THE DAILY NEBRASKAN OLIVEtl THEflTHE Today 2:SO Tonight 8:15 Th Biggest Hit in 25 Years "ON TRIAL" Original Chicago Cast and Production Fat $1 to 60c; 'Night $2 to 50c fir J Annlversay Week SIX CECILIAN MAIDS DUNCAN A. HOLT "The Minstrel Boys" GRACE AYERS TRIO Novelty Artists "NEAL OF THE NAVY" mm Greatest Morality Photo drama of the Year "THE BLINDNESS OF VIRTUE" It presents a moral that every girl will understand. Your business is valuable to us. We handle LUMBER and COAL Reasonable prices. Best quality and Service. See us before you buy. WIIETEBREASf COAL & LIMBER CO. (Home of the Satisfied Customer) Phone B-3228 107 No. 11th St. PERSONAL Genevieve Sanford. '18, Is spending a few days In Chicago. Julia Linn was a Lincoln visitor Saturday and Sunday. Mildred Bowers, '19, spent the week end at her home in Falls City. Margaret McDougal, '19, spent Sun day at her home in Tecumseh. Marie Rawley, "17. and Edna Olsen, '17, spent the week-end in Omaha. Irene De Maranville, '17, spent Sat urday and Sunday at her home in Ravenna. Gertrude Marshall, '1M, spent Satur day and Sunday at her home in Ar lington. UNIVERSITY NOTICES The "mixer" for Friday, October 15, is to be an all-University event, and while it is given under the auspices of the Military department, attend ance by no means is confined to that department. It is hoped that the en tire University will support this event. The Military department assures those attending something new in the way of University "mixers." Dramatic club try-outs Tuesday, Oc tober 19. See Dewltt FoBter, at en trance of U 106, 11 to 1 o'clock Tues day or Thursday. Girls who have had previous ath letic training raav renort in nlav with the special hockey squad at 11 o'clock Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. First consult Miss Gittings in her office. Sophomore class meeting in 1 at 11:30 Thursday. KVERETT ANGLE, President 101, Sue McDougal, '18, and Helen Young, 'IS, spent the week-end at Te cumseh. Mystic Fish meeting at Kappa Alpha Gerald Reck: '17 drove his new eieht Theta House, Wednesday at 5:00 cylinder Cadillac to his home in Gib- o'clock. Very important. bon Saturday. Kosmet Klub tryouts at the Temple, Ruth Odell. English teacher at the Tuesday at 7:00 o'clock. Sign at the State Farm, spent the week-end at the Temple some time today. Delta Zeta house. Lincoln Lodge No. 19, A. F. & A. M. Berry Mawhinney, '17, Lulu Shade, 'meets Tuesday night in the Masonic . '17, and Regina Powers, '18, were Oma- Temple at 7 o'clock. Work in the ha visitors Saturday. i Entered Apprentice degree. The Delta Tau Deltas are adding Palladian Literary Society will hold a Freshman annex to their house on. their weekly meeting Friday evening, Thirteenth and R streets. 'October 13, in Palladian Hall, third .floor of the Temple. Visitors will be Dr. E. H. Barbour made a geological welcome trip last week to Douglas county and later to Sheridan and Box Butte. Ray M. Higgios, '15, who is now practicing law in Omaha, spent the week-end at the Delta Chi house. Freshman class meeting, Thursday, ill: 30 in 'Memorial Hall. MICHAEL NOLAN. The Dutch Mill AT THE WINDSOR Lunch at 11:15 Special 25o dinner for students. One block from campus. MRS. E. J. BEAM AN Manager GOOD MUSIC 234 No. 11th St. Lincoln, Nebr. f4r The second informal tea for Uni versity women will be held in Art Hall Carroll Brown, '14, Alpha Tau Thursday from 3 to 5 o clocn. ah are ni orrk-s in T.inonln Wednes- invited. KS Ii.C, " 111 ''-' ' day for the Barr-Anderson wedding. Fellow Freshmen: I wish to con- Clara Powers. '15, and Helen Lif- Vatulate the Freshmen class upon ford '12. have been visitors at the their choice for president, and to ex Pi Beta Phi house the past few days.! press my thanks for the votes which I received. Mr. Nolan deserves the Blanche Busk. '17. Ruth Jorgenson, support of the entire class, and we . . ' v. ftii Kim n mali'iip Ihia trip, nfifii. is and Hplpn Johnson. '19. went 10 Omaha for the week-end. to attend the class ever. Ak-Sar-Ben ball. Donald G. Wood, '14, has accepted VAUGHN W. RUSSOM. Business meeting of Palladian Lit- the position as district manager for ( erary society. 12:30 o clock today, Be- the Grafonola company, quarters in this city. with head- prompt. PRESIDENT. Guy Thompson, '16, who is complet i v. : Mn,iinni .rturcA t Omaha. spent Saturday and Sunday at the Wednesday evening. October 13. in The initiation meeting of the Ger man Dramatic club will be held next wm u Delta Upsilon house. "SPA" Get your Lunches at the City Y. M. C. An Cafeteria Plan 1STH AND P rn A. Abbott, who for over two vears has been messenger at the Uni- ed to. " A 1 iversity, and is well known to most !of the older students, is now work ing for the Lincoln Drug company. vnrnitv hall at 7:20 o'clock. All mem bers be there promptly as there is a great deal of business to be attend- LCSimth&Bro. Typewriter Co. BALL BEARING LONG WEARING New, Rebuilt and Rental 125 i?o. lSthSt. The Nebraskan telephone number is L-8658. The number given in the tel ephone book is L-88C2. The party Dr. Edward L. Troxell. professor of jwe phone number this is is great- siinnvcd bv continual calls. K'.ua- Palaeontolcgy in tne univeiMij . - ihp iWtions of the help to remedy the situation. ciofa MnaAiim finrine the week. Dr. M o Troxell has been collecting vertebrate frtcsil in northern and northwestern jhrj,ka for his department in the 22, on .... , f.fc4cran Hp ia fl IOT- AUXCr. cnivenuiy ui .in"i. - mer Nebraska man. The Pre-medic "smoker'' will be postponed from October 1.1 to October account of the Regimental L.l. S. Football Schedule t uin hip school football team ltliVVls . . ..- Ant,inr rame of the be present , ill k v r - home schedule with Hastings High Schtxl on October 15 at 3 o'clock on Nebraska field. The home schedule is as rollows: Hastings, October 15. Sioux City. October 30. Beatrice, November 13. Lcne Technical High Scbdol of Chi The Pre-medics will hold a meeting, in N. 210. Friday, October 15, at 5 o'clock. All members are urged to News Writing Bring to the class this evening the corrected "copy" (Assignment No. 1), returned to you last week. M. M. FOGG. All persons Interested in fencing, please meet at Dr. Clapp's office this ALL SUBSCRIPTIONS TO if fill I ft S . (ft Must Be Paid tore 1 H(0iie This will entitle you to The Daily Nebraskan according to our free offer. See the Business Manager in the Basement of Administration Building, 10 to 11 daily. cago, Thanksgiving day.