UNI NOTICES r MONDAY-TUESDAY f Tom Moore THE MATINEE IDOL IN "Go West Young Man" A Sumhlne Comedy A SELF-MADE LADY" Prices 6c, 11c, 17c tu iT-i-"- Mcnilay, TuiUy. Wednnday Elsie Ferguson In th- Hrllllant AHrraft Production "HIS PARISIAN WIFE" Patht New, Strand Canted. Fathe Rerlew HILTO CONCERT ORCHESTRA jran L. 8chafr, Conductor Comlnr Thursday, Friday. Batordar Cecil B. Dc-Mllle's 8upcr-Ftur "THE SQUAWMAN" Show Start at 1 .8. 5. 1. P. M. Mat., all NcatH, iSc. Mght, 0r. See This Splendid Program and Hear Dr. Dingley Brown's Recital on the Grand Organ. liiiifi llibiinniin . B Monday. Tuesday. .Wednesday OHANA SAN & CO. Prewnts the Beautiful Novelty. "A Sparkling Vision of Japan ELSIE WILLIAMS & CO. In the One Act Comedy "Who I to Blame" THE EIALTO FOUR VocmllhU and 'Cello Soloists NADELL & FOLLETTE Vaudeville a la Carte PEARL WHITE In "The Mithtnlns- Liberty, news weekly ITof. Brawler's Lilrty Orchestra TVree Shows Daily at l:SO, 7:00, ! Mat-'., 15c. Nlhts, 15c, Soc. GARMENT CLEANING SERVICE LINCOLN CLEANING AND DYE WORKS 326 South 11th Mathematics CluS The first regular meeting of the Mathematics club will be held In Fac ulty hall, the Temple, Thursday, Feb. 13. at 7:30 p. m. After the reorganization of the club for the coming year Prof. W. G. Gaba will give a brief talk on "The Game of Nine." All the old members are urged to be present. Visitors and prospective members are cordially Invited. Alpha Kappa PbI, honorary com mercial fraternity, will hold a meeting at the Phi Kappa Psl house this eve ning at 7:30 o'clock. Wrestling Tryouts Tryouts for the wrestling team will be held at 4 d'clock Wednesday and Thursday afternoons. Those trying out In the Wednesday preliminaries are : 175 Pound Class Plckwell vs. Hoyt, Munn vs Dobson. The winners of of winners of these two matches will compete In the finals. 135 Pound Class Ingham, Weaver and Troendly 125 Pound Class Saulter and Trondly. The Thursday tryouts will be be tween the following men: Heavyweight Plckwell vs. Dobson Hoyt vs. Munn. Winners will meet In the final for heavyweight. 158 Pound Class Fuchs, Sanstedt, Gibbs, Slater. 145 Pound Class Hintze, Burley, Took, Weaver. Ag Smoker All Agriculture College men are cor dially Invited to a smoker at the Farm house, 807 North Twenty-fourth street, on Thursday evening, February 13, at 8 o'clock. All Ags out! New men come and get acquainted. Proctors' Meeting A meeting of the proctors of the rooming houses will be held Tuesday evening at 7 o'clock at the Woman's Hall. A full attendance Is requested as Important business is to be discussed. English Club The English Club will meet with Constance Rummons and Zora Schaupp at the Uni. Woman's building, Four teenth and R streets, Saturday eve ning, at 7:30 p. m. As this is the first meeting to be held this year it is re quested that all members will attend. Please arrive early as it is necessary to close at 10:30. Union Business Meeting Union business meeting, 7:00 Tues day, February 11. All mebers be pres ent. Union Picture Unions Meet at Townsend's Thurs day noon. February 13, at 12:00 sharp. Class Elections Election of class presidents, Ivy Day orator, editor-in-chief, managing editor and business manager of the Cornhusker will be held Tuesday. February 18. All candidates must file applications with the registrar by 5 o'clock Frl day, February 14. C. H. FREY Florist 1133 O St. Phones B-6741-6742 All Reliable Cosils Can Be Purchased From The Wh itebreast Coal and Lumber Company Try Eureka or White breat for Honey Savers Are You. a REAL C0RMH0SKER7 Prove It by Subscribing to the Daily I ''1032 - - '-MjpH -IT -I- h --- iitir- i ,i-J 1 , IN DAYS GONE BY mih Veara Aao Today A rule was made by university au thorities that no dances could be given in any of the university buildings either at the farm or city campus. Four Years Ago Today The first University Week was planned for spring vacation. Three Years Ago Today Black Masques and Silver Serpents refuse the request to select the twen ty most beautiful university girls for an honor section of the Cornhusker. tanrioH that the worth of a iney cuu"" woman does not depend upon her beauty. Two Years Ago Today Shaw, Rhodes. Schellenberg. Cook and Dobson were chosen for the first all-Missouri Valley team. Each of us Is bound to make the little circle in which he lives better and happier; each of us Is bound to Bee that out of that small circle the widest good may flow. Loat-Dress length of yellow Geor Kette crepe. Monday between 9 and 12 on city campus. Finder please leave at Student AcUvlties office. LOST A Delta Gamma pm. Please call B-141. Letkfot Ihb InJo-mrk on A mU Don't Guess About Your Shoes Get Our Expert Advice Its much better policy to buy shoes. you know something about than it is to just take a chance on getting good value, r or years have specialized in shoes which fit the individual needs and desires of our customers. The Original and Genuine jjw!iswiiwjpwi' i sl m i ' j ' i hi -jr ii J.P.SMITH SHOE CO.-J0HN EBBERTS SHOE CD. Makers of Maris Shoes Makers of Womerte Shoe CHICAGO BUFFALO r-1 Their luxurious cushion inner soles act as shock absorbers to the entire body. Those who wear them say that it's just "like walk ing on vel vet rrom the first, they need "the Our Repair Shop Vmb tout shoes aLow tlua of wear, oar repair department will renew tWr oaafalocM. Wirw- ate quality wrk al woSeeaf prioea, . no "breaking in" they are actually easiest shoes on eartn. While we emphasize the unusual comfort of these shoes we know you will also appro- a !. C I ...a B date the unusual comomanon oi ocauij i design and extra comfort at no extra charge, MAYER BROS. CO.