" . t I.IJI'W ' II THE DAILY NEBRASKA!. 8 DBDcinanEioncinDincicinoQnnacsi FOR STRICTLY High Class Work SEND TO THE EVANS andnaaaoiacaBiacaciuaaEiuuaca I a Da can a DDncccQinuAi niDCPTnoY Dh id i iiui uooiuuhl umiluiuim nn ID DO inonisCTCinncinnnnnncncntjnnBno OQQQQQQUQQQQiSQaaiDaDaBQDyBH ' j; n.-.'i) i i i.ir,,.,,, JR. HAGGARD, M. D. Office 1100 O Street, Rooms 212-213-2U Rich ards Block, Telephono 535. Residence, 1810 Q Street, Telephone L.984. DR BENJ. F. BAILEY; Dr. May Louiso Flnnagnn; Ofllco, 141 South 12th Street. Telephone 618. LP DAVIS. H. I). 8., Dentist. Bridge and Crown work. OHlcc room 7, over Rock Island ticket oflicu. I'hone 3-JJl. Local and Personal. Eat at Hendry's, 129 N. 11th. S1.2.r kid gloves, '.'8c at The Famous. FIno furs, Steele, 143 So. 12th. ('. K. Brown, dentist, Burr block. The Hygienic Cafe, 316 So. 12th at. ' ) Dr. Shoemaker's Private HospitaL Rrmolnl nttnntmn alTon to (Unease of woi nd all utirjflcHl dmrasns X-ray oiamlnatlo with no diBComfort or injury to patleti. Kt rythinf an homelike as poisibla. Hoard a&d room reasonable. 1117 L8T. LINCOLN. P. CL Box 051. Telephoa in i o II. II IV Twenty years cxper Dili Ji Oi mlnni lenc?. H made over nAHi.i j.ooosetsof teeth- A good Ct ol U Oil 1 1ST) teeth. 5 oo " K Go crown S 10 I A fl Ctrnnt Silver lining 50 ceiim nu L I 4 U OllBBll up. Cold fillingi Ji 00 find I lUPm U UP Ttet" extracted Without pain LINUULIll Jjcruts. urnnioir'A KKMKMnitR run plack rlLDnMuNMi 1114 u Street Compliments of the NEW LINCOLN BOWLING ALLEY to the University students. Football team especially invitctl to call and en jo v- vl aiica clean cuLcrtuiiimcilt nnd '.icnlthftil exercise Club rates given. John S Cain, Propr , 'M South Tentn. Remember When in need of tailoring, repairing or cleaninir in th" clothing line that C. EHLERSlsthe man 1' or the benefit of those new studentb who dont know, his address is north went cor 11th and (), room 4, up stairs C i Can Dfct Smokers fy want a n d be sure it is right in price, too, fmm G. R. Wolf cv Co. 1039 () Street A Close Shave A hair cut, or anything else you want a barber to do for you, at the Y. M. ( A. Hakhkk Shop, 13TH AND P STREETS. Square meals at square' prices THE UNIQUE, 1230 0 ST. ATTENTION, STUDENTS. I wish to know you. 1 wish you to know my work. For this reason I will give your dental work at about- half the ueua.1 rates for sixty days. DR. A. B. AYEHS, 127 S. Twolfth WE SELL KODAKS 117 !!?EiVt,, P. E. DePUTRQH 4 Hill & Co. yZcTothlt clean your suits with satisfac BEST SATISFACTION. Steele, the furrier, Hit S 12th .t. Buy your underwear at The Famous. Dr. Woodward, occulist, Kieh'ds blk, Bass Photographic"; Studio. 1020 n wtrect. Is one better. B.trgalirsalo'onjshoes a t Webster. kogers.J(V13 fBtreefr The Art'classes'mcet "in""PaIladlan hall during the Art Exhibit. .a. The" class " In goology'.Vhas begun the study of historic geology. For '"students; T tliosc"'cxquislto photos at Bass' 102(1) street. , During the art exhibit, the 'class in European History i, meets InM 2(M)7 lo to the Matthews Piano Co , for sheet music and supplies. 1 120 () street. For sheet music" and 'suppllcs'go to the Mathews Piano Co., 1 l'JO O street. ProfcssnrWilsotf announces that the first band concert which. Is soon tto be given will be free. ;ii T. L.-' Bolton. Philip Hudson and "7 Mr. CHlUn have.hcen pledged to Alpha Tau Omega. R. E. Dale;iias;i e ftlthe' Un Iverslty for.tho.pre.sent. Ho iB'teaching the grammar.grade at Dorchester. ., 'All seniors are Informed by'The Registrar Llia"tTt.htil r tlrlll records mustDc..riiadc satisfactory atJonceT F A. Cornell, tirst trombone player In the band, has been forced to give up playimj on accountloMi Is .health" ' M Iss Elsie Blan d I n has I ) een el ec t -ed to a position in the Pawnee City High School and will begin work thero at the opening of the second semester. Sandorson's'shoo'store is givIngVa TUhjUlBCnmrt on airrroodfrpTcp!mitory- to invoicing. Better step in and take advantage of stock is complete. It no,v while the You ought to get fuel that will give you the most heat for the money. That being the case go to the Union Fuel Company and buy either coal, wood or coke at the lowebt prices. 1014 O street. Of course you'll have to keep your room warm this winter Gregory, the Coal Man Has the Stuff Eleventh and O Streets E. A. Luckey, has been lately elect ed principal of the Cortland" high sell oo I. Fred Wlliams, "00, vlslton his Beta Theta. Pi brothers during vacation. The Sophomore basket ball team was out for pructice hiBt night in the ,Ojm uusium. C. L. Shora, '1)7, is now acting Agrvw -tologiBt in the U. S. Dopartinent of Agriculturo. The Chancellor's Seerotary Edgar II. Clark, in absent from his desk on ac count of sickness. Miss Jennie- McCufTey, '01, has ac cepted the assistant urinipalshlp of the Oakdale High School. Frank Itain, .'(X), now of Ann Ar bor Law School,, visited thls Beta Theta Pil)rotlu rs tho HrstToTthe week Tlie Nebraska Territorial. Pioneers' Association will meet in the Univer sity chapel, January 15, at two o'clock sharp. Bota Theta PI was entertained at dinner Saturday evening at the homo of Fie I Cornell, an alumnus member of Cornell Univorsltv chapter. . , Nortliwestern'University lias aban doned the Women's Medical School.' The reason given by the trustee is that they no not consider women lit ted for the work. The public is earnestly and cordial ly. invited uattend all sessions of the Historical Society. Especially all early Nebraska railroaders and those interested in their work are Invited to be present and take partin the discussions. " Secretarry Barrett of the Alumni Association ie just completing a revised and as fur at. ho knows poxJect, list of graduates of the .University. o He baa searched old programs, lists, and cata logues foi minion until Anally he has, pro -illlCliil JL Jltat"'l5 iMge.l.liBtj with ad dresses. Professor D. A. Saunders, '93, now of Brookings College, South Dakota, is ro jocing over his now rooms in the re cently completod biological buildinr recently there. Ho promises to give an addross sometime, beforo the Bot anical Seminal 6n his experiences in Alaska a couplo of yoars ago. Today, Tomorrow and Next. Day, Thursday, Friday and Saturday Will be the Last toys Of Our Great Discount Clearing Sale. Thus far this lias been a rec ord breaking' day and we wantit-to'so continue to the and. Come and see for yourself. ; ;1 Miller & Paine X : 1222 0 Street. Phone A672 !