TIIH DAILY. .NKRRASKAN Tuesday WedneBday "WIVES OF MEN" Starring FLORENCE REED and FRANK MILLS MON. TUES. WED. Adalph Iuhr prwm Marguerite CLARK "WIDOW BY PROXY" uark Smnrtfi latest nd IW-nt C.niedy, with rHABLKS MfRBAl nd Fnnt Topir f the I.v Mr. .Irt X I. . 5.J .n.l t P. M. wHRE EVtRTbW GOES MON. TIE" WFI. SHRAPNEL DODGERS In tholr orllnl ffrlnK A NIGHT IN BIllW 8onK Mnulo Story nnRADINI'S ANIMALS A Trotipe of Remarkable Artoro HARVEY TENNY & CO. VaaderUle'a Poular Yllt Dusenberry & Bonney ! 8enf and Dance "His Last False Step" Hack BonnMt'o Comedy "THE GREAT GAMBLE" A SUrrlns Myatery Story LIBBRTY NEWS WEEKLY S Show. Dally. l:S0- 7 i,dA 1P', Mata. 15c Mht, 30c Gal. lc i? Lyyi u nil nuiwr.i li Tim'oLNS LITTLE THEATtR If f WORTHERLY GOES TO CORNELL UNIVERSITY Ilev. Kvans A. Worthley. former Mt-ttuiillH university pastor ul the Uni versity ol Nebraaka, now patriot- oi iho Mftlnxllht church at Syracuse, has received Ht appointment a univer sity pastor of t ho Cornell University at Ithaca, N. Y. Following four year us student pastor here at Llncom ,m Hev. Mr. Worthley was sent to Ku- BUBBLES Fashion's latent dictum for ove,cout collitra h that they should be fur, lur away! He: dine?" She: 'What la your Idea of pata- "li la h place where there la : mi Mini itrnuiii in uio ii ruiicnun i,,,,. rope In the spring of 1918. w here t dHnre." was engaged In Y. M. C. A. worn !.. j the American expeditionary forces. lie waa made district aecretary of Y. M. C. A. work with headquarters at Cork, Ireland, having supervision over all the various cam pa of Ireland, lie waa associated in thin work w 1th Hob ert E. Ewing. also formerly or the University of Nebraska, who hail charge of all Y. M. v . a. worn me Drlllah isles. After the armistice. Mr. Worthley was engaged In other work in Ireland until last August, when ne returned to the United States, fpon his return he was appointed by bum op Stunts at the last conference ot the Methodist churches to take the pastorate at Syracuse. He will p;pn.n his farewell sermon, and will apenn a few days In Lincoln next week with friends before going to Ithaca. He will be accompanied on his visit by his wife and little son. IOWA FOOT BALL MAN NEARLY FROZEN FROM RIDING ATOP OF COACH Iowa City. Ia., Nov. 16. Adven tures of L. C. White, a substitute tackle on the University of Iowa foot ball team in acompanying his team to Urbana, III. for the game with Illinois, have Just become known. White rpd Pflrt of the way on top of a Pullman, clad In scanty early morning attire, and was nearly froien when the .train stopped and he could crawl off, The young man left the coach at a station to mail a letter to a young woman. The porter closed the vesti bule and when White returned as the train started he grabbed the side rails and climbed to the top of the car where he remained until the next stop. It the coal miners continue with their strike much longer, we are go ing to sleep In the furnace It won't be coaled there. The solution to the money prooiein lv i ry pi 'flexing an.i i-n'laes It U iy embarrassing. Wo iiri? poing in -v .i i , answer o 'i.'.l came to us the other day. How we obtained It or where it came from, will not be divulged Nevertheless, craving lenl ency, wv crier It to you In the me torn, that ii was presented to ue. Take a silver dollar un I mop it on a J"we!oiV sho wcase a.id W'U gel a rln-. Wad u .(.l'ar bill in youi h;u;d and then lav It r.ut flat. You will f!-.r. it Increase. t at a quarter In two, In the m.ddte, and you get two halves. Take a two-dollar bill once and you double it. a no Kid it News item says that Fords are in vading France and are underselling r11 makes of French cars. And we thought all the time that the suffer ing of France ended with the close of the world war! 7 MON. TUES. WED. 1 ALICE I BRADY I i- k. n.nuiiln Farce-Comedy. m "THE INDESTRUCTIBLE WIFE flrforr yao trip plan yonr honeymoon m this picture "Shocks of Doom" O. Henry Story "All At Sea" U A qaartor of an hour of lufni International Newa Weekly Show tvrt at 1. 8. . t, J' u.iln.M. ISe Nlrht. eOe Cbtt iiiniiMiniiiii M. 10c WED, THUR., FRI., SAT. 22:20 TWICE DAIIA :0 4 Headline Attractions 4 ALICE Mrs. Gene E I S HUGHES In Dance and In New Camedy Honr Playlet SYBIL VANE MALETA BONCONI BOB TIP & CO. 7 HONEY BOYS BiUle Bnrke'a Tanso Hhoea tialll-Cnrcl of Vaodeiille Eenia(a, SSe, 50c aad IBe Klnoirrama Toplea of Ui.D Matlnetw 700 Heata at t6e WANT ADS LOST: Fount tn Den minus cap. decorated with gold, between 17th and R and Pharmacy hail Novembei n Finder please return to Student Ac tivitles office. LOST Barrel of "Parker Pen, Lucky Curve. Pleaae return to Sttt dentJ' Ap4vMIm nfflre. It LOST Between M. A. building and Social Science halL on Monday. Not 10. a John Holland fountain pen. Please return to b .udent Activities of fice It L08T A brown puree contamlng fonnuiB tK . watch, rtof and nma & Return to Student aciit ELECTRIC FLASHES The smallest electrical motor can be carried in the vest pocket or worn as a watch charm. BIG APPROPRIATION FOR REHABILITATION Recent legislation in congress has increased the appropriation for the vocational rehabilitation of the dis abled soldiers, sailors and marines to the sum of $14,000.00. This woik Is under the charge of the federal Donro for vocational educat.on. i"5 allow ances made to the men during the period of training has also been changed. Instead of $65 a month a single man without dependants now receives $80, and a man with depend ents, in place of the $75 he formerly received, is now paid $100 plus the sum allowed as family allowances. It is interesting to note in connec tion with this appropriation of $14, 000,000 made recently by congress for the re-establishment in civil life o.J dis abled ex-service men, that Canadp last year gave $32,368,000 for a similni re storation of injured members ol the Canadian expeditionary forces. More than two dollars for every one given by the United States is Canada's esti mpte of the need. Considering the dif- feience in our populations and our re sources our northern neihbor de serves our admiration. Manv thousand dollars' wor of diamonds and sapphires are used ev- piv vear for bearings in electric house meters. A new O. Henry book, "Waifs and Strays," was brought out October 11th by Doubleday, Page & Company. A dozen short stories never before imu iished in a popular edition are assembled. Together with them ap pears a wealth of anecdote, remin iscence, and appreciation of the man who invested with new wonder the City of Too Many Caliphus. An.uus the stories is included "The Snow Man," the .last tale O. Henry ever worked on. Death, it will be remem bered, struck him down Defore the end wa sreached and Harris Merton Ly0n who now also is dead finished the story in accordance with an out line O. Henry had sketched to aim. The Lyon is ending is given n me forthcoming book. The personal reminiscences are con tributed by Arthur W. Page, who quotes vividly from O. Henry's cor respondence, George Jean Natnan, Arthur Bartlett Maurlc and others. F. P. A., of the New Yor kTribune, tells of his collaboration with O. Henry on the one occasion when the latter attempted to write for the siige. Christopher Morley, whole new - ei, "The Haunted Bookshop." is crea considerable furore on its own ac count just now, contributes an appre ciation in verse. So does Vachel Lind say. And ther are critical estimates by William Lyon Phelps. Stephen Le cock, the Candalan humorist, and A. St. John Adcock. Another feature of considerable Interest is complete Index to all the O. Henry storia. Taken altogether, the lnew oook promises a budget of material which no lover of O. Henry can afford to miss. Electricity is said to be one ot the lew saleable products whicn cr.nnot be adulterated. The kitchen at West Point is a mo del of electrical development. Sever al barrels of potatoes used daily to feed the cadets are peeled by a ma- meat and vegetables are chopped, and chine driven by electricity. The silver ware is oolished. eggs are beaten. dishes are washed by tne same o- The velocity with which electncuy travels is even greater than the vel ocity of light. Experiments have dem- nnntratod that electricity travels at the rate of 1886,427 miles a second. Thus electricity could travel to the sun and back in less than 20 minutes. MANY JOURNALISM STUDENTS AT OHIO UNI The department of journalism at Olio State University. Columbus, un der Professors Joseph S. Myers and Omian C. Hooper, has 160 students er rolled in its various courses. About seventy of the students are entered in the elementary course, which deals w'ih the rudiments of news-gathering and news-writing. The keynote of the department is practical work and this is obtained from the Lantern, which is owned by the college and is edited by the stud ents of journalism. The paper has five issues per week, with a separate stuff for each day. The editor, Thomas B. Meek, senior student oi journalism, has as .his assistants students in advanced courses who comprise the city or issue editors ana assistant issue editors. The issue edi tors are responsible for the editions the days that they are on the desk. Practical work is begun as soon as the classes are organized and each reported is required to turn In copy to the editor on whose staff he is placed. Copy Is handed in once a week and each reporter is graded on the size and quality of his "string." One of the activities of the depart ment Is a journalism dinner given every month to acquaint Journalism students with one another. Another activity Is the assuming of all re sponsibility for one edition of the Columbus Citizen. This gives the students an opportunity to put Into practical use their training. The day selected Is in the spring, the yaper an evening issue. The Ohio Newspaper, a monthly de voted to the Interests of newspaper making In the state and founded by professors of Journalism at the nnl veiflty. !h to be aent free to every dally an.l v.eekly the state. It will deal with the history of Ohio news papers as It is made from montn to m m .rhi the news of monta, Mi " v the Ohio newspaper field. 0 i3 Style Means Success We wish to indelibly impress upon the minds of our patrons that the suit is not sold until the customer is satisfied. The customer is always right. You men who really expect the last word in style must see these suits, notice how skil ful needlework and shaping have supplant ed the old crudities. We've, an elegant assortment in rich Scotch weaves Worst e d s, Vicunas, Hockanums, Cheviots, Cassimeres, Irrides cents, Serges and Gabardines. Exceptional values at Many others at $30, $35, 40, $50, $55 and $60 Single and double-breasted models, welt-waist, athletic modefc-hi?h waist line suits with Hare skirts and latest lapels, cuffs and pockets. There's an endless variety of colors and shades to choose from. In fat-t you'll be astonished at the purchasing power you command if you act quick- Style, quality and value are yours tor tne asKing. lv Our PolicvtrLess Profit 10th &0 5? 'Daylight OTmififorQ The Store of Style and Culture Right training wins the race. . That's as true in life as on the cinders. Dixon's Eldorado is the choice of the world's greatest engineers, n m'uuiu vours t'jw. 4 Made in 17 leads one for every need or pref erence. ELdohabO tie master dmutiripendf oooscoooosoocaoocacc : coossc: Lincoln w v waav, VI x--aaa aw