TUB DAILY NtBBACCAM AT J ( II i L. Cotla4 from rage On.) 13 Era AND AT03 V71N IN MATERNITY OTB ALL SATURDAY U 81 f Epa and Sword, Olah, and lUtxard made moat ef the Sl( Alph 1. Tha Onal scone was 13 0. Th A. T. O'a had everything their ow way u the claah with the Hotas. M waa the reault according to tho facial scorer but a clone count waa not kept and it la possible that a touchdown or two wan missed. At any tat, the Betas were decisively de feated. Not a single first down was credited to Beta Theta Vi while the A, T. O'a were not compelled to punt ooc. Lees, Sandrock, and Stewart ch gathered one touchdown and Hanser made two. The Betas gave up la the fourth period after the lust touchdown and conceded a goal. The lineups were: SI Phi Ep 13, Sig Alpha Kp. 0 Huasey l Peterson Bennett 1 Ebersole Schmidt l; Lonigar Leflec bmttu Getger TS Wyther? Whitman Trewilde' Harper r3 Hopkins Creaaell q Hawkins VJshart lh'J Haggard Carman rh"i - Sword Pickett : b Gish Substitutes Sig Eps: Juckott for Cremell. Sig Alphs: Samuelaon for Peterson, Ledwick for Hopkins, Yea gr for Sampelson, Godwin for Loni- car Referee N ew man. Alpha Tau Omega, 33; Beta Theta PiO ailey .. Is Kauf fclrnst It Wood t lg Wilkinson tC Itodds c Cull C Bush rg Waitnian eieser . rc Coombs Roberts re Tefft Uouser qb Rogers Girard lhb Brooke 3. Stewart rhb Davenport Sandrock fa Lonani Substitutes Betas: Apian for Wait man. A. T. O.: Osborn for S. Stewart. Curtis for Lees, Lees for Sandrock, D. Barnes for Girard. Referee Wilder. (Continued from Page One.) LOW SALARIES OF TEACHERS ENDANGERS EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM privilege and even his duty to leave the school and take up work outside -which will bring him a more adequate -compensation. It would be foolish for aim to remain in school to the dis advantage of himself and family. This is being realized more and more each day by professors, and numbers have left the higher places in schools and colleges throughout the country be cause of the fact that they could draw a larger salary by getting into busi ness. flight there is the danger to Ameri can. education. The men who have he education necessary to make them instructors in the schools are fiading that they ca make mere money by going into some other pro fession. They are right when they step out into the world and attempt to make a success. It U only human that they should. But where will we find the instructors for our seats of learning in the future? If the stand ing of the educational institutions are ;to be pheld we will need more tra'i ed Instructors and better trained in--stractors than erer before. There is whfere the salary proposition strikes oack at the tax payer and patron. Daring the past decade education 'has taken a step toward destruction. Tre more men and women enter far nlglier courts of learning each -year tout, 'do they get the training that they should? It s hardly probable 'that they do when we are hiring teach- era who will take the positrons offered It we expect to get something we have to pay the piper. We can get third raters at a minimum wape. Is t iMnl raters that the schools are tailing for? Is it third rate educa Uoos that are so necessary in bust oviAoatJv. to secure first rate UW v " '-Thin doesn't go in business : and it Is bound to fall in education Each year this is shown more and -r.. Ym true by the number of uvi j w ' poorly trained students who arrive at the colleges and university through ml the land. Their teachers in high "school were unable to give tfcem the tr-iiiinr reouired because the high schools hired a poorer grade of teach er than It should. And the Normal schools are face to face with the same riMitioo. Here it la even more es- .tt.i ih.t the teachers be of the 'beet material available. They are v-- tonrhers. The newly ao 'imlred certificate of a normal gradu ate will cot insure the youth of Ameri ca that they will be given the train ing they ahould have ir the teacher feas not been trained. Th Primary nd gradeschools are today, in the mala, ba the poorest condition they Jfcve eer been placed. If the stud- I a The Great Redaction Sale is in Full Swing And the women are responding in grcat er numbers than ever before. $ i Women like to choose from full stocks and deduct the saving when the sale is consummated. This is vour sale ladies, come early, and stay long and re member there is no value without Fashion and no Fashion without value here because we merchan dise ahead thru out very close connections with the New York fashion centers. Women's Suits for All Occasions i ?SV Clioice of Kntire Stock Ladies', Misses iiesiial'e models ami shapes tailored trimmed, hand embroidery, navy horwn. -te. Triiotine. Tinseltone Point twill. Serjre. ' Suits. Season's most ;ind semi-tailored, fur hi lie. French bine, black. Wool Velonr. Duvotyn. il2;).7o Sl'ITS NOW $l?-84 :.() Sl'ITS NOW 21.67 :54.7: Sl'ITS NOW 23.17 .50.75 Sl'ITS NOW , 26.50 44.75 Sl'ITS NOW 29.84 40.75 Sl'ITS NOW 33.17 52.50 SUITS NOW (35.00 50.75 SUITS NOW 39.84 $64.75 SUITS NOW $3.75 60.75 SUITS NOW 4 74.75 SUITS NOW 49.84 79.75 SUITS NOW 53-lJ 84.75 SUITS NOW 56.50 89.75 SUITS NOW 59.84 Higher Priced Suits at Like Reductions OFF II j I j, i All Women's and Misses' Cloth y Q COATSiF Marvella Chiffon Broadcloth Chameleoncord Duvet de Laine Silk Duvetyne Bolivia Crystalcord Frostglow Silvercord Wool Velour Tinseltone Hundreds and hundreds of Coats for the smart young miss, the more sedate woman Coats trimmed luxuriously with fur. Coats that rely for effectiveness on trimming of Silk in Tricolette, Satin, Taffeta, Crepe de Chine. Name Your Preference.' We Have It at Your Price.' $27.45 COATS. NOW $18.57 20.75 COATS. NOW 22.32 34.75 COATS, NOW 26.07 30.75 COATS. NOW 29.82 42.50 COATS. NOW 31.88 40.75 COATS, NOW 37.31 50.75 COATS, NOW 44.31 64.75 COATS, NOW 84.56 70.75 COATS, NOW 59.81 80.75 COATS. NOW 67.31 94.75 COATS. NOW 71.06 110.00 COATS, NOW 82.50 Our Entire Stock Ore ss6s 4F Wool in Tricotine, Serge, Jerseyfi Deuv de Laine; Silk in Trico lett. Satin Taffeta, Crepe de Chine, Crepe velour. Party Dresses new models just received Tulle, Georgette, Taffeta, Satin, etc. A wonderful assortment gathered by our great buying organiza tion, brings these fashionable Fall Frocks to you right at the be ginning of the season at a price that in no way represents their true worth. Smart models for street, afternoon and all daytime occa sions, showing the very newest ideas. $24.75 DRESSES, NOW $18.57 29.75 DRESSES, NOW 22.32 34.75 DRESSES, NOW 25 07 39.50 DRESSES. NOW 29 82 42.50 DRESSES, NOW 3188 49.75 DRESSES, NOW 37 31 59.75 DRESSES. NOW 44 81 64.75 DRESSES, NOW 48 56 79.75 DRESSES, NOW 59 81 89.75 DRESSES, NOW 67 31 94.75 DRESSES, NOW 7106 110.00 DRESSES, NOW 8250 Women's and Misses' Leather and Leatherette Coats In tan, black, grey many with heavy suedine or sheep skin lining, with 01 without fur collars. All the populai lengths now in great demand. 1-4 OFF 53 Special Lot All-Wool COATS Good selection of sizes, styles and colors $18.75 FURS Be Safe Buy Your Fur Coats, Fur Coatees, Stoles, Thro Muffs, Many Other Lines Not Particularized Here at Reduced Price THE STORE AHEAD Mayer EroSo Co ELI SHIRE, Pres. 1J II Furs Here JL A Muffs, Searft 8 t has poor Instruction to the first j have mastered in the elementary steps or lii ne can never nope 10 overcome the great injustice done him. It has become necessary for many of the great colleges to require an en- rance examination because of the arge number of students who apply annually for entrance. Theue schools have not the time and equipment to give the courses a sturt must needs schools. They desire only those who are ready to make progress. The pro cess of elimination by examination it the scheme whereby they are able to find the best material, that which they retain to develop into educateJ men and women. The numbers who fail to reach the goal is enormous. Our educational system is fast becom ing a failure. I This is the age where men and wo men have training to face the battles of life. If they are to be properly trained they must have instructors mho can fill the bill. Unless we mill pay men salaries which will tend to dram- the best educated instructors in to our schools Instead of forcing them to seek other walks of life for a means of livlihood, education is doomed. And mith the fall of education a chaotic state in all branches of life is emmi nent Thirty-fourth division, hear Miss Giant at convocation tomorrow. Frank Falkner I nhall harv . study three yeais to be admitted to the bar. Jimmy Crure Huh, it isn't m-oith it. I'd rather go without a drink. DELCATE DIPLOMACY Pest I morning. Rest Thinks eoyle. walked by your house very Suitor Sir. I ask for your -. let s hand. Happy Father Certaialy. take the one that is always prnket- Passing Show. ( . ' 1