V THE DAILY NEBRASivAfi The Daily Nebraskan THE BEST UNIVERSITY NEWSPAPER IN THE WORLD EDITORIAL STAFF Eva Miller .... Editor-in-Chief George Grimes Managing Editor Vivlenne Holland Associate Editor Ivan Beede Associate Editor Dwight 1 Thomas Sporting Editor Agnes Rartlett Society Editor BUSINESS STAFF Walter Rlunk Business Manager Homer Carson Assistant Business Manager REPORTORIAL STAFF Jean Burroughs Porothy English I.enore Noble Lueile Becker C. H. Grilible Gertrude Siuires Roy Bedford Kern Noble -Ralph Thorpe John c. Wright Carolyn Keed Offices: News, Basement, University Hall; Business, Basement, Administration Building. Telephones: News, L-4S41; Business, B-2597. Published every day during the college year. Subscription, per semester, $1. Entered at the postofflce at Lincoln. Nebraska, as second class mnil matter under the Act of Congress of March 3. 1ST9. They are still talking ;ilout the benefit Nebraska will reap 1'iom the trip that the team and the band made to Oregon. Now oomvs a letter from an rlumnus in Walla Walla. Washington, who says that the whole west is ''marveling." and that it was a big boost upward.' Every student, at some time or othti during his I'niversity career decides whether he will enter into any campus activity 01 whether lis will devote all of his time to study. If the man decides in favor of all of his time to study he is making a grave mistake. There is nothing more admirable than a well-trained student, and a scholar. There are not enough of them.' But if. 10 pain this scholarly rank, a person must neglect the other side of school life the campus activity part he loses more than he gains. To mingle with people, to learn to know il.em and the best way to deal with each individual, is the greatest education on earth, and it can only be gained through mental alertness and concentration. No mental sluggard will ever learn 10 know people. A knowledge of books will aid in a knowledge of people, but the ability to make friends will not get a history lesson, or a German translation. The most valuable possession on earth is a friend, and the experi ence that one gets in campus activities, in making friends, helping others and boosting worth-while things will be an unending source of help and benefit all of his days. The time to begin is in the freshman year, and when a good start has been made in the studies, every new man and woman should enter some outside field and work in it with all his or her mieht. The ability ;.o combine scholarship and social activity, which does net mean lighter society in all of its frivolity. their ability, and the application of it. is that which makes the ideal man or woman, the real I'niversity graduate. And now comes a letter with the rendition, "yours in a bond of sympathy"! Yea. verily. Wesleyan wanted to win. and the support that the students gave the team was enviable, but not very proritable. It has been rumored that a student union soon will spring into existence. It will be the birth of a much needed institution, here, and when people begin to enjoy its hen fits there will be no end to claimants for th honor of the responsibility and cause of the plan. In fact one application for the honor appeared last week. FORUM To the Editor of the "Daily Ne braskan": Every loyal Nebraskan who helped .-end the hand to Portland, will be gratified to hear of their success in making the famous Oregan aggrega tion sound like a small imitation of the refcl thine. On all sides were heard praises oi "that peppy Nebraska band iliat plays like victory was already theirs." The band and of course the team, have given Nebra.-ka and the V. of N. an advertising that has set the west marvelinsr. So pat yourselves 011 the back for assisting ii: eivinc Nebraska this big boast upward. AN APPRECIATIVE ALUMNUS. THE DAYS GONE BY Five Years Aqo Today The Nebraska Dairy Team won fourth place in the annual Chicago Dairy Show. One was suspended and four were in danger, for failure to respond to Dean Engberg's invitation to call on the delinquency committee. Two Year Aflo Today The "Fighting Cyclones" from Ames arrived. . Dr, Condra left for a trip to the eastern pan of the state to attend a meeting of the geographical society. The Teener Society held n Hal lowe'en party at Branson's cottage in Pen woods. The Better Quality of Young Men's Clothes and Nothing Else Just now an extensive showing of Belted Back Suits and Overcoats $20, $25, $30 Something New Knitted Scotch Caps, imported from Scotland exclusivity for Farquhar $2 FARQUHAR'S 1325 O Street Nebraska heat Ames the previous Saturday by a score of 20 to 7. One Year Ago Today Was Sunday. Ted Metcalfe attend ed church. BUSY WEEK AHEAD FOR UNIVERSITY (Continued from Page One) democratic candidate for election again, will speak at convocation Tues day. On Thursdav the third Beethoven symphony will be played. Pr. Dann will interpret it Tuesday morning in Art hall. The Y. W. ( A. Vespers will be held as usual Tuesday evening, and the devotional services of the Y. M. ('. A. the evening following. On" of the big co-ed events of the year will be the football luncheon Sat urday noon, preceding the Ames game. It is believed that fhis will be the most largely attended luncheon of the year. CENTRAL HIGH OF OMAHA CROWDED BY TOO MANY STUDENTS school will relieve the crowded con dition of Central high school. The Commercial high school now has two frame buildings for the over flow olasse of this school. Wilson Del zel, 'IB, is teaching commercial law and public speaking in the Commercial high school and also in the night school. A 15-year-old is running for the 1020 presidency at Ohio state. Exchange. POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENTS t LTi I '.J.. "A The. Central high school of Omaha, which was enlarged several years ago, is now so crowded that many periods of the day, all the available rooms are in um . according to State High School Inspector Reed. The (lasses are unusually large this year, since many have been put together to make extra room. This building was originally the first wing of the pros pective quadrangle and this quad rangle was completed two years ago. J Plans are being made for a newj Commercial high Swiool to be built several blocks from the Central high school. It is hoped that this new i i ' A.' Wv.vi. -r ' -$t , i 3- TJ QMART Alecs may be c rifjit but l3 ;'cr n fooJ, hncvt vc;u".rt' partner rivo mo :;,.:r. K.'.'.t's g-;t --n:L' VF.LV: T rs i-; r.-c.,-pess ihatTvsv -I'Voycari natural i'.i 3C ,J1 - tn.- POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENTS John L. Kennedy Republican Candidate for U. S. Senator Experienced as a Congressman. ! Closely associated with State and Na-i tional affairs. I Knows the needs of Nebraska people.! The logical candidate to elect. i VOTE FOR HIM i .V J v i,,, Samuel H. ScdgwicK 01 YorK Candidate lor Re-election Supreme Judge His ability as a jurist has been proven in efficient service on the supreme bench of Neb raska. His pvblic record is his chie! endorsement AsK your attorney, tie Knows. i UNIVERSITY NOTICES Home Economics Club I The Home Economics dub will meet i Wednesday at 7:30 in Faculty hall, the ' Temple. All college of agriculture girls j are a.-kei to come out. .14-5-6 j i Leather Bound Directories i i j Stud'-nts who wish leather bound j (copies of th-? I'niversity Ibrectoryj imust notify Harry C. P.igglestone, sec-; ' retary of the University Y. M. C. A., or !('arl lia.-nsberger, business manager! of lhe directory, at once. Only enough copies of the directory will be bound : in let ther to fill the advance orders. SAY GIRLS If you wr.nt His nionogram or Kra;en,ity crest on a Belt l:uV:ie. Scarf I'in. Cuff Button, etc.. for Xmas. give us the order now and we'll have it ready when you wanl ii. fJALLETT UNI JEWELER Established 1S71 1143 O St Homecoming Awgwan The Homecoming edition of Awgwan will be published November 15. All contributions to this edition shou'd be turned in as soon as possible. Any one desiring a place on the staff should contribute to the homecoming edition. Get busy. STUDENTS PHOTOS AT BLAZEK'S i From 75c to $20 per dozen. 1306 O St Classified Advertising WANTED Gentleman Inquire of L. V. Kline, LT325. room mate. 424 No. 17, .14-35-36 , "SPA" Get your Lunches at the City Y. M. C. A, Cafeteria Plan 13TH AND P WANTED More boarders. 1535 R 33-33 i i t.. L-7432. LOST White's First Oreek book. Re- j I turn to student activities office. 32-34 j ; LOST Moore's fountain pen, red mot- i ! tied. Return to student activities' office. 32-34 fit I ake a Look inn von will T ake a for though we sell them all at Book many ore worth several times that. Look them over and pick out the ones you can use. i NOTICE OUR WINDOW Get what you want, for the price you want it, at the nearest place, the Orpheum Shoe Repair Co. For the students' convenience we are prepared to dye shoes any color desired WORK CALLED FOR AND DELIVERED Telephone B-1316 211 North 12th Street THE GLOBE water LAUNDRY We Use Pure Soft Water It Saves Your Linen Visit Our New Sanitary Plant College Boot Store FACING CAMPUS tudents Register for your music work at THE UNIVESITY SCHOOL OF MUSIC Twenty-Third Year just commencing Many teachers in all branches of music to choose from. Dramatic Art Aesthetic Dancing Ask for information WTLLARD KIMBALL, Director 11th and R Ets. Opposite the Campus