The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 09, 1902, Page 2, Image 2

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k wipaper dTotcl to the Intareiti of the
UnWartilr of Nob Wa.
Publithed t 134 North 11th 8t br
(Inoorporatnd )
, J. W. Crabtre. President.
G. L. Towns. HoprotrT-TrRsnrr.
J. I. Wycr.T. J. llowott, E. W. Waihbarn.
- j IMiiiiiiKiiiK Editor
- AHHlNtimt Editor
i Athletic Editor
HtorlliiK II M- u w,
(MnirU)N I. Tuylor.
(Iimiiko 1' Hhldlor,
(' lUtlo, Clara (Mover, KT IIIJI R A Me
Nown, Dun Uullolx'ti
It C I'nllurd, E D lliinlim. Clifton Carter,
Norrln Muse. .1 R Kuriiey. Cllll' Crooks,
John A Wilson. I. Inn M llui.i liiKlon.
' Th iibcrlptlon prlcn of tlin Dallj Nohrai
inn l t2 for tho college yHr with n regular dn
IlTorr before chnpnl oncta day. Notirni. com
riunfoationi, Midothnr miittor intruded for pub
ioatlon, mmt be handed In nt the Nehranknn
ofllce before 7 p. m . or mailed to the editor be
fore 8 p. m of the day prerious to that day on
htoh they are expected to apiear
Subscriptions may bo left at the NebrMdian
oOlce. at the Co.Op.. or with Business M mincer
Bbbsorlbera will confer a fuior by rooortiuit
promptly at thli ofllre any failure to receire the
All chinget In advertising matter mull be lu
the ofllce by 8 p. m. on the day prerious to that
d whloh they are to uppaar.
AddrM all communications to the Dally N
kraakan, 131 N. 11th Bt., Lincoln, Nobraaka.
public pulso through tho medium
of tho experienced men who discuss
the dally events rrom tho chapel plat
form. Thls.fact Is shown by tlio In
crease In chapel attendance. More
stuoents think of attending chapel
now, than have for many a-day.
Any student in the University
would be greatly repaid, for a visit
to the green-house." Crowded with
their regular vork, too many aro
prone to forget that there is more
to llfothati a few ..algebraic cona
tions. How much jnoresatisractory
ones' University courso"rtould be ir
these other thlngsweic looked Rafter
a 1 1 1 1 1 e , ami mortal ime.'K I've n tothc
development or th'" aesthetic side of
life. . "" J
Telephone 479.
Kntored lit Lhe posi olll'v lit. 1 m-om. Net
Uh Hooond cIiish tuiiil mutter
"I'ho Teachers Convention held in
Lincoln during the holidays called
to the city twelve or t'ourtocn hun
dred teach o-H rrom all parts of the
state and some from Iowa and Kan
sas. Nothing Is more satisfactory
to the University, in its results,
than such a convention, for it calls
the attention or the public to what
we have ann the advantage here to
be had. It is a fact to be regretted
Mint the University needs to bo more
widely advertised in our own state.
Many people are Ignorant of what
the University leally is aim what it
means to the state. More interest
needs to be created. May more visit
ors came and be impressed by our institution.
We become beautiful liy associat
ing with beautiful tilings. It is
as much, ones' duty to cultivaie'the
aesthetic as the physical rrr nmT fiTHer"
oT theraculties. " Thelway to do ibis '
t a i " m - - i
is i oread good literature, to listen to
good in uslc and loog at good "pictures.
AH 1 1 iree are ope n to studcntsoYThe
jnverity or Nebraksa and thejjop"
portunltv should by all means, be
taken advantage or. ;
1115-1117 ST., LINCOLN.
On Fine Tailored Clothing is the talk of the town.
The greatest success ever known. 20 per cent discount on
Suits or Overcoats.
8Ti Suits or Overcoats now. . . .$13() $lr Suits or Overcoats now. . . .115
Sl'O Suits or Overcoats now JftlO $12 Suits or Overcoats now. .$ 0
IW , ,-, ,. . ,,, ' ,v SH) Suns or Overcoats now $S
ilHStnUorOvercoatsnowfll 4() 8 8 Suits or Overcoats now. . 4(
Includes Stein Mocks, I, Molt. Son, H. Kuppenhcimer high art cloth
ing. 'JO per cent oh" on Cnderweur, Hats Caps, (Moves, Mittens, Trunks
and Valises See us bofore making your purchases,
Edward C . E 1 1 i ( t. supcrlnendcnt'of
schools at Lead vl lie. Colorado, writes
as follows to the Nebraskan. 7 1'
I am triad to return to you the in
closed statement of my Indebtedness
to the Hesperian Company, with a
money order rr the requisite
amount. I wish to congratulate you
and your nssociatos up"n the. suc
cess of the new venture. The Daily
Nebraskan is a welcome visitor to my
desk. I ,trustthat .cm-u in stances
will be suelf as to allow The Nebras
kan a lung and prosperous exLsteuoe.
r mm
on Everything in the Store.
We Can Interest You.
Come in.
1129 0 STREET.
While wo am in the University
it is our privilege and even our duty
to pay some attention to the litera
ture of our own race. Some stu
dents pass through their college
course without having read a singlo
novelor work or litciary excellence.
Tliov may h a ve mastered, in a way,
the brandies or unit hematics or
chemistry, but they have missed
tho richest thought and the great ex
perience or human lire. Literature
and art are necessary to a well round
ed education however great other
attainments may be, and we should
gain a knowledge or it in school
while there Is an.opportuny.
Chancellor Andrews has termed ttio
chapel platfonn tho Hoviow of Re
views. It Is a fitting name for tho
admirable discussion carried on after
convocation each morning. 7 The
students throughout the University
rojoico over the opportunity to feel
In response to recent requests sent
out by Professor Morse to promin
ent, olectrical engineers of the country
for current prices and specifications
for electrical apparatus and equip
ments some most satisfactory reDiles
have been received. Mr. Hi on J.
Arnold, E. E., '!)(, one ol tho most
eminent of constructing electrical
engineers, has presented 'to the de
partment a large package of his la
test specifications which arc practi-
caliy the standaid I in' this country.
Valuable informal inn Juts also been
received from Edwin J Hurch. con
sultingelectrlcalenglneer of Mlnne
aoolis, Minnesota; E. V. Matlack of
the Laclede 1'ower Co., of St. Louis;
crrn.Chalmers,:of thtTElectrh Ma
chinery Co., of Minneapolis; l'ro
fossorMorgan Unions, of the Univer
sity of Illinois; Chailes S. Pillsbury
formerly city electrician of Minne
apolis aiuPK. F. Schwring, city olec
trician of Omuha.
irTvT 1
472-478 ISmndvrny
Alhnny, Nf-rr- Voi-lr
Makers of the
Caps,Gowns and Hoods
To the American CoIIcoh and
UnivorsitioH. Illustrated Manual,
sample prices, etc., on request.
(Jowns for llie pulpit and bench.
Portrait and Lansdcape Photographer
130 South nth Street,
The Installment Tailor,
115 North 11th.
Circulars 'have been received from
tho University or Chicago announc
ing tho Tinnual award of fellowships
which will bo'madc.Murch 18. They
range in value from $120 to $f20.
;About seventy of these honors are
awarded ovory.year.
Mr. Cross is getting several carinas
ready for spring transplanting. He
has sovoral new fancy varieties
started, some being furnished by
L'rofessor Harbour and some by Pro
fossor Taylor.
Professor Wilson purchased a num
ber of selections for tho band whllo
ho was east during tho Christmas
Wind In The Corn.
1 love to lie in the prairie jrrass,
As the sun's noon heat is born,
And list to tho lips of the dashing leaves,
As the wind blows through the corn.
For the sound of the wind is soft and sweet,
A the; sigh of Lk child in slep,
As soothing and calm as the drifting dark
That falls from the bluey deep.
It does not moan as it does in the pines,
Nor wail as it does on the sea,
But sings a song, faint far and low
A marvelous nelody.
From Tumble Weeds.
Regular Edition, $1.00; Autograph Edition, $1.35.
For Sale at all Book Stores,