Tira DAILY NKnUAKTCAN WE MAKE PUNCH ! For lWKTIKS and DANCES Hot SODA cold LUNCHEONETTE i HARLEY DRUG CO. 1101 O St. UNI NOTICES The Lantern Room Tea Dansnntc from 3:30 to 5:00 P. M. Tabic lc Hote Dinner from 5:00 to 8:00 P. M. Open ui:ti1 11 tfu P. M. Slnsic. Dancing Permitted DEL A VAN CAFE lvJu M c a package before the war c a package during the war c a package WOW THE FLAVOR LASTS SO DOES THE PRICE! 1ST 4? i . (i 1 FRANCES ANDERSON . One of the clever principals in John Cort's Famous Musical Comedy Production "Listen Lester" at the Orpheum Theater Tonight Only. Union Union riciurei at (Townaend'a women at 11:46 tod a jr. Monday. Un ion men at 12:45 Tueaday. Hour art la time picture will actually be taacu. Be prompt. Dualm-aa meeting Tuesday at 7 p. m. The hall. Be there. BUBBLES Commercial Club The Commercial club't Cornhuoker picture will be taken at Townaend'a Monday at 12 o'clock. Every member la urged to be there. Alpha Kappa Pal The Alpha Kappa Pal Cornhuaker picture will be taken at Townaend'a Monday at 12:15- Every member out. Vtspera A Thanksgiving "sing" and a ahort ulk by Mrs. Minnie Case Ellis, 'vi. who has been doing missionary work In China, will be given at veapora in Faculty hall 5 oclock Tuesday. XI Delta XI Delta meeting Tuesday at 1 tn 101. Social Science. Very Important All members are urged to be present Thirty-fourth division, hear Mlsa Grant at convocation tomorrow. W. 8. G. A. Anybody having receipts oi varus of the W. S. G. A. leave same in Y. W. C. A. rooms Social Science build ing. American Legion, U. of N. Pcti American Legion meeting. Univer sity of Nebraska Poet, Monday, No vember 24, at 8 p. m., In Temple theatre. When did ou get that perfume? Down at the one (a)cent aale. Did you tell him the Joke about tha aeroplane T Yea, but U went right over hla head. Placet of Interest The hometown la a place where the men do not wear collar attached ehtrta and the girls atay out later than 10: SO. It ;a ilao one of the financial centera oi the country, being the habitation of friend father and hla money making Ideas. It really la a alow town, al though aome of the things that bap pen there would make the little old town, of Lincoln think that It was un der mob rule. The hometown baa only a few good points, Including the fam ily motor, the long morning Bleep with nc thought of an 8 o'clock, and a speaking acquaintance with every one there. It la a wonderful place to locate' municipal improvements, espe cially to those who will never vlait there. The university afford a an ex cellent place for the hometown to gain prominence, by bringing it to the at tention of those students who have never heard of It before. All in all. the hometown baa many faulta, but Its one redeeming feature la that there will be an excellent repast waiting for those who Journey back to It on Thanksgiving day. Iron Sphinx Meeting Iron Sphinx meeting. Phi Kappa Psi house, 1548 S St, Tuesday zo ning, November 25, at 7:30. KANSAS STUDENTS ARE READY TO DIG COAL Fifteen hundred Kansas state agri cultural students are ready to help dig coal until the miners go back. Governor Allen received a telegram from President William Jardine of tne college stating the atudents willing ness to help in the present coal kn-lne- The governor is now outlining a plan to Induce the miners to return to the mines but there seems to be no assurance that the men will accept jus plan. If they refuse, the students will lay aside their books and take up tne picks and shovels of the striking miners. THE PRECOCIOUS EAST Our worthy contemporary, the Kan sas State Collegian in commenting upon a recent ruling made by the faculty of Wellesly college prohibiting its students, who are all women, Irom using tobacco while attending that in- slution further adds: "the old order changeth; Indiana schools of the co educational variety have been dealing with tame little problems relating to the number of social engagements the students may have in any one week, and whether dancing should be per mitted. Meanwhile the east has forged ahead (?) and old Wellesly is trying to regulate the smoke and the smoker." Yet withal we wonder that the insti tutions of Hoosierdom are looked upon by the west as vice free. Tradition has it that our worthy seaboard neigh bors look upon us of the west as a certain species of individuals repre senting a cross between a rough neck and a four flusher of the first order. Just where we Hoosiers come In is not plain but evidently the use of the obnoxious weed by the co-ed members of our institutions have passed over on to the fairer lands west. Down east folks look upon other In dividuals in this part of the country as more or less crude, associated with the idea of homespun and corn pone. We are hardly enough eophiscated that our co-ed members have acquired the Idea' of the single standard and begun to do the same things as men. How ever in the west it may be difffferent Here In tie midwest and especially In Indiana we have always had an un usual proclivity and a proneness to wards individualism where folks read Riley's poetry not because it was Clas sical but because they enjoy it; and where people were accustomed to say "right smart and few of the other provincialisms so dear to the Hearts of all Hoosiers. It is true that the Hoosier colleges are at present engagedIn placing the ban on a few of their pet social fads but o fr their women have succeeded In educating; themselves without ac- aulrtnc the enervating habits of the prosaic and classical east or those of the long horn west Purdue Exponent It has been suggested to us thnt we write on the bank, as a place of unrest Pardon us while we annoy you with &n imitation. Said imitation will be of a horse calling Tor something to eat: "Hey there." (Continued from Page One.) FRESHIES HOLD CHAMPS TO TIE e:age 39. Return punts: Freshmen, 54 yaius; York, 35 yards. Passes attempted: Freshmen 12; York 24. Passes complete: Freshmen 2 tot 35 yards, York S for 139. First downs: Freshmen 8; York 6. Fumbles: Freshmen 1, York a. Fumbles recovered: Freshmen 6; York 2. Penalties: Freshmen 40 vards; ork 5. COLUMBIA LEADS LIST IN ATTENDANCE GAINS Youth is taking more seriously than ever the matter of getting an educa tion, after returning from the school of war, according to reports com piled by the United Press. Reports from every section of tie country have shown large gains in attendance figures. Dormitories, room ing houses, and fraternity and sorority houses are crowded in every college town. Leading the list of American colleg es and university in attendance is Col umbia university, New York City. Gaining 25 per cent since last year, the attendance today stands at 24,815. A year ago the enrollment was 18,514. Registration of other large colleges of the country compared with last year follow: Nebraska 4.100 Kansas 3,270 Northwestern 1.754 Marquette 2,500 Missouri 3,274 Kansas agricultural 2,612 Iowa 5,000 Leland Stanford 2,429 Oregon 1,673 Oklahoma 3,800 U. of Washington 4,840 Oregon Agricultural 2,840 Oklahoma A. & M 1,623 3,137 3,027 1,692 1,625 1,624 ?,ioo 3,465 1,500 950 3,256 3,352 2,188 1,234 WANT ADS LOST: Sheepskin coat. A Tvra of $10 will be given for its return to 229-N-17 St. 8-3t. LOST: Coral cameo set large size. Finder please return to Student Activ ities office. 48-3 1 LOST: Sigma Nu sister pin. Ini tials on back. Call B2567, or return to Student Activities office. tS-3t LOST: Note book, between 5 and 6 o'clock Monday evening. Book was left in front of the Armory. Call B8189. 7"3L UNI MEN: Can use twelve men for part time work In city real work good commissions. Must be oMer men with selling or business exper ience. Phone City "Y" 325 for ap pointment A man's dress suit of broadcloth. exceptionally fine, sixe 18. Call B2S4S. A Bargain. Wh&i is the psroHeiii in votir life? WHAT IS YOUR ANKN TO THIS viu iw i Husband if I Tr4 I1 Of 1 SEE THE GREAT ANSWER ON ?! THE SCREE IN THE GREAT 8 WILLIAAVTOX SPECIAL h OF W HIGH LIFE AND DEEP SHADOWS COLONIAL See the Sunshine Beauties in "BACK TO NATURE GD2LS" EVERY DAY AND NIGHT Tins WEEK DID SHE LOOK GOOD? U Tell'emso The reason is in the process, only to be had from a responsible place B3381 ECONOMY "uo CLEANERS, PRESSEBS & DYERS DEVILISH GOOD CLEANERS f cm r rc us aatew V Satisfies the national demand for a whole some, pure and appe tizing beverage at the soda fountain or with your meals. Bevo will more than satisfy your thirst, ANHEUSER- BUSCH ST. T-OUIS If must be Ice Cold 4 I I m f.cv i....flf -l : . mm i-1 mm