Conservative * riages nrc to bo seen on Sundays and Thursdays , on which days Palermo is better patronized by the wealthy classes. Says an English writer : "Successive mayors have done their best to add to the embellishment of this beautiful park , but it was left to an Englishman to give it the crowning beauty by establishing arches of electric lights , by which the gayety of the day might bo prolonged into the night. " Coming suddenly by train out of the darkness into the broad belt of brilliant light crossing the avenue of palms , catching a rapid glimpse as you rush by of the endless string of carriages and figures on horseback , is like talcing a momentary peep into fairyland. When ono is among the gay throng , however , the weird shadows of the trees , the daz zling electric light throwing over every thing a glamour as of moonlight , leave an impression on the mind like the first reading of 'A Midsummer Night's Dream. ' "While all the carriage people , how ever , and equestrians go on to Palermo , a favorite resort for a saunter on foot is the Recoleta , with its grotto and rockwork - work , its artificial waterfall , subtropical plants , shrubs , and flowers , its well kept paths and shady scats. Here , on any fine "feast day , " between the hours of 2 and 5 in the afternoon , may be seen a crowd , which , for variety , has not its equal. Groups of laughter-loving girls , clad in costumes of'all the prismatic colors ; knots of happy , careless youths , smart as tailors' models ; types of every race and color , white , tawny , red , yel low , black , active and infirm , young and old , rich and poor , all mingling to gether , promenading , gossiping , flirting , ogling , and over all a sky as deeply blue , a sun ns bright , as anything of which Italy can boast. But , bright and ani mated as is the Recoleta at the time and hours named , its greatest charms are revealed a few hours later , when the throng has dispersed and evening set in with its balmy breezes. The magnolia , the capo jasmine , and other flowers of the season load the air with their sweetness ; the chicharras sing in the trees ; the tree frogs chirp their peculiar , piercing note , while my riads of fireflies , like tiny stars , dance and flicker among the slirubs. There is an especially prominent knoll overlook ing the whole of the grounds , and com manding a wide view of the river and roofs of the houses , extending even be yond the forest of masts in the / > oc Here , on a summer evening , it is de lightful to sit and enjoy the cool air and watch the broad , shimmering truck of the moon over the wide and tranquil Rio do la Plata. "There are several pretty suburbs Belgrano , almost contiguous to Palermo , and the adjoining pueblo * of San Martin , San Isidro , San Fernando , and the Tigro , while in the south , there are Lomas , Adrague , and Tomperly , and in the west , the Caballito , Plores and Moron. "Flores , Tempoiiy , and Belgrano , are the districts mostly patronized by the better class of English families , and many of their quintan or villas have quite a homelike appearance. From Lomas to Santa Catalina , where the government maintains a very fine agricultural col lege , and from San Martin or Belgrano : o the Tigro , there are very pretty bits of scenery , reminding ono , at times , of some parts of Cambridgeshire. "Adrague is an aspiring suburb , which already has the electric light and boasts of ono of the pleasantest hotels in the country , called "Las Delicias. " It is surrounded by extensive grounds , and is the favorite resort of young couples during their honeymoon. During the hot months , it is a delightfully cool place to live , and has lately considerably advanced in fashion since the president of the Republic , Dr. Pelligrini , has hero established his private summer residence. "The most pretentious and fashionable suburb , however , is the Tigre , at the confluence of the rivers Parana and Lujan , about an hour's run from the city , and formerly the terminus of the old Northern Railway. It is here that the English rowing clubs of Buenos Aires and Montevideo held their regattas , and hither , during the season , come the picnic , riding , and driving parties from town. " There are over sixty hotels in Buenos Aires , besides innumerable boarding houses. Of the restaurants , the writer quoted above adds the following : "Whatever may be the shortcomings of some of the hotels of Buenos Aires , they are more than balanced by the ex cellence and magnificence of the restaur ants. There are several that may bo called first-class. "No city in the world of equal size and population can compare with Bue nos Aires for the number and extent of its tramways. Not only do the urban tram lines stretch beyond the city boun daries to the outlying districts , north , south and west for distances of ten , twelve and fifteen miles , but from the very heart of the city spring tracks which , when completed , will extend for hundreds of miles into the province connecting many of its most important colonies , and , in a great measure , super seding railways. "There are seven tramway companies in Buenos Aires , and the combined length of their roads amounts to no less than 179 miles. ( In London there arc only 11(5 ( miles ) . "Tho number of passengers carried in J890 was over 55,000,000 , or an average of 152,000 per diem. " The luck of the Spanish navy has turned. The Leon XIII , with General Toral on board , being attacked by mob armed with brickbats , was able to escape to sea. NEW YORK , NEW JEHSEY , PENNSYL VANIA AND CONNECTICUT. Silver free coinage at sixteen to one ias been repudiated by the regular dem ocratic organization in each of the states respectively called Now York , Now Jersey , Pennsylvania and Connecticut. In its regular state convention' in each of those states the democratic party vir tually renounces the Chicago platform of 1896 and all the heresies it contained including the attacks upon the federal iudiciary and the assaults upon the currency and credit of the American people. And those four states are indispons- iblo to secxiro the defeat of the republi cans. Without the electoral votes of three of those states no democrat can bn elected president. And no political or ganization , avowedly for free silver , which means lowering the standard of value in the United States , can carry either of those states at any sort of an election. It is now plain oven to those who address themselves only to "tho plain people" that no man can over be come president of the United States who has persistently , hysterically and parox- ysmally paraded the country as the ad vocate of a cheaper standard of value. The frantic worshipers of the four hun- dred-aud-twelve-and-a-half silver - - - - - grains dollar may wax warmly emotional , shed tears and utter fervid prayers in their attempts to make a dollar out of forty cents' worth of silver bullion equal to a dollar made out of one hundred cents' worth of gold bullion ; but they will make no more converts among sensible citizens either East or West. The falla cies and vagaries of that financial fetish are becoming amusing when not a nuis ance. Taxation cannot be equal as the con stitution of the state of Nebraska de clares it shall be so long as county com missioners arrogate to themselves the power to pay premiums to delinquent taxpayers as they do , in Otoe county , by settling with them at fifty cents on the dollar for long-time overdue taxes. When A pays his taxes promptly for twenty years and pays them dollar for dollar as they are assessed and B neglects to pay for the same period of time and then the commissioners accept from B half the amount levied against his pro perty there is no equality. Such proceedings are not to bo de fended either in law or in equity. Com missioners cannot bo empowered to over-ride the provisions of the organic law of Nebraska. The law is not sus- pendablo , nor made to be evaded , by of ficials any more than by private citizens. Let all taxpayers pay taxes just as they are assessed. Let there bo no rewards for delinquents. Cease ottering prizes in the form of mitigated taxation , to property owners who unlawfully ( post pone liquidating their obligations to either city , county or state.