T II E D A I h Y X K H R A S KAN BUSINESS MEN WILL ADDRESS CLUB WEEKLY The University Commercial Club has decided to hold an assembly at 11:00 a. in. every Thursday when some lead ing business men of Nebraska will be asked to make addresses on various subjects connected with their line". Last Thursday they were nddressed by Emory Hardy ot Lincoln. BRADFORD ADDRESSES AGRICULTURAL CLUB "Vocational Education" was tin subject chosen by Principal H. 1 Bradford, of the School of Agricul ture, in an address before the Agrlcu! tural Club. Thursday evening, in So cial Science 101. "This new system of education," h declared. "Is but the result of the j growth of an idea. Just recently we , have begun to believe that we should I pa; for . vocational education. Hut j how? I "The 'Smith-Hughes bill in l'JH provided for the teaching of agricul- ture in the public schools. Tart of j the money is set aside for the Agricul- j tural Colleges, and part for the j training of teachers. In the Cnive-. , Blty of Nebraska we have, at the present time 75 male students who are ! being educated under the Smith- ' Sears bill, which provides for the vo- j cational education of soldiers wh i were rendered physically unlit during the war. "The percentage of teachers of agri culture in the colleges has not in creased as fast as that in the high schools. In '920 about $100,000 will be distributi d among the schools. Th'i movement is gaininn rapidly, and I pre dict that in five vers we shall have at least one hundred schools in the state operating under Hie Smith-Hughe ( plan. Following the address bby Principal Bradford, which the Ag Club greatly appreciated, business was taken up, chief among which was the Farmers' Fair, which is to be held Saturday April 10. The Ag mixer, to be held Saturday, March 20, at the Armory, was announced. UNIVERSITY Y. M. C. A. TO ELECT NEW OFFICERS Continued From Page Om ) j Archie Jones is in young people's so v i'ty work an 1 has shown orgi.r.izln,, j ability in several ways. j Clyde Wilcox has been closely coii- j nected with the "Y" activities this year and successfully lead a Bible dis i enssion group. The polls will Ik. open from eight , to five o'clock Tuesday. j Every University man is urged to ' turn ailt and vote for the officers f r next year. This important branch of the school neds leadership qualities j more than any other in the University. '16. ENGINEERING NOTES Charles Collins, civil engineering ex viFitejl Dean Stout, recently. He is now with the Union Pacific railroad at Omaha. The revised engineering program of tsudy has gone to the assignment committee. Professor Ferguson has changed his office and class rooms from the Me chanical Engineering building. His new office will be in Room 101 and h's class room 104. The change was mad" in order to consolidate the electrical engineering department. Telegrams have been received bv Professor Ferguson from Cleveland. Ohio, statinu that the representative of the National Lamp Works will visit the University March 22 to interview electrical engineering seniors who wish a position with the company. The National Lamp works i:; a branch of tbp General Electric Company and i.-i the largest lamp concern in the worle". 1 1 4 Showing the New Spring! Suits and Overcoats Men's and Young Men's Suits and Top Coats that have Style and Quality SI W t . V ...... We can enthusiastically jrecommend these Suits and Top Coats for style for workmanship for quality of fabric and extreme good values. . f , - is. .. 9 5 ' I a 4 Tf I. . f i Or Men's and Young Men's models; single and double breasted, snug fitting; fine service giving weaves in all the new shades and at these prices they are great values, $35 to $75 if-. ? v. V V. vy W i. SAVE 25 to 40 PER CENT by taking advantage of our Final Wind-Up. Sale Our Kecluced Prices ;iiv T'li.lor Today's Wliolcsiile Costs from 2'i to 111', Lower Than Next Season's Costs. If Yon Ytnt to Snve Motie; Iltiv Now! Men's and Young Men's Suits and Overcoats at reductions that reduce the cost of clothes to you The minor portion of these Overcoats and Suits offered a i f t ho iettcr Type models produced by such firm as t he makers of e d. . A A A 4 v'V, a rc nrirty Irattb (ElntlB You know how jjood our clothes are. You know that elotliinpr prices have increased 135 since 1014. ad there is not to he any relief from the hirh prices u til lfl'Jl. You know that it pays to save money when vou can do it without sacrificinf,' quality and we know you won't need a second invitation to get in on these hir values. You save Rijr Money in huyint: our Suits and Overcoats at these reduced prices. $39.75, $44.75, $49.75, $54.75 and $59.75 Mayer Bros. Co. ELI SHIRE, Presidsn t. PLAYERS SCORE SUCCESS FRIDAY WANT ADS. FOR MEN A nicely furnished room In all-rnodt-rn home. Call at 1829 M Street. FOR SALE E Flat Alto Saxophone low pitch, pood condition. Phone H 1464. 102-5t. I,OST Small black purse contain ing a Yale key and about $1.75, be tween "O" Street and campus. Please return to Student Activities office. Onni inin'd From Page One) Harry Plomstiand and Gene Hudson bellied immensely to build up the whole performance by sustaining thei: fliffirtilt or unattractive parts we!! through the whole play. Cast of Character Justin Rawson Rudolph Sanusted MisH Rawson, his sister Margaret Howes Geoffrey Rawson, his younger non Herbert Yenne Anthony Rawson, his elder son ..George Bushnell Stephen L-eavitt Harry Blometrand Mrs. Stephen Leavitt Gene Hudson Peter Swallow Delbert Metiinger Kitson Fred W. Jensen Mrs. re Dalle Nellie Freer Mrs. Bumstead-Leigh Melba Bradshaw Violet De Dalle Marienne Gould Xina Mildred Gollehon The Players hope to make "The Witching Hour," starring Herman Thomas, the biggest hit of the season this Thursday, Friday and Saturday KOMO KOAL And others: Rock Springs Maitland Lehigh (hard) Now on hand WH1TEBREAST COAL AND LUMBER CO. 107 No. 11th St. l A Aw4 P1n tit I? I N. S. C A F E i I 111 South 1Hh MrMt "Renewe d" Clothe s are clothes cleaned by us. ECONOMY DEMANDS THAT GAR MENTS BE CLEANED REGULARLY O. J. Fee Phone B2311 333 North 12th St 4 IvM v I '1 I k f S If Mil III