THE "DAILY N E BBASKAN L After Before For EYE and pocketbook SAFETY consult W. H. MARTIN, D. 0. 8. Professional Optometrist Standard Specialized Eye exam iner and Maker of Quality Glasses. Courteous treatment, Modern equipment, Dependable service. Tests and advise gratis. 1339 O Street Lincoln The Man of Today Is a fellow of classy appearance. His garments are cared for by H1GBY Cleaning and Dyeing SERVICE 10 Years of Leadership B6633 o Florists. 7f Seed to. GOTiliC THE NEW AKKdDW 2 for 25c COLLAR IT FITS THE CRAVAT CLUCTT. PEABODY & CO.. INC.. WHITMAN, S CLASSY CANDY MEIER DRUG CO. 13th and O STREETS GEORGE BROS. PBINTING 1313 N Street Home of The Home Style .Malted Milk TELLER'S Ujrescription Ltharmacy Cor. 16th & O Sts. Phone B4423 Alpha Zeta Entertains Alpha Zeta, the honorary agricul tural fraternity, held open house at the State Farm Saturday evening for all students In the College or Agri culture. Prof. L. W. Chase and K. E. Holland each spoke briefly and Miss Mildred Claflln of University Place gave some readings. Refreshments were served In Home Economics hall. The purpose of the meeting was to acquaint agricultural students with the work of Alpha Zeta' and to make for closer co-operation In the College of Agriculture. Commerce Department The University Commercial club will hold its first business meeting lii U 102 today at 4 o'clock. Those on the membership committee are asked to be prepared to check in to Treasurer Saunders at that time. Arm bands are now on sale at the College Book Store. Get one and help us sbout at the football rally. To Enforce Game Laws Mrs. H. B. Oberholser, the chief field worker of the United States Biological Survey, was in Lincoln on Saturday to confer about biological work In the state, and especially mat ters connected with the abundance of game birds and the enforcement of tue national game laws. Varsity Six Hundred V arsity Fifty-Five Hart Schaffner &.Marx Ian Mi Ma This Ti ade-Mark A small thing to look for A big thing to find. ARMSTRONG'S Girls' Football Luncheon The girls' football luncheon will be held at 12:30 o'clock Saturday, Octo ber 23, the day of the Notre Dame game, in Music hall. Tickets are on sale for forty cents today at Dean Mary Graham's office In the Adminis- I tration building and the Y. V. C. A. ' Out-of-town girls can secure reserva j tions by writing or telephoning Miss ; Graham by Friday night. 1042 O ST. Fill Teaching Vacancies Several students from the Graduate School of Education have recently been called to All temporary positions in the different parts of the state. This teaching Interferes less with the work of the graduate student than the undergraduate and It Is possible that the Graduate School will furnish an increasing number of substitute teachers. Music Louis P. Hagen8ick, F2042. State Funds Uninvested. state Treasurer George E. Hall takes exceptions to a published state ment that there is a large amount of state funds uninvested. He points out that $215,000 of general fund money on hand is classed as "uninvested money." His monthly report shows a total of $34,000 in four trust funds uninvested, but Treasurer Hall ex plains this by pointing out that his report shows $46,000 of bonds car ried by him as cash. As soon as the trust funds equal this amount he will exchange it for the bonds Better Farming Special. Crawford. The live stock and bet ter farming special train over the Bur lington route for the benefit of the Nebraska farmer arrived In Crawford Saturday. J. B. Lamson, agricultural agent of the Burlington road, was in charge. Mr. Lamson spoke on silos while the train was in Crawford. Pro fessor Frandsen of the university farm also made an address on the dairy cow. Stock was carried along for demonstration purposes. Many people were at the depot to listen to the speakers as well as to visit the cars of exhibits. Unique Overland Trip. Weeping Water. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Colbert, who are visiting rela tives here, have a record of overland r J ? t 4 1 ' ' 4 -i. s 1 ' i i ftt - - . t , 1 .ft "V 4 1 t ' MIRTH CARMEN, "The Arline" In the All Star Revival of 'THE BOHEMIAN GIRL" At The Oliver Theatre Tonight travel that is unique and Interesting. Their record is that of having re cently traveled by team overland from Tacoma, Wash., to this place, a dis tance of 2,500 miles. It took them three and a half months to make it. ,They traveled ina spring wagon, and camp ed along the road. They were fortu nate in escaping heavy rains and even cloudbursts that were exper ienced all around them as they trav Bostonian Shoes Classy Shoes That Wear- $3.50 to $6.00 Byrnes Bostonians are the most stylish and bet wearing shoes ever produced. Byrnes Special Shoe at $3.50 are the equal of most $4.00 and $4.50 Models. All leather, all lasts button or lace. BYRNES SIKIOE GO. MJ Cash Paid for SECOND HAND BOOKS College Book Store Facing Campus " - Angel Rood Taffy Is here in four flavors, all good. Come in and try HI THE SUGAR BOWL, 1552 o st. THE Ebb 333 North 12th St Telephones B2311 and B335S Cleaners, Pressers, Dyers For the ."Work and Service that Pleases." Call B2311. The Best Equipped Dry Cleaning Plant in the West One day service if needed. Reasonable prices, good work, prompt service. Repaint to 'men's garments carefully made.