The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 11, 1918, Image 1

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    The Daily Nebraskan
'VOL. XVII. NO. 12G.
Kappa Sigma and Sigma Chi
Victors Yesterday
u,t of First Round Games to Bo
Run Off by This Eventing Full
Schedule Played This Week
The first games of the Inter-frat
bweball schedule were staged last
Bkht when the Kappa S!gs met
the SIg Eps and the Farm House met
the SIg Chis. Little dope was un
veiled by these performances foi the
Kappa Slgs did the expected and
reamed up on the SIg; Eps by a
Core of 10 to 6. One of the features
of the play was the work of Brown
tbe Kappa Sigma pitcher who struck
out 13 men In the course of the 7
In the other game Dale Jones of
the Kappa Slgs was the star of the
affair, doing very efficient work on
the mound.
The summaries of the two games
are as follows:
Kappa Sigma 3 0 0 2 3 0 0 2-10
Sigma Ph Epsllon. 1 0 0 0 0 4 0 5
Batteries: Kappa Sigma, Brown
and Hansen; SIg Phi Epsilon: Dale,
Reese and Taylor.
Umpire Rhodes.
Sigma Chi 0 110 0 12-5
Farm House 0 0 1 2 0 1 04
Batteries Jones and Nlckols.
Umpire McMahon.
Games Continue Today
Several more games will be played
today and by tonight the entire first
round will have been played. The
games for today will be played as
The Schedule
Thursday, April 11. 11 o'clock
Alpha Sigma Phi vs. Pi Kappa Phi.
high school grounds.
Sigma Nu vs. Phi Kappa Psi, Ath
letic field.
Phi Delta Chi vs. Alpha Tau Ome
ga, Cushman Motor Works field.
Thursday at 6:30 o'clock Delta
Tau Delta vs. Phi Gamma Delta, high
school grounds.
Delta Chi vs. Delta Upsilon, Cush
man Motor Works field.
Thursday, 2 o'clock Sigma Alpha
Epsllon vs. Thl Delta Theta, Athletic
Thursday, 5:50 o'clock Bushnell
Guild vs. Alpha Theta Chi. Athletic
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University Women Fail to Take
Advantage of Best of all
Outdoor Sports
Whether spring weather has over
come their spirits or whether they
have an aversion to the fresh air
or whether they have simply for
gotten all about the fun, can not be
determined but for some reason the
co-eda have lost the peculiar amount
of vim which they possessed during
the basket hall season and but few
are turning out to make base ball a
real go in athletic circles this year.
It is quite probable however that
by tomorrow the fever of the base
ball fans will have spread sufficiently
about the campus to guarantee a
good attendance at the next practice.
Unless such prove true predictions
are that it will not be possible to
form two teams for practice for the
numbers so far are not great enough
to compose two nines. Those signed
up on the bulletin board are expected
ot turn out for regular practices and
thus promote this the most ideal of
all the co-ed sports.
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In I nl
mm m
Aspirants to Nebraska Track
Team Find Increased Com
petition for Drake Relays
The second of the series ot tryouts
for the Drake Relay Carnival teams
will be held this afternoon at 4 o'clock
on the Athletic field. Last Saturday
when the first tryouts were held, the
weather conditions and due to the fact
that moHt ot the men took part In Hie
Liberty Loan Parade, a number ot
the members of the team were unable
to be out on the track in the after
noon. However, the tryouts were of
an exceptional good caliber then and
with the addition of the other men on
the squad the events this afternoon
should prove very interesting. The
events for which places will be com
peted will be places on the four re
lay teams and in the 100-yard dash.
There are a number of new men com
ing out every week and it looks as
though Nebraska would turn out a
cracker-Jack of a track team.
The spring football practices are
still in progress, although most of
the men are out for the different
places on the track team, Coach
Stewart is very anxious that as many
of the men who are planning on get
ting out for the team next fall turn
out now and get the advantage of the
spring workout.
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Alumni Journal Staff Requests
Correct Addresses of Men
in Service
The final copy of the April number
of the Alumni Journal goes to press
this week. Friends of Nebraskans in
military service are requested to turn
in names 'and change of address at
alumni office so that the men in serv
ice will receive this issue promptly.
Eleven hundred names appeared on
the honor roll In the January issue and
fouc. hundred additional names will
be given in this number.
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Sigma Alpha Epsilon
Gives Six Men to War
Six members of Sigma Alpha Ep
silon have heard the "call to arms"
and have enlisted. P. C. Woodward
has joined the radio service of coast
artillery and left Monday for Fort
Logan. Jean Ray started for Newport
Tuesday to be second class seaman.
John Ludwick and Pete Peterson have
both enlisted in the coast artillery
and expect to leave soon for Fort
Logan. James Calder and Gerald
Pratt are in the hospital corps of the
navy and are awaiting to be called to
the training camp in Chicago.
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Professor N. A. Bengtson of the
geography department has been elect
ed treasurer of the National' Council
of Geography Teachers.
Prof A. B. Brigham ot Colgate Uni
versity was elected president; Dr.
Isaiah Bowman, director of the Amer.
lean Geographical society, nnd nr. A.
E Parkins, vice presidents, ana
George Miller, secretary of the coun
cil At the present time there are one
thousand members in national coun
cil whose work Is progressing as well
as could be expected during the war
years. n,rtv Bond
DU7 -
For our Boys. ARMORY, SAT.
Patriotic Production Written'
by Dr. H. B. Alexander
One ot Most Impressive Programs
Ever Prepared to Be Presented
Name of Ivy Day Queen Withheld
Ivy Day, the bis annual spring event
of the University calendar with the
customary Ivy planting, speech mak
ing, poetry spelling and queen crown
ing, in addition to a big special fea
ture, a patriotic pageant written by
Dr. II. B. Alexander will be held May
11 on the city campus in the morn
ing, and a big vaudeville program,
supper and dancing at Capital Beach
In the afternoon. The climax to the
afternoon festivities will be the tap
ping the Innocents and Black Masque.
Indications point to the biggest and
best program ever given on Ivy Day.
The patriotic pageant is a new thing
and will be one of the big numbers
ot the celebration. The Interest in
the day's events Is heightened by the
question of who the May Queen will
be and who will be chosen for the
Innocents and Black Maque. Both
facts are withheld from the inquisi
tive public until the events come off.
The May Queen is the choice of all
the senior girls and to be elected for
this office is one of the most coveted
honors which come to University
students. To be chosen for member
ship in the Black Masque, the honor
ary senior girls' sorority, and the In
nocents .the honorary senior boys' fra
ternity is also one of the highest and
most coveted honors to be awarded
to a student. The members of the
latter organizations themselves do not
know who they will be and so all the
mom tonse excitement Is aroused.
The morning festivities held out of
doors on the ampus will be inaug
urated by the presidents of the sen
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(Continued on page four.)
Tryouts Will Be Held Immedi-ately--Men
are Especially
Needed for the Cast
The senior play committee has
planned to begin work on the senior
play immediately, although the class
Is somewhat handicapped because of
war conditions, it decided at Its last
meeting that this tradition should be
upheld at all costs.
Today the senior play committee
Is asking that every senior who wishes
to see his class uphold the tradition,
to register for the play tryouts. This
applies especially to the men. There
are very few senior men left in school
and upon them will depend in a large
measure, the success of the play.
Registration for the tryouts will be
made at the Dramatic Arts room, U
106, today only.
Buy a Liberty Bond
Nebraska Alumni Form
Association in Kimball
A Nebraska Alumni association in
Klmhall county has recently been or
nndAd wif-h twenty-one charter mem
bers. Paul H. Stewart. "IB. county
agenf of Kimball, was elected presi
dent; Will rivlp, treasurer, and Mrs.
Hattie Rollings Vogal, '11. secretary.
-rBuy a Liberty Bond
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nv r.poree Whitsett. Presbyterian
camp pastor. Camp Funston. who has
ioitinir in t-he city left for Funs-
ton yesterday. His wife, formerly
Miss Besse rope. '14. will remain in
Lincoln for a few days.
rv n i .i
Asks Chancellor for Terms Un
der Which Physical Testing
Apparatus Could Be Had
Acting Chancellor Hastings has re
ceived a communication from Wash
ington asking for an inventory ot all
physical testing apparatus on hand
at the University.
He is also requested to state upon
what terms this apparatus could be
Bold to the government or for what
period It could bo loaned. It Is rea
onable to suppose, of course, that the
government must need much such
equipment at this time and the Uni
versity will co-operate as much as pos
sible In supplying the necessary ma
terials and equipment.
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Seeks to Instituie
Training Camp Here
Mr. Smiley, the government inspec
tor for vocational training for drafted
men, made an investigation yesterday
of the facilities offered by the Univer
sity for training men for mlltiary serv
ice. It is not yet known whether men
will be sent here for training or not.
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Prof. O. N. Foster, a Four-Minute
man, spoke for the government
Wednesday evening at the Lyric, the
Palace, and the Wonderland theatres.
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Dean R. Leland to Leave Soon
to Take Up Work at Gettys
burg, Pennsylvania
Dean R. Leland Presbyterian stu
dent pastor of the University, is to
leave about May 1 to take up govern
mental duties acting as camp pastor
at Gettysburg; Penn., under a national
service commission of the Presby
terian church. Rev. Leland's duties at
this place are general in their nature
being to serve the soldiers of his
denomination. In this work he will
co-operate with other camp pastors,
the army chaplain and Y. M. C. A.
Gettysburg is a post of the regular
army at which no less than 30,000 men
are now in training for trench serv
ice so Mr. Leland will have a big
field to cover in his work. He has
been very successful in his position
as student pastor at the University
and will wjlthoitfc doubt find, ifavor
among the fighting forces. He will
remain only during the summer
months at Gettysburg, returning
again to take up his duties here in the
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Prof. M. M. Fogg Provides
Films of Saturday Procession
to Four-Minute Men
The State Conservation and Wel:
fare Commission is making four
prints of the patriotic parade, held in
Lincoln, Saturday, April 6, for the
use of tho four-minute men.
Trofessor M. M. Fogg is to book
these films in the leading cities of
the state, using one of them one
night at each place. This film shows
the legislature, a thousand school
children, the University faculty, Uni
versity students, University cadets,
the Red Cross, and many other
groups in the parade.
rersons, wishing the free use of
these films, should make requests to
Professor Fogg, Btate chairman of
the four-minute men.
APRIL 3.3. Admission 30 Cents
Joy to Go Unrestrained Next
Saturday Evening
Everybody to' Co-Operate In Making
Nebraska University Base Hospital
Carnival Best Affair of Season
All religious scruples will be let
down and Joy will be unrestrained at
tho Nebraska University Base Hos
pital carnival at the Armory next Sat
urday night. Two hundred fifty dol
lars are to be raised by lottery wheels,
fish ponds, white elephant sales and
auctions to go to the Nebraska hos
pital unit now in training at Ft. Dea
Moines, in preparation to service In
Every student and organization In
school must dig up all the childhood
toys, trinkets, nick nacks and play
things he can lay his hands on and
turn them over to the carnival com
mittee. Students have accepted with firm
resolution the task of doing at least
something for the only official repre
sentative unit of the University the
Nebraska Base Hospital and the
prophecy of yesterday seems already
fulfilled the last of the University
parties for the year, the Base Hospital
Carnival to be held in the Armory
Saturday night, is to be the biggesf
and best of the year.
The entire proceeds of the carnival
will ko to nurchase equipment tor the
hospital unit now stationed at Fort
Des Moines, Iowa, in a two months
period of training before their leave
for France. The unit at present has
scarcely its required minimum ot
equipment and the University has as
yet done nothing for the fifty men who
left school two weeks ago.
Rather than conduct another tag
dav on the caroDus the committee de
cided that students be given a chance
to get together in the work and at tne
same time be able to get some added
pleasure out of the giving. For that
reason there have been provided
raffle wheels of all descriptions and
auction sales and an endless variety
of fun-machines to which the students
may contribute what they consider
their share of the equipment fund.
Students and faculty members or
others interested have been .asked to
contribute articles to be sold to the
auction committee. These are to be
left at the Student Activities' office.
The decision to ask for contributions
from the students came from the be
lief that there were many who would
want to give who did not have the
money but possessed some article
which they felt they could give. It Is
hoped that every student who can
possibly give any thing that could be
raffled off or sold at auction Saturday
evening will leave whatever they have
at the activities office as five hundred
articles are necessary to Insure the
success of the carnival.
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Every Sophomore and Junior
Girl Invited to Saturday
Program of Fun
The annual SHver Serpent party for
sophomore and Junior girls will be
held Saturday afternoon In Faculty
and Music halls from 2:30 until 5
o'clock. Sliver Serpent has extended
a cordial invitation to every girl ot
the two classes to be its guest for that
A program consisting of whistling
and vocal solos, readings and sketches
has been prepared and this program
will be followed by dancing. Refresh
ments will be served.
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