THEATRES Oliver Theatre 6 Days Com. Mon. Mat., Oct. 26 D'Annunzlo'B Masterwork CABIRIA $0,000 Production Cast of 6.000 People . wice Daily. 2:30 and 8:15 Prices Mat., and seat, 25c Nights, Reserved 50c, 35c and 25c Tuet., Oct. 27 Only 'GARRISON'S FINISH' Race Track Drama In Three Acts 'GOODBYE SUMMER' Featuring Norma Talmage "SHE LANDED A BIG ONE" "KATSURA RIVER, JAPAN" THE PATHE DAILY Oct. 26, 27, 28 SIX RUSSIAN DANCERS In Native Dances ESPE AND PAIL Comedy Entertainers PHOTO PLAYS "The Beloved Adventurer "The Girl in the Case" European War and Other Events TED ny UBIK !'( LEAH 1 LAD LOTHES Cleaning, Pressing, Repairing and Alterations. Will call for. and deliver. Authorized agents for Royal Tailors of Chicago and New York. "For thi Students, by llw Students" 510 N. 14th B1294 REMEMBER US FOR SHOES & SHOE REPAIRS 140 No. 11th St., Two Blocks South of Campus THE N. U. SHOE STORE Ambrosia's Chocolate Frapped Creams "Food for th God-" SUIN DRUG CO. Or Hth A M Nw Telephone Bldg. "Ask Your Physician About Us" LUNCHEONETTES jBRESCmPTION 11 HARMACY Cor. 16th & 0 Sts. Phone B 4423 Students' Hallowe'en Masquerade Ball FrL, Oct 30, 8:30 P. M. HAMPTON'S . ORCHESTRA UXCOLM DiKCIXG ACADEMY C. E. Bullard, U. of N. "02" Manager LM77 1124 N ST. Society Column LorenA L. Bizby CuntiU Leyd Dorothy EJswoiih Miss Louise Dusatko whs a week end visitor in Lincoln. Miss Ruth Evans of Falrbury was a week-end guest at the Alpha Phi house. Martha and Ella Bucher of Colum bus visited friends in Lincoln during the week-end. Dorothy Keens, who has just recov ered from a light case of smallpox, is now back in school. Miss Alma Blandin and Miss Do.a Kidd were week-end visitors of Neoma Kldd and Betty Walker. Miss Mary Graham, dean of women, is in Omaha at present. She will re turn in two or three days. Miss Laberta Dysart was a week end visitor in Lincoln. She is teach ing in Broken Bow this year. Elizabeth Scott of Ashland and Helen Thomas of Kearney have been visiting at the Kappa Kappa Gamma house. Miss Gladys Bitver and Miss Lucile Armstrong of the University of Kan sas, have been visiting at the Chi Omega house. Sigma Phi Epsilon gave a dancing party at the chapter house Saturday night for about twenty couples. Mrs Jackson chaperoned. Margaret Fugit of Humboldt, Iowa, and Maude Galley of Columbus, Nebr., , satiirHnv nnd Sundav at the jitlV fcvv-- v Delta Gamma house. Ingman Peterson, arhcitectural en gineer, who is out of school temporar ily because of ill health, spent the week-end in the city taking in the Michigan game. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Shaw, Mrs. Margaret Volbehr and Mr. and Mrs Dennis Bishop of Superior drove to Lincoln in an automobile Saturday to attend the football game. The following members of Alpha Phi spent the week-end out of town: Miss Irene Johnson and Miss Elsa Haarmann, Omaha; Marie McKee, Aurora, and Helen Ileaton, Wnhoo. Visitors at the Alpha Theta Chi house last week were Ralph Sweeley, Buol of Randolph, Paul Roberts of Maxwell, Ward Rubendall of Alliance, and Randall Curtis. Theodore Israel and Joseph Weeth of Omaha. The engagement' of Frank Paul Manchester, '02, to Miss Charlotte Ilendrlcksen of Omaha has been an nounced by Mrs. Hcleue Hehdricksen. The wedding will take place at the home of the bride, Tuesday evening, November 3.' Mr. Manchester is a resident of Omaha. Harry W. Thorndike, a former stu dent at the University of Nebraska, was married to Miss Ada M. Butler at the home of the bride's mother at Cambridge last week. Mr. and Mrs. Thorndike are spending-their honey moon in Iowa and Illinois. They will make their home at Cambridge, where Mr. Thorndike is in business with his father. Miss Dora Babcock of Columbus, who attended the University School of Music for three years, was married to W. R. Ewing at Chicago, Friday. Mr. Ewing was a member of Phi Gamma Delta at Purdue. Mr. and Mrs. Ewing will make their home in Chicago. Mrs- Ewing is a sister of F. L. Bab cock, Alpha Sigma Phi, who is now attending the University. sssrf" The alumnae of the Delta Zeta so rority gave a dancing party Friday night in Walsh hall in honor of their freshmen. About thirty-five couples attended. The chaperones Were Pro fessor and Mrs. Fogg, Mrs. Stratton and Mrs. Stugart. Sarah Yost, who is teaching in Dorchester this year; Mollie Cameron, who is teaching in Brock, and Alice Balderson of Wilber came to Lincoln for the party. Miss Lauretta Spencer and Lloyd H. Jordan of Gordon, Nebr., will be mar ried" at the home of the bride in Barneston, Nebr., Wednesday. Mr. Jordan graduated fro mthe law school last year and is a member of Delta Chi. Miss Spencer studied music at the University last semester and is a member, of Alpha Chi Omega. Mr. and Mrs. Jordan will live in Gordon, where Mr. Jordan Is practicing law. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Stevens of Fre mont have announced the approach ing marriage of their daughter Estelle to Mr. Benjamin Harrison of Omaha, to take place on the evening of No vember 11. The wedding will be quiet, attended only by a few relatives and close friends. Miss Stevens at tended University for three years and is a member of the Alpha Omicron Pi sorority. Mr. Harrison graduated from the University last year and is a member of Phi Kappa Psi fraternity. Miss Mabel Murtcy of the Alpha Omicron Pi house entertained the Misses Carrie Marshall. Helen Wehrli and Lucile Saunders at her home In Weeping Water, Neb., Tuesday night. The party motored to their destina tion, returning the next morning. Theodore Kreuger. formerly a stu dent in the forestry department and now collected with the United State forest service at Halsey. Nebr.. ar rived In Lincoln, Thursday, to attend the football game and spend the week end with friends. Th"e Ochoth sorority gave a dancing party at the chapter house Friday evening. Eighteen couples attended. Miss Monshaw chaperoned. Thirty-five couples attended the Hallowe'en party given by the Alpha XI Delta sorority in Art Hall. Decora tions consisted of autumn foliage and Hallowe'en emblems. Lieutenant Gov ernor Hiid Mrs. McKelvie, Mr. end Mrs. C. L. Dean and Mr. and Mrs. C. II . Rudge heaperoned the party. The out-of-town guests who were present were: Margaret Greenough, Omaha; Evelyn DobbB, Beatrice; Laura Bates, Overton; Mrs. Hazel Robinson Yager, Hastings, and Verda Sanborne, Gretna. TWO FINAL MATCHES IN TENNIS TOURNEY Ellis Win From Weaver In Fourth Round Chatt Defeat France In Semi-Final. Despite the cold forbidding wteathear of yesterday afternoo ntwo matches were scheduled and played og in the Tennis Tournaemnt. In the fourth round Ellis won from Weaver in straight seta. 6-2 and 6-4. Chatt de feated France, who has made such a Bensational run of victories, 6-1 and 6-4. This was a semi-final match and sd puts Chatt in the'flnala which will be played off tomorrow. Te tennis yesterday afternoon was the best seen on the courts this fan. The playing of Ellis was particularly gratifying, his drives being hard and accurate. The score In the Gardner-Rlley Sporting full mm OF and Athletic Goods IN OUR NEW ATM LET DEPfiRTiE Featuring "Spalding" to) match could not be ascertained last evening but the winner of this match will play Ellis this afternoon in the semi-finals. The winner of the latter battle will play Chatt Wednesday afternoon for the championship of the University. Not True to Life. ."The play is not a bit realistic." "Why so?" "There's an interval of one week be tween the first and second acts and they have the same servant in both." Philadelphia Public Ledger. E 8 8 ft 53 College Men Make "Bradley" Sweaters Men who know how a college man's sweater ought to be made. This is why college men everywhere lirul that no other sweater is so perfectly suited to their needs so warm, so comfortable and so becoming. We illustrate a par ticularly sporty Brad ley Style The Navajo Shaker. Same as the former Bradley Shaker, except that it has a Navajo border on the collar and around the bottom. If you want a sweater a little differ ent ask your dealer to show you a Bradley Navajo Shaker. Made in many color combina tions. If your dealer cannot supply you, we will send the name of dealers who can. Bradley Knitting Co. Da Lavan, Wis. ,m m m 3 1 'ir FOR 8ALE AT