THE DAILY NEBRASKAN f'r7a' iailu Nrjiraakan Property of THK I'NIN KKSITY OK NEBRASKA. Lincoln FRKlifcRIC C McCONNtfliU Kdllor in Chief Managing Kdllor ....Men 111 V Reed i AsmjocUM Kdllor Kenneth M Snyder j ASBoVliMe Kdllor Cloyd V Stewart , ,. ..... ... ., ,, . , Literary Kdllor Chandlei Trimble UualnoHH Manager. Assistant rM imager Circulation Manager (' C BllGhalian I I Ilr-lunnll I S llowen I SCRIBFS C. L. Yochum.J. U Cutrlght, H. (1. HowlC. V F. Goodman, Winifred' 800- gar, C N Drown, F. N WoIIb, A. R. O'llanlon. L. W Home, F. A. Turnuro, J. R. Wood, I K Front, Leon Samuel- son. . -- SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $2 PER YEAR Payable In Advance Slnale Conies. 5 Cents Each. -; TELEPHONES Olllce B-1888 Night Phono B-4204 Editor- IV 1821 Managor B-1821 Entered at the postofllce at Lincoln, Nebraska, an second-class mall mattor, under the Act of Congress of March 3, lg79 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1912 so live mat w nen you ne me news,,, . . . . . , ,, , , ' Hyde Is considered one of the best will not be received as uas that f j lirtists In this work and has been very the blase young man to whose death successful. She has lived and studied ...- .. . . .. .. the community uas hilaiiousl recon ciled .Josh Hillings DANCE HALL MONOPOLY O-ne of the things that has been'bition of colored lithographs from the bothering the chairman of the various class dances of late is the unfair ad vantage that the management of the ! Lincoln Hotel Is taking in regard to J. the use of Its "convention hall" Fori some time the Lincoln people have had Two Play8 Accepted: One to Be Staged . , , ,, . 1 Other Prize Winner, a practical monopoh over the matter! John F Ballard, formerly a student of a desirable dance hall, and. from the i( (he UnvprHl,v of Nl.,,ra8klli hllH re nttltude that they are assuming this (..tly been awarded the Craig prize season, it would appear that they in-, for a play dealing with American life tend to piess the students to the limit .Ikx submitted two plays, "We the To gae the most mengre dance at the Lincoln Hotel it costs $K7 T0 Fifty goes for the hall, and the 1 est for the ,,. prjz,. winning effort piimh pations not being allowed to John F Ballard is probably well re furnish then own 1 el reshments This membered among the faculty and old holdup has be,,, going on for some '"ska Htudents In work of this kind He was a student here In 1900 and 1907 time, and it is encouraging to hear that , ,. . . ,. land was an active member of the the .Mian man of the various dances are Kappa Sigma fraternity. -F A T making .11 laugeinents to hold their Him lions elsewheie. where the accom- modations are not (juite as tine, but ' where the consideration involved is considerably more reasonable Several plan- in Lincoln aie now available ... . where the students can give nice par- U, Miihoui bHiiK foicoil to pay for nioiv thr t It is hoped, there foie, that those Mudents who are inter ebt.'d 111 tins dance piupuuitioii (and ,.. . .. .. 1.. , 1 . 1 11 .1 . .1 we are inclined to beliew that there are a good nian ) will exert their Inllu- ence toward the creation of a sentl- inent around the campus that when crjstalllzed will result in dropping the1 Lincoln Hotel from consideration as . .. i , ,, ,, . ,, respects the holding of parties at that Place- Engineering Notice. The lOngineering Society meets to - night at 7:30 in M. E. 206. Prof. J. D., Hoffman will deliver an illustrated lee- ture on mechanical convoyora. BALKAN FRACAS Nebraska Professor who Wont to Con stantinople to Head College There In Vory Midst of War. It may not be generally known that Nebraska Ih represented where the nnlknn war Is raging fiercest at pres- .,,,,, , . , ,.. . ent Word has been received from I'rof. L. A. Sclpio who, in August, re- , r,,,,,i l,u nnolllnn nil nuulutnnt rirri- " f('HHor ' mechanical engineering to aa- mime oharne of the department of me- IchanJcal engineering of Robert Colloge. Constantinople , llu writes that he in "alive and well, t1()UKh tlu. Wlir lH dinning in our earB, ho to npeak We do not expect It to continue many weeks longer." Robert College I111H an Engllsh-speak-ing faculty, but the students are of every nationality R F L. ART DEPT. PLAN8 EXHIBIT. Wood Block Prints of Miss Hyde and Lithoflraphs from Washington. The art department is planning to give an exhibition of wood block prints, the work of Minn Helen Hvdo. Miss - --,.- . - in Japan for several years The exhibition, which will be given some tline this month, will show near ly forty of these wood block prints In connection with this will be an exhl- woik of various artists lent by tin' Congressional Library of Washington, I) C. W. S F. BALLARD WINS CRAIG PRIZE 1 People," and "The Strong Right Arm." I "We, Hie People," Is the 0110 chosen I for production, while the other was COVEY WRITES IN "STUDIES." Graduate of 1912 Contributes Paper on Research. 1 Tlu 'rrent number of the Univer- sit Studies contains a paper by Geo W Covey, '12, who Is now studying u.dlcne rohimbia UnlverBlty The paper is the result of renearch done by Mr Covey during hlu senior year in the parasitology laboratory of the zool- K' department under the direction of ' Or. F 1) Marker. A number of medi cal students find time to do original re M..iroh work of thia kind. B M. - DR BARKER IN BERMUDA. 'Sent by Harvard to Make Jnvestiga- , , , 1 tlon of Parasitic Fauna. ' l)r F I) Marker of the department of zoology is working on an extensive monograph of the Parasitic Fauna of 1 the Bermudas Dr Barker was sent to the Bormudas last Bummer by Harvard University to study and collect mate- 1 rial for this investigation. B M SCIPIO IN ' 1' ' " ; v : " Uni verity Jeweler and Optician C. A. TUCKER JEWELER S- S. SHEAN OPTICIAN 1123 0 St. YELLOW FRONT YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED w i 1 , 1 - 1 SCENE FROM "THE CITY" Coming with Hugo B. Koch as the star At the Oliver, Thursday, Matinee and Night STUDY MUSIC in an established Bchool where the standards of Instruction are given the samo careful thought as in the best departments of the University. The University School of Music offers splendid instruction in Pipe Organ, Pianoforte, Voice, Violin, Clar inet, Flute, Saxaphone, Cornet, all Theoretical branches and Public Music. DEPARTMENT OF DRAMATIC ART Apply for full information at School building 11th and H Streets Opposite the University iV - rffWY 1 t C x 11 Fri luiuiH 11 1 auuiirii HJuulb lihr ymtr Ulurh. "TRY THEM" 2411 fru. Ullj &t. ffiinruln. Nrb. Arrow Kotch COJX AliS tfrnnm.MoNT stylo in pop" im'oiiis GLASGOW 2 H In. nTLMOrflT 2 , In. MCOORA 2',ln. Clii-.TCR 2 In. i :Ij. I r 1 I 1 I I WE WILL ' DIE STAMPING FOR YOU GIVE US A CHANCE f rintwg; ll'M.OLN nruft. ..j 128 N. 14th 1 r I :' i CO ' 1 'j ' - See our Sample