The Conservative (Nebraska City, Neb.) 1898-1902, May 29, 1902, Page 15, Image 15

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Conservative. 15
Courier. His claim to the grateful
remembrance of generations yet to come
will arise from his institution of Arbor
Herald. A worthy citizen and true
statesman , known as the "Sage of Arbor
Day. " We are saddened at his de
Sun. His trenchant pen retained all
its vigor to the last. His love of the
right and his denunciations of the wrong
were as strong as ever.
Telegram. Historians may not truth
fully portray affairs in Nebraska Terri
tory and state without making J. Ster
ling Morton one of the prominent figures
upon history's stage , and no man can
view the life record of this remarkable
character without beholding more or
less to admire and applaud.
Die Biene. He was one of the found
ers of our commonwealth and ever tire
lessly active for the growth , prosperity
and progress of Nebraska.
Courier. He was the City's fore-
most citizen.
Herald. He was a foremost citizen
not only of Nebraska but of the entire
west. The passing of such a man is a
national loss.
Democrat. We bid adieu to the
sturdy old Roman who has stood up for
that which he thought fittest.
Vidette-Herald. He was more of a
statesman than a politician. He knew
no such thing as dissimulation.
Record. His life was an example of
true manhood ; honest and fearless in
his convictions , he was respected for
his opinions as much in the republican
party as the democratic.
Enterprise. Nebraska City has sus
tained a great loss , the effect of which
will be felt keenly.
News. In his death Nebraska loses
one of her brightest lights , a man who ,
while he lived , did much for the cause
of humanity and science.
Journal. In the days when Nebras
ka's greatness shall be greater still ,
when her fair name shall be fairer , the
children and the grandchildren of the
men who mourn his death today shall
attribute the greatness and the fair
, me of the Nebraska as they shall then
know it , to the influence and the pre
cepts of the J. Sterling Morton that
their fathers so honored and held ever
in such high regard.
Tribune. He was often a candi
date for office , and led a forlorn
hope with as much zeal as if he were
sure of an election. In politics , as in
business and social life , he detested
shams and hypocrisy , and he exposed
them with keenness of speech and a
trenchant pen. His was perhaps the
strongest personality in Nebraska.
# * # *
The soft zephyrs soughing through
millions of trees in Nebraska will sing a
requiem for the founder of Arbor Day.
And these stately trees will be splendid
monuments to the good ho did.
Independent. He not only grew large
groves on his own lauds , but did more
than any other one man to dot the
prairies of Nebraska with groves , estab
lished Arbor Day and advanced the in
terests of agriculture , not only of this
state , but of the entire union. All Ne
braska mourns his loss as that of one
of its most sterling citizens.
Republican. For half a century Mr.
Morton has participated to a prominent
degree in all that pertained to the de
velopment of the state's resources. As
the originator of Arbor Day he will
ever be remembered in the prairie states.
Tribune. Morton was a pioneer in al
most every sense. He was in front ,
blazing the way and preparing the world
for others. The whole country has , in
his death , lost a most worthy citizen , a
leader of men , an originator of ideas
and a worker of spotless record.
Journal. Without question Nebras
ka's brainiest man. Every tree stands
a monument to his worth , and his mem
ory will remain green so long as the
trees shall send out their blessings of
shade and fruit and comfort to mankind.
Democrat. Mr. Morton was the orig
inator and founder of Arbor Day , which
was the crowning glory of his long and
eventful life , and Arbor Day will for
ever stand , not only in this country ,
but throughout the world , as a living
monument to the memory of Julius
Sterling Morton.
Hub. J. Sterling Morton has left to
posterity an honored name. He had
enemies , but he made them because of
the singular rectitude of his character.
He was one of a coterie of notable men
among the pioneers of this state , men of
rare courage , splendid abilities , and
masterful aggressiveness.
Courier. In the death of J. Sterling
Morton , Nebraska has lost a faithful
friend , a pioneer of pioneers. His tak
ing away will be mourned by all Ne
Sun. He has been a mighty factor in
the upbuilding of Nebraska. He has
always been a great help to young men ,
and he has said to them all , "The secret
of all success is work , work , work. "
Leader. He despised dishonesty in
all its forms , and his talents were ever
ready to uphold what appeared to him
right and just. Closely identified with
the early history and development of
Nebraska , it is possible no single man
has done so much to shape its destiny.
News. The state has him to thank
for Arbor Day , and is likewise indebted
to him as the originator of the state
historical society , of which he was the
perpetual president. Mr. Morton was
a great friend of the young men and
was always pleased to aid them with
his advice and encouragement.
Press. He was a man of fine attain
ments and gifted with force and elo
quence. In his death Nebraska has
lost an esteemed citizen.
Pointer. Mr. Morton was a man of
rare intellectual ability , who used it not
for his own welfare alone , but for the
good of the community , state and
country in which ho lived.
News. His continued example for
seventy years and his helpful advice
will not be forgotten by the many who
were fortunate enough to seek and heed
his counsel.
Democrat. He was the father of Arbor
Day , and as such his memory will be
cherished for generations to come.
Herald. One of the most prominent
factors in the early development of Ne
braska , and always one of its most
honored citizens.
Argus. He was a deep thinker and a
very forcible writer and will be missed
by the ( newspaper ) fraternity at large.
Standard. He was public spirited
and often gave young men a lift in the
world and some sound advice.
Quill. As each successive Arbor Day
is observed his works and ideas will be
better understood and appreciated.
Sun. Even his political opponents
must admit his honesty of purpose ,
firmness in his convictions of right , and
great mental ability. Nebraska has
lost a valuable citizen.
Journal. Strictly honest , highly in
telligent , pure in his life , he fought all
his days for honesty , intelligence and
purity in democratic politics.
Tribune. By his deatli the state loses
a valuable citizen.
Chieftain. He attracted attention to
the young state at a time when there
were but few who were capable of ren
dering such service.
Times. He has builded a most endur
ing monument and his birthday will
be observed after the great names in
our history have become dim beneath
the dust of ages.
Union. Otoe county has lost a man
who has done a great deal for the build
ing up of the state and county.
Republican. An able man , an origi
nal thinker and above all a man of
great honesty and integrity. In his
death the state has lost a grand pioneer
Wave. In his demise the press loses
one of its ablest writers , and the state
one of its representative citizens.
News. Conspicuous services for the