Martha Krogmann, 22, Ruth Lindsay, '21, and Ada Slid- worthy, '21, had parts in this inter pretation of "Autumn." Dorothy Doyle, '21, and Joe Iver- son, '23, with Wilber Chenoweth, '24, at the piano, presented a pinging and dancing act. Music for this act was written by Mr. Chenoweth. (Continued on Page Four) THE DAY the night of October 20. This infor mation, imparted to Democratic head quarters here, was regarded as prophetic. Government is Prepared for Indictment. WASHINGTON. Oct. 27. The gov ernment is now prepared to press in dictments for alleged profiteering against a large group of Industria leaders In the multi-millionaire class. Is the report given out by the depart ment of justice. However, they can not give out any specific facts now before grand Juries, but at least fifty conspicuous Egures in the business world are under investigation in dif ferent federal courts, under the Lever law. Impressive Funeral for Lord Mayor of Cork. LONDOK. Oct-. 27. Official permis sion was today granted by the British government for a public funeral for the late Terence MacSwIney. the Sinn Fein lord mayor of Cork, who died In Brixton Jail after a hunger strike of nearly seventy-four days. Permission was also granted for MacSwiney's body to lie In state In St. George's Roman Catholic cathedral at South ward The only restriction Is that no Finn Fein firing squad will be permitted to officiate at the grave. SHOW Omaha Club Holds Its Initial Meeting The Omaha Club met in the Social Science Auditorium Tuer!ayi night fit 7:30 o'clock for the first me.et.in of tho year. Jesse Patty, president elect for the year, tendered his resig nation and Harry Latownky, treas urer-elect, was elected to replace him Albert Woods was elected to succeed Latowsky. Tho club is planning many activi lies for tho year and hopes to be come a power in the University. Satnrday morning, November 6, the organization will hold a gel-togt-ther hike to arouse interest in the club Thursday night at 7:30 the club wili hold a "pep" meeting in preparation tor the hike. An aggressive campaign to interest Omaha alumni in tho club and the University will be started and the society expects to be host to visitors coming down to the basket-ball tnur- nament, the spring high school track meet, and the commencement week exercises. Iron Sphinx Chooses Men to Fill Vacancies The Iron Sphinx, honorary Soph omore society, announces its clioicf of representatives from the sopho more class to fill the vacancies made by the failure of six of last year's men to return this semester. Those who have recently been elected and installed are: Sidney Maynard, J. L. Proebsting, J. HI Oswald, Richard Reese, Murl Maupin. and Richard Jackson. ALL-FRESHMAN PARTY IS HALLOWE'EN AFFAIR Committees for First Yearling Mixer Arranging Plans Expect Large Attendance. Plans for the first All-Freshman party this year are rapidly being com pleted by the committees which were announced last week. The mixer, which is In the nature of a Hal lowe'en party will be held at 8 o'clock, Saturday evening, October 30, at the Armory. All members of the first- year class are eligible to attend and are urged by those in charge to come out and become acquainted with the otner members of their clasr Dick Babcock is general chairman of the five committees which are working to make the party a success The party held last year for the Freshmen was attended by almost 700 and it is expected that as many or more will be present Saturday. Committee Makes Final Plans. A general meeting of the commit tee chairmen was held Monday eve ning at 5 o'clock at Ellen Smith hall. Plans were discussed for -hc mixer. The Green Coblins and the Mystic Fish will give stunts. The program is scheduled to commence at 8 o'clock. A nve-piece orchestra Has Deen en gaged for the dancing which will commence at 9:30 and occupy the reater part of the evening. Refresh ments, suitable for Hallowe'en eve will be served. According to the members of the committees, it is to be the best party of its kind this fall. Guests will be "tagged" as they enter. Members of tho upper classes will ot be permitted to attend the mixer. According to the announcement from he Student Activities office the ne' proceeds of the party will go to the Freshman class treasury. The money will be used to meet any class ex penses which may come up during the semester. Girls, Get This, Chin Feathers Latest Style LONDON. Further enlightenment regarding the next Jump of the styles comes from the newest styie show: Chin feathers are the latest They are cock feathers drooping from a bat and snuggling along the left cheek. All models are long wateted. Reports that skirts are to be longer were not substantiated. THROUGH" University Players VARSITY SPILLS RUTGERS PUTS Stiff Scrimmage Work on Yesterday's Program for Huskers-Eastern For. mations Used by Freshmen. Old GradsHelping Schulte Rounding Squad Into Shape for Clashes with Strong Atlantic Coast Elevens Next Week. Nebraska's warriors were put through a stiff scrimmage last night against ti e Fresluiitn in preparation for the big games in the east next week. A great deal of time was spent in breaking up the 'Rutgers forma tions as executed by the first-year men. The Varsity were able to spin a big share of the plays before the Freshmen had a good chance to get started. Coach Schulte will hold scrimmage for the Varsity for the rest of the week. He is taking particular pains to see that the men will be in the best of condition when the squad leaves Friday afternoon. All of the men on the squad are working hard and there is much competition being displayed for the trip. Many of the old grads are out helping to round the team into shape so that Nebraska may be recognized as one of the big football powers in the country. Much time is being devoted to the execution of passes and formations that will baffle the easterners. Excellent Trip Planned. The trip to New York and Penn State will be one long to be remem bered by those who get to make it The team and the coaches are to be entertained in the best possible man ner. During the five days stay in New York the squad will be quar tered at the Pennsylvania hotel. Ex tensive plans are under way to have something doing all the time. The entertainments include automobile trips to all the places of Interest in the city and the entire squad will be given a chance to see some of the best theaters and plays now in New York. The team will rest over at Chicago on the way to New York where they will take a light workout. In the afternoon they will attend one of the Big Ten games at Stagg field. The Nebraska-Rutgers game takes place on election day in New York City. Mac Baldrige who scouted the Rutgers-West Virginia game last Sat urday in New York reports that great preparations are being made to ac commodate from forty to fifty thou sand people at the Polo Grounds. This game is the only football con test in New York on that day. The game is being widely advertised in all the city papers and all the street cars carry announcements concerning It Eastern football critics are deeply interested in Nebraska's eastern games so that they may be able to judge the relative strength of eastern and western football. Penn Prepares for Huskers. The following article concerns the preparations under way at Tenn State for the coming of the Nebraskans: 'Continued on Page Four; University Calendar WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 27. Physical Education meeting, 5 to 8 p. m., Ellen Smith hall. THURSDAY, OCTOEER 28. Big and Little Sisters' dinner, 6 p. m., Ellen Smith hall. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 29. Bushnell Guild fall party, Lincoln hotel. 1232 R street dormitory party, 8 p. m., Ellen Smith hall. Alpha Tau Omega "hard times" party house dance. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 30. W. S. G. A. gMs' party, 2:30 to 6 p. m., Ellen Smith hall. Alpha Chi Omega house dance. Delta Zeta Hallowe'en dance. -Kappa Delta house dance.