- t - -- vk - - -"J-yfc- "" .Jn ' '" J ... r-'ft. r ? THE DAILY NEBRASKAN. IT r i7 . r? i i You need MAXWELL'S BONBONS this kind of weather. They are Great. I W. MAXWELL CC. Makcrsafdood Chocolntos. lain O Rtret and 200 South 11th Street SPECIAL SALE A few U. of N. Pins formerly 75c, now 35c. 25 Per Cent Discount on all Our Novelties. THE COOP ProfoBsor Card, who woa Professor of Horticulture in tho Univornity sovornl yporB ago, is now locatod In Kingston, Ft hod o Island. Tho examination in Common Law Pleading, undor Professor KobbinB will bo given Friday morning. ProfessorB Loblngirr and Wilson will attend tht'ir claBaea next week in order to allow Mr. Lobinyior to tuko cliargo of a caeeB in Omaha. J.A.Dallas, a member of last year's class, Is having splondirl success as a high school teacher at Tocunisnh. The city sunerintondent, Mr. An derson, r.ays that he is not only dointr good work in the high school but that ho Is held in very high esteem by the people or the town TIIK OFFICERS HOP. " The second annual hop given by the olllcors club will be held next Thursday (ivenlng Jfhunry lf, at Walsh hall. The committee which Is composed of J. R. Farney, Chair man: W. P. Wallace, Master of Cere monies and J. C. Lawler have been hard at work arranging the notalls of the evening entertainment. No effort will be spared to mako It ono of the most enjoyable social events of the season. "LOST AND FOUND NOTICES" in the Daily Nebi'askan, one cent per word per in sertion. No notice for less than ten cents. Your Money and Important Papers Shou'd be kept in a safe place; SI .r pnys for a Safe Deposit Hox for three months; absolutely sufe from fire and burglars Silverware and trunks stored in our Storage Vault. LINCOLN SAFE DEPOSIT and TRUST COMPANY, 126 North Eleventh Street. 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE kiilM MIDWINTER EXCURSION TO FLORIDA. This personally conducted excursion will leave Lincoln at l::i." 1'. M. .Jan uary Ut.tli. Coll at H A M city oilke corner 10th and O Stb fur booklet descriptive of this trip. G. W. Bonnell, C. 1'. it 'J'. A. Lincoln, Nebr. The Pioneer BZZ Clean Linen Finest of Toilets First-class Service V. J. WIIITFORD. riioi'iiiKTOH 11' South 11th St , Lincoln, Neb. Trade Marks Debions Copyrights Ac. akntrh ni1 ilnnciintlnn mnr quickly ascertain our opinion froo whether an Handbook on l'atcnta Anrono Bonding Invention Is probably patentable. lions atrlctly oonndontlal nnl frnn OMniit nt7Anrv for nnrtirlnff DAtentA. Put tints taken throueh Munn & Co. receive rpteial notice, without chargo, In tho Scientific American. A handsomely Illustrated weekly. Ijirnest cir culation of any scloiitlflo Journal. Torms, $3 a year: four months, L Bold by all nowsdcalors. MUNN&Co.36,Broad New York Branch OfOco. C26 K Bt., Washington. D. C. Subscribe for The Daily Nebraskan Want Ads in the Daily Nebraskan One cent per word per insertion "want" for less than ten cents. No m DR. 7). J. DAVIS, GRADUATE OPTICIAN Eyes Examined Tree. Prices Reasonable. 1238 O Street, unecbr Every new Student calla on James Hearn 337 So. nth street A.nd has bin measure- tuken fox tlx Tamous Kalamazoo Uniforms, Manufactured by Zb Henderson Jtntes Co. Kalamazoo, IWeb flAGAZINES 2 ' 2 At Just OneHalf Price. Harper's Wooltiy $ 4.00 World's Work. ........ 'AM)- Public Opinion .'LOO Everybody 's Magazine. 1.00 Nebraska Teacher. ... 1.00 $12.00 ALL FOR $6.oo Translations Literal, 50c. Interlinear, $1.50. 147 vols. Dictionaries German, French, Italian, Spanish, Latin, drcek, $; oo, and i.cx. Completely Parsed Caesar, Book I. Has on rir A page, interlinear translation, literal translation, and every word completely parsed $1 50. Completely Scanned and 'Parsed Ae- fieidt Book , $1,50. Ready Augutt,iqoa. HINDS & NOBLE, Publisher, "! i "! "! " "I " "I 1 -VI '11 ::: !" ii in World's Work $3.00 Harper's Weekly 4.00 Everybody's Magazine.. 1.00 Nebraska Teacher 1.00 $9.0q ALL FOR $450 11 i" i !" !" All subscriptions must be NEW, and may be sent to one or different addresses. Send your orders to The University Publishing Co., 134 North 11th St., Limoln, Nebr. I VALENTINE ABT The great Virtuoso and other great players use only the Wastiburn Mandolin lie Bays It In nn Inspiration to him. Yon, too, should imjny 11 Wiwhlmrn. Wmhburn Mandollnn.aiilUrx, Banjos, Zithers nro sold by flrat-clans munlo doalors ovorywhere. New Model Only $13-00. Beautiful Souvenir Catalogue Free. LYON & MEALY, Makers, 17 Adama Street, - Chicago. Mm EFlF-l- iV k- -v- ; vv ft It It ft ft ft ft I AV-V U-PI-DEE. A new Co-tl lui nHghtCTi In town, U plilre. U pi ila I In simp lo-,Utcsl 1 illor miilc sron,t! pi dc I U 1 The toy arc wlhl, mil prrx Is i i, uu nrwr si su I. i IimIU I,, ,, l-IIOKI -. 1 pi ,ln i lL i, a Pt llrr cn c c leir is swtlii(; hrk s. Anil hrr lt Is like those Imllr) ir silks' When i imss i muilily street she tilts, The liys all lnve loniilptlon fits ' The turn nf h r lie.lil turns nil ours too, I here s .ilwi)s i strife to sli In her pou , l is enoiiRli to in iVe l pa i son ilrunk. To hear htr sin ol,l , u . i clu hink ' Tliesliovr.andtlirce utln r Nl versus lo I' PI I1 I , nd NHW WORDS, nnh) lip to ililc, tn ininy others of the loMilar ot I) TAMII IAH TUNRS, he $ld ot.n faVoki ths iiul ilso nniiy NKVVSN(, S0NG8 OF ALL THE C0LLE0B8. Oofjrltkt, Pricr, $rjO, flostftitul. w. HINDS & NOBLE, Publishers, New York City. Schoolbooks of all ftublnhfrs at one litre. ::5V:l:3tV3ti.5V AX AX AX-AX AX; P P P P P. P. P P P P g . r7 . r . iv v VS PlCTCTt ALWAYS IN THE LEAD TIIK TN ION PACIFIC was tin first lirt to it trothici' Dining ins Vi'.stl hult'd Cai-h, SU'Uiu Ilt'Jit, I'iiitst-h Lij,rlit, lhilTot SnioUin und Libtary Cars, Tourl-t Cars, on trans Cotitinentiil Trains tst of tho Misstniri riv-r. and continui's to leml. Is nist in i'iuip nnnit; iirsi in Bpt't'd; first in important iinprovi-nu'nts; first in stnpt'ndoiis i'ii-frint-crintf t'ntorpriht'B; first i historic intorest; flrt in scenic attr.idions 11' AOAIN LKADS in rcduci . by several hours the time of ' The Over land Limited" to the l'ucific Coast, making the run from Omaha to Halt Lake 11 hours quicker than any ther train; Omaha to San Kraucisco 1.') houra quicker than any nther tr in; Omaha to I'ortlan i IS hourb iuicker than any other train. Full information cheerfully furnibh ed on application to E. B. Slosson, Agt. YOU CAN FIND IT By inserting a notice in the Dailv No- an S; one, cent a word per inser tion. if iVT f 1!; 4.5-13-13-14 Cooper Institute, N.Y.City. jj! Sckoeloookt 0 all futitAtn at one ttort.