THE DAILY NBBRASKAN r BOYS WE'VE MOVED STLL MAKE THOSE "TASTY Toas" AT OUR NEW LOCATION 142 SOUTH 12TH IP: Pi I: ' 11 1 ' ELLIOTT BROS Tailors U all No Tommy The U of N Caterer lio's in business for hims'll' .il 208 So. 12h Hot Luncheopetts HURRY!, Thos. A. Coleman, 0OOOX0OO0aDC)CKD000(X)OO0O0O BACKSTROM COMPANY IF YOU HAVEN'T SEEN LUDWIG About your Clothes, Do it NOW. -:- I036 0 CXDCXXXX)CKXXXXXXX)CXDC)C)OC)CXX5n Now lines In fall millinery. The Fa inouB, Thirteenth and O streets' R ninvcTDnu nnumyv b r DHUnOinun uumrHivi o B EXCLUSIVE H I TAILORS I 8 1320 N St., Lincoln, Neb. 8 W Get your shoes shined by Q R COLE & McKENNA'S O PALM GARDEN 8 g 1132 O - 1132 Ojj - ar-tF hp jM' BUSINESS DIRECTORY Every T.oyiil Unlterwlt.r Student it urcl to pnlronlzo IIm-so NcIii-ha- k Urii HltTCl'tlhel'M, ItlKt ti iiitttitlon lite paper vrlillo doing in. : : : RAKEIUES Dulrymple; PcU. HANKS First Trust and Savings. I NRP.ER SHOPS Ornnd Central; Marshall; Mogul; Richards. j HATH HOFSE -CIiiIh. I'.OOK STORKS Co-op; l.iucolu; rniuThlty. . i CMLNRS Cole & McJsViitm; Malt's Place CLEANERS Wood. I CLOTH INC Furquhar; Mngee &' Doemer; Mayer Pros.; Sterling. I CO.N L Gregory ; Whltebreast. CONFECTJONERYDalrymple; Lin coln Candy Kitchen; Olympiu Candy "Co.: Rood. DENTISTS Graham; Yungblut. DRESSMAKING Soukup. DRCC.GISTS Riggs. DRY GOOnS Hcrpolshoimcr; Miller Paine. FLORISTS Clmjiin; C Fl ItNJSHINGS 1 lucid: IVomer; Mayer Pros HAIR DRESSER Mrs II. Prey. Mugoc & ; Sterling. Davis: .Mine Ross. HAIR SPECIALIST Rice. JAPANESE GOODSAkagl. JEWELERS E. Fleming; HnrriH; MyiTf,: Tucker; Halletl. J Al'NDRIES Evans; Merchants. Yule MILLINERY Famous; Nichols. OPTICIANS Ilallott; Myers; Shean. PIANOS Seumoller & Mueller. Ml INTERS George Bro.; Simmons. KESTAF RANTS Moslon Lunch; Puds; Camerons; Church; Climax; Dons; Dickinson.-;.: .Fi.mcrs Pros.; Sane-.: Windsor. SHINING PARLOR Cole K Me- Kl'IHl.l. SHOES U-ckin .n Pros: Cincinnati Hereford & Polly; Rugeis A- Per kins; Sanderson. SKIRTS Lincoln Skirt Co. STATIONERY -Porter; Roo 1. '1 A1LOKS Hackstrom; I)ro,h r: El liot'.; Heflley; Herzog; Ltrlwig; Scotch Wfjolen Mills. 'I 1 1 ENTERS Jewell; Jo.-o; OMver; Lyric. TVPEWRITERS Underwood. KEYS Thorp. TUorERS Raker Pants Co. G. K. AKAGI & BROS. EXCLUSIVE JAPANESE STORE Everybody is cordially in- . vitod to call and, inspect onr Btoro .'. 204 South Twelfth Si. YULE BROS CXX)COOC)CX500CKXXX)CXXCOCOOCO DO YOU KNOW vvhoro to got tho boat ISyo Glosses for the least jnonoyV Have your eyes examined--it will cost you nothing, and may save your sight rY- DR. W. A. MYERS, THE GRADUATE OPTICIAN 1343 O St. I , 1 g Would like to be g I Q your Laundrymen O i x viii f Dime R 18 IULL UltUO. G IN BERMUDA ISLES. (Continued from page l'i v,-. bav been moved oi and h i enc has mavel In. The collection of corals which was oi -titled is said to be the second best in the country, and the collection of fish when completed will be Mirpusrf e,l ;jnl by that of the Field Museum of Natural History at Chicago. On his way to the llermuda MandM Pi.ifefsor Harbour stopp 1 at a class celebration at Yale Cnivcrsl.'y. After a week spent in festivities the class turned over to th. treasurer of the university $21,000 in one amount and $2."i,000 in another, to be used in helping ;he institutljn along. The professor declared that a spirit 'of this kind will go fur towards making the Fnlversity of Nebraska a greater and broader success. WHAT THEY DID. (Continued from Page l.) lurl brilliant. Ransom and Lamb were tried out in the second half. Roth men s!iv experience. Aug ney played a pretty game at quarter. He lost his head after the Hrst touch d.iwn and balled i i his days but on the whole his work was satisfactory. The Kansas team is light. The for ward pass will probably bv one of the hardest worked plays. There are no big men on the team who can he used io ram through the line. The team also lacks a good heady quarter. Per haps when Rice gets back in the game he may call the signals. .Mr. Plair Goff, of Cottonwood, ri. I)., formerly a I'niverslly smdt nt from Pierc. . Nebraska, and Miss Lura Moore of Osmond, Nebraska, were, married at Siouv Clt, Tuesday. They will re.-dde at Cottonwood, where Mr. Goff is engng d in the real estate business j The Forestry Club held its lust meeting in Nebraska Hull 110, Eiilay night. The elecJon of ofllccs resuPcd as follows: president, Mr. Cooper; vice-president, C. R. Tillilson, seere tiirv -treasurer, II; H. Greenamyre. The Engineering Society will meet Tuesday, October !), tit 7:;:0 p. m., In M. 21 1. A special invitation is ix- tended to students not members to come around and gel acquainted with . the Society. E. II. Thomas, Law, '02, at present manager of Rrjidstreet's Mercantile Agency in this city, leaves for Salt Lake City, Wednesday to take charge of the ofllce there. C. A. Mohrman, '01, Is In charge ot the Atkinson schools this jear. On August 2S he wtts united in marriage with Miss Ethel V. Napier, of Evving. Lost At the Students' Reception, in lie First Presbyterian church, October o, 1!)07, it hat marked 11. I). E. Findci please leave tit Nobruskan olllce. The Hrst reguhir meeting of the i Fu.Vfttry Club will be held Tuesday 'evening In Nehrasku Hall, lie. Every ')Oi'. is invited to attend. There will io a mooting of the Lat 'n Club this evening at S:0( .o'clock in Hay's Il'ill. Annlit Chuil.e.-i. vice president. Mr. uud Mia. Fred llunUr. pJOo, and ISiOO. of Ashinnd witneuxe l the : South DtiUoiiL gtune Satuj'da.v. A. .I. Ludden, 'Ot, is principal pr the Fremont high school. LYRIC THEATRE MAT1NBE 3 P. M, BVB. 7i46 & 90O PRICES TUN nd FIFTEEN CENTS Wee kBeginnlng Monday, October 7 The Distinguished Player RqpBB.T.'WJHITTIER And Company in the Eccentric Farcclt "HIb Borrowed Troublen" EVANS & EVAN8 America's Premier Singers and Ctocj Danccru POTTER & HARRIS Unequalled Gymnastic Performance SALVAIL World's Greatest Card Manipulator MI88 NELLIE VAUGHN The Renowned Vocalist MR. R. J. WHVMAN In the Latest Illustrated Ballads THE LYR08COPE New Series of Moving Pictures BIJO U ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE MATINEE 2:15 EVENING 8:15 EVENING 15c, 25c, 35c AND 50c MATINEE 10c AND 20c HARRY EARLE, GODFREY AND VETA HENDEXB&O.N JOHN AND BERTHA GLEA80N THE GREAT POWELL JOHN AND MAE BURKE ZEDA Firey Dragon from '"Ginger Bread Co." LORETTA TWINS TRIO MR. AND MRS. GURCHARD " BIOGRAPH THE : JEWEL THE MOST EXPENSIVE AND 1 Q BAREST PICTURES IN THE CITY. t H30 O STREET JOY 0 THEATRE FINEST OF MOVING PICTURES AND ILLUSTRATED SONGS 1330 O STREET- THE BLAZEK STUDIO A SiMiciul rate i photon to students of. nor do.on. ... SI.00 OPEN SUNDAYS 1210 0 STHEET THE UM1VEBS1TY MAKS' TAILOR The flnoflt workdono ondprieoa right . Call at our now store. 1230 O St. Lincoln EBC2HEE1 nrjnXO u