The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 16, 1917, Image 1

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    Daily n
VOL. XVII, NO. 25.
Outweighs Nebraska Line 10
Pounds to Man
Still Doubtful If Rlddell and McMahon
Will Be Able to Get in Game
"Just like they had last year with
two men of the Bergman type in the
backfield." It was thus in a few words
that Owen Frank, assistant coach, cut
out a gigantic task for the varsity in
the preparation for Notre Dame. Just
what Notre Dame had last year is
very vivid in the minds of every Corn
husker and the thought of a single
Bergman not to speak of two is enough
to set knees to quaking.
According to Frank the two men in
the backfield of the Catholics lack
some of the speed of the Flying Dutch
man who single handed defeated Ne
braska last year, but both men are
dangerous at all kinds of football. In
the line the Hoosiers will be heavier
than the Cornhuskers by more than
ten pounds to the man.
Riddell May Not Be In.
To meet the strong Notre Dame com
bination, Coach Stewart will attempt
to assemble the strongest team possi
ble. There still is a doubt as to
whether McMahon and Rlddell will be
in the first big game or not. Riddell
has been suffering from injuries since
early in the season and McMahon has
been busy battling an incomplete.
Scrimmages started last evening.
Monday scrimmages are few and far
between, and this one indicates that
Coach Stewart intends to leave no
stone unturned that might bring vic
tory. A number of new formations
were tried and sever' ' Notre Dame
plays were looked over.
Transferred to Mechanical Engi
neering Professor L. F. Seaton of the
department of agricultural engineer
ing, has been transferred to the de
partment of mechanfcal engineering.
Professor E. E. Gracket will have
charge of farm motor and farm ma
chinery work; Professor Louis Rey
nolds will have charge of all the auto
mobile work done in that department.
Will Meet Tomorrow Night in
Memorial Hall Want All
Departments Represented
A Patriotic league of the students
of the University will be organized to
morrow evening at 7 o'clock in Me
morial hall, for the purpose of uniting
the student body for patriotic effort
in co-operation with the Patriotic
league of the faculty.
Every student, no matter the col
lege, department or year, is urged to
be present as the meeting will afford
an opportunity for University men
and women to help boost the loyalty
of the University to the government.
The organization will give the stu
dents a means by which they can ren
der an actual service to both nation
and University.
At the meeting of the University
Commercial club last Friday, a reso
lution was passed stating that it was
the desire of the club to Bee a stu
dents' division of the Patriotic league
established, and that the club would
do everything in its power to further
and help the movement.
The committee of the Patriotic
league of the faculty, headed by Prof.
F. A. Stuff, decided that the new
league must be democratic and repre
sentative of .the various student
groups. A meeting of the representa
tives of different organizations was
called in order to obtain the views of
the students, upon the formation of
the league, including the four class
presidents, Prof. H. G. Gramlich, from
the College of agriculture, and one
representative from each graduate
college, the special students, and the
Universltv Commercial club. The re
port from this meeting was " highlyl
favorable to "the proposed plan, and
the definite arrangements for the
meeting for the entire student body
were made.
As the chief object of the students'
league is to lend every available aid
in the, winning of the war. It Is hoped
that the Nebraska spirit will show It
self and bring all students and gradu
ates to the meeting Wednesday.
New Agricultural Editor R. ..P.
Crawford has been appointed agricul
tural editor of the College og Agricul
ture to succeed Floyd Wambeam, who
was called to the colors a week ago.
Mr. Crawford, besides being a gradu
ate of the State University, was for
three years on the editorial staff of
the Nebraska State Journal and Lin
coln Dally News. He has contributed
numerous articles to eastern maga
zines, including the Scientific Ameri
can, Country Gentleman, Country Life
in America, Popular Mechanics, Illus
trated Word, and Industrial Manage
ment. During the last few months a
number of the articles descriptive of
work being done at the University of
Nebraska have appeared in print in
these papers.
To Head Poultry Department Prof.
Frank E. Mussehl, of the department
of poultry husbandry, University of
Wisconsin, has accepted a position as
head of the poultry department in the
University of Nebraska, and will re
port for work Immediately. Professor
Mussehl graduated from the Univer
sity of Wisconsinl and has been con
nected with the University of Kansas
prior to his being called to Wisconsin.
Upperclassmen Will Meet at 4
Today to Plan "Pep"
Meeting for Notre Dame
The following juniors and( seniors
have been named as the committees
to lay plans for the rally and parade
next Friday evening, with Merl Town
send as chairman:
Roger Jenkins, Elmer Witte, Les
lie Ellis, William Aitken, Ivan
Beede, Ralph Sturm. Wayne Town
send, Dwight Thomas, John Pickett
Robert Brown, Robert Wenger, Wal
lace Spear, Leonard Kline, Walter
Johnson, Carl Harnsberger, Jean Nel
son, Stewart Hadley, Charles Peter
son and Ralph Thorpe.
The committee will meet this after
noon in front of The Daily Nebraskan
office at 4 o'clock to complete plans
for the organization and handling of
the parade.
The part the girls will play in the
rally is in the hands of the Black
Masque, senior girls honorary society,
which will Dlan the costuming and
marching order of the co-eds.
Most of the torches which will oe
used in the parade have already been
secured, and more will probably be
ordered tomorrow.
Social Events Cancelled
in nrder to make it possible for
everyone to take part in the rally, Miss
Amanda Heppner, dean of women, nas
designated Friday as a closed evening
for all parties except those scheduled
impost will not by any means cen
ter In the huge torchlight parade which
will march down O street, ine pep
meeting in the Armory which will pre
cede it is sure to be a memorable one.
a xiimher of old Cornhuskers who
have helped win victories for Nebraska
in the past are expected to De in Lin
coln this week-end. and they will bo
onilprf unon to dot the fate of the
Catholics. One of these, Captain "Tim"
Corey, has already been secured.
Lefler Elected President
of Graduate Teachers' Club
M. C. Lefler, M. A., was elected
president of the graduate teachers' Re
opnrr.n club at its monthly meeting
last Friday evening. Frank Adams, M
A., was elected vice-president, and Dr.
Rose Yont, secretary-treasurer. The
members of the executive committee
are: Dr. C. B. Cornell and Dr. Grace
in MnnHon The DaDer of the evening
was read by Dr. G. W. A. Lucky,
on "The Fundamentals of Graduate
Study." .
The club consists of faculty and
graduate students of education, and
l the only club open on equal terms
to both professors and students. Pn-
pers are read at each meeting ana me
social features are helpful to all the
The next meeting will be held in
three weeks.
Phw-rf Work Outdoors. All
of the freshman and sophomore classes
In physical eaucauon r j"-"---meeting
on the athletic field. The
work is the same as that carried on In
the regular indoor classes drilling,
games and sports. This Is the first
time these classes have been held
Issues Call to Employees
War's Success Depends
Upon Bond Sale
Chancellor Samuel Ave:y, in an im
presslve Second Liberty. Loan apneal
issued last evening "to all employees
of the University," urged that through
rigid self-denial, they endeavor to do
more than "our Just share," because
the successful prosecution of the war,
upon the outcome of which depends
"the perpetuation of American insti
tutions and the lives of our comrades
who have joined the colors," turns
upon the success of the Liberty Loan.
The chancellor states that he has
pledged all he could save the past
year and all he can hope to save this
year through frugal living.
Here is his call:
"To All Employees of the Uni
versity: "The future of our country,
the perpetuation of American7 in
stitutions, and the lives of our
comrades who have Joined the
colors, depend on the outcome
of the present struggle. The suc
cessful prosecution of the war
depends upon the success of the
Second Liberty Loan. Con we
not, in spite of stationary sal
aries and the high price of liv
ing, through rigid self-denial, do
more than our just part? The
editors of The Outlook recently
wrote to me in regard to the pat
riotic efforts of the faculty and
students: 'The University of
Nebraska is a shining model for
the colleges of the country
everywhere.' Shall we not now
live up to our reputation? Per
sonally I have pledged all that I
could save in the past year and
all that I can hope to save
through frugal living in the
present year, to the two Liberty
Loans. When the third comes
I shall find' some way of partici
pating in that as .well. The
smallest amount subscribed by
the poorest paid employee in the
institution may represent the
final dollars that will make the
loan a success."
"Yours very sincerely,
Professor G. E. Barber To
Speak Before Engineers
Prof. G. E. Barber will address the
engineers of the University Wednesday,
evening at 7 : 3Q o'clock at a meeting
to be held in room 206 M. E. hall. The
subject of the lecture will be "Engi
neering in Rome." Professor Barber
is an authority on this subject and
has much of interest for the student
in engineering. He will illustrate his
lecture with slides which are based on
his studies in this field.
The lecture will be in substance, a
comparative study of ancient and mod
ern engineering. Engineers are espe
cially invited to take advantage of this
opportunity to get a comprehensive
view of engineering in both its earlitr
and present stages.
Classes In Sewing Begin This After
Noon Under Direction of Mrs. '
Samuel Waugh
Because all University women were
not given a chance to register in the
University Women's Red Cross club
yesterday, registration is being con
tinued today. Membership In this club
means that every member go to room
202 Nebraska hall for at least one hour
a week and sew under the direction of
city Red Cross representatives.
Classes begin this afternoon with
Mrs. Samuel Waugh in charge. They
will not open until 2 o'clock today, but
later will begin at nine in the morning
and one in the afternoon.
Girls may register at a table in the
University Y. W. C. A. rooms, of which
Margaret Roebling has charge, at the
table at the entrance to the Armory,
of which Elinor Bennett has charge,
or at the table in the library where
Orell Freeman has charge.
All University women are urged to
register. The Red Cross needs sup
plies made. -The Girls' club has rented
a sewing machine which they will pur
chase if there is a sufficient need for
it. The University is fitting up the
room with chairs and tables. This is
undoubtedly the biggest thing the Unl
versity women will have the oppor
tunity of doing this year, and since
the work is actually needed, the girls
are expected to help
Visit Librarian Miss Jane Roberts,
librarian, and Miss Nina Schaffer, ref
erence librarian of the State univer
sity of Iowa, spent Saturday and Sun
day with Librarian M. G. Wyer and
Leaves for Training Camp-rClaytori
Van Pelt, law '20, left Saturday, night
to report for duty at a naval training
station in Wisconsin. He had enlisted
early in the year in the United States
naval reserves, but had not expected
to be called upon so soon. Van Pelt
was a student at the University of
Wisconsin last year, and so had been
here but a short time.
State Farm Crowded Again That
the school of agriculture is again in
session is quite evident at the farm
campus as there are many small boys,
big boys, middle sized boys and men
running around the campus. In order
to let the boys know that the sidewalk
is to walk on it is necessary to put up
little boards "keep on the walk," even
then they forget they are not fn :he
Football Men Say Band Big
Asset Would Advertise
University and Red Cross
With the combination of the hardest
schedule ever faced by a Nebraska
team and one of the best University
bands in the history of the school, foot
ball men have already began to ex
press their hope that some means will
be found to send the cadets with the
squad to Michigan next week.
It is claimed that the presence of the
band on the Michigan trip would not
only be a big help to the team but
would be a worth-while advertisement
both to the University and to the
cause of the Red Cross and by creat
ing more interest would probably in
the long run bring an increase in the
fund. A material part of the expense
of the trip would be raised by the
band men themselves.
Coach Stewart's Statement
Coach E. J. Stewart said yesterday,
"that he believes the chances of the
band accompanying the teaz.i to Michi
gan depended entirely upon the out
come of Saturday's game with Notre
Dame. He said, "If we defeat Notre
Dame, I believe enthusiasm will run so
high that it will seem justifiable to
send the band to Michigan, and that
some way will be found to do it."
Captain Shaw said, "I would cer
tainly like to see the band go with us
to the Michigan game. Their presence
in a big game like that is immensely
encouraging, to say the least."
Leslie Ellis, captain of the band gave
out the following statement concern
ing the prospects of the trip, "Every
member of the band has no doubt cher
ished the hope of going to Michigan;
but owing to war-time conditions, I do
not .see at present how it will be pos
sible to finance such a trip. Should
the money come from the proceeds, it
would be looked upon by some not as
a legitimate expense of the excursion,
but as taken from the Red Cross funds.
Lincoln people have been called upon
for so many various donations and sub
scriptions that they wouldn't feel like
supporting such a undertaking. 1 have
taken up with different parties the
matter of another benefit ball, but the
sentiment seems to be unfavorable.
This year we have the best band Ne
braska has ever had. I would cer
tainly like to see them help win these
two out-of-town games, as well as do
seme good advertising for both Ne
braska and the Red Cross. If the
team and management feel that they
need the band, we should be con
sidered a legitimate football expense
and taken on these trips. Our hopes
lie in the various "powers that be."
The Pharmaceutical society adopted
resolutions to purchase a "liberty
bond" at its regular meeting Friday.
This society claims the distinction of
being the first departmental organiza
tion in school to purchase one of the
bonds. Fraternities and sororities
have manifested their spirit of patri
otism in this manner and it is thought
that before the end of the school year
the majority of all societies In the Uni
versity will possess some of these gov
ernment bonds which are now being
Issued in almost any denomination, for
the support of the financial program
inaugurated by the congress at the be
ginning of the war.
One of Biggest Meetings In
Memorial Hall
Part of jQampaign Among University
Students to Make Success of
Second Liberty Bond Sale
"The Significance of the War and
Its Relation to Liberty Bonds," will be
discussed by Dr. Fred Morrow Fling,
professor of European history, and
head of the department of European
history, at Convocation at 11 o'clock
this morning in Memorial hall.
A special effort is being made
through this convocation to impress
upon faculty members and students of
the University the importance of lib-
erty bonds in the present war. The
Patriotic league of the faculty and the
Commercial club are doing what they
can to push-the sale of the bonds on
the University campus. Through the
Patriotic league a personal canvass is
being made in every University build
ing. This will be one of the biggest con
vocations of the school year. The
cadet band will be out and probably
the cadets in uniform.
Recognized As Authority
Dr. Fling is recognized as an au
thority on war subjects. He has kept
in close touch not only with the de
velopment of the war at the actual
front, but also with the University men
who are in active service. Two weeks
ago he gave several addressee at Fort
"Every student of the University
should buy a bond," Dr. Fling stated
yesterday. Many of our University
men are giving their entire time and
perhaps will be called upon to give
their lives, In this war. University
students should be willing to sacrifice
a little at least to help bring these
men back to school. An excellent way
to help is to loan money to the allies
of the United States.
(Continued on page four)
Sketch Outdoor Scenes The ad
vanced class in art sketched campus
scenes out-of-doors yesterday! The
majority of the class sketched a man
whittling under a small tree. Wilma
Winter did the work in color.
Says They Are of Immense
Value In Liberty Loan
From Secretory of the Treasury W.
G. McAdoo the following message to
the 500 Nebraska Four-Minute Men
was received yesterday by Prof. M. M.
Fogg. Nebraska head of the Division ot
Four-Minute Men of the U. S. Commit
tee on Public Information:
"Prof. M. M. Fogg,
"University of Nebraska.
"The Four-Minute Men are a mighty
and potential influence in the success
of the liberty loan. They did an im
nienpely valuable and patriotic serv
ice in the first liberty loan and I count
with genuine satisfaction upon their
enthusiastic support and services in
placing the second liberty loan. God
speed Four-Minute Men in this noble
work." "W. G. McAdoo."
Prof. H. H. Wilson of the College of
Law, who has been prominent in vari
ous war activities and who is the gov
ernment agent on the Nebraska exemp
tion board, was appointed chairman of
the Lincoln Four-Minute-Men branch
yesterday. L. A. Flansburg, '04, Law
'06, was appointed secretary.
The executive committee and speak
ers for the six Lincoln moving-picture
theatres will meet in the parlors of
the Commercial club today at 12:45.
Believing that Nebraska men
actively engaged in the war are
just as anxious for news from the
campus as their former classmates
are for word from them, the man
agement of The Nebraskan will
send the paper free of charge to
every Cornhusker soldier whose
address is known. You can help
by sending lists of addresses to
The Nebraskan, either mailing
them to Station A or telephoning
them to the business office, B-2597.