3 I'W T f" A J7 A V -. f. . . " U, ' . T"? w T -tf- ".J. " - . ,i,t "v W- " 1, , i i 'i TIIK DAILY XKBKASKAN. .! . . ' - ""' w i . -. Ji i I liMlllll I Hlfii.n ii U it t lis V i 1 ' -O - v ( fa THE DAILY NEBRASKAN A neJinMr ilovotod to ilin Intoroit nf tlm l.'nlvntnlly of Nnhm ikn. l'ublutie.l nt l.ll North Mill St.. by TIIK HKSI'KUIAN I'l'll. CO. i Incoriioriitnd. ) DIRKCTOR8. .1. YV. Crnfotri'P, ProsiilnrU. . G. L.Towno, Sorrotnry-Tronxnrnr. A A. Wyrr. T. .1. Hmvett. K. W. Winliburn. Sii.m.iNo M .M Caw J Mvnnino (f I.OHOK I. HlllDLKIt Mnii!iliiK Ktlilor A"Ht. Mniifignr - Athlotic I'llto itKI'OKTHHH. K C rollnnl, Clifton Cnrtnr. Nutria Hn-q. " It. T Hill. J. It, Pfitpor. CHIT Crooke John A. Wilton LlmiM HuntiiiKton Tim BiibHcriptlon prico of thn Dnily NobriiM knn i VI for tho colli-Ko your with n reulnr (lo ll vory ,boforo chajol each lnv. Notice, com munication, andothnr matter iiitcnclod for pub lication, mutft bo hnndcil In ut tho NobrnHkau olllo boforo 7 p. in., or mnilod to tho editor bc foro:l p. in., of tho day prevloim to that day on which thoy aro rxpoetnd t appear tiubictiptionx mny bo loft at tho NobniHknn otllco, nt tho Co. Op., or with IltminefH Mnnnsnr. Huhicrlt)(rR will run fur ii fnvor by rox)rtlnr promptly nt thix ollico any fnllnro to rcccio tho papnr All rlinnffox in iwhorti-dng matter must bo in tlio olllco l .1 p. m on I ho day previous to tliut on which Lhoy aro to appear. Addrosx all rominiinicoktoiiM to tho Dally No braskan, I M N lllh St. Iuicolti, Nebraxka. .' V-. Telephonc 470. iUMMMMMMMMMrtMMMiMM 5: & Tlii I)iitl Ni-lii iiUim In lirlnir went to nil MihiMirlhi'r on lint old NcbriiH- kllll-llt'KpiTlllll lint. TIlOHC MIlllHOllll- i'm lo lh Nlrunkiin-llHpcrlitii Jfc who ilo not ali'Nlrr tho Dally will C plfiixo notify the muiiiiKcr by card J 114 HOOIl ll pOHHlllltt. WM 110 noll- llcut Ion In reeol vmI II In linilri stood -g that tho HiiliHrrllior t Inlirn lh' pn- j pel- to contliiUf. SAV.VWWffWWWW91WrVWWW.WW Members of the Dally Nehraskan staff are requested to call at tho office 131 No. llth St.. between 1 and 2 o'clock each day for assignments. The student body should feel en couraged by the state of football af fairs, and do all In their power to help along the good work. There Is no better wiij In which this can be done than by the organization of a rooters club. A regular yell leader should be chosen and yells practiced systemat ically. This would do away with all half-hearted squeaky yelling which doefl not encourage the team and makes those who are tiying lo do something ashamed of the effort. i EXCHANGES The University of Nebraska has adopted a new yell. Dally Palo Alto. The University of Nebiaska plays twelve match football games this sea son. Dailv Palo Alto. The Yale Interscholastlc Football league has been reorganized and Iwib a membership of live schools. Yale News: Individual student, but prefers rather to hae a larger number of students benefited In a smaller way While the entire sum Is not large. It dooH an immense amount of good because It Is In continual circulation. Wisconsin Cardinal. Such afTaiis as the Roble Fancy Dress party by the women of the uni versity, and the "shirt-tail" parade by the men. supply the genuine fun and spice of student life without the tincture of rowdyism, against which we have heard our president speak so often With an entire absence of the de.st 1 notion of property and of tres pass upon the rights of others, every one had fun The next thing In or der should be. a stag "Jolly up" at Kn clna to light the fire of enthusiasm for the football season. Dally Palo Alto President Harper announced to the senior and Junior college councillors In their meeting after the elections Tuesday, that this year the authorities of the University would not give their consent to the holding of the fresh man presentation, or "Fre.-diman Con vocation," as this unique exercise Is sometimes called. Dr. Harper asked the support of the councillors in ral lying student sentiment to oppose all "survival of barbarism." The presi dent expressed regret that the exer cises had to be given up. Hut said that the univeisity executive officers had deemed this necessary The reason given is that the gathering for the presentation la liable to develop Into a gathering for conflict between the sophomores and freshmen "Such things miij be tolerated in some in stitutions." said the piesident. "but here we must put a stop to them ' -University of Chicago Weekly The class In general botany did not show much decrease In its attendance on Monday morning, in spite of the fact thut many of the students were up the greater portion of the night before, returning from Mlnnoupolis. One plucky girl, whose train arrived at four o'clock In the morning was pros ent iicvertheloHa. unci auenied none the woise for her loss of sleep. Jeremiah Kebman, '98, who returned a few weeks ago from a summer's work in the Hig Horn mountains, has secured a position, with tho Hiooks Scanlon company, at Scanlon, Minn , where he expects to learn the lumber man's side of the art of forestry This is one of the necessary subjects re quired of those who enter the set vice ol the government The Interviews in American history III will be conducted by Mr Sheldon Ptofcssor Caldwell's book on "Source Fxtiacts" will be used The follow ing topics will be covered "Aquisition and government of the Noith West Teiiltory Phe ordinance of "ST" V A Harricon. a newspaper man of this city, will start for the Isthmus of Panama next week on a newspaper trip. He has been given a commission by the Historical society to make re pot ts relative to the Venezuelan question The Dellans will give their "Riley" piogram Friday night This program was postponed last Friday on account of the Minnesota game. Pure Wool Pants. (Medium or Ilenvy Woight.) Made to Your Measure ELI AS BAKER PANTS CO., 118 S. 10th Street. $3.00 SS I3R.T. O'CONNOR cur rs CANf EHS. TUMORS, WKNSnnd FISTULA '- SS "ithout tho 11 e of knife, chloroform Z3 SI or Ether FKICE 1X O St., LINCOLN. NKH iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHl Dancing Academy PROF. HOLMES, of Chicago Ollices and Studio 325 SOUTH 12th. Daiirmjf Academy WnNh Hall ot-r Rock Inland Tickot Olllco. llth ami O Sin NEW and HHCOND HANI) Capital Novelty Works Bicycles BICYCLE SUNDRIES, REPAIRING OF ALL KINDS. TEL L)9r. 317 South llth St. J. S, DeVore, 317 S. nth St. At I. S. C. thoy tried, convicted and cremated the " Football Hoo-doo" of thntfistltution October 2. Now that . this inennclng spirit no longer ex ists, wwill expect to see Ames do wonders in football this year Drake Delphic The idea of the students' loan fund was originated by the class of 1900. This class placed tho sum of $3G0 In the hands of a committee of which Dr. Chas. Forster Smith Is chairman, to be loaned to deserving students without Interest until Hiich students were able to repay. A considerable amount has been added' to this fund by professors and other persons con 4 nected with the university, who prefer to withhold their names. The com mittee hus not deemed it advisable to loan money in very large sums, or for any great length of time to the --mHbtM-H7nlf--tTMiT,snrTJeTng" made ly IT (J. Cornell, University pho tographer, for the industrial school. They include pictures 01 the Univers ity buildings and scenes on the cam pus. The final proof of the proceedings of the Orinthologlst Union are now be ing read. The completed report will appear In about a week. It will con sist of close to 100 pageB. 15. F. Warner, who formerly took a high rank In the debating circles in the University, was in Lincoln on his way west from New York City. He was east in the interests of a mine which he owns Sidney Numemaker, J. Miller, J. F. Fisher and H. R. Follman were In Lincoln, Thursday and aguln Monday visiting their Alpha Tail brothers.They were enroute to and from Minneapolis. WTinnnnnnrtrnnm M PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY r.nnnnr-innr-innnnn JR. IIA(5(JARD, M. D. Mire 1100 i) Street, Rooms 212 21.1 211 Rich ards Block, Telephone .".T. Residence, 1310 ( 3 Street, Telephone LPS I. OLIVER JOHNSON, D. D. S Den tal Oflice, Cor. llth nnd O Streets, Over Harley's Drug Store. Telephone L0I1. 1R. 15KN.I. F. MAI LEY. Dr May ' Louho Flnmig-nn; Oflice 111 South 12th Street. Telephone (UH, We are having- big run on those Cadet Panels, better call. Gray Bros.,1216 O st . Id Eternal City I5 Hall ('nine l. ALL $1.50 FICTION For 1.'J.") EXCLUSIVE AGENTS For 1) it jM Athletic (Jooln, . r "r & . OVI" ? mn-m r-lUI"'- "! 3 Omaha to Salt Lake City 10 hours quicker than any other route Omaha to San Francisco 13 hours quicker than any other route Omaha to Portland 14 hours quicker than any other route For full information cull on or address K. 1$. SLOSSON, Agent. DR. J. J. DAVIS, GRADUATE OPTICIAN Eyes Examined Free. Prices Reasonable. i2380Street,TECBRLN' Subscribe for The Daily Nebraskan Headquarters for Spalding Foot Balls. New Line Gymnasium Suits just received. WILSON & HAU'S Uooksellers and Stationers 112:-J () Stkeet. . . livery new Student calls on Students If you want the Best, place your Orders for Dance and Society Pro grams with The New Century PHONE 365 1123 N Street, Monroe History Paper, lesl grade II'iHton Cocrn James Hearn 237 So. nth street And has his measure taken for tho famous Kalamazoo Uniforms, ntanufadund by Zh fyendersonJ1ines Co. k'alamazoo, Wieb. Clothing Cleaned or Dyed At MANN'S, 1322 0 Street -f THE fe $ Y, M. C. A. BARBER SHOP $ j J. L. KOHLER, Prop. S CityY. M. C. A 13th nd PSt. L A place of the firm clasH. 2y 1 Cfcfc & 9 ii 4? a , . M & .-.fl "")' -&rZfvim TmIwvmL K -AAVjat.'evt