" TWI.' '" J'ff .7 "WV - - - f -rf f r "IT he Baily NebrasIcan. V, i -r,v 1 l.l lr-t i. s Tf k .; tf- r . I, ; r-T , , THE DAILY NEBRASKAN, y i i i ii "A Neyipapcr Devoted to the Interests of The University of-Nebrotan" Published at 134 North Bleventli Street by THE HESPERIAN PUBLISHING CO. (lN0OflPOAYCD ) " ' HIRKCTORfl: J. W. Chaiitrkb President O. I,. TOWNB Secretary-Treasurer J. I. Wvrr T. J. HicwnTT U. W. Wabhiiurw Applicntion filed for admission an second-clan iuaII matter. STKRLINO II. McCAW JOHN A. KEUS . . . J. A. MANNING . . . , . Kditor-in-Ciiibp dubinichb manaokr Ahbihtant Manaokr There are stilt a tow sharos not yot subscribed. Any one desiring to bo como' a stockholder should address tho hpnlnnnB manager at once. -X Thc subscription price of the Daily Nkiirab kan Is $.J.U0 for the college ycaf with n regular delivery before chapel ench day. Notice, com munication, and other matter intended for put lication, must be handed in at the Nhukaskan ofllcc before 7 p.m., or mailed to the editor be fore 3 p.ln., of the day previous io that day on which they arc expected to appear. .Subscriptions may be left at the Nriirahkan office at the Co-Op. or with business Manager. Subscribers will confer a favor by reporting promptly at this office any failure to receive the paper. All changes in advertising matter must Ivc in the office by 8 p in on the day previous to that on which they are to appear Address nil comiminlcntJjTiin to Tint Daily Nkhhahkan, I'M N 11th St., Lincoln, Nebraska Telephone 479. ANNOUNCEMENT. This Is the first number of the Dally Nobraskan, which will be published regularly, hereafter, during tho college year. Whllo the editor and' manager have no apologies to make for It, they realize that It Is far from being per fect. Every number hereafter will be an Improvement upon tbBo which "pre- coded It. Tho Dally Nebraskan 1b the natural result of the constant development along the line of college Journalism In Tho University of Nebraska, since Itye dayB of tho monthly Hesperian Stu dent. It IS, Jiot necessary to outline an "editorial policy;" no one would re member it or even give It any consid eration. The Dally stands Tor thq boat Interests of tho university along every I line. It may be relied upon for what ever assistance it may be able to give to any worthy cause. Tho plan of organization of tho Hes perian Publishing Co. insures a paper which will bo thoroughly representa tive. Tho board of directors la com posed of mon who are Interested in thrt nnnnnnn nf n flnllv nnnnr nnrl It in their purpose to select for positions on physically will causo many parents to AN INNOVATION. Mr. J. L. Moore, secretary of tho Y. M. C. A. has Jut returned from a two weeks' tour of some of tho principal high schools of tho stato. In eastern colleges, aB Yale Harvard, and Princeton, they Bend out men to visit the various preparatory schools fo meet tho men who intend to come to Bchool tho following year. Mr. Mooro visited the Omaha, , South Omaha, Blair, Fremont, Columbus, Centrnl City, Kearney, Hastings, Aurora, York, Falls Clly, Auburn, and Puwneo City high schools, In all of which ho was well received. No attompt haa heretofore been made to reach these mon before they como hero In Sep tember. This year the Y. M. C. A., with tho co-operation of the executlvo office of tho university, has attomptrn to roach alp tho young mon comftig irom me nign scnoois or tno Btaco next fall to take tho college course. The mothod with the larger high schools Is to mako a talk to the members of the Junior and senior classes of tho school and then to meet personally all those who intend to- como hero next fall or tho year afterwards. Tho benefits of a collogo education are presented in a good light and many are persuaded to try to secure such an education who would probably not have made tho attompt but for such encouragement. Ways and means of securing a collogo education are fiee- ly discussed and some who think thy do not havo tho opportunity to como are. shown their mistake. The Inter est taken in tho young mon coming here and theralJ given them In get ting started is clearly outlined to the prospective students. This could bo done bettor, perhaps, personally In the large high schools than in smallor schools, where letters only are sent Mr. Mooro says that many of the su perintendents and principals, as w.ell as tho parents of the students are surprised that tho university has such an active religious life. This is an other factor tending to break down that old time projudice against tho morality of our university. The fact thattho Y, M. C. A. helps the new comer In every way and looks after hlB welfaro mentally, morally, and tho paper portions who have shown ability and what Is more important a willingness to work. v Tho staff editors and reporters will bo selected according to merit. Any student who Jb lDlereateiLiiL newspa per work and wishes to becomo con noctod with tho Dally should TuFdreifa tho editor-in-chief at onco. BOARD OF DIRECTOR8 MEET. On Saturday afternoon tho directors of tho Hesperian Publishing Co. held thplr flrflt m" nrirt nrgnnly.ftrt. Mr. Bd their sons hero. This is a groat to tho university proper in en Ing thorn to .estimate tho number "J7WCCrabtroot1nBp'octbr dfaccroailecT schools, was oloctod president, and $Ir. Goo. L. Towno was elected secre tary of tho board and treasurer of In a company. - Sterling H. McCiw was olbcted oditor-ln-chlef. anrV. John A. Keos busl- s noBB manager. Doth havo filled the poaltl9n of assistant editor of the No- braskarvHeaperlan during the past year. Jii was docldqd that one number of 'the dally should be Issued on June 18 The HesperianPubllshlng Co. Is in cgrppratGd under the laws of the state of lbraika, and is composed entire ly of students, alumni, and profesSots of the University of Nebraska. THE NEWBY AFFAIR AGAIN. Tuesday lUrea jnombera of tho sen ior law class were cited to appear bo foToChahcelIdr AnTreweT and ihow cause why their diplomas should not be withhold for complicity in tho New tty hazing Incident of a fow weeks ago. The nameB of tho students Implicated are Plnkerton, Whelan, and Deal. It id said this action on the part of lhechajicejlflr la the result, of .orders from the board of regents to Investi gate the matter. Two of the men have made sworn statements to tho offect that they were not connected with tho matter and the third has signed a simple statement to that ef fect They all lalm to bo able to prove alibis. Tho report is that tho university authorities liave the names or all those involved In the affair and will make it exceedingly uncomfortable for them. H. L.Sams, formerly a student at the .university, is spending commence ment week in Lincoln. He has been superintendent at lied Cloud, during tho past year, and will be at the- saine l place next, year. Ready-to-Wear SUITS Wc have Suits for Women nnfl Misses that arc correct i Btyle; mrtde of good mntcrinjs and well made. We can ?lcase you in color, give you a perfect it and and at a moderate price. We have not an old out-of-dnte suit in our store. Rcady-toWci Wool Skirts Drass Skirts of plain cheviot, pebbled cheviot or broadcloth, ined-orunlined, well made and tailor finished. Prlca, $ 5 .00 2 Price. $B..U(I 10.00 to 45.00 Ready-to-Wear Silk Skirts Black Silk Dress Skirts- of the very latest shapes, stylishly trimmed, well and neatly made at very low prices. Ask to see them. 1 25.00 Rcady-tb-Wcar Waists Cotton Waista in white and choice colorSy Silk Wnists in black colors and ffmcics. A good variety and the choicest styles and patterns. Prices M 50c $10.00 VISIT OUR CLOAK AND SUIT DEPARTMENT POR RHADY-TO-WEAR GARMENTS PdRVOMKN AND CHILDREN. "s MILLER & PAINE CREIGHTON MEDICAL COLLEGE Corner Fourteenth and Davenport Streets, Omaha. The course In this school consists of four terms of eight months each. The first two years are devoted chiefly to laboratory and class room work: the last two to the more practical part of medicine, consisting almost entirely of clinics and clinical lectures. For catalogue and further Information write to U. C. BRYANT, Sec., McCague Building, Omaha, Neb. The Northwestern Line V Will sell Tickets to DETROIT, MICH., - AND RETURN For i $ZdU3 July 5, 6, and -7 Return Limit may be had to September 15 City Ticket Office, 107 South Tenth Street H. B. MOSHBR, C.J, A. Depot, Ninth and S Streets B. T. MOORB, Ticket Agent R. W. McQINNIS, den. Agt. Prewitt MAKES GOOD PHOTOS iltkOvals Per doxen 35c 1214 O St. CAUiANpSEEuYWORK THE FAVORITE LINE To the EPWORTH LEAGUE CONVENTION TSarrFraiicIsco, Cal.rJuIyyiftOI- Wlll Be The Union Pacific ALL COnPBTITION DISTANCED The fasl trains uf Uig Union Pacific reach San Prnndsco thirteen hours ahead of all competitors. If you are in no hurry, inVr a. . "slow train by onto J the detour-routefi-uutr-if-you want to geRhere without delay, take the historic and only direct route, the Union Pacific. $45.00 Prom Missouri River, with correspondingly low rates from interior points on the Union Pacific. PAMPHLETS All About California and How to Oet There And full information cheerfully furnished onap plication. E. B. 5L0SS0N, Agent. Teacher SUMMER 'SGHOOL Nebraska College pf Oratory, OPENS JUNE 17 'W,la Walsh Hall 12th and N Streets 1 ! J i?J .v tt J A ,( f "s; '.-, ' V