THE DAILY NEBRASK A.N i.1 HH I nilVEB THEATRE Today 2:30 and Tonight 8:15 "FAIR AND WARMER" Mat.. $1. Eve., $1.50 to 50c .'KATZENJAMMER KIDS" i 1 The Most Brilliant, Thrill- ing, Homanuc rainouc Drama Ever Produced "FOR THE FREEDOM OF THE WORLD" A Challenge to Humanity Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Drew In "TOO MUCH HENRY" Hearst-Pathe News Extra LIBERATI Famous Bandmaster and Soloist 1 December 21 About fifteen couples attended tho danco given by tho Dolta Tau Delta fraternity at tho chapter house. Mr. and Mrs. A. S. North chaperoned. Tho Farm House entortalnod about twenty couples at a dance, which was chaperoned by Professor and Mrs. H. J. Young. Fred Kelly of San Antonio, Texas; Robert Itheiber, of Red Cloud, and Ralph Taylor, of Camp Funston, wore guests. ' Professor NT. A. Bongston and D. T. Plckorlng chaperoned twenty couples at a dance at tho Sigma Phi Epsllon chapter house. Con R. Graf, of To cumseh, and Lieutenant Imbody of Fort Dodge were guests. . PERSONALS SOCIETY SOCIAL CALENDAR January Silver Serpent Red Triangle Benefit party Roswilde. Freshman Law hop Lincoln. Phi Kappa Psl House dance. January 5 Senior Hop Lincoln. Black Masque party for Senior girls Alpha Phi house. Junior Class Ag School Music hall. Freshman Commission party 3 to 5 Music hall. Alpha Tau Omega Art hall. January 11 Catholic Students Club party Music hall. January 12 Alpha Gamma Rho house dance. Sigma Alpha Epsilon house dance. January 25 Junior Prom Lincoln. January 26 Alpha Phi Lincoln. Men-fcll Reed, '15, of Fort Sheridan is homo, on a furlough. Bernice Nelson returned Monday to take up her work at the Unlvorslty. Lieut. Harvey Nelson, of Camp Dodge, visited in Lincoln Monday. Earl Howoy and Donald VanArsdalc left last Thursday for 'Camp Joseph E. Johnson, Jacksonville, Florida. Genevieve Wolsh, who has been teaching In Loup City this year, Is visiting at tho Alpha Phi house. Sergeant F. S. Herman, ex-'19, of Fort Bliss Texas, is visiting at tho Alpha Sigma Phi house tho first part of this week. Mary Haller, '17, visited at tho Alpha Phi houso Sunday on her way to David City, where' she is teaching this year. Lieut. Morris Horn, ex-.20, of Camp Dodge, is visiting at his homo in Creighton, on a fourteen day furlough. Paul Temple, of Camp Dodge, is spending his furlough with friends in Lincoln. Oris Stepanek '13, whose home is at Crete, was a visitor at the University yesterday. After his graduation he spent, a year at the Harvard Graduate school, where he studied English liter ature. For two years he was instructor in English in the Michigan State Col lege and for the last three years he has been giving courses in the history of literature and in debating in the Soldan High School, St. Louis. Dur ing his last two years at Nebraska ho assisted in the Argumentation Rhetoric courses. Ho had intended to spend next year at Harvard and then to study for a year in Europe; but ho has entered tho Reserve Engineers' Corps and expects soon to be called into active service. JCv WRIGLEYS I i V j Keep your soldier or ! I Y tailor boy supplied, j V k Give him the lasting ILJaV - refreshment, the pro- ! xt fin tcctlon a2alnst thirst. ; I WPl M gl and digestion afforded j Pf llLvCii by Wrteley's. llfY It's an outstanding j l ; feature of the war ! "All the British Army j jta flfllCj AFTER EUERV.MEAti Serve and Save IT'S OUR Country V message to all patriotic citizenss and as merchants we are better prepared than, usual to help do our Bit. We own our goods 50 below market value. Hence We'll Serve You So That You Can Save We are going to make these Clearance Sales give you a substantial relief from the HIGH COST OF LIVING by offer ing you great stocks of quality merchandise at RADICAL PRICE REDUCTIONS. More than that. Here's your chance to fortify yourself against future higher cost of living and especially scar city of Woolens. i Remember, it takes unusual conditions to give prominence to unusual things, and so it follows that by doing business on the "Big Volume Small Basis" looms up larger and larger as this sale draws your attention to us. , MEN'S AND BOY'S CLOTHING, HATS, SHOES, FUR NISHINGS, TRUNKS AND BAGS, AND WOMEN'S READY TO WEAR APPAREL NOW ON SALE AT REDUCTIONS RANGING FROM One-Fifth to One-Half Off It will pay you to come ma ny miles to share the benefits. The Store Ahead MAYER BROS. CO -ELI SHIRE, Pres.- NEWS FROM CAMP Dean O. V. P. Stout received a card of Christmas greeting from Walter Hall, '16, who is with tho First coast artillery corps of tho American expe ditionary forces in France. Wallace L. Overman, '17, captain of last year's track team, and now at Camp Funston, sends his new address. He tells.qf a number of Nebraska men that he has been seeing make good. His letter follows: Camp: Funston, Dec. 23, 1917. "In compliance with the numerous requests in tho Rag I am sending my address, which has been changed since I wrote last. I enlisted December 13, in Ambulance Company 356, the same company with Everetts, Cast, Henry and many other Nebraska men. C. I. Winslow, wjio was on the debating team there last year, and who was a Y M. C. A. secretary in the same building with me, also enlisted in tho same company. There were three of us secretaries who went in together. nr 111m If Ann oa f n r n5 wn h.lVO 1 V G li AlftiG, " gone, and have no reason to complain, j The men drill for two hours per hay, i and the rest of the timo is spent In lectures by officers. All tho officers are medical men; and they lecture to us on infectious diseases, sanitation, J Grst aid, bandaging etc. The work Is very interesting. "Stanley Henry has been chosen for , the next training camp, so wo lose a good man soon. Prenley, because of his knowledge of French, has gone to Camp Green and will soon be in France. Partridgo went to Washing : ton as a chemist. It is only natural that old Nebraska University mon should make good. j "We are expecting to have a big dinner Christmas day. About sovonty guests will be invited. Christmas mail is certainly coming in at a rapid pace now. "With kindest regards to all, I am, "Sincerely, "WALLACE L. OVERMAN, i "Ambulance Company 356, "Camp Funston, Kan." New Year's Greetings at Vespers Today "New. Year's greeting from alumnae girls" is to be the subject at Vespers today in the V. V. C. A. rooms in the Temple. There is to he a special program. Vcleria- Iionnel, Anna Luckey, Edith Kobbina and Norma Kitld will give short talks. Boyd wants to see you about your printing. ESTABLISHED 1887 PHONE B-1422 HEFFLEY'STAILORS Now in New Location, 138 North Eleventh SPECIALTIES FOR STUDENTS Style Quality Workmanship. LINCOLN, NEBR.