TheDsitly Nebrai PRICE 5 CENTS. VOL. XIV. NO. 123. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA. LINCOLN, TUESDAY. APRIL 13, 1915. MUSICAL PROGRAM SPECIAL CONVOCATION TODAY BY STUDENT TALENT GLEE CLUA TO BE IN CHARGE Glee Club as a Body Will Have Charge of Thursday's Convocation Pro gram This Morning to be Given in Temple Convocation will be held today in tie Temple Theatre and will be un jjaal in that the program, will be given by University students. If the stwlenis as a whole support this kind of Convocation, it will be given greater emphasis in the future, so that the nnons clubs can show what they are doing in ibeir particular line. Today members of the Glee Club, but not oScially representing that organixa tjoa will give the following program: Violin -Ugende" WeniawskI T. J. Lehmer Tocal Socg of the Soul" from "The - Climax" -Breil Earl Jackson pjiao Rigoletto Paraphrase Verdi - Usit Stanley Marsh Vocal "A Song of Thanksgiving". . Alliesen Roy Young TJte Glee Club, as an organization w53 Lave charge of the ronvocational exercises next Thursday morning. Put of program given during Univer sity Week will be used but the larger proportion of the numbers will be new to tine University public WMESOTA GETS HHMJYU" MEET Business Session of Western Associa tion Held in Lincoln Sdnday Tie University of Minnesota at Xzzt-i&'A was chosen as the next sawtiEg place of the Western Inter e8uleisi: Gymnastic association, at a Imflirt e te&sion of the members held S-Biidij. physical Director Hoffer of Clikafo university was made presi Awa. D.r:or McCbesney of Wiscon sin vice president and Dr. Cook of V irrto. a. secretary-treasurer. -- ex-leaded to the association dur-1 s .... . . . : J -5 iuv niieei was voieo 10 iur rt:"y atretic board and Dr. CLapp. tT.Ury -treasurer. A comciJUee eon- jr:rr el Clapp, chairman. H offer and v-i 1" ... A. fcsrr caia.s.r earned to coa-iln fiii-r urritioicLs for chanres ia tie 7m:2zK rule. Ia several of the tattles Saturday, the referee bad to r a decision .hen the men bad Ua on the floor at all. and aU conneoea w- " sJ preventing this without drag both this and the antennae to der r: wt the ratch is scsghfc Before mine their efficiency. Later the trans si T :;Eg on Saturday afternoon, mlttitg si M be insta.1 to Utti to the boW. already barred. The plant will U "y UA over the mouth and no was one kilo. at. and will be . A tew rule was made mesaes probacy five hundred . ti leafier oly those men would The receiving et YLT.'in 3ra to compete for third place and radiograms from both the Atlantic u ... ... . . .t.Lj k;i can be caugau iirs sr ha t ai re.acnei ice stra:s. At the V.iEnesota meet Tear. ruktcuts down to the ---il will be completed on Friday tLe seini-Cnals Saturday after- t:l the Cnais Saturday night . f Girl's Club Council . The Girl's Club Council will have an open meeting at the Y. W. C. A. at 8:15 o'clock. The topic to be specially discussed is "Girl's Activi ties in Other Colleges." PROFESSORS BOOKS WANTED IN ITALY Professor England Has Received Letter From Italy Asking For Copies of Economic Articles Professor England is in receipt of the following letter from Italy request ing a copy of some of her articles on Economics: Roma (corse d" Italia 43). Dear lady: I suppose that you have yet some copies of your valuable articles pub lished in the Quarterly Journal of Economics. Nov. 1912. and In the Jour nal of Political Economics. April 1913. on Economic crises. If so. you would greatly oblige me by sending me one copy of them. I am just studying the same subject And even if yon have published other articles on the same argument. I should be very glad to read them. With my best thonks and compli ments. I am. dear lady. Yours very sincerely. UMBERTO RICCI. MONSIEUR BEAUCAIRE CHANGED TO OUYER Date of Dramatic Club Play Changed to April 24 Will Be at Oliver Theatre Instead of Temple The Dramatic Club has changed the plans for the annual play which was to have been presented at the Temple Friday evening. The club has been fortunate in securing the Oliver Theatre for Saturday evening. April 24. and "Monsieur Beaucaire" will be given at that time instead of the date previously advertised- This change wi?l enable a better presentation of the play, which is very elaborate and requires a Larger stage than the one fn the Temple Theatre. PROFESSOR FERGUSON IHSTALUKB WIRELESS Trial Aerial Already Strung From Elec- . - . l. .. .. a U t U, IritJ tnaineenng chanical Engineering Building v Prof. O. J- rerguson. head of the department of Electrical Engineering. is i&stalling a wireless outct "e Mid ffoor of the Etectncal tcgjneer laboratory, and a mal aerial has already been strung from there to the roof of the Mechanical EngineenEg buildinc The receiving t will be placed in operation first but be.ore l However, it will be some time before the apparatus will be in working order. Professor Ferguson is being assisted fcT several students who are Interest ed in wireless telegraphy. MILE MEN PICKED TEAM SELECTED FOR DRAKE GAMES YESTERDAY MEETING FOR TRACK TODAY Assembly in Law 101 at 11 for Every, one Interested in Track Husker Track Stock Jumps Six or Seven Points Husker track stock jumped six or seven points yesterday, said flurry of the market finding its excuse in the results of the mile relay tryouts which were held on the athletic field in the afternoon. The market has been on a steady increase since the exhortative steps which were taken the middle of last week to increase the army of ath letes and insure a successful season, and with this latest increase has come par The tryouts resulted in the pick ing of Zumwinkle. Scott. aBtes, and Stuart Clark to represent Nebraska in the mile relay at the Drake games next Saturday. Three of these men Zumwinkle. Scott, and Bates will run in the half-mile event. Clark replacing Deering of the half-mils four at the longer distance. The style with which Nebraska's quartet of quarter-mJlers stepped around the track yesterday was a sur prise to Coach Reed himself. Zumwinkle. sao will probably run the last 440 for the Huskers. dis played form which brought back REMEMBER THE Special Track Meeting TODAY at Eleven O'clock Bally TTII1 Bf Held fa Law 101 memories of last year's -Minnesota meet to the minds of the onlookers. Clark, who will endeavor to fill the shoes of Warren Howard of last year's four. Bates, and Scott, rounded the bend and straightened out into the finish in lightning style, prophesying a speedy pace next aSturday. AV though the mile as well as the half mile team will be handicapped some what at the games aSturday by the hort training the men have had since the opening of the season, both of the teams are expected to show up to good advantage. The Drake games, which open the Husker track season, will cast little light on the whole situation, since it includes only the two relay teams. In (Continued on page 2) PHI ALPHA TAU FRATERHITY MEETING The Subject For Discussion Will be Legislation as Affected by the Present Session Phi Alpha Tau Fraternity will meet Wednesday evening, April 14 at the Lincoln HoteL The subject will be a general talk on the legislation, affected by the present session of the s;ate legislature. Commercial Club tA meeting of the University Com mercial Club will be held in U. 102 Thursday afternoon, April 15, at 4 o'clock. Parliamentary Law prac tice will be the main feature. SENIOR INVITATION . SALE A SUCCESS More Orders Will be Taken in the Library Today This Will be the Last Chance The advance sale of Senior invita tions last week was very successful in the number ordered, but the commit tee reports that over a hundred Sen iors have not yet placed their orders. At times the crowd around the table kept a number from ordering on the davs set for it. Consequently, to take care of these Seniors who forgot to order or could not do so last week, orders will be taken at a table in the Library today and tomorrow. This is absolutely the last chance to order as the final num ber must go to the printer by tele graph Wednesday night. - No extras will be ordered as this is always a losing proposition. Only those who have placed their order and paid a deposit will be able to secure either the invitations or the announce ments when the orders are filled and then only to the amount ordered. SENIOR PLAY CHOSEN BY THE COMMITTEE Upper Classmen Will Present -Sham" for the Annual Play Book on the Reserve Desk Tryouts Soon The Play Committee of the Senior Class have chosen Sham as the play for this year. As the time is short fn which to prepare the play for pre sentment, the tryouts will be held within a week or two. The book is at the reserve desk in the Library now and anyone interested may get it there. It is planned to give the play shortly before Commencement this year. COLUMBIA WILL HAYE SPjCIAL TO COAST Eastern University Provides Personal ly Conducted Trip Former Nebraskan in Charge of Tour Columbia University has arranged a tour to the, Panama-Pacific Inter national Exposition. Students, officers and faculty with iheir families mill make the trip in their own specially equipped steel train. Many Columbia people nave sfgnlqed their intention of attending the California Exposition and in order that educational features could be so combined with the pleasures of such a trip as to secure the greatest enjoyment, the Columbia Spectator Travel Bureau has arranged this personally conducted tour under ideal conditions, affording the greatest convenience and comfort. Mr. Arthur M. East, a former stu dent of the University of Nebraska, is in charge of this tour. Mr. East's borne is in Fremont, and he is at present Business Manager of the Co lumbia Spectator, the official news paper of Columbia University. LIIICOlll PAGEANT CELEBRATION UNDER AUSPICES OF COMMERCIAL CLUB LINCOLN HISTORY DEPICTED Pageant proposed by the University Alumni Association Will Repre sent Every Phase of City Life A celebration of the founding of Lin coln is being planned under the auspices of the Lincoln Commercial Club by way of a pageant depicting the early history of Lincoln. It was sug gested by the University Alumni As sociation, and will be carried out by the combined efforts of organizations representing every phase of city lue under the direction of Prof. R- D. Scott. "The Pageant of Lincoln." written by Prof. H. B. Alexander, Is to be a product of Unco In talent. The music has been composed by Prof. Ho war a Kirkpatrick of the University School of Music. Miss Sarah Hayden is de signing the costumes, and Miss Char lotte Whedon the dances. Miss Bessie Park will have charge of the ballet. Miss Howell of the drama. Mrs. Ray mond of the chorus, and Prof. C. B. Cornell of the orchestra. The commercial club will raise three thousand dollars for the staging of the pageant. It will probably be given in an open air theater seating four thou sand people at the State Farm. The first performance will be given Fri day night. June 4, the second. Satur day afternoon. June 5. LATIN CLUB WILL GIVESHORT PLAYS Characters Costumed as the Ancient Will Portray Roman Customs Last Meeting of the Year The program for the Latin Club meeting for tonight at 8 o'clock fn U. 1HS. will consist of a number of short plays given by the members. " Very special pains are being taken to use the costumes of the Romans and to show ancient customs and habits. A history will also be given concerning Roman life. The plays and casts are as follows: "CoHoqutum a Iulia et Sulpecia." Iulia, Helen Heaton; Sulpecia, Olive Ix-hmer. Roman women of wealth. Canidia. Jennie Dexter; Sabina, Mar guerite Kauffman. maids of Iulia. "A Roman School." Septimus, the teacher, Zoe Hayes. Antonlas. a poet Olive Lehmer. Ganeo, Jennie Dexter; Sextius, Effie Johnson'; Fulirus. Ruby Hills; Julius. Alice IeMaster; Marcus, Harriet Turner, pupils. "Colloquium Passer Mortuus." Catullus, a poet. Clear C. Colden. Lesbia. a Roman woman. Marguerite Kauffman. General manager Marguerite Kauff man. This will be the last regular meet ing of the year and a full attendance is desired. In-Door Base Ball Girl's practice for indoor base ball began today. Five practice hours are scheduled, for which fifty girls hare al ready signed.