THE DAILY NEBRASKAM The Daily Nebraskan BRUNER PRESIDENT (Continued from page 1) DEPARTMENTAL BASEBALL LEAGUE (Continued from page 1.) rroperty of THE UNIVERSITY OF Lincoln NEBRASKA J. C. BEAUD Editor-tn-Chlef Managing Edlior "?'U!e h?" Klret Associate taiior uvnu omici Becond Associate Editor.... Ethel Arnold REFORTORIAL STAFF o p vmni Earl O. Jeffrey Charles Krey Marguerite Kaufltman Camille Leyda Luclie Lyaa Bvron Rrhrbaugh Ruth Sheldon Charles Helr A. J. Covert Eftle M. Noll O. S. Hobson Phil Warner Ixulse LH'bbs SPECIAL FEATURES Socletv E'lltor Dorothy Ellsworth Athletic Editor Ivan G. Beede Wns!nem M.inaeer Kussell F. Clark Asst. Business Manager.... U. S. IXarkson Subscription price J2.00 per year, payable In advance. Single copies, 5 cents each. Entered at the postofflce at Lincoln, Nebraska, as second-class man matter, under the Act of Congress of March S, 1&7. MONDAY, MAY 24, 1915 SENIORS The Lincoln Commercial Club have extended a very cordial invitation to the Seniors of the University to be their guests at a banquet Saturday evening. This will be tne ast big social event for the Senior class and none should fail to take advantage of this last opportunity to mingle with the men acd women who have been associated during the last four years. A CAMPUS BAND CONCERT Now that we have come down to the closing days of the school year, it would be a delightful thing if we could have two or three band concerts on the campus. An hour on the campus in the evening from seven to eight, mingling in good fellowship and enjoy, ing the music, would make these last days more pleasant and also strengthen Nebraska spirit. Let's have the band and quartet for a couple of evening concert! THE FORUM To the Editor of the Nebraskan: I hope you will permit me to ex press my indignation at the libelous and insulting attack upon the Military department whlth you 60 inconsider ately printed last' Thursday. It is desirable that the columns of the Nebraskan should be open to the expression in proper form of all sorts of opinion, but it is not customary for a reputable paper to print Indiscrim inately all letters that come to its office. The law will hold you respon sible for any libel that you may cir culate in this manner and your read ers have just grounds for complaint when you thrust before them a com munication both libelous and offensive. I will not express my opinion of your correspondent, whose name should be charitably unmentioned and forgotten. I appeal to you because you are in a position of responsibility. It is your duty to maintain the dignity of a University publication. In my opinion you have been guilty of a seri ous error of judgment which can only be atoned by an apology to the Mili tary department and to your readers. Yours very truly, GUERNSEY JONES. SENIOR PINS $1.50 Engraved Free Only one dozen left better hurry. See our new spoons with Sorority Crests and Monograms on them. HALLETT Unl Jeweler Est. 1871 1143 O noon, interested audiences hearing the paper and discussing the subjects treated by the lecturers. Sections B, C, and E. earth sciences physical and exact sciences and en gineering met in the Temple theater, Prof. G. D. Swezey presiding. Follow ing was the program given In this sec tional meeting: "Why Timber Does Not Shrink as Much Endwise as Sidewise A Theory," Prof. G. R. Chatburn. "Sharks Teeth and Spines from the Carboniferous of Nebraska." Carrie A Birbour, state museum. Notes on Lightning," O. J. Fergu mon. "Loess Tlains Outliers in Gage County, Nebraska." N. A. Bengtson. "High School Physics Teaching In Nebraska," B. Clifford Hendricks. Peru normal. 'The Trail of a Meteor (with lan tern)," George A. Loveland. "Recent Development in Indirect Lighting," (with lantern), I. M. Ker- in. The Phenomenon of the Steam Loop Applied to Steam Heating," J. Hoffman. "Some of the Pedagogy of General Science," Herbert Brownell. Mr. KerlJn displayed pictures of many interiors of public buildings and private homes, explaining the im provements which have been made by installation of indirect lighting sys tems and explaining the method of in stallation to obtain the greatest effi ciency at the least cost. The biology and medicine, ethnology and folk lore sections met in the faculty room at the Temple building at 2 p. m., II. B. Latimer presiding. The following program was given: "The Invasion of a Planted Prairie Grove," Raymond J. Pool. "A New Sand Hill at Grand Island and Its Flora," C. J. Elmore, Grand Island college. "Prevention of Disease," H. H. Waite, University of Nebraska. ' Parasites Found in Nebraska Mufk rats" (with lantern), Franklin D. Bar ker. "The Legend of Pahuk," Melvin R. Gilmore, state historical society. "Progress In Nebraska Folk Lore," Louise Pound. and players at 1 at 0 D. The Co-op Book Store is selling tickets for the Senior play. Get yours today. Printing and engraving at Boyd'B, 125 No. 12th. CALENDAR May 27 Competitive Drill. May 28 Engineers' Smoker. Komensky Banquet. May 29 Peru Club Meeting. Lincoln Commercial Club Banquet to Seniors. June 4 Senior Play Oliver. Temple High Commencement. June 5 Morning Athletic Carnival. Afternoon Pageant State Farm. Class Costume Carnival City Campus. Ivy Day Finance Report Financial statement of the Ivy Day Exercises Is as follows: Receipts, $40 tickets at 25 cents each, $210.00; con cession on refreshment etand, $10.50: total, $220.50. Expenditures, rental of park, $40.65; gate keeper, $3 00; print ing, $12.75; lunches, $120.00; Ivy plant, 25 cents; fencing to keep crowd back. $1.65; stenographic work, 75 cents; incidental May pole expenses. $19.07. Total, $158.12. Senior chair man, Robert Simmons, Junior chair man, A. C. Krebs. Audited, May 20. 1515. T. A. Williams, Agent Student Activities. schedule; managers please take notice: May 24 Academics Vs. Aggies, at 3 o'clock. May 25 Academics vs. Engineers, atl o'clock. Freshmen vs. Engineers, at 3 o'clock. May 26 Freshmen vs. Laws, o'clock. Academics vs. Laws, o'clock. May 2S Laws vs. Aggies, at 1 o'clock. Freshmen vs. Engineers, at 3 'clock. The score: Aggies 1 4 7 1 0 0 13 Engineers 0 5 3 0 0 1 312 Batteries Aggies: J. Gardiner, Reasoner, and Selzer. Engineers: Hawkins. Linstrum, and McCullough. Line-up: Aggies Engineers Selzer . . . c McCullough Gardiner, Reasoner p Hawkins, Linstrum Alien lb . .-. Bauman Reasoner, Gardiner 2b Woodward Brown 3b Lyman, Hawkins Laird ss Linstrum, Lyman Zuhlke If Goetze Kelly cf Hlava Long rf Parks Umpires Cricak and Pressley. Score by innings: Aggies 0 2 2 1 5 0 010 Freshmen 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 Batteries Aggies: Brown, C. Gardi ner, and Selzer. Freshmen: Reynolds and Riddell. Aggies Freshmen Selzer c Riddell Brown, C.Gardiner.... p Reynolds Allen lb Florine J.Gardiner 2b . . .Puebler, Pace C. Gardiner, - Brown 3b Hoeffel Laird ss Green Zuhlke If Tace Kelly cf A. Pace Houston rf Ford Base Hits Aggies: Kelly, C. Gardi ner, Houston, Brown 2. Freshmen: Riddell, Hoeffel, Green. Two-base Hits J. Gardiner, Hous ton 2. Three-base Hits Laird. Bases on Balls Off Reynolds 1, off Brown 5, off Gardiner 0. Struck Out By Reynolds 4, by Brown 5, by Gardiner 1. Hits Off Reynolds 10, off Brown 2, off Gardiner 1. Umpire P. Shields. NOTICES Seniors The first order for caps and gowns has gone in, but still may be ordered at the "Co-op." Order at once. COMMITTEE. Member of Senior Class The Senior class assessments are payable to Mr. Williams, auditor of student activities, office la basement of Administration Building. It is to your advantage to pay this assessment early, ss the theatre seats will be given oct fa' rotation. The first twenty-five assessments paid will have an opportunity to secure the .first twenty-five choice of seats- at the theatre " May 21. Pay your assess ment today. Notice Prof. R. D. Scott is looking for more men's voices for the opening chorus of the Pageant. Everyone interested report to Memorial Hall at 5 o'clock today. PAGEANT COMMITTEE. Secure your Senior Play tickets at T. A. Williams' cilice, basement Adm. Eldg. ft v - r r I til s I'll mm II S wnnin itti j j AN ounce of proof is worth a pound of argyment. A pipe of VELVET proves more than a page of print. - 3DC Gifts for Graduation Will be easily decided when you see our stock Trade in your books. COLLEGE BOOK STORE FACING THE CAMPUS. IfcivoiiiyS ekiMiisic TOE CctaalUhd 1C34 Qppetlt tha University Campus Eleventh and R Instruction riven In nil branches of Rcdc. Ein&tnts mj enroll at any time. Dsjfnners accepted. Prices, rt&sonatls WILLARD KIMBALL, Director (Gifts! (Site! Gifts! WHERE r The UNIVERSITY BOOK STORE Phone B-3684 820 No. 11th LINCOLN The end is near, so let us have this final word with you: 4 We can add that original touch to your printing-. Graves Printcry Specializing tn University Minting D-2957 244 N 11th