THE DAILY NEBRASKAN THEATRES Oliver Theatre FRU RAT. A SAT. MAT. FEB. 26-27 Selwyn & Co. Present Rol Cooper Mearue's Big American Melodrama of Love, Laughs, Myster and Thrilla UNDER COVER" Direct from Chicago, with H H. Warner and tha Guaranteed Original Chicago Company Billy B. Van -Mercedes Dunbar's White Huzzars La France and Bruce Chinko Hal and Rrances Minnie Kaufman William Bence A. Co. The Peps Trio O "Garry of the Royal Mounted." A Broadway Feature "When Greek Meets Greek. Ensfgn Oanlbas Transfer Go. Takes pleasure in giving yon tie efficient service in the west la cab, tail or baggage when yon call ns, day or night . JZL So. 11th St Enter Any Tnne for regular or special work In Business Training. School in session all summer. Spring term, March I..."" LINCOLN BUSINESS COLLEGE 14th & P Sts. B-6774 Come to The Sugar Bowl for PURE CANDIES, Box or Balk, and ANGEL FOOD TAFFY the best ever. 1552 O ST. rami's CLASSY titst IMEIER DRUG CO. X3t2s end O STREETS HE DUTCH LULL AECCD PUCE TO EAT. special music Exclusive Agency for MARTHA WASHINGTON CHOCOLATES "Sweet as the scent of roses Pure as the spotless no. SUN DRUG CO. B2278 Cor. 14th A. " UNI. NOTICES Snap Shots Wanted by the Cornhusker staff, snap shots of Ivy Day, Olympics, pic aics, parties, summer vacation scenes, etc., by Marca 1, 1915. All Juniors Will receive the Nebraskan free of charge the last semester of next year if their subscription is paid before March 1st for this semester, and be fore October 15th for th firxt semes ter of next year. All basketball and track men who have not had a physical examination this semester should report at Dr. Clapp's office immediately to make ap pointment for same. DR. R. G. CLAPP. Phi Beta Kappa INotice is hereby given that grades reported to the Registrar later than March 1, will not be considered in reckoning Phi Beta Kappa standing for the class of 1915. RAYMOND L POOL, Secretary. All members of the Girls Club who have not paid their dues will please do so at once. The dues may be paid to Miss Graham at ber regular office hours, or to any member of the board. Genevieve Lowry, Freda Stuff, Lelia McNerney, Mable Sterns, Sadie Aber. Louise BrownelL Florence Angle, Lau retta Lord. Doris Slater, Geneva See ger. Edna Ogden, Mary Haller, or Bertha Driftmeir. Spring 1915 Hats and Caps Now Ready ARMSTRONG'S Doris Slater, Gene Liebendorfer, Ber nice Haeckler, and Marcus Poteet and also at the College Book Store and the University Book Store. Price. 13.00. Notice Company F, Comhusker picture, Thursday at 11:45, on the east steps of the Administration Building. Full uniforms and rifles. . The legal fraternity f Phi Delta Phi will meet at Alpha Tau Omega House tonight at 8 o'clock. Freshman Notice Freshmen class Meeting at 11:30 today. Memorial HalL instead of at 11 a. m. EDITOR'S STATEMENT WAS MISREPRESENTED Staff Members Pictures Will Not be Printed Unless They Work Sub scription Campaign Soon "A misrepresentation of the facts," is the way Business Manager Poteet of It AAA UUtU .Aw w . . w Lindell Hotel on March 6th. Tickets article in the Xebraskan yesterday . w M i u. i x a a. - v j:i may be secured from A. V. Kjelson and Lee A. Yochum. Junior Class Meeting Junior Class meeting Thursday at 11:20 in Memorial HalL Election of officers and other important business to be considered. PRESIDENT. .Yelative to the statement of Editor Samuelson. Mr. Samuelson was re ported to have said tha through care lessness on the part of the students the Cornhusker could not possibly be issued on the date announced. What Mr. Samuelson really said was that those members of the staff who have not been working mill not have The Frethman class will have a j their pictures included in the Cora- . . ' m - m Kt 4-n V nVii r4 n W Till ry- tr-Te TiTi T. iJ t fi a class meeting Thursday morning ia Law 101 at 11 o'clock. LE BAS, President Pershing Rifles Attention Initiation and medal spelldown Thursday. February 25. All Persuings out Eats. i. E. ALLISON, Captain. busker staff photograph, and that other persons would be appointed to the staff In their places. But loafing aides are not all that Mr. Samuelson has to contend with. A number of organizations "hare neg lected to attend to the matter of snap shots. These snapshots were intended for the pages opposite the group u Notice photographs or tue ira termites or Company H will have the picture for ( sororities. Should not enough material tbe Cornhusker taken at 5 P- m. Tbursbe turned in before this evening or day (today). Cadets are to assemble early enough tomorrow morning to in uniform with guns and equipment at catch the Omaha train, the pages will the east entrance of the Armory. Don't fail to report CAPT. A. J. COVERT. Attention All "B" Company men out for oof- pany picture Thursday, February 25. Fall In at the east end or Armory at 11:20. Full uniforms, guns, and no belts. Komentky Club meeting in Union Hall. Temple, Saturday, February 27, evening. PRESIDENT. be run blank. In the event that pic tures or space contracted by organi zations or individuals is not paid at Town send's by Friday night at o'clock the pictures will not' go in tbe book. While not dismising reporters and contradicting published stories, this disgruntled pair is making plans for tbe subscription campaign, which be gins March 4. Boy May Graduate From College at 15 Los Angeles. Cal. When Raymond Ray walks into tbec lass room at Hollrwood high school tomorrow te. ..h t Faculty Hall, morning to take his seat with tbe Ag. CUD s. 1 Ml .rv,- Temple, 7:30. Meeting of the Junior Prom commit tee An U. 102 at 11 a. sl, Thursday. Important. PAUL N. TEMPLE. Junior Prom tickets may be obtained ft. foHowinc: Paul Temple. sophomore class be will attract some attention. He Is 8 years of age and perhaps the youngest high school sophomore in the world. He is not a prodigy nor a phenom enon, but if be continues to progress as regularly as be has in tbe past be will enter college before be is 32. and mar get bis degree at 15. Ray- . . - Jf . , r.m r m A n r.r I t u r- nav Burke Taylor, Kelt KiiKT. AnDurj"w". - Clue, mum Frerl Harold Bclwake, aLi ill tatber m clerfjmaa. THE University School ofMusic Established 1894 Opposite the University Campus Eleventh and R Iaitrnction fiven In aU branches of music" Students nay enroll at any time. Beginners accepted. Prices reasonable WILLARD KIMBALL, Director - it' 'B-m. M AL. DBMni C" v mJt ri!lr mj n't nrutM. '1 htirk. beavy aiid warm smart ump iiUi&g And well tailored will outlut the The BradJey Shaker is iHostrated a fine all-aroTADd, deirendable sweater that will staiid all you can give it, arid more. The Bradley Navajo Shaker Las a Navajo border deftly knitted in collar and around bottom in your college colors. If your dealer doesn't sell Bradley Sweaters, write us for the names fdealers who do. Make a tand for a "Bradley." It will pay you. Bradley Kniiflng Go. DeLavan, "Wis. FOR SALE AT MAGEE'S