The Conservative (Nebraska City, Neb.) 1898-1902, May 29, 1902, Page 11, Image 11

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    Conservative , 11
conserving and promoting the moral and
physical welfare of the people of Ne
braska , and
Whereas , In public and private life
ho exerted a wholesome and purifying
influence on society and labored with
Christian fortitude and unceasing dili
gence in the upbuilding of the moral ,
educational and industrial institutions
of this state , and
Whereas , By his loyalty , patriotism ,
rugged honesty and statesmanship he
brought moral prestige to the state and
shed luster on its citizenship , and
Whereas , His life is a beautiful and
impressive example , whose emulation is
well calculated to stimulate the nobler
attributes of human character , and
Whereas , By his death the state loses
one of its best and most illustrious citi
zens , one who in his life stood guard
over its destiny and was ever watchful
and considerate of its general welfare ;
therefore , be it
Resolved , By the officers of the exec
utive department of the state of Ne
braska , that , as a testimonial of respect ,
the transaction of public business at the
state house be suspended at noon of
Wednesday , April 80 , for the remainder
of that day , said day being the time set
for the obsequies ; that the flag be hung
at half mast on the capitol and that the
executive officers of the state participate
in the performance of the final ritesand
bo it turtner
Resolved , That as evidence of our es
teem , sorrow and bereavement , these
resolutions be filed with the department
of state and become part of the public
records of the commonwealth and that
a copy be furnished to members of the
family of the deceased.
The Nebraska Press Association.
We have learned wit h profound sorrow
row of the death of Hon. Julius Ster
ling Morton , one of the first and most
virile of Nebraska editors. We bear
feeble testimony to our high apprecia
tion of his services to his state and
country. His private life was an in
spiration and an incentive to exemplary
citizenship ; his public services were
those of a patriot who never forsook
duty and honor. His probity and in
tellectual achievements were such as
glorify Nebraska and American man
hood. As founder of Arbor Day he
leaves millions of monuments to remind
us of the good he did ; the leaves stirred
by the gentle zephyrs speak softly
but distinctly the hope that the
great work he began may be perpetu
ated. It is said that his life has gone
out ; but great lives never go out , they
go on. We favor the building of a
suitable memorial in his honor.
City Council of Nebraska City.
Whereas we are to acknowledge the
visitation of the hand of death in the re
moval of our most prominent citizen , J.
Sterling Morton , who was known as one
of the brainiest , most progressive and
leading pioneers of this state ; who came
here when the territory was first born ,
and mainly through whose efforts it has
reached the high pinnacle it now occu
pies ; and
Whereas , Mr. Morton achieved a
world-wide reputation as the originator
of Arbor Day , by which the bleak prai
ries of Nebraska were turned to orchards
and forests and made to "blossom as the
rose ; " and
Whereas , Mr. Morton has always been
identified with every enterprise calcu
lated to advance and enhance the inter
ests of this city , always ready to con
tribute his share ; therefore
Resolved , That while we , the city
council of Nebraska City , most sincere
ly mourn the loss of our honored
citizen , we recognize the call of our
Heavenly Father and bow our heads in
humble submission to his will ; that a
copy of this resolution be placed upon
thejrecords and an engrossed copy furn
ished the relatives , and that the council
attend the funeral in a body.
City Council of Omaha.
Whereas , On the 25th day of April
A. D. , 1902 , death deprived the state of
Nebraska of a distinguished and useful
citizen in the person of the Hon. J.
Sterling Morton , an early pioneer of the
territory of Nebraska and one who , up
to the time of his death , was a cease
less and untiring worker for the wel
fare and development of the state of
Whereas , In the language of a dis
cerning friend uttered many years ago ,
"He is one of those men that can
make things happen. " It was J. Ster
ling Morton that gave an impetus to
farming in early territorial days by
public declaration"That the production
of corn in Nebraska will prove a suc
cess and become profitable by the union
of mind and muscle co-operating with
sunbeams and raindrops. " The groves
and woodlands of Nebraska attest his
foresight , and , in the future , he will be
known and spoken of as the father of
Nebraska's Arbor day. Our honorable
mayor , in his communication to this
council announcing the death of the
deceasedtruly describes him as "A man
of splendid intellect , unblemished in
tegrity , indomitable courage , unyield
ing tenacity and boundless energy. "
Resolved , By the city council of the
city of Omaha : That , by reason of the
recent death of the late Hon. J. Ster
ling Morton , Nebraska has suffered the
loss of one of its most intelligent and
useful citizens ; a citizen who was
prompt in the performance of his duties
whether they were of a public or pri
vate nature ; any trust reposed in him
being scrupulously observed. As a
territorial legislator , a territorial secre
tary , a territorial governor , a member
of a president's cabinet or a member of
an exposition board , ho displayed such
qualities of manhood and learning as
placed him in the front rank of men.
Resolved , That we , in common with
the good citizens of this state , express
our regret and sorrow on this occasion ,
and hereby tender our sympathy and
good will to the surviving members of
the family of the deceased , and hereby
direct the city clerk to place the fore
going upon the journal of the proceed
ings of this council , and to present an
engrossed copy of the same to the son of
the deceased residing at Arbor Lodge
near Nebraska City.
Below are quoted a few of the very
many messages received by Mr. Mor
ton's family at the time of his death.
Stuart , Florida , April 29th.
Vliss Morton :
I have just heard of the sad death of
mv friend and your brother , and I has-
ten to express my deep sorrow and sin
cere condolence. Grover Cleveland.
White House ,
Washington , D. 0. , April 28th.
To Paul Morton :
Am greatly shocked and grieved. I
respected and admired your father as a
public man and I loved him as a friend.
I sympathize deeply with you , and
feel that the country has sustained a
real and great loss.
Theodore Roosevelt.
New York , April 28.
To Joy Morton :
You all have our sincere sympathy in
your great bereavement.
J. G. Carlisle.
Stuart , Florida , April 29th.
Paul Morton :
I am greatly shocked and grieved by
the announcement of the death of my
friend , your father , and beg to express
my deep sympathy.
Daniel S. Lamont.
Cincinnati , Ohio , April 28.
To Paul Morton :
Sympathy and condolence to all of
you from ali of us.
Jndson Harmon.
Topeka , Kaus. , April 28th.
The Conservative :
Please convey my condolences to the
family of Mr. Morton. I am much
grieved. E. F. Ware.