'-A V -r, v f.i FVI . i f THE DAILY NEBRASKAN. LOCAL AND PERSONAL Lost, Found and Want Ads At Special Rates in The Daily Nebraska SIDLES Exclusive Sporting Goods House Agents for Spalding, Vic tor aud D. fe M. Goods. . asrfs& 1304 o st. The Co-Op. ( t Who's Lwlwlg? Sanderson '8 Shoes. "rrl h Eil You ns, PIPES. :-i Cotors at Tho Co-Op. . '"V' Pennants at The Co-Op. Megaphones at The Co-Op. Eat at Hendry's, 129 N. 11th. - -r3PQjaU&-yy I hc ' 'jfjy' i(i' CC3 vmGMT Square meals at Fiancls Bios. Toot ball buttons at The Co-Op. Fine furs, Steele, 143 So. 12th. Munson's restaurant, 1418 O st. Steele, the furrier, 143 So. 12th. Buy jour millinery at the Famous. The Hygienic Cafe, 31G So. 12th at. Bass' Stadlo, 102G O st. None better. Dr. Woodward, oecullst, Richards bloclr. A't ms-zs? Shoe Fly! Don Cameron's lunch counter, 114 So. lltlt st. Go to Matthews Piano Co. for sheet music and supplies. Geo. Constancer'B new llvo-chalr bar ber shop at 1010 O st. Don't Bother Me " i. ajaftysaa as "" ' " ' OF COURSE WALK OVER SHOES 3.50 and $4.oo Are the best they tit perfectly, are very stylish and durable, and everybody wears them who has the price Webster & Rogers 1043 O St., Lincoln, Neb. B'lM'tflX. fi WMNBtL Buy your shoes at Sandersons. UNDERWEAR, UNDERWEAR any Uind, any grade at Ewlng's. See Westerfleld for the latest Uni. hair cut. 117 No. 13th st. Ewlng Clothing Co. for clothes that suit jou financially and mentally. Miss Lulu Walker of Mlllerton. Neb., la pledged to Delta Delta Delta. Sweaters of every kind from 50c to $4.50 line at Ewlng's. All colors. Miss Hose Clark of the Conservatory is teaching at Huntington. Pa., this year. - Misses Blanche Emmons and Edith Shaw are at Wellosley college this yeai. F. K. Nlelson. '02, visited with his parents at Omaha over Sunday. Chailos B. Gregory (U. of N. '91) sells coal at 1044 O st. See him. STUDENTS. Buy your kid gloves and corsets at Tho Famous, 1020 O. B. & T. have gpt some "kids" that you would appreciate. $1 per pair. For Students Those new $3 ovals and $4 panels at Bass Studio, 1026 O. Miss Grace Andrews, '01, visited ovr Sunday with her Pi Beta Phi sisters. Ladles' Box Enameled Buls, yellow rope welt for $3.50 at Perkins & Shel don's 1129 O street. All University boys who have the price wear "Walk-Over" shoes. For sale only at Webster & Rogers. Bveret P. Casden of Waterbury, Conn., la pursuing IiIb vocal studies at the University School of Music. "Sorosis" shoes for University girls are the best. For sale only at Web ster & Rogers. Don't forget Ewing has a full lino of Way's mufflers. They are nice for cold weather. Try our Trenton Lump, ouly $G per ton. A good clear hot coal. Union Fuel Co., 1014 O st. Arc you Going to California? (Jail and get Printed Matter that will give you full information as to its Climate, Resources and the best way to get there. City Ticket Office, Corner loth and O Streets. Telephone 235. Bnrlington Depot, 7th Street, Bet. P and Q. Telephone 25. A colored shirt in a neat pattern is a very agreeable garment. The neat patterns can always be found at Palne's. Boys hnve you seen those $3.00 blu (Shers, made of best Box Calf and welt ed soles at Perkins & Sheldon's, 1123 O street. Misses Fanny Cole and Ethel Tukey stopped in Lincoln Friday on their way to Minneapolis. Several songs of Howard I. Klrkpat rick were sung with great success at Lake Chatauqua, New York, during the Chautauqua assembly. A. B. Warner, superintendent of the Missouri Valley Schools, attended the state superintendents' meeting. He visited with his son, Ray Warney, '04, until today. . . 1 Pants. The celebrated "Crown" pan taloon at Ewlng's. They fit. They wear and give you only tho best satisfaction. F. W. Bellamy, the star center field er of the Arapahoe baseball team, was visiting with C. E. Teach, '02, Friday and Saturday. Miss Mabel Mulr spent Suntfaj with her sister, Miss Sarah Mulr, '00, who Is teaching history and English in the Palmyra schools. James E. Boyle, '00, has a graduate fellowship in sociology at Kansas uni versity. He received his A. M. degree there last year. Ho reports the facili ties for advanced work in, sociology in that institution as excellent. Write Right. . . . You should have a good Fountain Pen . . : Write'Rigkt. We have several kinds Water man's Ideal, Parker's, Franklin A college pen for 75c. A $2.00 Paul Ev Wirt for $1.25 none better WILSON & HALL, Booksellers and 5tatioHers, 1133 O STREET. Dr. Sfceeaaier's Private HesfiUL Buecial attention given to diseases of women and all surgical diseases. X-ray eiamlnation with no discomfort or injury to patient. Ev erything as Homelike as posslple. Hoard a room reasonable. iuu-book sxobes. mcsiu dzxixs-4im HINDS XOJsXE. Publisher. -6--12-J-M Cooper Institute. Naw YoK ocoooieoou oi an ptuuacn at ana iter pp ii , m.t i m I. bit Yalemen know and the Ntvf Ifavtn UmUh ays: JheqyiioacluAat ntAtvwUU five riind i solved by SONS OF ALL THE COLLEGES which is alike suitable for the collegian of the past, for the student of the m-eient'atul for the boy (trfirl) with honest also for the If nustC'loyiiic sister and a fellow's best girl." U "All tin Nrur t. 1I IX. a. ,v Z.. W "IjVl. :". '7''f.: -".".'. .v ' "w Take Your Shoe Repairing to JOSEPH KOLBACH, 1326 O STREET ALL WORK GUARANTEED 1117 L ST. LINCOLN. P.O. Box 051. Telephone 083 Subscribe for The, Daily Nebraska ;-i J 'I Jl Vi fJ r tfU 1 ; J I M m M ) . a 1 ,T i ,1 i -5 '-' ft . 1 t m ,-' f" w. , trk I . 1 ! - 9 ; f- i'i 4f I r ltK "" " ' ,- tL&&Jkfc ri&d&JMv&k n ' J,-e -n?1 K.WAJ V 4.. iW'j i -I. ,. . , t .. r jf 1 to . .- ,! , r "S..1 .Is... tj. 0u.i. u mvmm fcitwi ifgSH H