The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 25, 1914, Image 1

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    - i.t 5. i ' V V . -i-
TheDaily Nebraskan B5
$110 Not
SI, 25 Lit
VOL. Xltt 8.
' c -I L k. A. 1 - W H. Ik ft.
? - v
Warren Howard Acted as Chairman ef
the Initiation Gay heed, Vlatkl
gah, Bdrenseh and Prof.
On the campus Thursday the effort
vas equalled by the TFrosh effort to
ine was Drimea ana ennrgea oy me
tolling of the bell on Unl Hall, by the
band playing outside ahd by the spleh
did personnel of the 'speakers thehi
selves. v v
or the first time tne ipper 'cla'ss-
meh are talcing a Vital interest In the
hew men, the Frosh. 'their policy in
the future Will be 'the betterment of
the freshtoan thai he may till his piace
in the University 'while a freshtoah
and not three years later "when he Is
a SAnior. The tn'irtWietftR. the honorary
Senior Society, prepared "ah enthusi
astic program. They urge the Indi
vidual freshman to select sdhae1 one of
the student activities as his line hhd
meu iqpusa it to ie nop.
W 'J. . .-'-!- V il.. tl.-
Warren Howard a chairman of the
Meeting and as toehirber 6f th e ihhd
cents, extended the welcome of 'the
tippfcf classmen to the freshmen. Wis
frankness and evident desire 'to give
assistance drew f b'rth a storm of cheer
ing and applause.
Guy Reed, manager' of athletics, in
a forceful 'way Won the support 'dt
every man present. "The Vale of
college athletics Vae not in the physi
cal improve'men't 'of the sse them
Belves,'' he aid, "bHt Tor the yonngeY
generation, jstlfi in the 'grades for 'in
our high schools. The fcplefedid physi
cal conditicn of olletttefce'c&,Bsed
ideis of olean iii a& Wrong
healthy bodiee to Wffensed before the
younger teen attained fheir growth'
proposed that "every 'stadeBt find
the line he 'is fitted "for, 'in 'atHdent
activities, then to talce part and io his
Vic. tialiigtvQj scaptaih 6f the ,fvaity
foothall team an ll-A'mericaa tfechYe,
spolce on football, tte a1d that the
VOrk on the Frephlaan fotha1!! tea
vas all that nerm'an &t Hvar,
At the same time he Valsed h'is 'ex
perience gotten Vhiie on that team
more than the eXperieBce "gotteti from
the following year the ferst teaai.
Sis talk appealed te iBfftny Vho lhave
been hanging fcre, Vbo did 'sot thWk
that they Vere deeded. e isshs'ted
that tliese haiagers kdk
and he "wanted the'm.
Abe S6rese 'fceefe w the aoadeaic
and 'intellectual le the tvejrs'lty, jj
Vivid -mrrsAlm. f &e Wae
orkingoaoe-f the 'VaTwKyewsiee,
and the grt 'epertlUee i
ing and 'schokrsh'ip rt'w ay "ettfce
"Preshmea te jKwtrMe !pftrt "hi :etee
of the tadt'5tiYfcie.
Prof. Scott scWi 1te 1eetia hh;
a call for the Yd eci VifferefM
"men In th Htom Vhe wew asiR
to better thrimfrre mi Sfe
braBha the ee 'iMl tiW itMtry.
He saM, -Mtetor W rtl, Itmr
ap&hle, e m :yriirfcy
the hewt 'W . 1. e
M1m LletchyPreBtdent Miw Rlthards
Meld Yeterday In temple.
The Silver Serpent Society held a
brief business ineettng in the Tehiple
Thursday after Cohvocatlon. The fol'
lewlbg bfntters were elected;
Virginia Iiletch, President.
Blanehe RlehaYds, Secretary and
Plana were made for a meeting to
be held in the hear future. This is ex
pected to be a big yeaV In the history
of the organisation.
feood ftepresentatlen Out For the
Meeting tills Elected president,
Chatt 'Secretary-Yreaturer."
Twehty-five men gathered in em-
brlai -Hall yesterday m'orfilng after
Cohvocatldn to atPect a permanent
tennis organization, ttr. Harry Ellis,
of feeaVer City ebi-v, yas eleeted
president of the organization. Ellis
has voh the state tennis chaYnplon
ship In (doubles for the past two years,
playing with bavis, how at Harva
tTniversity. Orvllle Chatt was elected
secretary and treasurer for the coming
yea and will accept the natoee oi
prospective Members at the office of
the toally Nebraska's ahy afternoon.
it Vas decided to levy an aeeis-
nient "ot fcfty vcents to put the fcoarts lm
oonditieh for ttw fall to'arnaweht
which, will be 'held in three weelts.
An '"NT" will be given the winner of
An "N" will be given the win-
net o'f the fall tournawent ana
. .. .. t ..
Ho the winnet of any naatcs over
either a Wiesouri Valley school or a
school In 3h1cagb Conference. There
will he several 'dual toaatchea this year
and the tennis players should 'gt&rt
now and plan on !gettiaig os the tJa'i-
versity qnae.
'This is the only "sport in which a
f reshtean oan win a letter so fresh'men
eepecklly hoald get bngy.
As long as nations taeet on the fields
'of war as long ae they sustain the
Telatioss (&f savages to each "other ;as
log a they fefift the lanrel and the oak
oh the brows of thoee who hlli 3nst
tfo long "wtil citieew resort to violence,
and tne sairels K -settled sy dagger
fanfc volver:-obert G, Ingersoll
mmm mm
jerfi WM Eteed '1rtfilnt 'h!
c &mietntaed.
Osr Sjocre. rtctrai w-t
W Hmc OomveeatieJi. A 'syseial
Trtttac ws ef aeptemfcor Wk,
wliea 'tw 1weM?Ji Vill e 1e 'ae-
'Mietv. ItoMlar 'iaictl'Mgi, far ifce k-
ae 'fee: leteiett mm, ,Oe
'ter !tl5 iteekaml IBs!, -
Two Thousand Cople Will Come Off
the Press Supplement to Come
Out Later Stenographers
Now Busy.
Worc on the student directory Is
how under full Bway. The ttiahage
ment his a force o'f fifteen steno
graphers on the job, getting things in
preparation for the printers who wilt
start work oh th directory heist Mon
day4 A hhtaber of tables, containing in
dexed books have been placed at var
ious places oh the campuB, one s t
the east gate, ahother is located at
the gate in f roht of the library, ohe Is
in front o'f tint Hall, and the fourth
ohe in front of the east entrance to
the gym. Ahbther of these tables has
been plated In the temple for the
students who aaight not sign up on the
campus. It is Very important thai all
students Vrlte their names, addresses
and phone hhmbers in oho of these
boohs, so as to give the correct ihfor
niatloh to the editors ef the direetoY.
If you a'ii to g-iVe your address and
phone number, dont hlch if It comes
oht printed wrong.
Two thohsahd (copies re to be
printed this year which is an increase
of six hundred over last yearns di
tectory The fourteen hiadred copies
printed last yea yere isold c-ut la
less thah two days, fcsany appllcatlonfi
ianie in for the directories after they
had been completely sold out.
At a later time a supplenaent will be
published containing the -directory of
Vthe s'tudents starting courses !at the
State VtCrm. it has heea iwhilhed
with the ether directoiy Wee hwt
in order to get at the tdirecteiy this
year at an eatly tlK It was th"cght
advisable to &me the sfepleaaeat.
'The directory is cdtted hy H. G.
HeVm, ""IS, who is assisted in hie "work
by 4-ties Noma Carson, ''i'5. W,
Charleswoith is the business anager
of. the directory.
' ' , !
ftetice le hereby 'gtvea that the
'geeal beetles le-r nelectitee the
ft Residents of 'the 'fear teSfeC'tlve :
tr&iversity clasees '(frstihwfta, ;
wl Wheld en Tsesday, OcSsehet
th, i.3teor'i "Sail. 'The es
will he pen rnn '9 e 12 .
tre '2 e p. ch '-
Hdae 'b tedlred e -a writtsia
's'tat'wneWt t his cainftiacy vfik
'like Hogprar heere :
y, 6cWl6r '2. 3 tiwiiMdatL
en W tt)ed e tltt&m
wfewe 4s Tpetated m
W fcy tB er tl&r-
ijk. - iglBt3rir. -
Dawson Leaves.
Mr. Heed DaWBOh left yesterday
afternoon for Cambridge, M&ss. t6
take up his wprk at Harvard Univer
sity, fteed who is khowh by every
upperelassmah in the Unlveraltyv will
be in the Law departhient there for
the net three years. About thtrty
students were at the Rock tslahd to
bid hint farewell and Godspeed in his
Mr. Irtdu Prokces Bahherjt, Who Vas
a student here laBt year and gradu
ated in June, has gohe to Princeton
University to work for his Doctors
Slack Masques in Charge Several of
the Leaders Spoke oh Questions
'of Importance.
A large crowd of both "vSkV and
new girls assembled in the Temple
Theatre this morning at 11 osclock tor
the annual Freshman girl's Convoca
tloh. The meeting Was conducted by
the Black Masque girls and Miss Gra
ham with assistance of Mrs. Jtaymond,
Freda Stuff offlelating. The first num
ber oh the program as a solo by Miss
Ethel Johnson. Then Mrs. Raymond
spoke on her work in the music of the
University telling what had been done
before and What jpill be done this
year, Sfc promises fcs !good year In
the music line, since we are to have a.
Symphony again, and the Damrosch
of tew York, She also ahnoanced that
there would be a Halloween concert
followed by a choras party.. She then
led the girls la singing the Cora
hhsken Miss G-rahasa then gave the
iSYeshman girls necoesary advice.
Miss Genevieve lwry told the girls
of. the girls' clnb and its "work, sug
gesting and nrging that everybody be
boosters, feet- knockers and try to pro
mote the loyalty of the school.
'.Miss Eether Befcraett told abont the
Y. W, A. and what It is dolng, and
what it Is doing and annonnced that
Vesper seYvice are held in the Y. V?s
rooms every Taeedy afternoon at 5
oViock. -Also that there will be a Y.
W. Membership Campaign condncted
on the campus the ftrst few days of
next weefe.
Mable Sterne told the girls What the
sapport 'in football hoald be. The
girls then gave the University yell
and sang the dornhnsker.
NMt"mf Wm VhM to Cicvemd LMft
vWly thlrmti f Cemilttee
!Pr&feeer Heffnwin, prominent in
lEaefineertfcg circles 'ot this University,
'attended the America Society et
Ketts tend Vetilatig Ssgieers, 'at
'The yregesoer tc 'aa iftbtlve ip&Tt
hi wfcepe r H liedel YfiMi Law,
h Marhe chain 'M the ck-
ee eWge.
On the tetara 'seTefal lttrmedrntc
feeiiwts we Vieftei fet ,ifjk sf)ec-
tltis f keatkig safed -rmM&m attc
Men Showed up Well In a Hard
Scrlmhiage Yesterday Halll.
gan Suffering From
Bruises. - .
By H I Kyle.
The feature ot yesterday's practice
was a strenuous fifteen-minute scrim
mage between the first and second
teamB ot the 'varsity squad. For his
first team, Coach Stlehm chose Cam
eron at center; Abbott and Shields,
guards; Corey and Tippets, tackles;
Balls and Jttugg, ends; Howard, quar
terback; Rutherford and Wilson, halt
backs, and Chamberlain, fullback, all
of whom played their positions in a
manner pleasing to behold. On the
second team, Boyle and Amack
showed hp exceptionally well.
Capt. Halllgan and Bat Korris were
kept cut of the melee because of a
general soreness of the muscles. In
stead, they were given a thorough rub
down at the hands of Jack Best, the
genial old trainer, for whom the wor
ries of the season are rapidly multi
plying. It is his special province and duty
to see that the men who represent the
Scarlet and Cream in the various ath
letic sports are In fit physical condi
tion when they go into battle. He has
salways ifouhd it most difficult to im
press apoh the minds of the big;
healthy, light-hearted athletes that
their training Is not a. mere matter of
two or three hosts' hard practice 'each
day, fent that "pep" nd endurance
depend fepo "'etertal vigilance.1" Is
simple -earnest l&fegaage he told the
writer ot same of his difficulties in
keeping the men ki shape for the
graellihg straggle Wfere them.
"Yon cant Imagine," he said, ""kow
hard it is to make some of these fel
lows fenderstahd that they've got to
cist ont smoking or chewing or keep
ing late hours. When tell them
they must uit It, some wttl laugh
and say, "Oh, rm all Tight, Jack, I feel
fine,'' while others promise solemnly
to 'cat out tobacco and will be smok
ing before they, get cut cf sight. The
fellow who smokes even one cigar a,
day 5s handicapped a good deal mere
than he tkinks. f e seen hlg men 'who
looked to be in fine condition beg to
he taken cut cf a foothall game before
the middle of the first half and it ai
rways tarned out that they hadn't 1eea
taking care vf themselves. The boy
who can dance all sight and play a.
great game f football the nest day Is "
loeked Upen as a. kind of here, hb he
isn'-t; he's mere ef a. feel, and tke,
Chances are that !k. we&t he worth,
his ?a'flrefed fare the -rest ei the eaee.
Afayhe if the 'hero ee tkie la the
SCehraekan. they'Tl hcw that I me&a
Temerrew iaftcrneen the rst prae
teee iMe et the eesa "w W ly4,
when the Varsity yespopfcs ViX
'm-itkaipiofeed 1ev rem Oeach Bar
men's preteges, en the University
:if the Vats-lty me have ar
tthlfef In them, the retmg premlee
e Wie t. iBveryese laTrestd
ytlTxifca feethall ehwees k 3
Vrted e lee vwL 'Tale 5s the egpsr
srtdty -'ie e fce. vH4ia42e.
Ht' w
J :