THE DAILY NEBRASKAN DAILY DIARY RHYMES By Gayle Vincent Grubb Regulation Clothes HEADQUARTERS O. D. Uniforms and Mon- ' WILLIAM FARNUM In THE RAINBOW TRAIL Stirring Sequel to m AIDERS OF THE PURPLE SAGE" "DON'T YOU KNOW" School of many cares Is mad, don't jou know Studying, ah, that's a beaRtly tra.le, dont you know, Where you work your stupid brain. And your souls In such a rtrain. And you'd rather raise some rain, Don't- you know? Overcoats Also SMIUNG BILL" PARSONS rC r -mm In naldheaded Comcay -BILL'S SWEETIE" Admission 5c 10c 15c Exams? Ah, yes, my word, don't I Big Shows and Good Music . LAST TIMES TODAY The Best Show of the Season AMERICA'S SWEETHEART MARY PICfORD , Her Latest Artcraft Play '"-Johanna enlists- Pronounced by the Press to te Her Best Production Alto Comedy, Topical, News and Official War Pictures KIALTO CONCERT K ORCHESTRA Ann L. Schaefer. Conductor Thews S art at-1. 3, 5, 7, SK. n. Mats-All Seats 15c; Nieht 25 mm LAST TIMES TODAY ORPHEUM CIRCUIT VAUDE VILLE Twice Daily 8:15 "BntKt THINGS HAPPEN--RUBEVILLE" Mirth and Melody Lawrence A Devamey , Bessye Clifford Three Kitaro brothers TRACEY and M'BRIDE Nes Weekly Accordeonist News Weekly Orpheum Orchestra Matinees 25c 50c Nights 25c, 50c, 75c VAUDEVILLE Last Times Today Here is a corking Coed Show The Musical Comedy -OCEAN BOUND" Featuring JOE PHILLIPS JL CECIL HIRiES and a company cf ten MOSTLY GIRLS JOHNSON BROS. Sl JOHNSON In "A Bit of Minstrelsy THE FOUR KINGS Airerica's Classiest Artists FRED ELLIOTT The Broomstick Fiddler BEN TURPIN 41 MARIE PREVOST In "Sleuths" LIBERTY NEWS WEEKLY BRADER'S PRIZE ORCHESTRA Three Shows Daily at 2:30, 7 and 9 Mats 15c Night 25c GaL 15c Lyric Today MAT 2:30 EVE-7 A. 9 Otui Oliver . His Player In "FRECKLES" Always come when minds are blurred don't you know? To determine what you l;now. j Why things are or are not to. . And. what -makes the south wir.d blow. j Don't you know? j We're once In school, that's a!', don't you know. We've but one bratn and It's mall, don't you know. And with all I pause a minute At a task 'fore I begin It, For there's really nothing In it ( ?) . Don't you know? Why school's a bally bubble, don't you know, A painted piece of trouble, don't you I know. You perserve all day and night. ( And after the sehoolyear fight. The wrong's as good as the right. Don't you know? ! So it's all a horrid mix, don't you know, All this life in which we nvx. d'-n't you know. For with all your gift or gat) And your hours In the lab. ! Why, perhaps, you'll drive a oab. Don't you know. HAND GRENADES SPEAKING OF TELEPHONES Today, you bolted into the drug Uore to use the telephone. You were in a hurry of course, and it was some what disconcerting to find several peo ple waiting for the telephone. You walked impatiently around the store, Inally stopping before the magazine punter, where you picked up a copy f "Snappy Sto" beg your pardon, I meant a copy of the "Literary Digest." md started to read. However, your literary perusal was short lived, for a very . obnoxious clerk hinted to you that the magazines rere for sale. You hastily put the Ttagaz:ne away, and with your most winning smile, drifted to the cigar oucter, back of which stood a vers !oveIy girl. Alas your test efforts o entice her into a friendly conversation failed. There was nothing to do but to imbie back to the telephone. You waited while one woman ordered her groceries, while anotlrer malignantly Lscunsod her nefghbors, and while a man deivered an overwhelming Hat of alarming symptoms to his doctor, doctor. At iast the people departed, and your struggle began. You found the typewriter sys'tni of getting your number most exasperating. Twice the buzz bubb buzz to'.d yon that the line was busy. Once ytm got la wrong nomber. Finally, yon got tle right one. and started to talk Yen had talked only a short time, in fact a very short time, when a very dis agreeable man called your attentioa to a s gn which read. "When others are waiting, please be brief." READY TO PUT ON and wear out of the store We are outfitting scores of S. A. T. C. and S. N. T. C. men Everything, regardless of arm istice and peace negotiations Uniform making gave us a great opportu nity to show the superiority of Society Brand clothes. Government specifications fixed the rules for all the makers and nil started on even basis. Then we were able to show, In spite of Government restric tions, the distinction of Society Brand. Society Brand style begins where other makes leave off. Society Brand style came to the front as it did in civilian clothes. Inton these uni forms is hand-tailored the exceptional style which distinguishes them the trimmer lines, the smarter carriage and the smoother looking fit. Remember, personal appear ance counts for a lot in the selection of men for promotion. Society Brand uniforms are ready for officers or its auxiliaries Amy, Navy, Marines, Y. M. C. A. and Red Cross. LEATHER AND CANVAS PUTTEES, HATS, CORDS, PILLOWS, SHIRTS, OVERSEAS COATS, COMFY KITS, INSIGNIA, SHOES, ETC. Mayer W ? So Coo Eli Shire, Pres. .-- unrfA thins than being I Too manv a war garden was raiseu - SOCIAL CALENDAR tJ bags a fat feed. F-ght caught in a slacker raid, providing you .h nn. men. "e not a siacser. November 16 House warmitg at the Woman's j building for all university girl, fremj 4 to :30. Alpha Phi house dance. Alpha Omicron Pi-house dance. Delta Delta Delta house dance. Delian Society-dance at Music halL UNI NOTICES i I" '-tOc. 15c. 26c i 'U 1Dc 7Sr ?o 1 lWeek-Ptjyth rngt" PERSONALS Lieut William Aitken. ex-'l. and L!eut Paul O. Harding. 18, who hav been stationed at Camp McClellan. Alabama. In the field artiHery service, sailed for France last week. Gladys Crook and Mae Belle North -t Omaha have been tt guests cf Xatherire North. 22- Edion Shaw. '18. mho Is stationed -t Carup Futston. is at the A!ra Tad Omega bouse for a few days. Gwendolyn Drayton. '15. has been 111 at the Alita XI Del bouse for sev-r-ral ?2VS.'ir V.'r'gtt, 22. wbo has Un , la ;je hoisfital i h inCuecra for iae jrast week. Lis re:urntd to tt- Ie ta ' Gantra hsuse. riid Geology Tno4t Thursday j at one o'clock In the Museum, room 301. for a preliminary field trip. Kearney Club Meeting , Thore will be a Kearney club mee.-l tag in the reception room of the Woman', building at 7:30 o'clock on Friday. November 15. The meeting is very important as election of of3 cers will take pTace. LOST Nove'ty Parker fountain pen. Jack-Knife Safety. 3 Inches long. Valuable to owner. Return to cTTf Activities' OCce. r"r.Hn har Din.! UUSl L7i t - - Please return to Student acuiuiw Office. ' v LOST Ktnaii ieaiLr cctct sc. book with six rtags. Reward. Pbone L-7354. 1Ro6CVnl6c Scbool of 2)ancm IVcdnesday Assembly Soldiets Notice I DANCING--7:30 SHARP Tickets at Door $1.00 - - No matter what you aay "SAY IT V1TH FLOWERS" CHAPIN BROS., 127 S. 13th :: B 2234 I I 1