The Conservative (Nebraska City, Neb.) 1898-1902, May 29, 1902, Page 9, Image 9

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    'Cbe Conservative. t
where the splendid charaotor of the
man shone the brightest ,
REV. DR. J. G. K. McOLURE , in his
funeral oration at Lake Forest. The
public has claimed Mr. Morton as its
own. The claim is well founded. The
city in which he resided , the state
which he loved and the nation which
has received such distinguished service
from him may rightly claim him as
their own. He was every man's man
not alone in this country , but in the
whole wide world.
EUGENE MOORE , Atkinson , Neb. No
grander Nebraskan than J. Sterling
Morton can ever be. A sublime char
acter ; leaving the world a priceless
heritage of rectitude , ardent citizenship
and incessant endeavor to better the
conditions of mankind. His memory
should never fade. Tireless in his vig
ilance for the right and relentless in his
opposition to all wrong , as he saw it ,
Mr. Morton has builded a memorial
prouder and more permanent than mor
tal could design for him.
OHAS. B. HANFORD , Tragedian. I
greatly regret to hear of the death of
Mr. Morton. He is certainly a great
loss to Nebraska Oity.
phia. I am very sorry that it is no long
er possible to thank the noble man who
founded The Conservative for the clear
and strong article on the Alaskan
Boundary , in which such kind refer
ences are made to my book.
Sterling Morton was the last star of the
galaxy that has illumined our nation
before principle was prostrated before
commercialism. Many of this genera
tion were actually unable to compre
hend , much less appreciate , his un
swerving integrity and devotion to the
ALBERT WATKINS , Lincoln. The death
of J. Sterling Morton is a great loss to
the state toward whose material and
moral interest ho doubtless contributed
more than any other man. And yet it
is likely also that he incurred more en
mities and hostile criticism than any
other man. But now , in accordance
with the fortunate and in some respects
admirable quality of human nature ,
harsh judgments will be revised and
ani-cosities will be forgotten , and the
great and good qualities of this earliest
of our state-makers will be perceived
and acknowledged.
O. D. LONG , Plattsmouth. As the
years roll on and Nebraska steps far up
toward the head of the procession ot
states and receives in her bosom the re
turn wave of emigration that's breaking
on the base of the Bookies and the
shores of the Pacific , the work that J.
Sterling Morton commenced and la
bored so long and earnestly to complete
will be ended. Then , and then only ,
will we grow into appreciation of the
ideal pioneer.
J. D. HIGGINS , New York , N. Y. It
was my privilege in IflOO to enjoy the
hospitality of Arbor Lodge and to spend
a day with its founder and to drive with
him to points of interest in the sur
rounding country chiefly made so by
his having spent his lifetime in that lo
cality. It was a day enjoyed as few are ,
under the consciousness of beiug in the
presence of a pioneer in thought and ac
tion a representative of America's best
L. J. PETIT , Milwaukee. In addition
to his being one of the most honorable
and progressive men the West has over
known , he has also in his public ex
perience contributed a full measure to
the welfare of the country at large.
JAMES B. SPEED , Louisville , Ky.
There is a solemn pride for those who
are left in the passing out of a life so
full of noble endeavor. The example
and precepts of such a man are a price
less heritage to his family , and an in
spiration and benefaction to his country.
To my mind the career of such a soul
has but passed its training for wider
fields and greater opportunities.
FRANK H. JONES , Chicago. He had
filled out a long , useful and most hon
orable life. The country has suffered
a loss.
W. A. DAY , Canton , O. For many
years before I first met your father I
was one of his followers in reform
measures ; and I always respected his
high character and rugged and great
York. His national reputation , his pub
lic work , was not unknown to me , but
it was the charm of his presence which
will preserve him in my memory as one
of the most notable men I ever met.
F. M. OASTETTER , Blair , Neb. The
constant efforts of Mr. Morton to Ameri-
oauize our rising generation have kept
alive a spirit in mo to do my duty to my
country and my native home. We have
gained a powerful living lesson of high-
miudedness , truth and honor.
FRED W. VAUGHAN , Fremont , Neb.
I have known and associated with him
in a political way for many years. Now
he is gone , but his individuality is with
us and will be as long as memory lasts.
S. S. GREGORY , Chicago. He was a
man for whom I entertained the high
est respect and regard ; sentiments
which were by no means confined to
those who knew him but were shared
by the people of the entire country.
J. M. JOHNSON , Chicago. He was to
me the true typo of a bold , fearless ,
honest man. * * * * All of his
friends wore admirers ho was a grand
man. The nation has lost a nobleman ;
wo all mourn.
JOHN P. HARRIS , Chicago. Ho thought
of others. His mind dwelt upon ques
tions of public concern and of future
generations , rather than upon himself.
The Republic will endure if the pre
cepts and examples of men such as he
are followed.
GEO. B. OORTELYOU , Washington. It
is altogether fitting that the people of
his state and of the nation should com
memorate in some lasting and perma
nent form the good he did and the high
ideals which his life exemplified.
OATO SELLS , Vintou , Iowa. J. Ster
ling Morton was not only a great
man from the standpoint of the
world's measurement , but ho was so
filled with the milk of human kindness
as to endear him to all with whom ho
had a close relation. I have known and
loved him since my early boyhood.
S. L. SMITH , Detroit. His broad views
based on deep study and sound con
clusions gave him a just prominence
that should place him among the highest
and ablest statesmen of this generation
worthy of the highest promotion and
honor , above the horde of self-seeking
statesmen of his day.
JOSEPH K. OHOATE , Denver. It is a
loss to every one when men of his rug
ged and sterling qualities and character
pass away.
PETER JANSEN , Janseu , Neb. I con
sidered it a high honor to be numbered
among his friends a man who in my
opinion was the foremost Nebraskan of
his time and my ideal of an American.
W. H. TRUESDALE , New York. I
have always admired him for the many
good qualities he displayed while in
public life , and in particular for the
manly , straightforward , sound stand he
took and maintained on the silver and
other issues which have been so prom
inently before the American people since
he retired from public life.
JOSEPH NIMMO , JR. , Washington. I
offer to his memory the tribute that in
a world continually vacillating between
principle and expediency he was ever
true to his own noble convictions.
CHARLES F. LUMMIS , Los Angeles.
I can guess something of the great loss
it is to you to have to part with a man
who was not only so great in his public
relations , but so rare in the family re
lations. The only comfort in it all is , it
seems to me , that he has left the great
est and finest kind of a monument one
can build. He is a man who made a
real success of life and that is what
few do that are most famous.
EDWARD E. AYER , Venice , Italy. I
always considered myself highly hon
ored to be one of his acquaintances.
What an inheritance of splendid mem
ories , honorable example , strong in
tegrity and unfaltering manliness , you
and your brothers have fallen heir to.