THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Campus Notes Household Arts Club. '1 hi' Household its Club will inwt toniulil in tin' Home l' oiioiuk Imll'l iim on t In l'n in ( .impiis ll;ii;'iislcK's Oi cbest i a Auto !W12 Agricultural Hop 'I !ii- f 1 1 t m u Club bop iH In Ip'ld l'iulii ciiiint;, Octolici -', i' Fintfi tut llnll Coiiiinittcc, I 'i 101 . Krhiilt M'-i i k 1 Mod me at (!i ecu's, 120 N'ortli 11" Taft Club Smoker. 'I In Wcpiiblu .in ( ii Club ill H " a stiuiKt i in the oi(liu,u Lincoln II" Icl. tonii'lH. S o ( lot U Hon II 11 WiNuii will l.ilK ('mats ll I. ilt mi ii ( oinc Jones' Oicbcstia I'lionc I - Si" Mrs. Brownell at Vespers Mm llcibcit Ciowncll will ii"nl' at the Tuesla c(Miiim cspcr m'IHcm m the Y V C looms at f o'doek llei topic is "How to He a Pili'inl Miss Maiian Scott will sing Call Roj O Wanlc danco orrlu'Rtra, Auto 7 Jt;. I- 8152 Holtz Was Elected. Thiough a mistake the annonnc incut has been inaclo that K Kolls was elected K e pi o.siclcnt of ll"' I'-" gllleel 1I1K S()(iet ' (' Holt the man w ho i ec encd this honoi Ladies' clothing cleaned, icnii)il'ld and repaired bj an experienced li ss maker Satisfactory work at nason able pi ices .Mis Brioka, l!l.r South 17lh Auto H 484) Ad 1 - It Professors Join Team. I'l ofes.sois Knuul.scn and W'li 1 1 ot the dan depai liiwnt are in Clilcimo, i whele the will join the ail JndKi i; te.un to help them in the National I)aii Show, wheio tlie cxpec' to place binh in eoinpetltie jntliMiiK of dan cattle l e bae Hie best woilunaii, tli' laig est, most sanitaiv ami modem b.ubei shop and bathhouse In the c lt Stu Nor folks! We have just received some new things in Norfolks. See the new ideas we have to show you. : : FULK CLOTHING COMPANY 1234 O STREET ; clent palioiumc kindH solicited Ci ecu's. 12U N'oith Klicntli Thetas Have Visitors l,iic Dill ol Ciiind Island. Hiilh 'I ib l)'ts of ILlstings. and M.uie llo:.' ol Ml!lll.l w el e lsitors at the Kapp!' lpll.l Tbeta house this week Alpha O Girls Home. niiinbci ol the Mpha Uniiicoii I'l milh spent the weekend .it then boines Salome S(hweiie and Uose Kl.ilise went to OiiiMb.i. Stella Ste pbens to ricmont, and Main I Mmli to 1'ieinoiit Phi Delta Chi Pledges SMHlkel W.IS Hlell lt the lpll.i Tan (linea liniM' b the I'lii lit It. i Clu. the pb.n niiii cut k al .mil ( liemis ti tiateiiut. .it whiih ihe lollowinr pledges weie aiinouiK ed () Ii Com Lincoln () ("one, Lincoln. M A Paine, l.ons, M i; Ilouiii (! I. 'I hompson, est I'oint WANDERERS RETURN (Continue (1 fiom p.i- 1') ' t make so bold as to minuend thesi lioneeis of socialism foi then d.uini; and spun of ad en tine in Ion Ink ho tin and mothci oi house ri ub m a woitli atteni))t to inject a little inon pep into the N'ebiaska spirit at the bin Kiimp Classified Column NTUn Four bos to room and boaid at 1 ." J H I' St , modem, hot atei heat, electnc and gas lights, boaicl $.! fi'l pel week, loom $fi per month each VNTLI) loom mate for a young lael 172(. Q St l'bone 7180 I'Oli HKNT -Nice loom, modem, lot one oi two gentlemen, at 112 No I2tu st io 22- :u I'OK SALL Heacon mantle lamps, gle deal light foi students' Use Call al .'.21 L 1 1th St , Uimeisiti I'lai e Id 18 fit LII!KKL lew. ud loi letlllll of Heta Tbeta I'l pin, lost Saluida, ownei's name on bac k 10 IS it IM'UNISHKI) lomm-, niodein, light, ten 1 oi l'i stuib nts t, It, No 1Mb 10 IS it Norfolks! (CCV A' lt;ii&tf t YA ZtW W We need a good line and we have it in KEN SINGTON overcoats. It required no courage this season to buy com plete assortments of the newest models. Our new KENSING TONS were so refreshing in design andgo distinctive in style and tailoring that their instant popularity was assure. Our Overcoat Eestival of Saturday and Monday has proved it- -dozens of people who came to look were so enthused that they remained to buy, Stop here today see the much talked of fancy plaid self-backs, see the soft fronts and the shawl collars try on some of our new ones which embody these features. You owe it to yourself at least to know what the proper styles are and we are eager to show you. MAGEE & DEEMER WHITMAN'S CLASSY CANDY Meier Drug Co. 1 3 T 1 1 AND O Sll &r MUSIC! UNIVERSITY STUDENTS! As there is no longer any school of music connected with the State University you are at liberty to take ycur music with ua Every department of music complete. 22 ARTIST INSTRUCTORS IN CHARGE 22 JOHN RANDOLPH, Dean of the Faculty. ALOYS C. KREMER, favorite pupil of ARTHUR FRIEDHEIM. GUSTAV C. MENZENDORF, AUGUST MOLZER, CHAS. E. EWINO and AUGUST HAGENOW, FREDERIC C. FREEMANTEL and many others. REGISTER NOW. J LINCOLN MUSICAL COLLEGE Oliver Bldg., 13th and P Streets. jrrrl?autB ffiamtftrs III mi l h likr mutr ffliirh. "TRY THEM" 24U &o. 1 ltl &t. Ctttrulu, Nrb. Sf . -, THEATRES ..OLIVER THEATRE.. TKurfdny Nitflit, ()lclcr 24 JOS F. HOWAHK .nil MAIiKI M( ANE In ( I , . . II.. ,, M.- . .1 M.i 'THE GODDFSS OF IIIURIV f'nera, $1 SO I.. r( Friday. Saturday and Sal Mai Oct JTS ? THE BIRD OF PARADISE ORPHEUM Advanced Vaudeville ii i MRS GENE HUGHES A CO CHRIS RICHAROS PAULINE MOHAN SIDNEY SHIELDS A. COMPANY .Inr VAN BROS Ernie M GEORGE SIMONOET Martin Jnhnnnn'i Tr.ivfloocjurt Bar Mats at 2 15 Prices ISc ?S Night. 8 15 15c, 25c. 35c and 50c LYRIC TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY GARDNER & VINCENT THE WASSMANS PHOTO PLAYS "WHERE LOVE IS. THERE GOD IS ALSO" MAX FIGHTS A DUEL "THE VALLEY OF CHEVREUSE "A FRESH AIR ROMANCE "THE HINDOO'S CURSE" 3 Shows Daily-2, 7 and 9 P. M ALL SI: ATS l I: 7 s Visit the most enjoy able and up to date Moving Picture. Programmes given at 1329 OStr., South Side. Auto B; WE WILL T'V DIE STAMPING FOR YOU GIVE US A CHANCE 128 N. Mlh Saa qu r Sample VfRIHTIMG, 1 uncoin-nriR. f J .ir jO& JWW wZ T'v.