gliliiy Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday William Farnum in "THE MAN HUNTER" ,.SM,UING BILL" PARSONS in "THE BIG IDEA OTHER ADDED FEATURES PRICES 6c, 1ic, 17c The Home of llc Show and tinod Mulf HON.. TIES.. WED. Money Is Money, But, Is It Power? nrr time when w-omanV .M mv ""(Tie the mUht "" -.w.n't believe It well, nee beautiful Alice Joyce The Lion and The Mouse Tho CrKitrot Dramtie 8ueees of the Season rathe W orld News ChrUtle Comedy RIM-TO CONCERT ORCHESTRA j-an Mimont Sohwfer Condnrtor Overture Holenelle "1814 (Tsclinikowsky) MON., Tl ES., WED. O. SW'AYNE CORDON & CO. I'reHentinir an Original Comedy OIF WITH THE OLD LOVE LOC.AN. DliXN HAZEL In a Nonenhiol Oddity "TWO MIS AND A KERNEL" JOE HOC.ANNV IHOI PE A Sextette of Kunntera "US IN A BAKE SHOP" ItOOTHHY EVERDEAN Novedty Entertainer in "SONtiS AND TRAVESTY" 1,1 UKKTY NEWS WEEKLY PEARL WHITE In "ralttely Aorutied." the Ninth EpiHode of "THE LIGHTNING RAIDER" IN DAYS GONE BY SOCIAL CALENDAR March 7. SlKina Alpha KpslUm formal-Lincoln llOtl'l. March 8. Kapjiu Kappa Gamma formal Lin coln hoti-t. University Night. Closed night. Nine Years Ago Today Outdoor practice for baseball began. Seven Years Ago Today Nebraska clinched the championship of the Missouri Valley in basketball by defeating Kansas. Six Years Ago Today The Alpha Chi Omega house was st-riously damaged by fire. Four Years Ago Today Wcsleyan Coyotes took the last eame of the season from Nebraska by the score of 39 to 15. Three Year Ago Today Dr. E. J. Stewart, the new Corn' busker coach, arrived in Lincoln to spend a few days looking GVer the prospects for the coming year. Two Year Ago Today Seventy-five 'cases of scarlet fever reported. BOYD will do your PRINTING EIGHT 125 North 12th St. Itliiiuh McKoo. '21, has returned from spending Saturday and Sunday with her family at Central City. Ivy Nation, '22, returned to school Monday after having an attack of in fluenza. Helen (Jiltnor, "20, is spending a few- days at her home In Omaha. Mary Sheldon, '22, visited friends in Nehawka the latter part of the week. Kudph l ord of lU-rtrand Is spending the week at the Pi Kappa Phi house. Glen Kodwell, ex-'20, has resumed his work at the university after being released from active service at the Great Lakes. Lieutenant Edward Perley, ex-'19, visited at the Phi Kappa Psi house Monday. W. H. Haley, 14, of Valentine, is vis iting at the Delta Tau Delta house. Marie Proutj- went, to her home in Alvo for the week-end. Marie Appleman from Alvo is visit ing at the Alpha Chi Omega house. Beatrice Montgomery spent the week-end in Omaha. Mary Sheldon went to Nehawka for the week-end. Donald and Dorothy Smith of Crete are visiting-Mrs. G. Blakely at the Alpha Xi Delta house. ' Katherine Epperson visited her par ents in Clay Center,. Frances and Mabel Anderson went to YVahoo for the week-end. Helen Kendall spent the week-end in Superior. Margaret Lang w ent to her home in Wymore. Helen Giltner and Helen Wahl spent the week-end in Omaha. Dorothy Wetherald has gone to Hebron. Marjorie Parsons went to her home in Omaha for the week-end. Ruth Copsey and Helen Overstreet spent the week end in York. . Elsie Hober, who is teaching at Plattsmouth. visited the Acoth house. Mrs. J. D. Rea-m of Broken Bow is visiting her daughter LoV at the Achoth house. Mrs. Guy Fowle, formerly Miss Fern Noble, is visiting at the Alpha Delta Pi house. Lieutenant Rowan, from Sidney, re cently of Camp Taylor, is visiting at the Delta Upsilon house. HAND GRENADES A WEEK OF MISERY Cold sores! Not very pleasant topics of conversation, are they? No, but then they, are not very pleasa-nt things to have either. Just think of the last one which graced your countenance! Big!! For a while you thought it was going to completely overshadow your entire physiognomy, but after a few days it responded to your constant and loving care, and remained stationary. Hurt! Well, rather! Smile ydO could not, even on those rare occasions when you felt like it. To talk was agony, and not to talk was mental agony. A fclanf-e into the mirror made you miserable for an hour afterwards, and the amused stares of all who saw you, made you writhe for many hours-. The fatal blemish to your, Deaui.y was at first a brilliant red, and then pro gressed through varying shades of orange, blue, and thence to a royal purple. Then there were those sympathetic souls who suggested remedies, and you tried everything from eau de cologne to court-plaster, but as you feared all were in vain. The only difference was that one was more painful and more difficult to apply lliaa the ether. Ycu had often heard that time works won ders end in thise case as in many oth ers, time did its duty. In seven weeks you could see no trace of the onetime cold sore. LOSTYesterday forenoon in Li brary, a brown muff. Call B 3S87. rosT-At Library. Law or Temple bid, a black muff- Call B-4889. 10MiH04 Announcing the Opening of the new Hair Dressing and Manicure Parlors and the addition of Mrs. E. Maus to our department staff The inducement that secured Mrs. Maus to form connections with this growing organization, was her desire to render better service to her many for mer patrons, Newly improved, modern equipment to he rown liking was necessary as well as increased space to accommodate her patrons in more eqicient manner. No expense has been spared in fixtures or stock to make this new department the best of its kind in this vicinity. Woman's Dept. 2nd Floor 23MAR19 MAYER BR ELI SHIRE, President Pre TT To1 RY 'TP I Safflmrwi fT Si mS& Dance Tonifce MOSEW chembeck Original S o c i e t y V Orchestra OS. D