THE nAILY NEBRASKAN 'i . i The Dally Nebraskan Proppi'iy of XI IK UN1VEHSITY OK N EUR A SKA Lincoln J. C. HKAKD Kdttor-in-Chtcf Managing Kdltor .... OnrUle Ohatt Roi-oiHl Associate Editor.... Kthol Arnold UKFOUTOR1 AIj STAFF J. U Giffen MurKuertteKnuffniftn VrSTw i;ri,neKrT.,otrro.1.r J,"?' ,?ui 3. 1 . Vra von Kveroft J. Althouse V,mUe,JlVlkr S'r. Jamei A. McEachcn Richard V. Koupal RrFClAb FEATURES m.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.ivn U. Subscript on pr ce ;.v, , Single copies, & cents each. LAST SEMINAR (Continued fro" u,y56,,,,6-'rl-- are for the better, and expects the Huskers to put "P tne best Kame of the season tonight. Loyal Cornhusk ers are planning to make the Holy City en masse this evening, to see that the program goes oft properly. The lineup of the two teams follows: Nebraska Wesleyan Gardner, Theisen r.f Hussey Milliken, Campbell 1. f Kline Shields c Hughes Sheldon, Rutherford ... r. g Johnson Hugg 1. P- H. Vifquain (C.) "Vntered at the postofllce nt Unroln, 179. . FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 5. 1915 "Study, and study hard. But never let the thought enter your mind that study alone will lead you to the heights of usefulness and success." Grover Cleveland. Many students make the mistake ol thinking that a college education should result in the accumulation of a vast store of facts and that all their time should be spent in the gathering and absorbing of this material. There is another class who believe that a college education means four years of theatre parties, dances, midnight lunches and other recreations at fathers expense, with just enough study to make the profesors think they know something about the sub ject. Both classes are doing their parents, their friends, and themselves an injustice. Our studies should, of course, be the primary consideration while here, but we can learn much from a good theatre or a good sermon. We need the inspiration of music and should not fail to use every oppor tunity for cultivating an appreciation of the best music. "We need to culti vate friendships through the medium of social functions. The college man who has no friends, even though he may earn a Phi Beta Kappa, is a failure. We study the languages and sciences and arts for years, but if we have not learned to know and appre ciate and serve our fellow men we have not yet learned how best to live. The student needs a touch of the practical along with the theoretical. If anyone in the world should be open minded surely the student should be. He needs to see the world from dif ferent angles and different points of view. He can only do this by a diver sified experience and contact with the better things wherever they may be. Texas Seniors Wear Toga According to a recent issue of the Daily Texan, the senior girls will ap pear on the campus Tuesdays and Fridays attired in black three-cornered c-aps with frilling tassels and long flowing gowns peculiar to academic dienitaries. The men will wear Wind sor ties and swing short brown canes with sterling silver knobs. A vigilance committee composed of several mem bers of the class has been appointed to see each member of the class and inauire if they have purchased and are wearing the requisite parapher nalia. ELECTION NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the general election for selecting the presidents of the four respective University classes (Freshman, Sophomore, Junior and Senior). the Ivy Day orator, and editor-in- chief, managing editor and busi- ness manager of the Cornhusker, will be held on Tuesday. Febru- ary 16th. in Memorial Hall. The polls will be open from 9 to 12 a. m. and from 2 to 5 p. m. Each candidate is required to file a written statement of his can- didacy with the Registrar before 5 p. m., Friday. February 12th. No candidate shall be entitled to election whose name is not print- ed on the ballot. There shall be no soliciting of votes by cards or otherwise at or near the polls. N VANCIL K. linrJCiK, Registrar. HALLETT'S SERVICE is prompt accurate and rea sonable. Broken lenses duplicated. Eye-Glass and Spectable Frames repaired and adjusted at once. MALLET a Unl Jeweler Etb. 1871 11 O n. m. See Mrs. Raymond. Temple, 4 to 5 p. m., Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, for any detailed information desired. Junior and Senior Pictures All Juniors and Seniors who do not approve their proofs before Friday will forfeit the money which they have already paid. These pictures are going to the engravers Saturday. COR NH USKER M A NAG EM ENT. Snap Shots Wanted by the Cornhusker staff, snap shots of Ivy Day, Olympics, pic nics, parties, summer vacation scenes. etc., by Marcii 1. 1915. Junior Notice Meeting of the Junior debate com mittee and all intending to try out for the class team today at 11 o'clock in U. 107-D. Important. C. S. HOBSON, Chairman. Notice All Senior girls out to the party Sat urday afternoon, February 6, at 2:30 o'clock. Ten cents charge. This is for every Senior girl in the University. All basketball and track men who have not had a physical examination this semester should report at Dr. Clapp's office immediately to make ap pointment for same. DR. R. G. CLArT. CALENDAR Regular Chorus Regular chorus work, Monday. Wednesday and Friday, 5 to 6 p. m.. In the Temple. Registration maans free admission to all concerts of the Dam rosch Symphony Orchestra of New York, which is coming for the May Festival. See Mrs. Raymond, Temple, 4 to 5 p. m., Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Friday Sigma Chi formal Lincoln. Sigma Phi Epsilon dance Rose- wild. Delta Delta Delta dance Music Hall. Delta Tau Delta house dance. Silver Lynx dance Art Hall. Palladian Society Temple, 8:15 p. m. Union Society Temple, 8:15 p. m. Senior Girls Attention Senior girls' party Saturday after noon in Music Hall. Watch the Ne braskan for further notices. Latin Club All members of the Latin Club be at Townsend's Saturday at 1 p. m. Saturday Senior girls' party Music Hall, afternoon. Freshman "mixer" Armory, 8:15 p. m. Sigma Chi banquet Lincoln. Senior Prom Lincoln. Komensky Club dance Music Hall. Tegner Y. W. C. A., 8:15 p. m. Coraus Club dance Art Hall. UNI. NOTICES All Juniors Will receive the Nebraskan free o charge the last semester of next year if their subscription is paid before March 1st for this semester, and be fore October 15th for the first semes ter of next year. Kearney Club Kearney Club meets for a social session at the Y. W. C. A.. Friday evening, February 5, at 8:00 o'clock, Election of officers for the new semes ter will be held, and all "Kearneyites" are urged to be present. Notice Organizations must be in by Febru ary 9 1915. If you are a member of an organizaticn bring this to your president's notice. CORNHUSKER MANAGEMENT Special Chorus Special chorus for men meets every Monday evening at 7 o'clock in Music Hall. Registration for this gives credit equivalent to the regular chorus work Monday and Wednesday at 5 Unions, Notice! Picture taken at Townsend's, Sat urday, 2:00 o'clock. All members urged to be there. The Pre-medic Society meets today at 5, in N. 210, to make plans for the rest of the year. Everyone out. Anyone desiring may register for chorus during this coming week. Ar rangements have been made whereby anyone may register but registration will last but a few days longer, so do so now. Gymnasium lockers will be reas signed to students wishing to retain the locker held last semester, today as follows: 11 a. m. to 12 m., and 4 p. m. to 5 p. m. Other students will be assigned lock ers at these hours as long as vacant lockers are available. Students who are holding lockers assigned last semester will be allowed until 6:00 tonight to re-sign for same or re move their locks. After this time locks will be cut from all such lockers. The Sign Language "What." asked the Sunday school teacher, "did Samson kill a thousand Philistines with?" No answer. The teacher tapped his jaw. "With the jawbone of an ass." shor.led the chorus. Lehigh Burr. WANTED Young man to tend fur nace for room. Townsend's Studio, 221 So. 11th St. FOR SALE Good drill suit for six foot man of medium weight Call 1228 S. ' 80-85-53 0 npOBACCO and pipes are fiddles. Only th' best of 'cm live to grow old with that mellow touch o' age like VELVET. In VELVET the taste and fragrance that Nature puts Into An Lux: is brought out to the full v iih that aK'cd-.n-the-wcHxi mellowness that " makes VELVET the Smoothest Tobacco. 10c tins and 5c 11 metal-lined bag. .Jbfl, U 11 SPECIA Clean-up of SKIRTS and WAISTS These waists and skirls were offered Monday and du- lo bad weather conditions, we will have pood assortments for thos. who come Friday or Saturday. DRESS SKIRTS Includes the popnlor colors and materials. Lot 1 Skirts that were : 5.00, 5.75, 6.50 and 6. 75 for Lot 2 Skirts that were : 7.50, 8.00, 8.50 and 10.00 for 2.00 re: 3.00 Lot 3 Skirts that were : 12.50, 13.50, 15.00, 16.50, 17.50 fr.18M 4.00 SILK WAISTS Includes Silk, and Crepe 1 Chine Waists for afternoon and evening wear. Lot 1 Waists that were: 3.00, 3.75, 3.90 and aa 4.00 for ,UU Lot 2 Waists that were: 5.00, 5.75, 6.00 and y aa 6.50 for O.UU Lot 3 Waists that were : 7.50, 8.00, 8.50, 9.50, 10.00 and r 4.00 Second Floor. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY A Classy Job Graves Printery of printing has the same effect as a good personal appearance, It creates a favorable attitude on the part of your guests. Specializing in University 'Printing D-2957 244 N 11th THE University School cf Music EUblUhd 1894 Opposite the University Campus Eleventh and R Instruction tfven in all branches of music Students m7 nroll at any time, Betf nners accepted. Prices reasonable WILLARD KIMBALL, Director