THE DAILY JSEBRASKAN LOSE TO MISSOURI NATI0NAL theatres needed NBRA8KA L08E8 TO RIVALS IN ANNUAL CR088-COUNTRY MEET. RACE RUN OVER HARD COURSE Bogga Set Pace Until Last Mile, But Weakens at Finish 8mall Audi ence at Columbia Watch the Meet. MlBfiourl was the victor In the an nunl MisHourl ViiUoy croBB-country race at Columbia Saturday, and Nebraska finished laBt of the flvo valley bcIiooIb. TIiIb roHult, though a disappointment to Nebraska followers, IndlcatPB the relative standing of the schools, and presages more HtreHB on thin depart ment of athletics for the rest of this year and next year. Boggs Runs Good Race. The flrnt four men to finish weio Missourlans Hoggs, the NebniHkn rap tain, was first until the last. bit In the llnlHh he broke down and was passed by the Missouri men. All the Nebraska men finished but Anderson He fainted while on the course and had to be taken to the gymnasium, where he was allowed to recuperate from the strain Outright. Dlers and Krntz were In the race, but the team could 'not push out Kb opponents The teams finished in the order given, the loweHt number of polntB indicating the highest score MlBsourl 10, Ames -IS, Drake li8, Kan sas f8, Nebraska 75 CourBe Over Hard Road. The physical condition of the men and the hard road of the course are held to account for the showing of the team, A portion of the way led over a atrotcb of broken concrete and brick pavement, and all the visiting teams were surprised at the condition of the course The meet waa witnessed by n small crowd, and a freshman-junior football game and track meet held the atten tlon of the audience more than the cross-country. However, the team re turned to Lincoln well satlBfled with the treatment given them They were taken over the course In an automobile in the morning, and were accorded a friendly reception during all the stay American Public Created Desire for Poor Plays, and Mr. Coburn Com pares Our Acting with Others. That the middle west will bring a revolution in the theater for a good class of playfl, for It has not an eye on Europe, wns one of the remarks Mr. Coburn of the Coburn Players made at yesterday mornlng'B convo cation In the courae of his talk he showed that the principal thing that was needed in this country waa a na tional theater. To Bhow what other countries were doing In thlB time, he , cited the national theaters of the Greeks, French, and OermaiiB In these countries he said the stage was considered as a place of Instruction, where political Issues nnd things of Interest of the day were presented These theaters are under the control of the government, and threfore plays could not be produced if not of drama tc( hniriue He i--i id that ;it the present day the drama in Kiu;laiid is at its lowest ebb. for there the theater is for social pur poses only France is the country whose national theaters are the most successful, and they are all self-sup porting Hut it Is In America that the stand ard is the poorest Here, he said, it is considered only as a place of amuse ment and not of instruction In the newspapers criticism of plays, moving picture notices and vaudeville all come under the headline of amusements People go to the theater In this conn try mostly to see a sensational play or a notorious person in the pla, so a low. ideal is created among the public I which the managers cater to I "You can't act above the Intelligence jof the audience," said Mr Coburn, "for j the audience teaches the actor how to j I act, and as you judge a man by the . books he reads so you can judge him by the plays he attends. L. V. II . Freshmen as well as older students will receive a hearty welcome, courte ous treatment, and the best of service at Green's Harbor Shop and Bath house, 120 No. 11th St Adv. rHEN You go home for Thanks- " giving, take mother, sister or sweetheart a box of Golden Rod Chocolates, 60c per pound, or any of our many other favorite candies made in Lincoln by Gillen & Boney, "Good Candy Makers" FOR SALE AT Uni Book Store 340 North 11th Street LET THE EVANS LAUNDRY DO YOUR WASHING WHITMAN'S CLASSY CANDY Meier Drug Co. 13th and O Si Y. M. C. A. Jc Antiseptic Barber Shop. -j fc Any Stylo Halrcuttlng 25 cents. - It Best Service. Try Ua. -fc "A" QJljr jfflprriiatttfi IQamt&rg Hhiulft likr ijintr lOnrh. 'TRY THEM" 240 &u. 1 ltij &t. Ettuoln. Nrb. GET THAT YELL IN TODAY YelU and Songs for Saturday's Game Must Be Handed in This Evening Prizes Will Be Forthcoming. The rooting roininniee of the Inno cents that has charge or the songs and yells for Saturday's game reports that already a number of original yells and songs hae been handed In and many more are expected The compositions should he short, snappy, and easy to learn, as the time in which they must bo learned does not allow that any thing lengthy or complicated be taken up. The winning numbers wilr be pub lished when decided on. Today Is the last day in which they can bo turned In and entered for the prlzeB. All yells and songs must be in so that the committee In charge can make decisions and have them ready for Friday's rally. Hand them to oithor Coffee, Meade, or Sinko, or leave them at, the NebniBkan office- before 6 o'clock. The prlzeB, reserved seats for the K. U. gamo, will be forthcom ing aB soon as the winners are an nounced. Sp- Kansas Kansas women now have an opportunity to prepare themselves as nurses by registering In the training school conducted in connection with the University of Kansas Hospital at Rosedale, Kas" We are in the Game We know we can please you with a suit, overcoat, hat, cap or furnishings. Let us SHOW YOU FULK CLOTHING CO. iMiHMaBBBaaBBHBiHBiBaaaBaaHi THE NEW MODEL, NUMBER FIVE L. C. Smith & Bros. TYPEWRITERS Ball Bearing Long Wearing HAVE YOU EXAMINED ONE? More L. C. Smith Typewriters used by the University of Nebraska than all other makes combined. Just the result of a careful and thorough test. Call and see one of the new models. If you do not find time to call, drop a card for the booklet. During the past few months we have secured as part payment on new L. C. Smith typewriters sold, a large number of other makes, many good as new. These will be sold for One-fourth to One-half original cost. Certainly some real bargains. Our stock of rental machines is very complete, any standard make. Nebraska Typewriter Co., Distributors SS&ffiS