The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 20, 1901, Image 1

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Director Loveland Tells of tho Work
of Hia Dopartmont Tho De
velopment of Woathor ." ' ,
Forecasts. '
The laws that govorn the weather
rwas tho tfjemo of a convocation ad
dress by Director G. A. Lovcland of
tho weather bureau yesterday morn
ing. ,. ' Mr. Loveland spoke of the misap
prehension that exists generally con
. corning the work of the bureau. Ho
explained that tho laws that govern
tho weather are simple in their na
ture. They are simple mancfesta
tions of changes in atmospheric con
ditions. Tbo influence of the im
mense hgat and energy received from
tho sun, however, makes this a very
-' complex subject. -
A large nurabor of great men have
been meteorologists, ho said, Benja
min Franklin was cited as ono of tho
most noted of these. Ho began his me
teorolpgical studies by observing tho
courso of a rain storm trom Boston to
Philadelphia. , Ho found that tho
storm occurred at different times at
the two places. Others studied the
phenomonon the same way. The
groat ootsacle to the advancement of
the science in thosoolays was the lack
of rapid communication.
Tho invention of tbo eleotrltc ele-
o graph did away with the difficulty of
slow communication. Tho United
States has developed the best sys
tem of weather service. Observations
are taken ai points from Mexico pp
Canada. "These, said Mr. Lovoland,
are takon nb so nearly the name tlmo
that tbo observers might almost bo
said to be t keeping stop with each
other when they go to tako the read
logs. The ubsorvatlons nroall chart
ed on the sarnie map and the oxnot
atmospheric conditions of the whole
- country a7iciooa 2. - '"- "
The speaker showed that by this
means tho development of a storm In
the arid regions of tho west and its
progress westward can be watched.
Storms which tatto ,tbjlr origin in
tho Islands of tho Pacific" can bo
watched as they movo aoross the
ocean and over. tho. Bockies to the
cast. It takes three days for them to
sweTsp across tho continent. About
three dayB later the" storm will bo
heard from In Europe.
Mr. Loveland said ho would not go
into tho details of the office work
nor of the bureau. The.- office, ho
said, liad been placed on the campus,
In order that Rtudents might visit lb
and learn of Its workings by personal
studont.who laalready Registered or
who mayreglstor for tho preliminary
contest, Is reqnosted'Sto'loavo This
vacation address with el the the sec
rotary or tho Debating Board, o7"g7
Hornp; or tha lnsbruobor in ohargo of
the courses in debate.
Tho attention of ail suoh students
Is again called to' tho following an
nouncement maao in those 'columns
yesterday by tho board.
Intorclass Tournament to
bo Flayed
the - University
Championship Tour
Teams in Field.
ThlB afternoon from' 1:30 until l.
willbo hold tho first intor-olass girl's
baskotHballtoruriamont which .tho
University of Nebraska has'yot held.
Hitherto tho matoh playing bas
beon monopolized by tho 'varsity and
tho second teams; but It Is hoped
that an Inter-class competition may
becdmo'.horoafter an annual fixture.
Tbo namo of 'the -victorious team fur
todaywlll be inscribed on a Bllken
pennnnt-to ho oompoted for annqally
as tho olass cbam pions of tbo year.
Nnolof the toamsrhas evor-practiced"
together, but tbo playersof export-
"Present and posslblo candidates for
posltlonson bho"irjborsbabo dobatlng
to ms will, beforo leaving tho city
ror the Christmas recess lea vo their
addresses during tho vacation with
oithcr tho secretary of the board or
with the instructor in argumentation
and debate"
"In case the queBtaonraTO-pofrdecid-fonco-am evenly dlHtrlhutcd; and It is
ed until after the candidate) leaves
town, the board will thus be able to
notify hita without delay, and it will
do so in every , oase. what tho ques
tions are." "The best material in tho
University library on tho Interstate
questions will bo resorved at ouoe so
that lb may bo accessible to all con
corned not only during the Christmas
hard to say which Iwlll win. Tho
seniors and tho fresh m on seem per
baps'tbo most coniIdent,tbut;tho so
phomores and the juniors aro aiso in
tho match to win,; and will show up
Tith spirited teams. The luck, of
organlzatlon'in the matches will be
more than compensated for by tbo
interest and excitemont of '; tbo ""par
ticipants.; Thel tournament is open
to women students of.tbo University,
At "The Lincoln," February 7th.
recess but also- thereafter. k
Registration for the preliminary do
bate, the board voted at Its last
meeting, will not bo closed until ,a
week after -tho 1 ast , interstate ques
tion isnnoupced by tho.. board..
. w
Ono of tho quesbions for tho in-ter-Bbato
debato and the same ques
tions will bo used in tbo preliminary
tboDebatlng Board" expects to an
nounce eafJy this morning on tho bulletin-board
In University Hall.
If the questions to bo debated with
tfio 'titi'ibr two inbtitublonsaro not
setbled today, oflloers Of -tbo board,
ml J, as annQunueri io yesterday's
"Dally Nebraskan," notify, at tho
earliest possiblo date, i-every present
and prospective candldato for places
.onitnWlMrfc'atQqu'.; .:" v
- V ,;;' . ,., ' ...
The Senior party last opening was
not marred by a slnglo instanco of
Olass feud. Thoro had been rumcrs
to tho effect that tho presldeub
would bo unavoidably detained, but
and Bucjijwas nob the case.
There were not a lurge number ab
sent although ib was noticeablo that
thoro wore more girlB than boys.
Thoro are about 100 boys 1 n the class!
50 girls.
For those who desirp.d to . dance,
.xTHca wuuuialfhv discoursed sweet!
strains, twhllo for .those who pre
ferred games, these were in evidence
In a side room. About 35 couples
-were-on thailoor. l
and to nnno others. NoadmIsslon
will bo charged.
Seniors: Misses Pillsburynd Ma
comber, centers; Misses Shields and
Fowler, Ruards; Misses Wolgamot and
MacColl, forwards; 4Mlss Flomlng
subtsltute. Junlbrei Misses Qulio
and Ballard, centers Misses Sly and
Cook, guards; Misses Oralg ana
Honeywell, forwards. Miss Homer
ick, substitute Sophomores: Misses
Conger and Scbleslngor, centers;
Misses Walker and Soott, guards;
Misses Shlnbur'and Craig, forwards;
Thi sophomore surveyors navo es
tablished a true north ana south lino
for tho uso of tho physics doparb
menb.llb is fixed by two points placed
respectively on tho windowslll of tho
physics laboratory and on tho stono
foundation of tho armory.
To facilitate this notillcatlon eaobj weeks ago
Tho rooms had beon prettily aecor
ated with'the clisacolbrs. blue and
white. In a corner of tho. armory
Mr. Gregory t' Id fortunes to tho dar
ing ones. His booth was decorated
with Scarlet and Cream and arranged
in oriental style. Mr. Gregory was
oosbumed in Armonlan fash lop. Re
freshments wore sorved in ono of the
side rooms for tho hot and thirsty
MIbs Dumont. substitute. Fresh
men: Misses Towne and Comstook,
centers; Misses Archibald and Bryan,
guards; Misses Jansa ana King, for
wards; MIbs States, substitute.
Tho order of tho matches will be:.
First half. Juniors vs Seniors; First
half, Freshmen vs Sophomores; Second
half, Juniors vs Seniors; Second half,
Freshmen vs Sophomores; Finals be
tween the winners. Match es: of high
keyed interest arc looked for.
, J. L. Gleary, C. E, M.atsonand W.
W. Graves were given the second de
gree in Phi Delta PhCWednesday.
night at the Phi Kappa Fsi house.
The three, were initifljtes6r, a few
It is reported on authority that is
rellablo that Joseph F. Bonner and
Miss EstherPrey aro Itp be. married
tomorrow. The tlmo and place f
tho cerempny havo not been an
nounced. ' Both Mr. Boomer and MIbs. Prey
are well known to University people.
Mr. Bpo.mor was graduated in '00.
.MJssIPrey while not a graduate, has
attended the University' for several
Mr. Boomer has recently beon ap
pointed '.to position an tho'teaohiDg
forco In tno Philippines 'and will
leavd soon to take up his work there.
In accordance with tho practice of
the journalism class the members are
from tlmo to tlmo assigned and reas
signed to duty as reporters for tho
various dopartmonts of tho Universi
ty. In the last rearrangement the on
glneofing department fell to tho lot
of a lady reporter; but sinoo this de
partment is bo overwhollngly non-coeducational,
tho now assignment docs
not seem to'havo been favorably re
colved consequently tho engineers
have had to dbpend on tbelr own prl
vate reporter appointed by tho En
gincorlng Society.
Tho number of Dental Students In
America from forolgn countries Is in
creasing every year. In the Dental
Dopartmont or tbo University of
Pennsylvania alene this year 80 of
tho 340 registered studonts aro fore
igners, which Is almost 22 per cont
and which represents almost every
country on tbo globe.
Another strange faoL Is tjiab only 8
per cent of Penn's dental stuoonts
come from Philadelphia, while 70
per cenb como from all over bho
Union from places obber bhan bho
Quaker Clby.
The debate this aftronoon In En
glish 11 will bo on whebber or not
the government should own aud op
erate tho telegraph. Tho speaicors
will be Messrs. Black, Norton, Gil
pin and. Meier. In ontolslng the de
bate the instructor will bo Joined by
Professor E. A. Ross.
A program of unusual strength has
been prepared for con vocation porloi
this morning. Tho eqtlro poriodwlll
bo dovotea -to 'a special Christmas
musical program. The numbera will
be rendered by tho strongest music
ians In the University.
CATION. Beginning with Saturday urorninjr
and -continuing throughout tho va
cation the library-wlIPbo npen from
0 am. until 5 pm. excepting, on Crlst-maB-day-when-lt-w4ll-not,bn,npBn.
There will bo a meeting of tho cab
inet. of tbo Y. M. 0. A. at the rooms
today at 5 pm. A brief report from
each offlcor .and'; chairman of the com-,
mitteo will bo called for. J.D. Ring
er, Presldont. . .. - -
Altlioughmany,of tho Palladians
will nc be aljle to bo- present this-,
evening, those who remain will hold
a pie feed at tbo usual tlmo and
pl.ade. . ' Ty r .
When In doubt buy Tumble Weeds.
'i t,