The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 06, 1919, Image 1

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    The Daily Nebraskan
VOL XVI". NO. 84
Members of E. 0. T. C. Unit Are
Given First Taste of Out
door Work
50 Men Assemble at Armory for
first Instructions Wednes
day Evening
Couch Stewart's cull for truck nun
linn boon answered tmhly. A few more
veterans have tunic I out and many
now candidates for tho freshman team
have drawn their equipment. Gratify
lug as the result has Ijcoh, many more
Hayclcn's Symphony in E Flat
to Ec Given by University
Today the first of tho musical con
vocations which are to bo siven every
men are needed and surely CornlMi.kei jTllul.S(lliy morn,I1K wlu be presented
j In the Armory nt eleven. Havden'f
j Syis .phony in E Hat, No. 10. will lie
Riv 11 !iy the string Quartet and organ.
Mi.-, ('ante It. Raymond, director.
p,. I!. T. '' "nlr r l',livt'r
'iv '. f .'chrask:i ws reorganized yes-
rnoon more man .i.w
at the Armory prcpa ra
il ft'
i rilv
m.n :,m'I11'''
I t.. itviwit ij.ii.. '.
IVCCM dig onui ill nvi.'''
-t i t s military .woi n.
111.' -li'1'
Is of the organization were
track roMMirce-; have hut been scratch
ed. T1h re are many men around th
campus who have starred on their
high schorl teams, and many more
who have n.'ver tested out their
etits. Coach Stewart want.-- to eo all
there men. .Vow i-. the Clue to gel
nil n i he track and build up tho t'ic.
ei-saiy ciidiii anee for ilio strenuous
mind which will tone '.iter.
daios mav see C.c Coach anv time to.
'i it" nc.
Aib-.-io .
Finale . .
am is:
. .Vivace aHsill
I... ..ii.t.iiii l.Va 11 1: I'lil-t t V
:ltt IF IMOINMI "I""1" "'
hIm -iivi.led t!u men into companies.,
ore . unpan -comprises those who!
!U.-.- had no previous military drill
mil f. air companies are composed of;
mm w.i t w ere former
;! s- . T. I', unit.
Active Drill Work Started
t;.nl, vv.'s formally instituted
itu" '.:vcts of the city yesterday
thf ;m;i kej't the cobble-stones
tor thirty minutes. The military mi- More than one hundred university
tliotvi.-s are very much encouraged girls attended the Y. V. C. A. meeting
liy tin interest the memliers are tak-1 held Wednesday evening at 7 o'clock
ins: i". ilicir work. As soon as the, in Women's ball. Ruth Welch. '19,
The t I'owli'g appreciation has been
lii i t.-n by Prof. Dann:
"This work, one of the best known
i f the famous composer, is full of del-
members of
cute mace and charm. It Is classic
plans for present YEARlrrrs;.'?
I iii iis simple purity and beauty, and
j classics in the sense that the Parthen
Large Attendance at Business j on. the sistine Madonna, and King
Lear are classic. It has stood the tost
of time, the test of changing tastes,
and the test of rival creations, and
it is as line today as when it was first
created. Great and noble things are
often simple in their forms of express,
ion. and that Is true of Hayden's
(Continued on page' 2)
Meeting Held Last Night in
Women's Hall
The t'lirolluitnt In the Greek do.
partmcnt thla semester thows a le
lded Increase over the enrollment of
laid semester.
The class in Greek and Engll:,h is
'arger ibis tc mentor than ever before.!
This Is a three hour course which is!
open to any student, except th.ise wliu J
lime taken beginning Greek. S b n 1
title and technical students comprise
!be cieFs. Thi;; course Includes cil
he study of the Greek word.- villi' h
j have boon traiisferr'-d I odKy inio the
K:igli'h. or have Kng'ish derlv iiives
: '!" Uking this coulee the sti".ioi!t may ,
; increase lib vocabulary, for about a
i thousand words arc studied, .--nd oh.
j !a'n a more exact ktu,v lodge ..( many ;
I ..roi't ssiotutl and sclent 'lie terms with;
' which the student Is already familiar. !
Lea Lipsey and Leonard Woolen
Will Appear in Leading Roles
of "A Doll's House
Pikers Defeat Ames and Jump to
Fifth Place in Percentage
Friday Game With Huskers Prom
ises to Tax Capacity of
Cigar-Eox Gym
s-i'O'.s have been polished in the j presided at the business meeting.
awkward squads the men will be Helen Doty, 'in. led the devotional
I'lacKl n the other companies. ! exercises. The following reports were
Me: who have army uniforms are j given by the c hairman of the various
ask: !" leave their names nt the com- ! commit tee...
n,ane;:,t's office. It is lro!- Sadie Finch told about the work of
aide ail men possessing uniforms
ilf permitted to wear tliein this
someyv-:-. while the new members will
ln isf-i-d suits through the command
ant's ' vice.
Prtssor Waters Returns Protei
irl.. li. Waters, who has boon serv
inn . m. mt pathologist in the bu
rean : plant industry at Washing
t 'Hi. : t . has returned to the uni-ver.-i
,:iid will resume her work here.
She .. iastiui't classes in beginning
.iiid .." ed mirr iloliy this semester.
Coir. . ;ttce Makes Plans for Sched
ule cf Annual Entertainment
j the social service committee. She
' read a list of the places where the help
of university girls was greatly need
j ed. such as at the City Mission, the
intention Home for children, and the
i Ortlrpedic hospital.
Grace Stuff gave a report of the so
! eial committee. The members intend
I to hold a party in the form of a kitch-
............. .-. LVl,
en shower saiumay unci uuuu, i--u.
l.V The kitchen of the Wunens hall '
is in ureal need of uieiirils and other -articles.
Kvery pirl in the university:
is incited. Kach girl is fiiuested to,
some useful article. There will j
dancing and retresn-
ill also he a parly
.M uch !.". for all Y. W. C A. members.:
Other arrangements v. ill he announc
ed Inter.
Plans Membership Campaign
Marjcrie Har.-tovv spoke of the plans
ef the nice. '.el'ship Olimlitlee. Alloth- ;
cr inemliership campaign is planned
University Night Notice
Outlines of all skits for the
university night performance
must be in the hands of the
university night committee by
six o'clock Saturday night, Feb.
S. The submission of skits is
open to all university organiza
tions and they are urged to
present their ideas and their
representation of university life.
The committee reserves the
right to reject skits but will try
make their final selection on
basis of thoroughly live
representative campus material.
The University Dramatic club will
present Ibsen's play, "A Doll House,"
Thursday evening at the Temple the
atre. This Is the first play of the
year and every effort is 'being made
to make it a success.
Prof. P. H. Grutnmann is directing
the play. Leonard Woolen aa Torvald
and Lea Lipsey as Norma Helmer will
play the leading role.?. The other
characters are:
Mr. Krokstad Mark Johnson
Dr. Rank Alfred Hlnze
Mrs. Linden Irma Wolf
j Anna Genevieve Addleman
I Ellen Stella Mae Levvellen
j Miss Lipsey played the leading part
i in "Ready Money," which was pre-
sented by the University Players two
; years ago. Last year she appeared in
; two plays. "Cathleen" and "The Play
Boy of the Western World." given at j
Kutliu.- iiim and supp: rt for the 11
game is growing apace. The Delta
'eta's have vol ant a illy withdrawn
their formal thus fouling ti e ninht. ah.
solntely. The Washington team by
defeating Ames-' -" to 1! has become a
stronger foe. The "Piker" live is
sweeping on toward Nebraska "V" ,
Drake and Wesieyan and the "llu.-k.
ers" are eagerly wailing.
The campus has caught the import
ance of the contlict and standing room
will be at a premium Friday night.
The state legislature has backed up
their interest and will fill their re
served section to overflowing. The
"N" club meets again today at noon
to take final action in bringing all or
ganizations to the battle. The uni
versity band will be there in full vol
ume, and the Scarlet and Cream will
again rumble around the campus and
form a fitting halo for the big arena.
Washington Shows Up Strong
By defeating Ames last night Wash
ington has become a more formidable
foe. Drake and Wesieyan should
prove easy rounds in her ascent up
the percentage ladder and she will
strike the Husker five with the de-
! termination to continue the ascent.
Nebraska must win to maintain her
position. Coach Stewart and his men
stand ready. The whole university
realizes the importance of humbling
the piker five and the management has
reduced the price of admission to
twenty-five cents so that every loyal
student may be there with his meg
aphone. Remember, the "Husker"
band will be there and the "mxier"
will be the grand finale of the evou-
the University of Missouri. Her
(Continued on page ")
ex-! mt
Victory Annual" Will Enlighten
Students on Nebraska Traditions
The Victory Annual will be a book of
traditions, the staff has announced.
. Sl(
' !:!: .
i ; !m
"t T 1 , f , - r
a s!;i
!ii"t H
)!,.- .
t; "r::
Ai .
r ,i;i
iv-rsity week committee met
ii make plans for thN
' diile. D Y. Stephens, the
iMiil.iii'l', r',iortei those nr.
1 uhieh might he expected to
i.i tli" program. It was d -
i he band, a mixed chorus.
er.-itv- Plavers. who mav
' v 1 1: Il's House." or some ski!
play. The Kosmet club is
i as to whether it will put en
'"i i' is possible that the Kos-,
1 ' pay custom will be revive!
' .:il r of (he faculty will give a
, one evening's entertain
!i' t coiiiinitit'c meeting-, the
- 'manager will submit plans of
i' li I lie entertainment r
' 1 may follow.
i search for the
.or next Tuesday. 1-Vb. 11. Theiv are, No g,on(i
..... . .1... i.niraicitV flllll
over i (.iiii gins iii no iiiii.i.n.
oii'.v a n tit are member of tho Y.
W. C. A. Kvmv i;iri was urged to try
i i i
wo l.ew liicllineis anu ii.inu in
illes before I lie last ol I Ills
ic left unturned in the
history of tilings and
to get
t heir
V l ek.
v a s i
Ai ranai
liihle study committee work
eported h.v Alinda .MacPrang.
aenietils have hi ell made for
ititde stin v groups at me i
the reasons why "this" is called
"that" or what is the fable of the
Everyone who reads these pages
will be able to pass a first class exam-
1 to the tradition which makes it neces
; sary for them to appear in the vivid
1 and obnoxious green caps and all tin
men will understand why they do not
mind any kind of torture as long as it
comes under the head of "Olympics."
The paM history of "University Night"
and the "Evening ' Shun" which lays
bare the fatal facts you thought se
curely hidden will be recalled. Fete
Girls' Meet to be Held Saturday
Under Auspices of the
W. A. A.
sol i l it V ' houses
In ',! at the Women
living at rooming house
.Mary Brownei! told
men cotiin.issicn party
given Saturday afternoon from 3 to 5
och.-ck at the Women's hall. Every
iieshman girl i invited. Mrs. T. A.
Williams will talk to all the freshman
i Continued on page 2)
suggested course In-, Day and Phi Betta Kappa Day will
The origin cf Ivy Day show their records and their reasons
i for being.
anv indecision as to week and the Senior
j ination in tin
: "Campustry."
...m l. . . i .1 ... : . I. .11 I. A r.f 1 1 i iliai-a ! fry l..ltir Tho iOQ artty frtf lTni i I .
WII litr IOIU Willi it II III, uciaii.). . ivi ivmp,. v t. ..v.. v.. nil. i.-u.
I .... I I I it .1 .w.l I. hi . a f r . i . L- tna vfiniAr ii-ill lm
There will lie classes wo no wiisi'i ue uuj nm.- i...i o iu .m.i . .. ,vi..v- ..m ..
ill forthe girls I why the May queen is erowneo. ap. pre.senien aim uie oiu irauuion oi
hate ! braska students will know why they j (barter Day will he told. We will be
are CornllUsKers insieau oi jay-,ioio way me imnj it-orasKau is can
iboiit the fresh- i hawkers" and they will understand the! ed the "Rag" and where the "Awgwan"
reasons for the annual cornnusker ( originaieu.
banouet and the girls' Cornhuskeri Members of the stalT may be seen i
party. The first "Competitive Drill" J unearthing corner-stones to secure ac-!
will be reviewed and as far as possi- curate facts and fables but univer-,
bin the first '.'Shirt Tail Parade." . sity students may be sure that nothing '
The freshmen will be enlightened as will be missed.
which is to be j
The numbers of 'h'' girls' basket
ball teams who will p. ay in the Rain
bow foiirna n.ent. Saturday, February
1.1. have hot ii i-ho.-eti. They are:
Ruth Fie!---.-, c-aptaiu.
Ire'i-' l'i:i!eti.
Mary Shepherd.
.Mary lleriiig.
Faith Murfin.
Ojial Lint, captain.
Alice- Kchctt.
Maijori-' Haycock.
Patricia Maloney.
Pansy Reeil.
Irene Springer, captain.
Eva Hunt.
(Continued on page :!)
Saturday Feb. 8