The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 06, 1915, Image 2

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    , , -' -" ' ' "" '" ' 111 - I -
r.n.vura Welsh. '17. will spend the
The Daily Nebraskan
Property of the University of Nebraska, Lincoln
R. V. Konpal . .
. Managing Editor
C.'Ew Paul Z :
Contributing Editor
Percy Spencer ...... . Associate Editor
Doris Slater ..Associate Editor
A. J. Covert., r -
Jean Burroughs
J. A. Cejnar
Charles Peterson
Frank Barnett
Eva Miller
W. L. Sage
Reportoria.1 8taff
Clara Schulte
Guy Moates
John Kyle
C. L. JoneB
John Wenstrand
Vivlenne Holland
Marguerite Kauffman Joe C. Flaherty
Dorothy Ellsworth
Geneva Cheeley
Allien Eberman
A. H. Jensen .
Ivan Beede
Clay Hobson
. Business Manager
R B. ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' AB8t BuBlneBB M&aer
Entered at the postoffice,at Lincoln. Nebraska, as second
chm mail.mtter, under the act of Congress of March 3, 187.
It can now be said that the new method of holding Convoca
lion pccasionally in the various buildings about the campus a
goodone. The number of students that were present to listen to
Professor Barbour yesterday proves that they like to see the things
nn Jnt a lenture alone is often not interesting but
hen'one can follow a speaker and see what he w idling about, the
. . . r... . . - " :., On with h nw method.
at once oecomes very iuiwcuuk. -
. ; Wouldn't Walker's scheme, presented in today's Forum, be
worth trying! !
Think well of yourself. Be good to yourself. You are very
important to YOU. In you are all the elements of a successful man.
You have within you the latent force that will life you "success
ward." Don't pity yourself. Don't lessen your own value in your
own "eyes! Have confidence in yourself. Believe in your own ability
to do big things. Only by having faith in yourself can you compel
others to have faith i you. Treat yourself as a man of worth.
Demand much of yourself. Be your own hardest taskmaster. Be
determined to better the work you are doing. Show how you can
produce more at less cost of mental and physical energy. Think
pig thoughts and back them up with big deeds. You can when you
will You will
Raymond Robins the man of great influence who was here last
year is making his way westward and it seems that he will not
miss the University of Nebraska.
Last, but not least some of the politicians seem satisfied,
course, it is hard to please everyone.
The University Directory
To the Editor of the Nebraskan:
Now that it is about time for the
annual University directory to be be
gan, the writer wishes to make a sug
gestion in regard to its form.
' Immediately after a student enters
his nam and address on the Univer
sity records, his address is liable to
change. And that there are many
changes in addreises during the Uni
verslty year everyone knows. As soon
as a student changes his address the
directory falls to be of much use In
locating him quickly. Then why not
have a perpetual directory somewhat
after this fashion: Place a large
blank book in University ball in some
conspicuous place, and whenever a
student changes hia address, let him
write his name and new address there
in. And at intervals of a week or so
the Nebraskan would render a dis
tinct service by printing the change
in addresses for that period. The
book, of course, would remain as a
guide to be referred to at any time.
As for the change in the directory
Itself, the writer suggests that a mar
gin be left on each page headed
-Changes in Addresses" for the con
venience of those who wish to copy
the changes as they take place. The
change would require but little more
space for the margin than that com
monly left and consequently would re
quire very little more material. The
space should at least be sufficient for
two changes to be made.
If the plan as outlined cannot be
carried out, let some other plan be
followed, and let's have an up-to-the-minute
Mr. Orval Brace returned yester
day from Wyoming, where he has been
in the United States Geological aur
vey service since last May.
MaHon Reeder. 'IS. and Harel Irene
Martz, '18, spent the week-end at Co
lumbus, Nebr. They attended the
wedding of Lucile Reeder, 16, and
James Morse, '14.
Word has been received by Lincoln
friends from Mr. and Mrs. William
RntnmMller of New York City, an
nouncing the birth of a son. They
already had two litle daughters; Mrs.
Beutenmuller was formerly Miss Edna
Hyatt of this city and one" of the
early alumnae of the University.
Notice is hereby given as pro-
vided by Class Election Rules
(of General Catalog, p 64), that
the general election for the se-
lectlng the presidents of the four
respective University classes
freshmen, sophomore, junior and
senior), will be held on Tuesday,
October 5th, in Memorial Hall.
The polls will be open from 9 to
12 a. m. and from 2 to 5 p. m. I
Each candidate Is required to file
a written statement of his candl-
dacy with the Registrar before
6 p. m., Friday, October 1. No
candidate shall be entitled to
election whose name is not print-
ed on the ballot. There shall be
no soliciting of votes by cards or
otherwise at or near the polls.
week-end with friends in Omaha.
w..-.i ci.h hold a meeting at the
Kappa Alpha TheU house yesterday
r- n a RMher of Hastings was
JUID. Vi. "
a guest Monday at the Kappa Alpha
Theta house.
Helen Tooley, '19, and Lillian John-
son. '18, were umaoa .
day and Saturday.
II TFev'ryman
's name described
him as well as VELVETS U
S name describes it, a lot of folks
1 Know wouia ue uppiyiii y
the legislature.
Scott's Orchestra. Call, B-1482.
Student Efficiency
Attainment of efficiency will be the
design to which the University man
of tomorrow will devote ; practically
every hour of his time. ., He will be
so engrossed in his purpose that his
favorite recreation will be piat which
aids him in his quest, and only those
amusements hat furtlier his efficiency
will, be chosen. . .,
Music Louis p. Hageosick, FZ443.
. Printing that's better, at Boyd's, W
North 120."
A sorority wedding took plac Sat
urday" at the Pi Beta ' Phi' chapter
hoose, when Miss "Margaret Helen
Price, daughter of Mrs. J. G. -Price,
was united in marriage to iMt. Cla H.
Thomas, of Omaha. The marriage
vows were exchanged at four o'clock
with Dr. Leon D. Young, pastor of the
First Presbyterian church, officiating.
Miss Clara Powers played the wedding
music, using the Lohengrin bridal
chorus as the wedding party entered
the room of cerei&ony.
The bride was attended by 'Miss
Florinda Young and Miss Esther
Thomas, sister of the groom. - Before
the ceremony, Harry M. Cooper sang
The bride formerly lived in Iowa
City. Since her mother has resided
In Lincoln; she has spent part of the
time here the paBt' two years.
Mr. Thomas is a member of the
Phi Gamma Delta fraternity and his
frat" brothers were included in the
guest list for the wedding. He is
engaged in business in Omaha where
he 'and his bride will reside at 5020
Nicholas street. The honeymoon will
be spent in the east.
The guest list for the wedding in
cluded the following from out of town:
Mr. and vMrs. W. H. Thomas, and
son, Donald, parents and brother of
the groom; Miss Mary Phillip!, Mr.
and Mrs. B. A. Beardsley and daugh
ters Ruth and Margaret, of Omaha;
Mr. and 'Mrs. Walter Hughes, Mr. and
Mrs. J. P. Hughes, Roy Ward, Coun
cil Bluffs; Miss Rachel Kellogg, Percl-
val, Iowa;' Leah Shaw, Osceola; Mrs.
R. M. Anderson, Cedar Bluffs; Miss
Florence Slama, Wahoo; Miss Flo
rence Nason, Wymore; Miss Helen Ly
ford, Falls City; Miss Esther Thomas,
Omaha; Miss Florinda Young, Mace
donia, la.; Harry M. Cooper, Council
Bluffs; Miss Clara Powers, Creston,
f t
.... - ' - - i
Golleg Book Store
A Thrilling Moving Picture Serial
"The Diamond from the Sky," one
of the most interesting, exciting and
entertaining moving picture serials,
will begin at the Alpine picture
theatre, 1330 O street, October 20 and
21 and continue every Wednesday and
Thursday thereafter for twenty weeks.
Every student should see this $800,000
photoplay. Admission only 5 cents. A
cash prize of $10,000 will be paid to
the person who submits the most ac
ceptable suggestion for a sequel to
"The Diamond from the Sky." Begin
at the first chapter, October 20 and 21,
enjoy the entire series, submit your
suggestion and win the prize. The Al
pine picture theatre, 1330 O street
Only B cents. 11-24.
mi iieei
The University School of Music
Musis Diisilfe'lrt. tosttsjfo DusLig
.Opposite Campus lltb&RSU.
L-4610 A. XL PEDEN 318 North 11th
f7 Desire Your Business, Your Good Will, Your Confidence,
. Your Hearty CO.OPERATION.
We Pledge You Satisfaction, Convenience, Courtesy end
Attention, At Your Service.
Botany Supplies, Fountain Pens, Engineering Sets, Second
Iland Books, Pennants and Posters, Chemical Aprons,
Padlocks, History Maps, History Paper, Note Books,
Leather Note Books, Loose Leaf Note Books.
Student Headquarters
On the Square with the Student
! fl ff V""S T"
S33 North 12th 6t
Telephones B2311 and BSS5S.
Gleaners, Pressors, Dyers
For ' the "Work and Service tt ,
Pleases." Call B231L . The Best ,
Equipped Dry Cleaning Plant In the
West One day service ' if needed.
Reasonable prices, good work, prompt .
service. Repairs to men's garments
carefully msde. ' '.,,
i. ii.
127 So. 13th