wfjiwrfr jks ! THE DAILY NEBRASKAN. - (..' tS. nasHnorawnianiniannHnnnnnnEiiEino HannsaaaonaaoauiaEaEaaaEtaaiacu gg PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY si ma tnconnnnrannncnnacinnnnnnciBt .UlWHOUDIiUUHUUUUUUUUUUNUI JR. HAGGARD, M. D. Offlo 1100 O Stroot, Rooms 212-213 214 Rich ards Block, Telophono 535. Residence, 1810 Q Street, Telephone L984. DR. BBNJ. F. BAILEY; Dr. May Louiso Flanagan; Offlco, 141 South 12th Street Tolophone 618. T P. DAVIS. D. D. 8., Dentist. JLi Bridge and Crown work. OfTicc room 7, over Rock Island ticket office. Phoao-340. Compllmonts of the NEW INCOLN BOWLING ALLEY to the University students. Football team especially invited to call and en joy a nice clean entertainment and healthful exorcise Club rates given. Joint 8 Cain, Propr., 134 South Tenth. Remember When in need of tailoring, repairing or clean in v in lh clothing line that C. EHLERS Isthc man For the benefit of those new students who dont know, his address is north west cor 11th and O, room 4, up stairs Uncalled For Shirts at a Big Discount. HARPER, The Shirt Maker, 1012 () St. Smokers Can get what tney want and be sure it is right in price, too, from G. R. Wolf & Co. 1039 O Street A Close Shave A haircut, or anything else you want a barber to do for you, at the Y. M. C. A. Barber Shop, ijTH AND P STREETS. Eat AT THE Unique Restaurant 1230 O St., and you will wear a smile. Commutation tickets at a discount. Fine lEurs. We can interest the student in Wood and Coal SCHAUPP & HURD, Ofllcc: 119 South 12 St. Phones. 38'-703-7fl5. Local and Personal. 'raai Eat at Hendry's, 129 N. 11th. Flno fura, Steele, 143 So. 12th. ANIMALS IN OPERAS. Square meals at Francis Bros. 91.25 kid gloves N8o at Ttio Famous. The Hygienic Cafe, 316 So. 12th at. ('. E. Brown dentist, Bun block. Htede, the furrier 143 So. 12th st. Dr. CE Brown Dentist, Burr Block. TI10 Co-Op for Dnl X'mas novelties Prang's Art CalanrJars at Brown's. Buy your undorwear at The Famous. Dr Woodward, occullst, Ricu'ds hlk. w -jg - Sf 59 We are making a spec- & "2 ial this month on 9 fur coats 1 Investigation means a . purchaser. Every j purchase here carries j with it absolute satis- faction. ' F. E. VOELKER, j Twelfth and N Streets. Phone F357. The Music Lovers' series of Books at Brown's. Rinehart's Indian Calendars,'; 1002, at The Co-Op. C.U.fIupp has been pledgcn to Delta Tau Delta. Uni'pennants. pins, baages and photos at thoCo-Op. Bon Bons and other candies for X'mas at the Co-Op. Tho latest in the University hair cufat Westortielas. Come now for your uhristmas pho tographs. Townsend's Elite Stualo. For Sheet Music and Supplies you can do best at tho Matthews Piano Co.. 1120 O St. Stop at Bass' studio for your Christmas photos and seo the water color exhibit. Waterman pens with Sterling silver mounted barrels for X'mas gilts at ttio Co-Op. The class in English Literature 8 unaer Miss Pound took their final ex amination id. Hamlet, Friday. Did your shoes over pinch your feet? Hard to look pleasant then isn't it? SanrJerBons shoes fit yu toet every tlnm The best placo iif town to buy hara coal is from tho Union Fuel Co. Why? Because they sell and deliver the Lehigh Coal. There is nothing better, nothing just as good. Our ofllco Is 1014 O ht. HOLIDAY EXCURSION RATES. Tho Union Pacific will sell tickets on its lines for tho Holidays at Great ly Reduced rates. For dates of sales, limits and points to which tickets will be sold, apply to E. B. Slosson Agent. Tlioj Are Omlttml From Only Three ol Wagner's Operas. Wagner introduced anlmalo into all but three of Ills operas ("Tho Flying Dutchman," "Tristan," and "Die MeiBtorBinger") ; horaea in "Rienzl," "Tanuhauser," "Dio Walkure," and "Dio Gotterdammerungj" swana in "Lohengrin" and "Parsifal;" birds in "Lohengrin," "Siegfried," and "Die Qotterdammervng;" a ram in "Die Walkure;" a bear and a dragon In "Siegfried." The swans, tho dragon and the forest bird aro exprcesod by some of tho most beautiful muaic In the operas. Wagnor has been much criticised, and was at tho timo much laughed at, for his use of animalB in 3erious opera, but not even his friends and brother musicians could argue him out of it Other composers, it is true, had occasionally Introduced animals Into tho opera, notably Mozart in th "Magic Flute." But in Mozart's op era the animals have no essential con nection with the story. Their intro duction is almost as acoldonta and irrelevant as tho happenings in a vau deville. Wagner was tho first to make tho animals part of the cast, dramati cally connected with the whole. Qranc, Brunnhilde's horse, Is her faithful, trusted friend, her friend who gave up his aerial life among the clouds to fol low hor when she abandoned hor wild Valkyrie life to live with a mortal lover. When she bids farewell to Sieg fried she gives him her noble horso tho best that she has to give. Our An imal Friends. Gallnc with the Kleetrle Fan. Fanaroo is a gambling game that la played with an electric fan. Theso fans aro common everywhere now, and brokers, clerks and many other sorts of men aro playing fanaroo. Any number of persons can enter tho game. Tho fan's four paddles are numbered one, two, three and four and the gamblers place their stakes on tho number they prefer. Then the current is turned on for a moment, tho fan revolves, and when it stops, tho paddlo that is uppermost wins. II tho stakes are made a dollar each it is possible to win a large sum in a few minutes at fanaroo playing, but usually the stakes aro not more than a nickel, and tho winnings and losings aro trifling. It is a very Interesting game, but tho constant turning on and off of tho current greatly shortens tho llfo of the fan. . For Christmas Gifts Wo have an especially good line of toilet sets, consisting of comb, brush and mirror. These make suitable gifts for almost any one. A line in sterling silver, at five dollars per set, we consider an excel lent bargain. But a few of these are left. You will alsa find the framed pictures which we are showing to be not only attractive and substantial but also extremely low in price. Let us show you what we have for Clnistmas gifts. Miller & Paine. We would advise you to get a copy of "Tumble Weeds" as soon as pos sibl for the Indications are that 'they are going to roll out of tho market about as fast as the real thing rolls rjHHaefortra-brisk-iraie: : will make your cloths, clean your siitswith R,8j?Crioff :1222 0 Street. Phone A872 X Hill & Co. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Are vou iroinz to buv ' $ Christmas a . e g presents t If so, don't forget to look throughg. elegant stock of v? Diamonds, Watches. Clocks, Jewelry, f? 3 Gold Head Canes, fc? jQ Umbrellas, Cut Glass Ware, ! Opera Glasses, and Heme m be r the place. jiveryvning usually wepi in vgp. tlrht class jewelry store. hr E. Hallettj j 1143 O St., under Funk Opera g Iloute. g. Art Calendars iftrBouk Latest Fiction and Juvenile Works Come in. $Ce.can suggest presents for your friends that will be gladly received. Wilson & Hall, BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONER 113 3 O STREET. ? ' M ' t ' 1 i s i. H ',, 1 n ' $ -1 I i : m m 4 ,-'" '! '4 4 -M 'I '3 S ra J ' j1 ,( ,"l. i a . r ".iu ; tr'f ' 2 m WE SELL KODAKS Of courao you'll have to keep your room warm this wintr Gregory, the Coal Man Has tho Stuff Eleventh and O Streets ) M r ' 117 NORTH lltk P. E. PcPUTRPH r -Vf?l K k' v- u-. 'I.. :x nfiSK - W ,Ti t-yfami.iWm.1t-'JlK J' WM a f-Xiv.iJti, ?'-.-& ftvv-J