p- -rx$il&g&r tTlWgB?'Wl ' " WU1 ilJUliTr nsiWTP- 3W, jrSL?K-W ,, .w., .;(. ,-,-w. V ", mmMmm'mi i i .i.i ' i I ""I 'ijTT ,V"t"V",',t -v J--V JfT i mm ' . -a, i mmttvK hi ' - , . ! ii r " I I 5ter !3 ,,-nr. . ,T -fl . ,V-o rz THE DAILY NEBRASKAN. "Ww" - E?mlrrw i irniiwi i i .aii i, pa "j" f i j. i jh umiUMBJiiwiP -nc.-v-rwBmmM'im "T ,v -viTP--,, -; r ir I l M H r- - .A tN I. : ii ir j l, T" s r, THE DAILY NEBRASKAN newspaper doroted to tlio lntorestt of th University of Nobru slew. Fobllihed at 131 North 11th St., by THE HESPERIAN PUB. CO. (IncorporiUod.) DinECTORB: J. W. Crobtreo, President. Q. L.Towne.Becrotnnr Treasurer. J. I. Wyor, T. J. Hewott, E. W. Washburn. Rxhhlino II .McCAY QeOEOiTP. SniDLEB Mannglng Editor Asat. Manager - Athletic Editor ilKrORTEItH. R. C. Pollard, Siwm'1'' NorrlsHuse. R. T. Hill, J. R. Forney, , CHffCrooki. John A. Wilson, Linn M. Huntington. The subscription price of the Dally Nebras Wan Is $2 for the collogo yoar with n regular tlo llyerr before chapel each day. Notices, com munfcatlons, and othor matter Intended for pub Ucatlon. must bo handed In at the Nebraska,, oulceTefore" p. m.. or mailed to the editor bo foreSpfm.'oftheduy previous to that day on hlch they are expected to nppoar. BubicrlpUons mny be left at ho Nebrsstan office, at (ho Co.Op., or with Business Manager Subscribe will confer a favor by report ng promptly at this ofllco any failure to receive the ""ffihanges In advertising matter must be In the office by 3 p. m. on the day previous to that on which they are to appear. Address all communications to the Dally Ne braskan, 131 N. 11th Bt Lincoln, Nebraska. Telephone 479. Entered ut tho post oflleo at L moln, Nob 11H second class mull mutter The debating season is on full blast. Tho arrangements which havo been made for tho handllnu of tlio contests his never boon so complete and the preparation never so thorough asthls year. As has been suggested before the character of tlio debates will in no senso bo "talking match es." They will be Intellectual con tests worthy or tho elTort ol tlio nest students in t lie University. It might be suggested here that those outsldo the regular classes who In tend to try To- places on tho teams might familiarize themselves with the work which is being dono by at tending tho classes and listening to the remarks or the critics. It is t) bo hoped that all thoso Interested in tlio work will ombraco thiB opportunity of Uoepiig iu touch with tho work und those In charge- of it. A RAKE WORK. Professor Besscy succeeded a few days ago in buying a eopy of a rare old doolc entitled, 4iRot;anlTan Tarlst enso" by Sebastian Vaillant. It was published In 1727 and contains de scriptions of all tho plants growlnc at that time In tho vicinity of Pails. Tho work Is volura luoualy Illustrated with ooppor plates done by (Jlaud Aubrlot, a noted artist of that day. It is a small quarto volume with the -pages 10. by 10 inches and Is - bound - io - vellum Although tlio book is 11 years ola H is In perfect condition. Through tho ofiors of Professor H. H. Nioliolson, a number of Important pieces helonging to tua coro "of tho tc3b well at Llonoln, havo been coU looted and added to tho state museum. This test was borea to a dopfcu of 2,403 rt., at aloost of $20, 000, tho object being to determine iho question or coal.oil and natural ftas In ftobraksa. As the cores were takon out tuoy were distributed for examination. Tho scattered pieces of this coro have beou coming to the museum for tho past ton years until the reoora of tho strata Is uaarly completed. V 100 copies of Tumble Weeds will reach Lincoln by express today.' None of theso will bo placed on salo, how ever, as this numbor will not noarly All tlio advance orders. Another shipment Is exported in a few duys. Tiiu.i'.jiiKinuuiiijg. buolety will in duleo In a "smoker" In the near future. Tins will bo the first social guthernK tl at tlm englners liavo ever participated in. If it turns otitis suc cessfully as prospects bi em to indicato it may bo mudo a permanent thing similar to "tho monthly "rmokcrs'' Riven by tlio onpinoorlne faculty of some of tlio caslorn universities. Tlio name of tho cntoitainmcnt signifies Its naruro morilv in that it indicates comfort and Informality. n.11,1 TIIIC AUTOMATIC VIHTOU. Tho latest In small arms Is the pis tol which has just been adopted by the Swiss government and has lately been tested by tho United States war department. In speaking of It in tho American Machinist, O. H. Powell calls attention to the fact that tho limited range of the revolver Is large ly duo to the escape of tho powder ga about the cylinder, nnd thon says: "What Is known as tho automatic plBtol of today seems almost a perfect realization of the ends sought. Though called automatic, this Weapon is la reality only semi-automatic, as suc cessive pressures on the trigger aio necessary to Us operation. "This weapon is a repeating arm in which tho force of the expansion of tho gas the recoil, or 'kick' is utilized after each shot to open the breech block, extract tho empty case, cock tho flilng-pln, and, by means of a recuper atlc spring, charge tho pistol with a now cartridge, tho operator merely having to press tho trigger for each successive shot." In editorial com ment tho Journal just refened to re marks. "The performance of this Luger pistol Is remarkable, as shown by tests of ai my boards. Twenty-four SECTIONAL VIEW. shots were fired from It at the late or 110 a minute. This Included the time of removing two empty magazines and inserting two loaded ones, so that tho" rato of firing one magazine charge, or eight shots, must of course be consid erably faster. In tho accuracy test the mean deviation of the shots was Bhown to be slightly more than 0.5 Inch nt a range of 76 feet. It was taken apart In 8 seconds and ie.us- Bouiblert In 12 seconds. ' It also stood the remarkably sever duut nnd mat tests very well and gavt l - oyor - yL ovldenoe- of-belng the very best mllltury pistol presented beforo the trial board, After being ImmerBed In u aohitlon of sal ammoniac and al lowed to remain until thoroughly rust ed, It was without cleaning fired as a a'ngle breech-loader, and after being pimply oiled, without disassembling;, workod automatically as before. It U thought probable that tho United Sfe.ten army authorities will adopt It for army use, In which case It will bo manufactured here." THE TIGER'S KVES. Jfr. Beddard of the London Zoolog ical 13oclety calls, attention to a pecu liarity of ,th,Q earB of tigers, which ho thinks may be classed under the head of "protective markings." On the back of oach ear is a vory bright white spot, and when the ears aro directed for ward these spots are conspicuous from tho front. Mr. Beddard suggests that when the tiger Is sleeping In tho dim light of a cave or thicket the spot.i on itt ears may appear to an enemy, look ing In, aB the gleam of Its watchful eytH, and thus Bave tho Blpefaor from an unexpected attack. Legislative Gallery. BEST OF RATES TO STUDENTS. Portrait and Lausdcape Photographer iao South litis Street, LINCOLN, - - NEBRASKA. QALLERY ESTABLISHED 1871. &yxW&ifoilbito&i&iiii&Q& YOU May bo disinterested, nae: Will Interest you. & It h nine loi you to be looking1 up your heavy stiit or overcoat. If j oti arc stylish dresser, last year's overeoat.or suit will not do at all. The latest thing iu overcoats is tho broad .shoulders, long and full in the back. Thecoutwe turn out is the nobbiest thing you ever saw Oxfords, blacks, golden, brown and blues While in suits we show the swell eastern creations in fancy Cheviots. Vicunas, etc. You have to see them. Come right along. Suits, 87.50 to S2.-,00. Overcoats, $7.."0 to 330.00. Ewing Clothing Company 1115 and 1117 ) St., Our Mew Location; Corner nth and M Sts. riERCHANTS LAUNDRY, TRUMAN BROS., Propr's. 2 "Shirts, 5c: Collars, 2c; Cuffs, 4c. Call and see our new plant. Phone 805. & 444 Arc you Going to California? i Call and get Printed Matter that will giyo you full information as to its Climate, Resources and the best way to get there. City Ticket Office, Corner 10th and O Streets. Telephone 335. 64O4006O0O40'WaO6O4a44OtA440O4 Every new Student calls on James Hearn 337 has his So. nth street measure takon Apd for th Tamous Kalamazoo Uniforms, manufactured by tbt fycndtrsonJ1mts Co. Kalamazoo, Wicb SPEAKING g OF j FINE CLOTHES! f: LINCOLN, NEB Is A Dandy. In fact all of our shoes are dandies for style, fit and wear. PERKINS & SHELDON 1129 0 STREET. "0 H Bnrllngton Depot,, 7th Street, Bet P and Q. Telephone 35. y e-r i kW ,,. frVafc.?f&AA-v nWNb A . A& q jW.-f. jJibAwK 1X -, i. A - w - Vk. " ' s I' . ' -7i-iiffl