T T T V MR BRAS KAN .The Daily Ncbraskan rroperty of THE UNIVERSITY OF Lincoln NEBRASKA J. C BEARD EdUorin-Chlf Managing Edlior First AssK-it Editor.... SeconJ Associate Editor. ..OrvlU Chatt ...Doris SUier ..Eihtl Arnold REFOKTOIUAL. STAFF Richard V. Koitpal Ctra R. DwW Cbariea M. Km Marwrttekulrmaii aul 1.-raven tivereti J. AUhouss Uucile Ueyda K" v. McDonald R'.Mh Sheldon Camiil Lyi Elite M. oii Phil Warner SrECIAL. FEATURES Socletv EViltor.. AUiletlc Etlior. ...Dorotnjr Kttswortti Ivan G. Beede Basinet Manager Russell F. Clark Asst. Business Masr....tt S. Harfcson Sa!:icr!Uon price J-W per year. payjbi in advance. Sirvgie copies. 5 cents each. Entered at the postofijc at Uncolln. Nebraska, as ecnd-ctass nil under the Act of CongTess of ilarch S. 1ST. WEDNESDAY, MARCH H 1315 SPECIAL EDITORIAL STAFF O. W. SJOGREN. Editor Merrill V. Reed Homer G. Hewitt Frieda Stuff Genevieve Lowry RobL SimmoBS Stanbor R- Pi" Norma J. KMd Glenn S- Everts James A. Keaffe Jeanette Finney CarHetoa Youn? Ear.C Jeffrey Welcome to Nebraska high schools! Several hundred sUdents from over the state are mere attending the basket-ball tournament. Many cl them -will be future students of the University. It Is up to us to show them the University at its best. The Daily Nebrastam La devotios this issme to the religious phases of oar University life has attempted to make it as representative as possible. We believe that the stadent body are in sympaihy with any movement to develop relijtous ideals, and we feel that the Ro Mps" cam saiga is a decided step in that direction.. Any movement that will help us pet in closer touch auad harmony with those ahout us is a frt of our social edacataom- At all events, let us be charitable, and if we do not feel like supporting this anoTemeiat, at least refrain from say ing or doing anythir'f that will pre vent its success. If a university training does any thing for a person, it should widen his cental borixon. In so doing it Egat, to make Mm icore toSerant of the ideas of the ctter ffelltow. If bigotry t-I intolerance are despicable in anyone, they are most despicable in the educated rsvrt or woman. People are perhajts !ess to3eraat ia S to f ite Alexander amd Caesar and Na eir religious beliefs than iu amy J r,Via on the same level with Jesui their religious other, when in fart they ought to be more tolerant. RelagiM is a sahiec: tiat Totally alerts every one ef us a ub$ that each of ics thinks aJwwat a god deal whether we adasit it or mot. We are all more or tea parried about j the jarobleca off life jiartjcularty about tie spiritual side of St. As yet the whole race is working over this proMean; a satisfactory soJuliom baa not yet boeii react!. Why. thea. titorold anyone te o sere off Lis ground ia tbee matters as to refut to b i jiea-niinfled ? Relioicm. Codwct and CKaracter. The acRertton that conduct a&d char-ix-ttr are related as cause and elect womia pro-iiably gits cnchaHerigtifl; tie a-KEdtjeion that relirion is the Indis iXL21ile ffocnflatioB of lota wtflad mot. I fear. BMawlii the same rtdy ac-qc5ecr&cit- The difincSiiiatiaa ia some Cjuarters. to assign to religion a prepomfleraxt a rt la life is due I jBccl. to a false ecncejtiea of the nature cf religion. Eeilgion XiatEraEy rTpresses itself ia 5gisa creedL theoVgy and eotleJ artkal STstez&a. bet wbea i-ma re4. thc4og7 ai eccSesiardcal rr- tenia usurp the place of the living become the cerements of religion. For religion is both a belief and a life. As a belief.lt represents the most fundamental and comprehensive hy pothesis conceivable touching the re Ijrtion of man to the universe and pred icates the spiritual nature of both; as a life, it exhibits the effort of the indi vidual to realise the highest possible development of his spiritual nature, to put the highest spiritual conteut into life. If religion bo conceived in this large way, it should be clear that a man can not be "religious, but not moral." nor can he be "moral, but not religious." for. in the latter case, if his conduct be of a high order, he is clearly influenced by an unconscious belief in the supreme importance of spiritual values in life. His morality, "touched by emotion." has become re ligion. A genuine belief in the spiritual I character of life ren-.lers obligatory a course of conduct that shall contribute to the highest spiritoal development of the individual and of society. Spiritual values, the effect of action on char- j acter and of individual action on the I well-being of society must serve as our guides of conduct. Such great spiritual j values are the sayings: "Is not life ;; more than meat and the body than j raiment?" and "What shall it profit a man. if he gain the whole world and lose his own soul?"" How well the lives of Socrates and Giordmo Bruno stand the test when tried by these values! What seemed fol'y to their contempo raries becomes their greatest giory ia the eves of posterity. How contempt ible cur evasions of the demands of right condact seem ia the light of their supreme sacrifice! If the develop ment of a finer charae'er is one of the main ends of life, how can we, with our eyes open, indulce our baser pas sions, paying with the life-blood of the spirit for petty temporal gains! How can we so lose the sense of proportion and make such a botch of life, if we really believe that litfe is above all a spiritual thing? In him who belfeves that life is base, ba? conduct is. at least fcteCicihle: but for him who professes to believe that life has a spiritual content to give the lie to his belief by base condact is to commit the unpardonable sin. Conduct is the test of the vitality of belief; there is no escape from the jndgmenL ""by their fruits ye shall know them."" The fruit of religious belief should be coble conduct; the fruit of coble condjuc't. a fine character. And when all has been said, is not the acquisition of a fine character the grandest thing that mortal man may strive for? Men teav- alwajs judged so arod they have judged rightly. They have set their spiritual leaders on the highest tedesls; they have refused Ksfetra on the same level with Jesus and Sot-rate. The world lias realised fatuitively. no doubt, bnat it has real ized that the great leaders of hmman ity must not fall shrrt when the tet gTtat spiritual valre-s is applied to em. for the Mind can not lead the KM and tie great need os tte mo is fftur spiritual leaders! ip. FRED JiOREOW FLIXG. SORORITIES OBEY THE ROYAL DECREE Sttemet ef Cbediercc Signed. Bvt UndtAc of Dcscontent and Ds apcwval Apparent The niembers rS Universi:y sorori tie all bet case have again icoveJ tV-aselves cbedieat tc tie royil de cree, and by n-oon ye;rteri!ay I-an Graham bad the signed states.ents of xaoft of the SKirorit-e that cote of tbelr nembers voufJ appear at the Vogxe iarty. The reptesentativei who met with Dean Graham. Monday, did xot theniKlves cnderlike the respon sibiirry cf eigxirg for their organira tics. b-t lad eadi active i&etsber sign. By this seaac the earele ird wayward will feel obliged to keep the rule. This all seems like r.n act of loving obedience, but an undertone of dis content hovered over the campus, many of the girls declaring that it was simply a choice between their fortaal and a Vogue party, and they naturally chose the former. Some maintain that an hour and a half ot dancing which gets one home at the same time as an O-pheutn date Is more beneficial mentally and physlc- allv than the show. The Vogue party was called off late yesterday cn account or the objections raised by Dean Graham. The Vogue dance for this week has been given up on account of the Uni versity authorities being opposed to mid-week dances. H. E. ELLIOTT International Secretary cf Y. M. C. A. Graduate Ohio Wesleyan Leader in Robins Campaign Banquet for Players The "mixer" which the University was planning to give for the high- school basketball players Saturday j afternoon will not be given. The Com-1 mere Lai Club will give them a banquet J Friday evening. UNL NOTICES Nst'xe Onucron Na is entertaining for Mise Arnold of Simmons Ccllege. An invi tation is extended to ail girls in the I Home Economics course. March 12. 8 o'clock. Art HalL I Company Picture j An men report in uniform with I gun, co belts, at U. II 9 at 5 o'clock J sharp on Wednesday. Picture wCl be taen before the lecture by Lien tenant Bowman. Bring money for pic ture. Kearney Club Kearxey Ouh boUds a meeting in the T. W. C A. rooms at ti e Temple. Sat urday. March 12. Sonne Important business is to be considered and it Is desired that a large crowd be present. IlefreshiEten? w;!l be served. Kotke Prof. G. K. Link of the Agricultural Botany department will speak to the Alpha Zeta men at 7:29 la room 1$2 University Hall. Wedresday evening. Senior Foctball Team" Senior foothafl tesn meet 2t 14:9. Th5sray, for five triautes in front of University HalL Ab&jiutely essential that every rcaa be there protnp&Iy at that tiase. ROEEliT HARLET. Manager. Aoricu'tural Ciub The Agricu'tural Cltb wCl meet in raculty Hal Temple. Thursday even-1 ing. Marth 11. at 7:19 o'cVxk. Dr. A. 1 U Bixby of the State Journal wCl talk on "Worse Ibaa AgrVraiture." Every Co2eg of Agriculture man shold be Trefest- IT' JC0 MAY troubles follow you nil -rln vc always get lost an in the smoke yo ole pipe. Make Joe's wish come true by filling yo ole pipe" with VELVET, The Smoothest Smoking Tobacco. The frag rant smoke from Kentucky's age-mellowed Barley J Lcre will "mellow out" your discontent. 19c tins and 5c metal-lined -bags, IA Af Vr n IL JL Young Men Are AsKing What are the new styles in Spring Suits? It would take too long to coyer the entire list but we invite you' to call and see them. Possibly it's a little early to buy, but we'll take the same pleasure and care in showing you. Prices range from $15 to $35 Farqvhar Clothing Co. The Store for Young Men University Y.IV1CA. Cafeteria IN THE TEMPLE FOR UNIVERSITy FOLKS ONLY Quality Economy Convenience Utal Era. T0-S53 U.-O0-liS) CLSS-tf.CO. Another Discount' Sale of FOUNTAIN PENS this week. Can you use a good pen at a low price ? The store for Souvenirs and Novelties. The UNIVERSITY BOOK STORE Thane B-3C34 LINCOLN DM Yets Blotke Tiat dirtlactiT. ritsa! "Class- tiat caused comment npon lit pro graffi of tie laat dance? That ia a feature of our printing. A aac H1 U3 jem ti it vas prtnUd at riinr fl Specializing m UnivezsUviinting Printcry D-20S7 0M from - UO He. 11th 244 MX lth