1 THE DAILY NEB AS KAN if II Hi I 3 r: I :? '"J I A M if if I he Dally Nebraskan Property of TUB UNIVERSITY OF Lincoln NEBRASKA C. A. SORENSDN Editor-in-Chief ArtJnir Manne-ine Editor. . . . R. V. Koupal AMOciate Editor U O. Chatt REPORTORIAL STAFF Ivan O. Lined Irving T. Oberfelder J. C. Beard Lester Zook Everett J. Altnoua iora oiaier F. W. McDonald Mars'. Kauffman E. GrabiU Charles M. Frey J. R. Glassey W. Jacobsoh J. L. Giffln Harold G. King James A. McKachen Bennett C. Vlg T. W. McMIUlan Laiclle Leyda SPECIAL FEATURES Whoi Who. , Silas Bryan Lorena Bixby Cam! lie Leyda Dorothy Ellsworth Cartoonist Charles Mlsko Athletics Henry Kyle Business Manager Frank S. Perkins Asst. Business Manager.. Russell F. Clark Subscription price $2.00 per year, payable in advance. Single copies, 5 cents each. Entered at the postofflce at Lincoln, Nebraska, as second-class mail matter under the Act of Congress of March 8, 1879. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 15 Be sure you put your feet In the right place, then stand firm. Lincoln. Don't long for "pull" or Influence with which to get a start in the world Self reliance, not leaning, develops strength. FOUR-FLUSHING Four-flushing is a popular form of fraud and deception. .Cook and Ftied- mann are the well-known heroes of this art. Their followers are many. Four-flushing is possible because in the whirl and rush of modern life peo ple necessarily have to judge one an other by outward appearances. To be successful in this highly developed art of appearing to be what you are not requires skill and a knowledge of human nature. That truism about being true to yourself must, be dis carded as out-of-date. It matters not whether you have the gold or not just so you have the glitter. The one test of this form of chi canery is, "Did you get by with ltr "Did you put it across?" The only crime against the profession lies in getting caught. One who wished to write a thesis on this 'subject could find a rich field in the University. Wide-awake stu dents with not too high a regard for sincerity have earned reputations of being Intellectual, of being rich, of be ing society favorites by four-flushing and getting away with it. Scott's Orchestra. B-4521. Call B 1482 or Classified Column MODERN ROOMS Within one block of campus. Only nine and ten dol lars. Call L5593, 1240 S street. 02-64-7 FOR SALE Encyclopedia Britannlca, flexible leather, Indian paper, $135 cash, or $17.50 for 8 months, or $15 for 10 months. Messages and Papers of the Presidents, in half morocco, 11 volumes, $35. E. A- Boostrum. Stroms burg, Nebraska. 60-64-6 FOUND A pocketbook. Inquire at Station A. 60-63 LOST Slide rule. Name In leather case. Reward If returned to H. C. Phillips. B-2C83. LOST-n night of "Mixer.- in Girl's Gym, large filigree brooch. Please return to Nebraskan office. 62-64-9 LOST A bunch of keys. Return to Nebraskan office. 62-64-8 THE DUTCH MILL A 6GC0 PLACE TO EAT. special music OUTING'S HONOR-ROLL (Continued from page 1) Dobbins, Sewanee. Guards ' ' White, Syracuse." Pennock, Harvard. Chapman, Illinois. Shenk. Princeton. Centers Des Jardlen, Chicago. Rosenthal, Minnesota. Cool, Cornell. . Raynsford, Michigan. Journeay, Pennsylvania. Pitts, Auburn. . Halfbacks Rutherford, Nebraska. Chamberlain, Nebraska. Maulbetsch, Michigan. Rose, Syracuse. Bradlee, Harvard. Mahan, Harvard. Knowles, Yale. Moore, Princeton. Toolan, Williams. Mayer, Virginia. Gray, Chicago. Macomber, Illinois. Pogue, Illinois. Sikes, Vanderbilt. Wilkenson, Syracuse. Tolly, Sewanee. Taylor, North Carolina. Quarterbacks Logan, Harvard. Click, Princeton. Tow, Amherst. Prichard, Army. Paddock, Georgia. Curry, Vanderbilt. Wilson, Tale. Goocb, Virginia. Russell, Chicago. Clark, Illinois. Barrett. Cornell. Hnghitt. Michigan. Gross,' Iowa. Hightower, Northwestern. Pickerel, Ohio State. I i. f ' 4 t-- ' r.-y ESTER ADABERTO, DRAMATIC 80PRANO, WHO WILL APPEAR AS "CARMEN-IN AT THE "CARMEN " OLIVER TONIGHT SAN CARLO GRAND OPERA Fullbacks , Calac, Carlisle. Whitney, Dartmouth. Kenan. Wesleyan. Legore, Tale. Philippi, Cornell. Benfer, Albright Solon, Minnesota. Graf, Ohio tSate. Brickley, Harvard. Men so marked were on the honor list for 1913. All the men on the above list were named as worthy of special mentloa by at least two prominent coaches who have seen them in action. BOARD OF REGENTS INCLINED TO WAIT Not in a Hurry to Make Decision on Buildings Next Meeting on Charter Day The University Board of Regents seems less Inclined to hurry its decis ion in the matter of the campus ex tension than professors and students would wish them to do. The Regents have returned from their trip to the neighboring universities which they visited to get some ideas for the future campus of 'Nebraska, and perhaps are resting for the meeting that will prob ably be rather strenuous. The date for the next regular meeting is on Charter Day, February 15. It is quite likely, however, that the Regents will convene In January a short time after the opening of the session of the state legislature. That doesn't worry us a bit, but ver since we read in the Journal that dancing on roller skates is going to be the thing, we have been working on a parody to be entitled "The Face on the Ballroom Floor." Minnesota Daily. .... Kguxy-' - f , V'V: ( ... . ,. OU judge I his teeth, a tobac co's by its lack of 'em. Two years' agein takes the, "teeth" out wlve In the slow, careful curing of VELVET-, The Smoothest Smoking Tobaccois seen the result of more than 30 years experience of the world's larjrest tobacco manufacturer. This curing makes VELVET a slow burning, biteless smoke, which- combines the famous pipe qualities of Kentucky's Burley it Luxe with an ajred-in-the-wood mel lowness. 10c tins and 5c metal-lii d bajjs." Have you begun your shopping? Christmas is almost here. See our new things The UNIVERSITY BOOK STORE Phone B-3684 - niversity School of Music Established 1894 Opposite tho University Campus Eleventh and R Instruction tfven in all branches of music. Students maj nroll at any time. Beginners accepted. Prices reasonable WILLARD KIMBALL, Director THE Telephone B2311 333 North 12th St. ill IK Gifts That Are Different are to be found in our stock of Christmas Novelties. Calendars and Art Panels, Gift Books, and Greeting Cards, all tasty and surprising ly low priced. Graves Printery University Y.M.C.A. Cafeteria IN THE TEMPLE FOR UNIVERSITY FOLKS ONLY Quality Economy Convenience Utal Hour 7.-00 8:30 11:00 1:30 6.307.00. a hoss's age by 3 310 No. 11th THE Cleaners, Pressors, Dyers For the "Work and Service that Pleases." Call B2311. The Best equipped Dry Cleaning Plant .in the West One day service if needed. Reasonable Prices, good work, prompt service. Repairs to men's garments carefully made. Specializing in University sPzinting 0-2957 244 M 11th L 1CJ 1! 1 "m