Li THE DAI LY NEBB ASK AN i n The Daily Nebraskan Property I THB UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA Lincoln J. C. BEARD Editor-in-Chief rVlate Editor. . . .Ethet Arnold w v v - - REPORTORIAL. STAFF r- Paul EArl G. Jeffrey Charles Frey Camilla Leyda Bvron Rnhrb&ufh Charlea Helr C. S. HobMn Phil Warner Marguerite Kauffman LfUCiie t u Ruth Sheldon A. J. Covert Effle M. Noll cnrruT.FEATURES Society Editor. .pemby EU-oHh Atnieiic tuui Business Manager.. J Atst. Business aumt"-"" - Subscription price 12.00 per year, pavable in advance. Single 'copies. 5 cents each. ""Vntorw! at the postoffic at Lincoln. under the Act of Congress of March 3. UTS. . THURSDAY, MAY 13, 1915 DAILY NEBRASKAN ELECTION For Editor-in-Chief R. V. Koupal. For Managing Editor Orville Chatt. Everett J. Althouse. Charles E. Paul. For Woman Associate Editor Doris Slater. For Man Associate Editor Albert J. Covert. Emil J. Krahulik. Method of Voting The preferential ballot system will be used. The cross is to be ifuarked in the column headed first, second or third choice ac- cording to the preference of the voter. A candidate may be voted for In only one column and only one candidate need, necessarily, be voted for. Only one vote may be marked in each column. Eligible Voters Only paid subscribers to the Nebraskan and members of the Nebraskan staff are eligible to vote. A list of voters may be obtained from T. A. Williams or R. F. Clark by depositing $1.00, to be returned when list is re- turned. Statements of Candidates Each candidate is allowed to publish in the Nebraskan a state- ment concerning his qualifica- tions for office, this statement to be limted to 150 words. Voting The voting will take place in the west end of the Armory be- tween the hours of 9 and 12 and 2 and 5 on Thursday, May 13. Mail votes will be received as late as noon Monday, May 17. Official announcement of election returns are to be published in Tuesday's paper. PROGRAM ON CAMPUS (Continued from pa 1) solid square behind you In every move ment for a Greater University? Then plant the seeds of devotion early. "As a last word. In Nebraska's pub lic school system we are an agency of the state. Every citizen of this com monwealth is a tenant in common with ligious organization or pseudo-religious society can dominate the tnougni or the politics of this institution. Vitalized traditions give us also a broader sociability. All social feuds among you they will settle. Between Barb and Ftat there must be no line of demarcation. Let the balm of the leaves of the ivy planted today salve NOTICES Invitations Senior Invitations may be received from Student Activities' office in base ment of Administration Building this week. Pay the balance. COMMITTEE. .. - ; GEORGE RUSSELL MANN Ivy Day Orator this University. As such it furnishes a refuge, a haven, a college home for Jew and Gentile. Catholic and Protest ant, Orthodox and Free Thinker. This tolerant character of our scheme of education spells democracy. No re- the old wounds inflicted by Barb upon Frat and Frat upon Barb in bygone years. Nebraska is your first love. I would not have you love your secret social organization less, but Nebraska more." make the Nebraskan representative of the entire University, without giving undue publicity to any one depart ment or college of the institution. I respectfully solicit your vote for Associate Editor. ALBERT J. COVERT. The next issue o! the Blue Print will be distributed at the entrance of the Mechanic Arts building. May 13 and H, between the hours of 8:30 and 11:30. Please see that your account is paid up at once. R. F. CAMERON, Circulation Manager. Notice The Peru Club will hold its annual banquet at the Grace M. E. church Saturday, May 15, at 6:30 o'cloci. Tickets are on sale at Harry Porter's. No tickets will be sold after May 14. A. I. E. E. meets Thursday at 7:30 o'clock. I. K. Frost and C. L. Greer will speak on "Aeronautics." Election of officers. I am a candidate for the position of Managing Editor of the Daily Nebras kan for the first semester next year. Having had two years' experience as editor of a county paper and being at present on the reportorial staff of the Nebraskan, I feel that I am qualified for the office for which I am a candi date. If elected I shall spend a rea sonable amount of my time in the work and shall co-operate with those interested in the Nebraskan, in rais ing the standard of our college daily. CHARLES E. PAUL. The Dramatic Club banquet, which was to have been held on Friday, May 14, has been postponed. "Komensky Club picnic at Crete Sat urday, May 15. For particulars see William Biba, Ruth Jelinek or Cyril Hrbek, committee. Bulletin on Soy Beans and Cowpeas The Nebraska Agricultural Experi ment Station has just Issued Bulletin No. 150 on "Soy Beans and Cowpeas." The bulletin may be had free of cost by residents of Nebraska on applica tion to the Nebraska Agricultural Ex periment Station, Lincoln, E. A. Bur nett, Director. That Graduation Gift NOTHING could be more appro priate, or give more lasting pleasure, than an AN SCO CAMERA from $2 to or an IDEAL KODAK ALBUM 60c to 12.50 in Whale Grain Leather, Seal Grain Leather, Walrus Grain Leather or Autumn Leaves. See them at The Sugar Bowl 1552 O STREET Notice To Subscribers of The Daily Nebras kan: 1 have served as reporter on the staff of the Nebraskan, am now in the race for Associate Editor, and if I am elected 1 will do what I can to LOST A catcher's mit Greek letters Delta. Uosilon on back. Please no THE Era Telephone B2311 133 North 12th 8L Cleaners, Pressers, Dyers For the "Work and Service that Pleases." Call B2S1L The Beet equipped Dry Cleaning Plant ta tie WesL One day service If needed. Reasonable Prices, good work, prompt service. Repairs to men's garments carefully made. University Y.M.C.A. Cafeteria IN THE TEMPLE FOR. UNIVERSITY FOLKS ONLY Quality Economy Convenience Ileal Iltur. T:C3 t3 11:001:30 CE 7.C3. There's Zip to it, Boys! HERE'S the yell master of them all the campus favorite with college colors in stripes across the breast and sleeves. There never was a more attractive design never a better made, a better styled, or a better wearing sna ker sweater. It's a ..i-.-.;A.;. ideal for all 'round service a big luxurious sweater that will stand four years .and more of "rough housing" on the campus. If your dealer doesn't sell Bradley Sweaters, America's best Shakers, Jumbos, Jerseys, and the only genuine Navajos, write us for the names of dealers who do it will pay you. BRADLEY KNITTING CO., Delavan, Wisconsin FOR SALE AT MAGEE'S CO-OP BOOK STORE A. H. PEDEN LA&10 318 Ho. 11th WE DESIRE Your Business, Your Good Will, Your Confidence, Your Hearty Co-operation. WE PLEDGE YOU Satisfaction, Convenience, Courtesy and Attention at Your Service. PAID FOR SECONE& 1X1 AN IB BOOKS or more will be allowed in trade. :i STORE FACING THE CAMPUS. COLLEGE BOO Why do men choose different professions? Because they choose to do -what they are interested in and consequently do the best work in that particular line. We are Interested In printing. Graves Printery Specializing m Univeisily'Piinting B-2957 244 N Hth tify 5. E. Claar, or phone B-2100. S 3-1 42