The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 21, 1901, Image 1

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The Daily Nebraskan
VOL.! NO. 4S
Varsity Spends the Afternoon at
Easy Work---Alumni Beats
the High School After
a Heated Contest.
The Varsity were .ill in their posi
tions last night excepting PillMiurx,
and Brew. The places of these
were filled by Crandall, Eager aim
On account or the High School-Alumni
name, practice was started late.
After kicking the bill about Tor .some
time as :i warming up exerise, the
teams lined up lor signal practice.
The formations oT the varsitv were
gone through witli the r .' Ion
..nap and "igor. CufT did the punting
in the absence ol Pillsburv and proved
to be quite elTective In gaining
ground by tliis metliod. Both sets
of oacks were used and it is very hard
lo tell which were t lie surer.
The work of the senilis was not up
to the usual standard. Many fum
bles were made winch In a name
might prove vervVosth. This was
due no "doubt to the tact that Mc
Donald the regular quarter was tried
aOull-back and Itcaid who took his
place did not play as sure nor as
quick as the regular quarter
The team did not line up lor sciim
inagc but were kept busy by the
coaches, pounding away at signals
until it was almost too dark io see
tho ball
The Alumni-Illgh School game was
a tine exhlDition of foot-ball and was
a tight to the finish.
The Alumni scored twice on the
regular team. Ra mond kicking
both goals. It was a pure case of the
survival or the tiittesc from the be
ginning. The score: 12 to (.
Tho high school bujs are a erv
last aggregation ol piavers who have
not been scored against this year,
save by the Varsity team. But vthey
met their Waterloo yesterday. One
or the most marvelous things if the
game was Lhe team work an J end in -ance
of the Alumni. Only a few of
the men were In any shape to plav
football and bad not plavcd together
sinco '05). Eager and Johnson were
the stars or the Alumni, always
gaining their ground when called
upon, and tlvey were continually
spoiling the formations of the high
seho"). Eager made the touchdown
iirthc first half ny a very pretty run
of 3.r yards. Captain Westover acted
as referee and Professor Condra as
umpire. Time of halves 2." minutes.
Thanksgiving marks, tho close of
the football, and the beginning ui
tho basket ball season. Basket ball
will then be the ofllclal sport until
warm weather brings out the base
ball ethusiasts. The men have been
In light training since the beginning
or the year. Active practice will
begin at once and it is expected the
team will soon be selected, and an
The positions are all open et.
Cortelyou, center: Plllbsury, center,
and Koehler. .ruaro, of last year's
team arc still In the Varsity football
squan and will not be in until arter
tho Thanksigving scrimmage with
the Indiaus. They will Drobnbly be
candidates lor the places held last
j ear.
Mom ill. forwaid, last ,car is man
agei of the team and will not play
this vear Babson last year's guard Is
not in school. Thomas, lorward last
ycai is In school and will lie out for
practice. If the old men surcce.i
in holding their positions there will
be two vacancies to be filled from
the abundanco of strong material.
Among the piomising men out are
Gilbert. Ferguson, Hng'TisIck, To
bey. Bavmond, Magdan., Hewitt and
Elliot. The old men will hac to
work haul to retain their places
against tho experience and skill of
some of the new candidates.
The management, although no
games have been scheduled at pres
ent, promise the lovers or sport sev
eral fiist class games durng the wint
er. Basket ball Is becoming the great
winter game in the colleges of the
I'nited States. Its popularity has
grown up within the last six years,
because It Is full of the spectacular
and exciting pla that makes the
spectators enthusiastic and pleased
vitli the game. The team incuts a
strong suppoit irom the student
hod v.
The Lincoln high school will go to
Omaha Saturday to play the high
I school there. They will tie accom
panied by ihc girl's basket ball team
which will play the Omaha team in
tnc evening. A large number of
rooters will accompany the two
teams. A great deal of enthusiasm
is being worked up among the high
school pupils. It is reported that a
$1.10 rate has been promised provided
2."0 make the trip. Those who in
tend going should telephone the high
Kdiool in older tint arrangements
may be made.
The L'nivcisity Isrlcherin tare old
b ioks than is 'generally known. Be
sides the l'inacs of l.'iiil, mentioned
In a former issue as belonging to the
department of botany, I'rolessor Bar
ber o the latin department, has
three books that antedate this; a
Terence of I.mS and a Horace of 1 .",-)!.
both puulished in Venice and bound
together in beautifully tooled ellum
in KjfiU: an edition of Plautus' com
edies by Cameranus, published at
Basle in 15:18 and similarly bound;
and another Pl.iutus by Angelus pub
lished at Florence in 1514. This last
Is exceedingly rare. Professor Kitsch I
says that he hunted not less than
twenty years In Germany, Italy,
France, and Holland before lie could
secure a copy for lnmselt. The latin
department also has a manuscript of
Sallust of the Fourteenth century.
The seniors will play the sopho
mores Saturday afternoon unless the
'sopl.s" arrango a game for that tirao
with tho Lincoln Medics. In that
case the senior-sopomore game will
probably be' placed Tuesday. There
is also some talk of a game between
the seniors and frebhmen Saturday,
possibly In the forenoon.
In one of Harvard's eating halls tho
number of men aggreagtes 1,17." per
Lieutenant Barlow Speaks in the
Chapel of Conditions in the
I8lands---Feel the Need
of Better Schools.
Lieutenant Barlow, an ex-l nlvei
sitv student of the class of 1800, now
lieutenant in a regiment of native
Philllpine scouts, spoke for a short
time yesterday in chapel. He said he
was glad to note the Improvement
the I "diversity h;,d mado since he
was a student and considered It a
great favor to be allowed to call at
tention to some or the features of
Filipino life as he saw It.
He was surprised to see the effect
Catholicism hud bad upon the na
tives. In this country Catholicism
aids the advancement of the people
and be supposed he .vould find the
pocplc theie highly civilized But
the contrary was true. in every
town no matter how small there was
a large stone church and often It
would be larger than all the houses of
the town put together. This plainly
showed bow tho people were ground
down by the Spanish Friars. Every
Sunday moining everyone In the dis
trict attended mass. Many of the na
tives came bringing cocks under their
arm for the cock fight which invari
ably followed tho mass-service. One
thing was peculiar in this, the priest
and prominent men of the village al
ways won all the money while the
poor people went home to scrape up
some more money b the next Sun
day. Economically, tho islands arc cap
able or much advancement. Tho soil
is very rich and productive especially
Tor rice, tobacco, hemp and sugar
cane. Agriculture is very ruoe ow
ing to lack or implements. Harvest
ing is also ' very crude. The rice is
threshed out by beating the rice beads
with clubs, throwing the grain up to
let 'the wind blow out the chalT.
Flour is then made by pounding It up
in a wooaen bowl. He considered
that 't would take as much labor to
make one pound of rice flour by the
Filipino method as It would to make
."iOO iounos in the United States.
He said that the schools were also
very poor but are gradually advancing
under United States government in
struction. School books have been
introduced and the schools have been
The Islands need help and the peo
ple can never be aioed properly un
less ull the psoplc or the United
States lend tnolr influence. He urged
the students to make a thorough
study of tho question D6forc con
doming the governments action in
tho Philippines.
The Chancellor will speak on the
New York election toaay.
The sixteenth annual convention of
the Young Women's Christian Asso
ciations of Nebraska will convene in
Lincoln next Friday. A great deal
of Interest is being taken in the
meetings by the young ladles of the
University association. The sessions
will be bold In tho parlors ol the citv
association at 1200 V street. The
program for the entire tession Is as
2:30. Devotions, Mrs. F. M. Hall,
Stato Chairman.
3:00. Organization
."1:1,"). Greetings, Martha Pierce.
Pics. Lincoln City Asf-o.
.'1:2.'). Response, Margaret Thomp
son, Doane College. '.Crete.
3:3.".. Address, Mrs. O. M. Easter -oav,
Member state Committee.
4:0.". Report of State Commlltei.
Mrs. F. M. Hall.
4:20 Report of State Secretary.
I :. '!."). Report of State Treasurer,
Mrs. F. M. Spauldlng.
4:f0. Two minute reports, In m
Presidents of Associations
.1:30. Adjourn.
7:30. Praise Service. Mildred Vance,
Doane College, Crcto.
8:00. State Committee, Mary S.
Dunn, City Secretary American Com
mittee. 8:30. Evangel, Miss Kollcnbarget.
8.40. World's Quarterly. Agnes Hill,
National Secretary of I no la.
8:.)0. Conferences, Mary S. Dunn.
0:00. Secretarial Institute, Mrs.O.
M Easterdav
0:10. Reading of Minutes.
0:30. Adjourn.
0:00. Ojilct Hour and Prayer Circle.
Mrs. (). M. Easterday.
0:t."i. College Conference, Conducted
by Margaret Kle of Lincoln Associ
ation. Fall Campaign, Cora M. Day, es
leyan University.
Annual Budget, Mary C. Swlbart.
Fremont Normal.
Bible Stua, Lena Schell, Yon;
Social Committee, Katherlnc Bod
gers, Doane College.
Missionary Committee, Minnie Case.
Stato University.
11:00. Business hour and Finances.
Mrs. F. M. Hall.
2:00. City Conrorence, Led by Miss
Mary S. Dunn, City Sec Am. Com.
.Place ol Association in commuuiLy,
Mrs. F. E. Campbell, Lincoln.
Finances, Miss Emma Hathaway.
Noon Lunch, Henrietta Bankson.
Problems of Boarding Home. Mrs.
Florence Andrus.
Religious Meetings and Bible
Study, Miss Mac Sumner.
3:00. Necessity for the Evangelical
Basis. Miss Margaret Kyle.
3:30. Evangelistic Power of the As
sociation, Mrs. Emma F. Byers,
Sec'v Omaha Assoc' n.
4:00. Missionary Spirit of the As
sociation, Agnes Hill.
8:00. Reception.
0:30. Consecration hour, Mrs. Em
ma F. Byers. General Secretary Om
aha Association.
4:00. Gospel Service. Miss Agnes
Farewell Circle. Mrs. F. M. Hall.
7:30. Y. W. C. A. in America, Miss
Mary Dunn.
8:00. Y. W. C. A. In India. Miss
Agues Hill, Illustrated by Stjereop
trcon Views.
The class In ootany in the School
of Agrioulturo, in charge or Instruc
tor Sheldon, now numbers sixteen.
They met for tho lirst time last Fri
day for a lecture and began their
work In the laboratiry on Saturday.
. . &0JEfataii;