SrWWs 'fTrrV vr - np.w!! r m THE DAILY NEBRASKAN. t: Id R Campus. You Can Enter at Any Time. , fcfr. tf - 1 ' f" 4 S The University School of Music, Just South of the 4(St&ftS&fiS(?tegM&s :r H. Dr if-. ii I. IS l! IM IV, I fc: ' V, c ; ... i fy, jp' - I a' i '. M '.-. 1 i jmzz VMrT" 'It M'VIr ' r"Yy ' J -w 5 .1 fc" 1 r : ' tr 1.. ' ' K-' i-J ... . ;'--'' ;' iiir -'., t r'V ' '"'. ' Capital Novelty Works Bicycles NEW and SECOND HAND BICYCLE SUNDRIES. REPAIRING OF ALL KINDS. TEL L-SI05. 317 South 11th St. J. S. DeVore, 317 S. nth St. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Registration will continue Tuesday evening. tintil Hereafter no more free copies of the Dnily will be distributed on the camp us. The paper will be delivered through the regular mall service at the substation post office. v 1 a w 0VpKr?oSv Union Pncitle R, R. Co. Oregon Short Lino R. R. Co. Oregon R.R. and Nnvigat'n Co ONE HUNDRED ANTrSHFTV MILKS ALON; XJiiiljb- LUMBIA RIVEK BYDAYLK1UT 14 Hours quicker to Portland via The UNION PACIFIC Tlwn bj ntiy otlior linn. Tliroo trnlnn daily from Omnhn. E. 1). 8L0380N. AkI. HICCOND-IIANI) HOOKS OSIIOKN'N OM) HOOK KTOItK till NOKTII l'JTII ST. To the Student WHO IS HUNGRY Wo can Satisfy you, lady or gentle man. At 1418 O St. Students who desire to do work along newspaper lines are Invited to Join the staff of the Dally Nebraskan. The pap er will afford an ample field for the de velopment of news gathering talent. All that Is asked by the paper Is that It's reporters do earnest and consclet lous work. A little exeperlence ns a newsgatherer will be of great service to anyone no matter what his later vocation may be. Boarding Houses. MRS. SALSBURY, Rooms and board 1229 M street MISS BOLTON, 122S Q stccet. $2.50 MRS. F. T. WATKINS, 1440 M street. $4.1x1. COTTAGE HOME, 1220 M st. J3.00. Mrs. A. (). Kirk. Francis Bros' Capital Cafe, I'Jl North Eleventh Street. OYSTER SOUP 5c a Bowl TUESDAYS and FRIDAYS. I.'.. MEALS OUR SPECIALTY Open All Night, phone fio5o. Take Your ... & 1 I A TTVTrkO HAriAr.c .. N jua lj 1 juhv i rvirvuu To the University Book Store. o AGENCY FOR -0 CLARKSON'S LAUNDRY. The Lincoln Academy, Corner Q, and Eleventh Streets. An Accredited School to the State University. Special rates to Deficient University Students. Reglstratlou now In progress. ALFRED M. WILSON, Ph.D., Principal. TELEPHONE 199 FOR THE WORK THAT MAKES .... THE " EVANS" FAMOUS SHOE ron Mct -tipye4 xxAi imnn orKJti received the Grand Prize at Paris 1900. . . BB5sR5ejk Do you want to wear inferior goods when WALK - OVERS are easily obtained at Webster & Rogers, SK&fSS? Can'" JJt pi ERCH ANTS' 1 1 LAUNDRY. y TRUMAN BROTHERS, Proprietors. . Shirts, - 5c Collars, - 2c Caffs, 4c: - 227 N. Jfilevfenth St. "Cut it out" Cut this athertisement out, put it in your pocket or your hat and read it carefully at your leisure time. Wo rOCOmmnnd Hwincr (Mnt.hincr Hn'o irinn 'I'nilrtrnH nintliinrr in mn who wish to wear fashionable garmonts, but who do not dosiro tho high es nnst-cinsfi 10 measuro lauora Because ',lJ, Tho Ewing Clothing Co. clothes aro mado only from V 11 JLi thoroughly tested high-grado fabrics. 'r'lr Most of 11)0 fancy patterns aro exclusive with ou T T T I I J1 1J Tho tailoring in done by tho most skilled jour JL Jl .1 1 VljJj noymen tailors in tho most scientifically oquipod tailoring establishments in tho world. TJVYT t 1 Fwtng Clothing Co's. clothos aro models of tho -JL L' JL V latest fashions and have tho stamp of "correctness" in ovory lino. JjT"" " Tj You can bo fittod hero with Stoin, Sloch, Knppon - JL J.i hoimor's and Hartz clothes roady-to-woar tho moment you want thorn, whethor you aro of normal or abnormal build, short stout, tall or thin, O T V" A good custom tailor ennnot mako-to-your-moasuro k? 1 -Ci olothes that will lit as well or wear as well as Ewincr Cloth ing Co. clothos short of doublo our prices. 444 S. Tenth St. 115 NORTH TWELFTH STREET. ' ( BHONE No. 805 Now Then Why shouldn't you give Ewiug Clothing Co. clothes a trial this season ( The new fall and winter styles are here for your selection. EWING CLOTHING CO. 1113, 1115, 1117, 1119 O street, LINCOLN. o Jtt' ) a NO BUNDLES LESS THAN ioc , LA M It iWIWn -V fc r . I -"-Hi: Vv ncssB rnqmff ' v l. n !T A1 -'-ij.i - 1 4-., .." ' yr.